Welcome to Radiant Heart MUSH!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Tokyo is a place where a simmering conflict between good and evil, between light and darkness, between hope and despair, bubbles beneath the surface. Monsters slither out of the dark and hunt the magically unaware and defenseless, turning their hearts to evil and stealing their energy. Each person who gives into their darker emotions makes them stronger.

But as surely as there are villains and monsters, there are those who will oppose them and protect the world. And those heroes, right now... might just be running late for school while trying to cram toast into their mouth.

Because the radiant light of the world's hope is contained within their hearts. Friendship, love, and determination give them the strength they need - but the magical transformation sequence and special attacks help. They are Mahou Shoujo - Magical Girls. Individually, they may be called Pretty Cure, Sailor Senshi, Chara Bearers, Puella Magi, and several other names - but these Magical Girls (and the occasional Magical Boy!) defend the world from the wicked designs of evil - all while juggling friends, schoolwork, romance, and keeping their second identity secret from their parents.

Radiant Heart MUSH is a Mahou Shoujo Crossover MUSH, set in its own version of Modern Tokyo. We cordially invite you to join us, and take up the role of one of these magical residents of Tokyo - as an existing character or as one of your own design. Join the heroes or villians, or stand on your own, and write new stories alongside us using characters old and new.

Connection Info

IP: radiantheartmush.com

Port: 7777

(If you cannot connect via the hostname above (usually an issue with the Potato Client) you can try the below addresses. Also make sure your 'Wrap Text At...' setting is set at 80!..)


IPv6: 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe5f:8fec

After you check out the News Files, join in the fun by creating a character!

If you'd like to spread the word, here's an advert you can post on other games.

Upcoming Scheduled Scenes

For an actual calendar view (which can give you full scene briefings): CLICK HERE!


Title Time Description
Precure: Phantom's Shadow 2025-02-11 00:00:00 Philip has asked one of the Oresky Trio to show Entrapta how a mirroring works. But when Scorn turns up instead and mirrors Philip - it produces a surprising result.

Limit 4 Tags outside of Entrapta, Scorn and Chiyo.

Camping in a Garden 2025-02-12 00:00:00 Not having managed to retrieve the mallet from Kururun yet, the time starts getting late, and this calls for camping decidedly of the unusual sorts! Prepare for harvesting what you have around you!

(Takes place after +schedule 505)

Major(ina) Problems! 2025-02-12 00:00:00 Finally, everyone has found Kururun and the mallet, but so has Majorina, who stands in the way of their restoration. Time to defeat her Akanbe and return to normal!

(Take place the day after +schedule 506)

One Way Or Another 2025-02-13 00:30:00 Mimete of the Witches 3 is still looking for hearts to steal~

Just, you know, literally. Haruka gets targeted! She's a pretty boy, right?

20 minute pose rounds, 6 tag limit including Haruka.

Power for Thee but Not for Me 2025-02-14 00:30:00 Having decided to investigate one of the oddest anomalies in this strange timeline, Petz, oldest of the Spectre Sisters, breaches enemy territory by doing a walkabout of Radiant Heart Academy. Hoping to spy on the Rabbit?s whereabouts in a casual, nondescript fashion, the last thing she?s anticipating is encountering? a normal day at Radiant Heart. Surely it can?t be that hard to fake being a Normal Woman, right?

No tag limit, 25 minute rounds, combat optional. If you want to encounter one of the Black Moon Clan while they?re helpless - and thus need to talk - this is the scene.

Will aim for a more light-hearted tone, but will follow the old creed - IC Actions to IC Consequences.

Acclimation and Caffeination 2025-02-15 00:00:00 With the two clones successfully repelled, it's time for the magical warriors to take a breather and to tackle the matter of the feline curse.
One mermaid is as good as another 2025-02-16 22:00:00 Butler has chosen the WORST time to attack, with Hotaru and Laura still swapped, the former getting used to her body and the latter struggling with Hotaru's unwanted parasite. But when Butler sees a chance to grab the Mermaid Aqua Pot, he doesn't care how inconvenient it is for everyone involved. Can the sparkles protect the two experiencing an out-of-their-bodies experience?!
From the Abyss 2025-02-18 01:30:00 In the early hours of the morning, when Tokyo is sleeping, a dark experiment plunges half the city into darkness. Something sinister stirs. Something wicked is waking up. And an innocent soul hangs in the balance.

6 Tag Limit, including Rashmi and Hinote.

TCOS: Ritter 2025-02-19 01:30:00 The statue of the Knight stands among a field of flowers, his gaze cold and focused as he stares out over his domain.

Part four of The Crown of Succession plot.

And Let School Spirit Scream 2025-02-20 01:00:00 The plan is to destroy the Senshi's allies, to break their hearts, to shatter their foundations. Calaveras of the Spectre Sisters is more than fine with all of that. This isn't their world. This isn't their past. Why shouldn't they cut loose and go wild?

No one knows who Neo Queen Serenity used to be. But everyone knows she went to Juuban Public Middle School. 5 tag limit, 30 minute timer. Warning: Frightening imagery, injury to civilians, NPC character deaths possible, NPC villain could die.

Supplies and Suspicion 2025-02-22 23:00:00 A shop Ikiko often frequents to get her supplies for the Animal Care Club has suddenly hiked up the prices, for no reason other the greed of its owner. With nothing explaining the sudden change in behaviour, has she just found the hideout of one of the flameborn fakes?
TCOS: Bischof 2025-02-25 01:30:00 The wise Bishop stands atop a shrine, holding her mace and shield at the ready to defend the faithful.

Part 5 of the Crown of Succession Plot

TCOS: Konigin 2025-03-04 01:30:00 A familiar Queen stands ready, her beloved sisters at her sides to defend her within a castle-turned-museum.

Part 6 of the Crown of Succession Plot.

TCOS: Konig 2025-03-11 00:30:00 ...

Locked to members of TCOS: Konigin scene.

The finale of the Crown of Succession plot.
