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ID State Owner Title Description
1449 Finished Tadase Hotori Mall Cat Ikuto needs help due to his relationship troubles. Unfortunately the person he trusts most is also... not great at them. But Tadase is going to try!
1382 Finished Tadase Hotori Suits Tadase and Ikuto go suit shopping. Ikuto finds a suit. It is certainly... a suit.
1296 Active Tadase Hotori
1279 Finished Tadase Hotori Royal Concerns Tadase Hotori follows the time-honored teenage tradition of talking to a girl's best friend instead of the girl directly.
1257 Finished Tadase Hotori
1176 Finished Tadase Hotori It's Not An Easter Egg.
1111 Finished Tadase Hotori Tada, Candy!
1074 Finished Tadase Hotori Three Royals And A Shed Mamoru Chiba, Ami Mizuno, and Tadase Hotori meet each other in the shed. Somehow That Word is only said near the end of the discussion.
803 Finished Tadase Hotori Is There A Loop To Be In? Tadase runs into Naru, and they discuss previous and future interactions. As well as who is in the loop, who is out of the loop, and if there is even a loop.
791 Finished Tadase Hotori Bones and Crowns Cho is helped out of a difficult spot, a youma is defeated, cake is eaten.
638 Finished Tadase Hotori Chara-Bearers After a bit of a delay, Tadase and Madoka run into each other and information - as well as the possibility of a brewing dire situation - is discussed.
635 Finished Tadase Hotori Cat Out Of The Bag Ikuto Tsukiyomi attempts to bury the hatchet with Tadase, and make up for the trouble he's caused. Plus what the heck is an "abomination maze" and why does it scare Easter even as they work on it? Not all questions will be answered but... a very important series of them will.
48 Finished Tadase Hotori The Assembly
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