Welcome to Radiant Heart MUSH!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Tokyo is a place where a simmering conflict between good and evil, between light and darkness, between hope and despair, bubbles beneath the surface. Monsters slither out of the dark and hunt the magically unaware and defenseless, turning their hearts to evil and stealing their energy. Each person who gives into their darker emotions makes them stronger.

But as surely as there are villains and monsters, there are those who will oppose them and protect the world. And those heroes, right now... might just be running late for school while trying to cram toast into their mouth.

Because the radiant light of the world's hope is contained within their hearts. Friendship, love, and determination give them the strength they need - but the magical transformation sequence and special attacks help. They are Mahou Shoujo - Magical Girls. Individually, they may be called Pretty Cure, Sailor Senshi, Chara Bearers, Puella Magi, and several other names - but these Magical Girls (and the occasional Magical Boy!) defend the world from the wicked designs of evil - all while juggling friends, schoolwork, romance, and keeping their second identity secret from their parents.

Radiant Heart MUSH is a Mahou Shoujo Crossover MUSH, set in its own version of Modern Tokyo. We cordially invite you to join us, and take up the role of one of these magical residents of Tokyo - as an existing character or as one of your own design. Join the heroes or villians, or stand on your own, and write new stories alongside us using characters old and new.

Connection Info

IP: radiantheartmush.com

Port: 7777

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After you check out the News Files, join in the fun by creating a character!

If you'd like to spread the word, here's an advert you can post on other games.

Upcoming Scheduled Scenes

For an actual calendar view (which can give you full scene briefings): CLICK HERE!


Title Time Description
Catch That Mina! 2025-03-01 22:00:00 The Heartstealer Rifle that was obtained from fighting Mimete ended up in the hands of Sailor Venus. She'd intended to bring it to the Shed for safe storage, and looking over for those with more smarts than herself. Her intentions really were good. Until she gets to the Shed by herself with the proven non-lethal Heartstealer Rifle that had been used to shoot the Heart Crystal out of Zoisite of all people!

If he had a Heart Crystal, surely she did, right? It had looked damaged. What would hers be? There's only one way to find out!

The Shed had seemed like a safe enough place to test things out. Contained, safe, and she could just put her Heart Crystal back afterwards. Until someone opens the door, and a Heart Crystal bearing Minako bolts for it. The chase is on to catch the senshi and make her put that back where it belongs!

Since it's a chase, 15 minute round timer to keep things speedy.

The Crane has the Crown 2025-03-02 00:00:00 With the fake Sunbreaker compromised, only the fake Mars is left to track down, and what place would a (fake) Sailor Senshi pick if not Game Crown Arcade? With the avarice now rampant there too, can she be stopped before she accumulates too much power?
Audience with a Queen 2025-03-02 23:00:00 With her suspicions roused over her lack of memories, Laura has agreed to get Hinoiri, Amy, Rashmi and Usagi an audience with Grand Ocean's Mermaid Queen.

(This is a closed scene.)

Sad Eyes, Stolen Energy I 2025-03-03 00:30:00 Now that Riventon has shown he's able to use energy to forcibly awaken Jewel Seeds, Precia Testarossa's department needs energy for its own uses and to keep up its contributions to Obsidian's overall scheme. And bringing in energy can be directly contributing to Jewel Seeds... so even the department's youngest member needs to pull her weight, to bring her mother's smile back.

Fate's here to watch over a youma draining energy like youma do best. Mostly fight the youma. Probably. Tag limit five.

A Lesson in Philosophy 2025-03-04 01:30:00 Seriss Nyx has been silent since her awakening in Molly Skyline's Body, but now that silence has come to an end; and somewhere close by, she's performing a dark experiment. Will the heroes respond? Just what is she up to? (Tag limit of up to 5!)
Ritual Gateway 2025-03-05 00:00:00 With their plans utterly foiled, the fake Sunbreaker and the fake Mars find no other solution but to work together, and hope the combined power they accumulated is enough to irreversibly weaken the HallWard.

Final fight of the Flameborn Facade miniplot.

TCOS: Konigin 2025-03-06 00:30:00 A familiar Queen stands ready, her beloved sisters at her sides to defend her within a castle-turned-museum.

Part 6 of the Crown of Succession Plot.

Jinja Snaps 2025-03-07 00:30:00 Calaveras, last of the Spectre Sisters, is out for blood, and has decided to make her stand at Hikawa Shrine - which just so happens to be the home of Sailor Mars!

6 Tag Limit, 30 minute round timer, Content Warning for Character Death (NPC Villain) and character injuries (potentially players, definitely NPC civilians.)

Get the Body Off the Floor 2025-03-08 00:30:00 In the aftermath of Jinja Snap a strange man has arrived on the scene of Calaveras' death. Pale skin, deep blue hair, and the most exasperated ?how dare you look at me' expression you've ever seen, Saphir of the Black Moon Clan has arrived to collect Calaveras' body - and he's prepared to handle anyone who gets in the way.

No tag limit, 40 minute round timer - this is a social opportunity scene, chance to ask questions as Saphir does his grim and mysterious work, but a fight could break out if people want.

How a Mermaid Princess is born 2025-03-08 23:00:00 Following her getting the Orange Pearl coupled with the news of Sara's death, Coco calls her friend for a gathering at the Pearl Pier, going over what has happened and what is going to happen. Professor Mitsuki even pays a visit in the end.

(Note: Backdated, and features NPC betrayal that leads into Gaito getting his full power.)

Sad Eyes, Stolen Energy II 2025-03-09 23:00:00 Now that Riventon has shown he's able to use energy to forcibly awaken Jewel Seeds, Precia Testarossa's department needs energy for its own uses and to keep up its contributions to Obsidian's overall scheme. And bringing in energy can be directly contributing to Jewel Seeds... so even the department's youngest member needs to pull her weight, to bring her mother's smile back.

Fate's here to watch over a youma draining energy like youma do best. Mostly fight the youma. Probably. Tag limit five.

Moonlight Petals 2025-03-10 23:30:00 Mistress 9 requires more power and Tellu has been chosen as the one who will 'assist' her. A pure heart... like the one of Usagi should do nicely. Can the sparkles stop her before Usagi's pure heart is devoured?
Akumadora: Forsaken Honor 2025-03-11 23:30:00 As Adora dwells on all of the things that feel wrong as of late, she finds herself questioning what the 'Honor of Greyskull' has gotten her... and as thoughts turn dark, a butterfly lands on her bracer...

And a voice comes into her head.

TCOS: Konig 2025-03-12 23:30:00 ...

Locked to members of TCOS: Konigin scene.

The finale of the Crown of Succession plot.

Maidenless Behavior 2025-03-14 23:00:00 Having lost his subordinates in wasteful battles, Crimson Rubeus is under pressure to deliver results - or face the consequences. Luckily for him, he's discovered the perfect tool to win back his prestige: the secret identity of Sailor Moon. Can Usagi Tsukino rely on her friends to save the day when the battleground is her own home?

No tag limit, all fighters welcome, as this will be a boss rush. This is part one of a two part fight, 30 minute round timer!

Death of a Bachelor 2025-03-15 20:00:00 The second part of the battle to save the Tsukino Family and defeat Crimson Rubeus once and for all, directly continues from Maidenless Behavior. Fighters do not have to have been in part 1 to attend part 2. No tag limit, 30 minute timer.
Portal to the Tau System 2025-03-23 21:00:00 Mistress 9 has retreated to Dr. Tomoe's old lab in order to open a wormhole between Earth and the Tau System, so Pharaoh 90 can come through. If this succeeds, the loss of life could be tremendous. But this may offer them a chance to put an end to the threat from the Tau System once and for all... But could a new threat awaken in this situation?
