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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Latest revision as of 23:29, 23 September 2023

The Tale of the Tape
Date of Scene: 23 September 2023
Location: Sports Pavilion
Synopsis: Mio finds a self defense video that is absolutely worthless. She then encounters Adora who agrees to help her learn to fight!
Cast of Characters: Mio Morita, Adora Rainbowfist

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio has been quite busy of late. She has been selling baked goods, Feeding the homeless, and working on homework! Its one big mess. She hasn't even gotten to fight any terribads lately. Talk about slacking. Its okay though. She is still being a hero in at least some way.

Today however, Today she has a free day! She can actually do something she had been intending to do. She found an old self defense training cassette and hoped that it would benefit her to watch it and learn from it. So she went to the A/V room and grabbed a tv cart with an old vcr. She rolls it across campus, all the way to the sports pavilion. Finding a power outlet, She plugs in the tv and the vcr and then hits play.

Finally the video starts playing. First off there is some looney wearing some silly clothing. "The goal is to keep your enemy from fighting you in the first place. Look at how I'm dressed. Do you think anyone would wanna fight me?

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora has also been busy. But she's been learning how to exist in this world, struggling with her 'girlfriend' (Both internally and literally), and trying to figure out some pretty basic things. She found out what sports were yesterday!

Now, after class, the girl is dressed in her civvies and heading over to the sport's pavilion to possibly run some laps. Shorts (newly bought) with some running shoes, and a sleeveless white shirt with red stripes. Her hair is up and back, as usual. She pauses as she sees the cart with the old tv get pushed back, and she begins to follow out of sheer curiosity.

When the video starts, Adora crosses her arms over her chest and watches from six or so feet behind Mio. "Huh. I mean...real combatants don't usually care what you're wearing..."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio blinks and looks up to see the towering Adora looking at the video. "Err I think you're right. I don't think wearing funky clothes is going to scare away a terri...ble enemy." She blushes, almost slipping up. "Nice to meet you. My name is Mio Morita. I'm just trying to learn some self defense stuff. I thought maybe this video might help me to learn some things but, I don't think its going to help much."

She hits the fast forward button on the vcr and it shows about the worst self defense practices possible. Its definitely not self defense. It is stuff that would get a regular person beat up if they got into a fight and for a magical girl, trying to use this stuff would result in a major loss or a loss of life. "I don't think this is going to teach me anything." She frowns. "What do you think?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
The blonder has to stifle a laugh as she watches the old video before she shakes her head. "No, no. That won't teach you a thing." She glances down at the girl and considers her a bit before walking around her, taking in her physique. "I mean, if you want to learn how to defend yourself I can probably show you a few things. I've had...well...a lot of training. Grew up in this really messed-up military school, but at least I got some good out of it. Being able to take care of myself is part of that."

Mio Morita has posed:
"That would be awesome. I think this tape needs burned." Mio laughs a little as she looks at the screen. She walks up to the VCR and hits the eject button. She takes the tape and shakes her head over it. "Next time I will just have to find someone who knows how to fight." She grins over that idea.

Once the tape is put in its box and the tv is pushed back against a wall, Mio smiles to Adora. "Okay where do we start?" She asks curiously. I am really excited to learn some stuff. I figure that if I am working with the homeless I wanna make sure I am prepared if someone wants to start a fight or something."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"What do you mean, working with the homeless?," she asks, not really understanding. "Okay...now stand here on this exercise mat. Gives some padding. Can I touch you?," the blonde asks, kicking her shoes off and gesturing for Mio to do the same before she hops onto the mat. She bounces on her toes a few times and rolls her shoulders.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio gives a near incredulous look to Adora for that question. "Ummm I feed people who are living on the streets. People that don't have homes. It really stinks for them. I do bake sales to raise money and I use the money to buy stuff to make sandwiches that I hand out."

"Oh sure." She smiles and moves onto the mat. She smiles and gets into a fighting stance. Its not a very good fighting stance. Its the only one she knows though and she is ready for whatever comes her way. Or at least ready to get knocked down...

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
The blonde blinks at that and then frowns. "...People who don't have homes?," she asks. She doesn't sound like she's teasing. She sounds confused and utterly horrified at that. "I had to sleep in an abandoned gym for a few weeks before the school brought me in. Are you saying there are people who are like that -all- the time?" She feels the pit of her stomach sink a bit. She's compassionate, and this isn't something she'd ever seen back home, after all. "Are they refugees from a war or something?," she asks, trying to make sense of it.

Adora considers the stance, then, and steps up behind her. "Okay, important question: Do you want to go more for speed, or strength? It'll change how you position yourself."

Mio Morita has posed:
"The strawberry blonde girl looks at Adora and nods. "Yeah there are a lot of people out there who don't have homes. Some don't even have a gym to stay in. Some are on the street, eating out of trash cans and such." She looks down and then there is the question. "Some are. Some are just people who are down on their luck. Imagine just not being able to afford the most basic of homes. Its brutal."

"I guess Strength? I mean a balance between the two would be good? No... Speed!" She smiles happily. "I wanna be able to help out in a hurry!" She beams happily over that

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"That's...terrible. Well, if there's anything I can do to help, tell me. I don't really have any money of my own, but..." She shrugs. "I'll do what I can."

She nods as she hears speed, and she considers a moment before she steps in behind her. She reaches out and grips here and there, adjusting movement and pose. "Okay. So, this is a basic stance, okay? Hold your hands just like this, open palms...no, a little more closed. Okay, perfect." She moves around to stand in front of Mio, then. "Oh, you said your name! I'm so sorry. I got distracted with the...people who don't have homes thing. I'm Adora Rainbowfist! So, I'm going to come at you with -really- slow punches. Use your hands like they are to slap at my wrists, moving my blows to the side, okay?"

She then follows through with slow punches, letting Mio get the hang of very basic blocks. After a few moments she switches it up with a raised knee, though, seeinf ig Mio can move that aside, too.

Mio Morita has posed:
"If you would like to help out sometime, I always enjoy company when I am making and selling baked goods. Or when I am giving out sandwiches. Its really a fun time that helps people out." Mio smiles as she considers some more help with all the work.

Mio follows suit with Adora. She gets into the right stance and stays in it. "This feels a lot more comfortable than mine did." She smiles and prepares herself. "Nice to meet you, Adora. Pretty name by the way." Then the punches start. She blocks them as she is told to. she blocks left and right, handling it well enough. Then the knees start coming in. She tries to block them in the same way but misses the first one. Once the second one comes in, she blocks it well enough. She continues the blocking dance as long as Adora keeps it up.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She keeps going for just long enough for Mio to likely end up a bit sore, then she stops it. "Good! You're doing good!" She beams at her, and tucks an escaped locke of blonde behind her ear. "And thanks," she responds about the name. "Well, I'd be happy to hang out when we do, if you want. I'm trying to make friends and stuff..."

She moves in again to adjust the girl's stance once more. "Okay, so just defending won't end a fight, especially if the attacker really wants to hurt you. You're gonna want to hurt them back. So, if you're going for speed and dexterity you have a bunch of options. It isn't really how I'm built, but I needed to train it, anyways. So, you're going to want to work on using the legs, and throws, with a few quick jabs here and there. Keep 'em on their toes, y'know?"

She spends the next twenty minutes or so slowly going over some really basic attacks and throws with the girl. She shows her how to use the opponent's size and strength against them, as well as how to go for joints and weak points. Adora has no idea what Judo is, but there are a lot of similarities, mixed with what Earthlings might call Krav Maga, and a bit of nice Taekwondo. She doesn't know these terms, though. Only how to hurt people and protect herself.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio is starting to get sore alright. Its okay though. Its a good burn. She smiles happily as she finishes up with the blocking practice. She feels good and can already see how that is going to help when fighting the terribads and the phantom empire.

Then its onto the basic attacks and throws. Now Mio is spending a bit of time on her back as she learns how to throw. Each of the throws land her on the pad which she is very thankful for. Then there is the punches. These will definitely come in handy when it comes time for a fight. She is almost looking forward to it.

The good news is she has no idea what Judo is or Krav Maga or taekwondo. She never thought she would be doing anything like this. She just goes with the training, learning everything she can. She is an open book when it comes to this stuff right now.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
After a decent amount of basic education, Adora walks over to get them both a cup of water. "Now, a lot of that needs to be worked on, and you're gonna need to exercise, too. Make yourself faster, more dexterous...whatever. But you have some natural talent, so...that's cool!" She hands over the water, and then takes a long pull from her own cup.

"I can meet you like, once a week or something to help, if you ant. I work out, anyways. I'll keep it a lot lighter for you, don't worry. And we can go over more training. Build you up so you can kick some serious buitt." The girl beams.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio smiles and accepts the cup of water. She takes a sip of the water and she feels a good bit better. "I will be practicing this stuff whenever I can this week. I wanna get better. I can train and do that sort of thing. This might just save the day for some people right?" She grins happily doing her best to not out herself... again...

"I would really like that. I can meet next week and keep going. I wanna learn all I can. I don't mind if I get a little banged up. "I'm super excited now! This is great!" She smiles and takes a long sip of the water. "Ahhh that is some good water!"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"That's the hope, right?," Adora replies with a grin to the comment about this saving people. "I was raised to use this to hurt people. To be the attacker. But...screw those people. I'm not gonna be what they wanted." She nods in excitement, thrilled to have someone to train with. "I'm starting a boxing club if you wanna join. Not...quite this style of fighting, but you'd definatly learn how to -take- a punch, which is really important, too. But no pressure. At all."

Mio Morita has posed:
"Oof That sounds really rough." Mio steps a little closer to Adora. "Why did they want you to hurt people? That sounds like something really off. At least you aren't like that now right?" She comments, asking the rhetorical question. "Boxing?" She shudders at the thought of getting pummeled. "Errr... I could. I'm kinda in this other club. The Hero Club!" She smiles. "We do things to help out the community. We sometimes find homes for kittens or puppies. We sometimes feed the homeless. We sometimes raise money for different things. We could even help by performing shows for little kids."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She considers that a bit before she takes a deep breath. "Okay, so...this is gonna sound weird, right? But this kinda only makes to -some- people. What's your thoughts on...well...magical girls?" If she gets confusion, she can deflect to being talking about anime (Even though she has only the tiniest understanding of what that is). "Oh, Hero Club. That's awesome! I -definatly- want in on that. More time I'm DOING stuff the less time I have to obsess over a girl." She offers a lopsided grin.

Mio Morita has posed:
"Magical girls? Oh they are awesome! I mean, they are fun to watch in anime and stuff." She deflects herself not really knowing where she is going with the question. If there is one thing that Mio lacks its confusion. When the topic changes to Hero club, Mio smiles and nods. "Its really worth checking out. The people who are in there are really nice. Fu-san is the head of Hero Club. Her sister is a small bean. Adorable! Then there is Togo who is like the number 2 in the club. She is awesome. Then there is Yuuna who is really awesome too. She loves foods and is just thrilled to be a hero!"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Mio's answer makes her think the girl doesn't know about Magic Stuff, so she adjusts her answer about her upbringing. "Well, the School was in the middle of knowhere. A bunch of militant extremists who wanted to...do a lot of bad things. Had a tendency to take in orphans like me and raise them to be soldiers. The place got taken down, thankfully. But...that was about fifteen years of my life," she explains.

"I'm not much of a performer," she says with a small laugh. "But that all sounds really interesting."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio listens to Adora's story and frowns. Its a lot to take in as she hears about the militant extremists and how they wanted to do awful things. She considers the whole thing and then looks up to Adora. "Would you like a hug?" She asks in a gentle tone, not wanting to just force a hug on anyone. Consent and all. "Fifteen years is a long time to go through all of that. But now you are free! You can do whatever you want and you can use the knowledge that you got to make things better!" She smiles happily. "You can help people who others couldn't."

She laughs at the comment about not being a performer. "Believe me, I am not either but for some kids, I would do my best. As one of the tenants of Hero club states. You are likely to succeed if you try." She smiles again, just being happy.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"A....hug?" It's been awhile since she's been hugged. "Sure..." She accepts the hug, and holds it for a good moment before she clears her throat and lets go. "So...I -did- get something cool out of those rough years, though. It's in my dorm if you wanna see it?" She cocks her head to the side, smiling at the girl. She hasn't had someone to really talk to, other then Niji. Making friends is cool!

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio hugs Adora happily, hoping it helps her feel better about everything. "Oh You did?" She asks curiously. "I mean you did learn how to kick butt right?" She asks playfully. "I would be game. Its your call though." She states as she stretches and gets loosened up a little more since the training earlier. "I feel a lot better."

"But sure, I don't have anything else to do except to take the tv back to the A/V room. I would hate for someone to think I stole it. It would be bet for them to have it back." She laughs.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Well, let's do that first, then!" Adore helps Mio wheel the ancient relic back to the A/V room, the girl pausing to look about at the stuff in there with clear confusion. However, soon enough they're on their way to the dorms. Up the stairs and near the back is the room Adora has to herself. The Headmaster figured the isolation would help her aclimate at her own pace. She opens the door and leads the way in. Her bed is made with military precision, and the only things about the room other then that are a very gay looking romance novel on her bedside table, and a poster of what appears to be an anime catgirl up on one wall. No other personalizations have been added yet.

"Oh, I can fight, sure!"

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio and Adora take the old TV and VCR back to the A/V room and then its off to Adora's dorm. "Oh its really um, nice in here. a little sparse but nice! "You like catgirls." She grins a little as she looks around some more. "So what else was it that you had?" She asks curiously."

Mio quietly walks over and sits down on the bed. She then remembers, "Would you like a brownie?" She reaches into her bag and pulls out a rather nice looking brownie. "I give away the extra baked goods cause if I ate them all I would be the size of a house!"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Oh, sure! I'd love one!" She walks over to take the offered brownie and makes short work of it. "Mmmmmmn! So, so good! Thank you!"

She then kneels to reach under her bed, and she withdraws the Sword. It's huge. Six feel long from gemmed hilt to the tip, and the blade itself is two feet wide. It's...impossibly big. Yet she hefts it. The gold is a nearly impossible hue, and the gem catches the light and almost seems to glow.

"Only thing I got to take with me when I...came to Japan."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio smiles seeing Adora enjoy the brownie. She gets out a blondie and eats that herself. "Mmmmm I love baked goods!" She laughs a little as she takes the wrapping and the plates and puts them back in her bag.

Then Adora pulls the absolute unit of a sword out from under her bed. "HOLY SMOKES!!!" She can't help but exclaim her surprise over the massive sword. "How do you even heft that thing. Its bigger than me!" She laughs a little. "It is really pretty though. I like the gemstone in it. It really catches the light well. It seems like a really cool thing to have brought with you. Hard to think that a bunch of people training kids for a militant group would train swordsmanship. I would think they would train marksmanship and the like. Guns and all that."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Oh, I learned how to use a gun, sure. More rifles. The Sword came after I escaped and ended up with the...well, the resistance movement." What kind of life was this kid living? She adjusts her grip on the sword and glances up and down it before gently sliding it back under the bed.

"Only other thing I have from back then is the girl I grew up with who I ran into in Tokyo a bit ago. Never thought I'd see her again.."

Mio Morita has posed:
"Wow! So you are quite the military girl. You can kick butt with most anything!" She says excitedly as she looks at the sword some more. She notes the grooves in it and quietly wonders what they mean. She doesn't ask about it though. "So you went from Militant bad guy to resistance Freedom fighter type person. Thats really cool."

"Oh your friend is here with you too? Is she going to attend the school too? It would be nice to meet her as well."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She goes quiet for a bit, and then chuckles. She hoists herself up and sits on the bedside table, spotting the romance novel in thew process. She scoops it up and hastily drops it in a drawer. "Oh, well...uh. Things with her are complicated."

From this angle Mio can easily spot the four scars running widthwise across her right forearm, looking like deep clawmarks.

"We grew up together. Only had eachother to rely on. Then I left and she...didn't. She got really into the whole regime and ended up rising up the ranks a bit and we...fought. A lot. Literally. But then we figured out we loved eachother and..." She shakes her head and offers a lopsided grin.

"But now she seems like an amnesiac. She's angry and dangerous all over again, out there causing problems. But I'm gonna find her and help her all over again. I need to."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio notes the scars. "Something big scratched you..." She comments as she observes them. "Sounds like you had a really complicated relationship. And maybe you still do." She winces a little as she tries to find the right words. "If you ever need help, I can help. I may not be the greatest fighter but I've got a big heart." She smiles.

Part of her wants to tell her the secret. To let this new friend know that she is very much capable of helping her in a fight. That she can hold her own, not because of her strength, but because of her own magical powers. "We will bring her back to you Adora-san." She smiles. "We will help her."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora has been almost telling Mio about herself this entire time, too, but neither know the other is magical. She smiles softly and glances at her arm. "That'd be the girl in question, actually. I knocked her out with a solid blow to the cheek, though, so..." She shrugs. "Not the first time we fought and I have a feeling it won't be the last. But...yeah. Anyways..."

She clears her throat.

Mio Morita has posed:
"Well like I said, if you ever need my help you can ask and I will be there. I am always willing to help my friends." She smiles happily. "I am in a dorm on the next floor down. I am bunked up with Amy Faust. Dunno if you met her but she is a really nice person." She smiles and stands up. Her eyes go to that sword again because it is utterly massive and it of course looks very sharp. "I would not want to be on the receiving end of that." She laughs a little bit.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Oh, I know her! She's nice." She stands up when Mio stands, and she nods. "Well, the offer is nice. I'll let you know if I need help with anything..." She glances down at the sword, then, and grins. "Yeeeeeah. It hits pretty hard," the blonde admits. "Anyways, it was great to meet you! I'll see you again soon, right? I should get some studying in, though.."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio nods to Adora. "It was nice to meet you too! I will see you around the school and if not before, I will see you next week." She stretches and turns to the door. "Good luck with the studying. And with your friend. I hope both turn out to be very successful for you." With that she exits the dorm and heads out, Making her way back down to her own dorm.