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ID State Owner Title Description
1482 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Dimension Past: Jolene, Jolene Jadeite's crush on Mamoru is exposed in the most mortifying way possible - by his past self spouting love confessions to a statue of his prince. Will he survive the mortifying ordeal of being known by Usagi and Kazuo? And more importantly, can Usagi and Kazuo survive Jadeite's cringe behavior?
858 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Now What? Jadeite, Zoisite, and Nephrite discuss next steps after the attack on Hikawa Shrine fails.
747 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Jason & Masato's Excellent Adventure Jason and Masato plan an excellent adventure, amidst shouts and tense arguments.
571 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Asakusa Shrine Naru follows a police officer acting strangely at the Asakusa Shrine, at the same time as the Sailor Senshi and the Princess of Sarek dispatch youma next door. The officer is not who he appears to be...
480 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Feat of Clay Sentai assemble! It's time to fight CyberBeast Linxus, as he tries to prove himself before the wicked and powerful Lord Hematite!
255 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Jason and Naru's Summer Vacation I choose to spend my summer vacation... AT THE LIBRARY!!!
246 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Very Melon Catch My Heart! Very Melon! (Very Melon!)
231 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Black-Hearted An investigation into the Black Jades leads to the first confrontation with a Dark General.
159 Finished Tamaki Suikawa Survey Says A give-away of an Obsidian-brand product in exchange for a survey! Surely there is nothing suspicious or untoward ab--OH MY GOD A YOUMA, GET IN TTHE CAR.
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