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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Latest revision as of 02:05, 6 December 2023

For You Are All The World
Date of Scene: 03 December 2023
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Madoka and Homura start this scene as friends and end it as girlfriends. Homura brings ice cream over to ask her what happened with Hinoiri. Madoka explains it and her reasoning for not wanting to say or do anything. They end up having a personal conversation while using Gretchen's Labyrinth and Homura's Timestop to ensure maximum secrecy, where they talk about past timelines and their feelings for one another. Warning: ~18k words
Cast of Characters: Madoka Kaname, Homura Akemi

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The past couple of weeks have been rough for a lot of Puella, and while Madoka Kaname never took Kyubey's contract she was still deeply involved in that part of Tokyo's magical nightlife. News of how Soul Gems work had been getting around after the reveal, and a lot of people who were emotionally invested in various Puella Magi have gotten... pretty upset.

    Thus it is that Madoka got slapped pretty hard the other day, having taken the blame for something that she frankly didn't do. She's still upset, despite the culprit having apologized, but she's not nearly as furious as Junko Kaname was when she noticed her little girl was hurt. It's strange to think that with all of the fights that Madoka secretly gets into, this was the thing that got her parents worried, but they can only react to the things they see.

    Gretchen, of course, had to figure out how to break the news of this to Homura. The tiny X-Chara couldn't exactly hide things like this from her roommate, as it might be taken as a betrayal. On the other hand, Madoka was trying in futility to deescalate things and seemingly no one was having it, and Gretchen wanted to respect that too. So the masked fairy ended up telling Homura an abbreviated version of events. Madoka got slapped, and she stayed home on Friday because of it, and Homura should probably get the details from her.

    As for Madoka, well, she was currently in her room, doing some homework and trying to take her mind off of things. Apparently Sayaka had already yelled at Hinoiri over the event, and the latter even apologized to her. Madoka wished that she could believe the apology, but... honestly, with all of the other misery happening right now, she's starting to think she might not care if Hinoiri is sorry or not.

    Madoka slowly taps her pencil's eraser against her desk. Lydian sits on the couch of her dollhouse, looking at her Bearer with concern. Brai and Medo's eggs rest in their respective rooms. The rest of Madoka's family is home, but she isn't keeping track of them.

Homura Akemi has posed:
    It wasn't hard to figure out that something was up when Madoka didn't show up to class on Friday and Homura also hadn't gotten so much as a text from her about why. That suggested she didn't want to spread the reason around. After school she talked to Gretchen about it, and she'd had to sit down and have a good long think about it.

    A couple of hours later she shows up to the Kaname household holding a shopping bag, wearing a purple sweater and a black skirt with matching black leggings. She's glad she'd had that dinner with the family on Madoka's birthday since it means she's known to Madoka's parents. Tomohisa answers the door and Madoka lifts the bag, holding it open to show what's inside before asking if she can go and see her.

    Luckily the answer is yes so she doesn't have to ask Gretchen, who is with her since she asked her not to warn Madoka of her arrival, to do any tricks to help her sneak in. Walking up the stairs and going to her friends room she gives a quick look to the Guardian Character, who nods. Seeing this Homura knocks twice and says, "Madoka? I'm coming in."

    With that she turns the knob and steps inside, shutting the door after her. Without speaking she walks over to the desk and pulls out a pint of Madoka's favorite ice cream and sets it somewhere where it won't make a mess due to condensation, then sets a spoon on top of it. Afterwards she retrieves a second pint and spoon, though this ice cream is her own favorite; a fancy pumpkin pie cheesecake ice cream with little chunks of actual pumpkin pie and cheesecake in it. "I heard something happened and that we should probably talk about it. Do you want to talk?" She puts the bag in whatever trash can Madoka has in her room and then goes over to the girl's bed, sitting on it and crossing her legs, turned towards her. She hasn't opened the lid on her ice cream yet, but she's clearly about to.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Homura is, of course, a welcome guest within the Kaname household. Tomohisa greets her at the door. Junko waves at her when they pass by the living room, and while the family matriarch looks like she wants to ask their guest a question she decides to hold her tongue when she sees the grocery bag. Gretchen takes a very brief detour to play peekaboo with Tatsuya for a few seconds and then rejoins Homura before anyone can question why the kid is suddenly so giggly. No one stops the black haired transfer student from reaching Madoka's room.

    When Madoka hears Homura's voice, she immediately turns to look at the window. It takes her a moment to realize that her friend across time is actually entering via normal means. "Homura-chan..." There's a place on Madoka's desk where the ice cream wont mess up her homework. It's Peppermint Bark, a minty ice cream mixed in with chocolate chunks and pieces of peppermint bark candy. It's a seasonal flavor, but Homura has been around enough times to know that Madoka really likes it. The pink-haired girl even vaguely remembers gushing to her about it a couple of times when she was...

    ... When she was a Puella Magi. A sobering thought.

    She stares at the ice cream for a moment, and then starts putting aside her homework. Reaching for the pint, she opens the lid and starts scraping the inside of the top to get that ice cream before it melts. No point in wasting it. With ice cream and spoon in hand, Madoka turns her chair so that she can face Homura. She blushes lightly for reasons she keeps to herself.

    "I got slapped by someone. I wasn't in henshin at the time so I took the full force of it. She was... furious with me..." starts to explain Madoka.

    Lydian interjects, putting her fists on her hips. "She did a lot more than slap you! She cussed at you and yelled at you and said a lot of really unfair things!"

    Madoka winces. "Lydian-chan... please don't."

    "Why shouldn't I?!" responded the Chara.

    Gretchen hovers over Homura's shoulder, looking at Madoka's ice cream. The Bearer notices and scoops up a small chunk up with her spoon, offering it up to the dark fairy. Gretchen hesitates for a moment before producing her own tiny bowl and shoving the offered ice cream into it. She's munching it... pretty eagerly. Lydian is also extended the same offer, and accepts in a similar way.

    With a sigh, Madoka continues, "The person who slapped me was Hinoiri Kirara, the girl who Sayaka-chan is dating. Apparently Sayaka found out about it and yelled at her for it. Momma is also really mad about it."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Seeing Madoka clean the bottom of the lid of her ice cream Homura does the same, then holds it under the container so it doesn't get set somewhere and make a mess. She's being more casual than polite, which is actually somewhat of a change for her.

    She eats her ice cream slowly, taking small bites. If any of the Chara look at her ice cream for very long she'll offer them a taste as well, making sure there's some chunks so they get the full glory of it.

    "I heard," Homura replies with a small nod, about the slap. She looks to Lydian as she makes additions to the simply put story, then back to Madoka. Her expression doesn't change, though it's notably not her usual deadpan expression that she's practiced a lot. It's still a neutral expression though. Rather than saying anything else herself she scoops up another small bit of ice cream and spoons it into her mouth.

    Her eyebrows raise when she hears the person who slapped Madoka is apparently dating Sayaka. "I can't say I'm surprised. I expect Sayaka would be just as angry about it as I am." Homura doesn't look angry, but there's a reason she's keeping a neutral expression without making it the one she's so extremely practiced at. To try to show in a quiet way that she is actively controlling her emotions right now. This also shows because after saying it she flips her hair back over her shoulder.

    "I wasn't sure what I should do when I first heard. I knew what I wanted to do, but when I thought about it more I realized it wouldn't be right to go out and pay her back." She shifts the way she holds her spoon in her fingers, tapping the wide end on the rim of her ice cream carton, "You're the one she hurt, with her words and her actions, and I realized that acting on my own might end up hurting you more in the long run." She looks up into Madoka's eyes for a few moments before returning her gaze to the ice cream, scooping some into her spoon so it's ready to eat but not eating it yet. "The last thing I ever want to do is cause you more undue pain. Especially when I know things have already been hard for you recently."

    Another moment passes and she looks up again, "I'm angry, but you can tell me as much as you want. I won't go off and do something reckless or stupid because of what I hear. I want to try and be a good friend," 'this time' goes unsaid, "so I'll sit here and listen. I'm sure you need someone to talk to, and it must feel like it'll only make things worse. It won't if you tell me, I promise." Then a motion with her sweets laden spoon towards Madoka's own pint she says, "And if you still would rather keep it all in we have this, so it's not a wasted trip." She manages to make a little smile at the joke, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes, and then turns the spoon towards herself and eats the ice cream off of it.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    As Madoka listens to Homura speak, she glances up and studies her expression in a way that she normally... doesn't. She's had dreams and memories of her friendship with Homura, both as fellow magical girls and also as fellow students. Somewhere mixed in with those memories is at least one date. Yet her memories are still jumbled and fractured. Madoka's looking at Homura's expression with a slightly different context, almost as if she's truly seeing this side of her friend for the first time.

    She goes back to her ice cream, scooping out another bite as she listens. Homura's voice and words are calming, and for once Madoka feels like she actually has some kind of say in what happens next. Of course everyone who cares about her would feel the need to run off seeking vengeance, but if Madoka wanted to hit back she would've done it herself.

    "I just... I don't know. I don't really even know how I feel about it all. I don't really care about getting even, and I don't really feel the need to call myself a 'legendary hero' or whatever it is she thinks of me. I can't really criticize others for wanting to pay her back, because when I thought about the possibility of her treating Sayaka that way, with the temper and the slapping, I..."

    Madoka bites her tongue. Lydian, of course, decides to speak her mind for her. "You thought about beating her up too, Madoka-chan, and honestly she would've deserved it!"

    The Chara Bearer stops in mid scoop, then slumps back into her chair. "You don't have to spill out everything I think, Lydian-chan. Anyways, it's not right for a magical girl to beat up someone who doesn't have powers. Even if she's a jerk. Hinoiri'd have to cross a more serious line than that in order for it to be fair." She takes a bite of her ice cream, eats it for a moment, and then lowers her spoon for another scoop. "I guess that's also how I feel about the idea of my friends and family getting all over her case. It's not like I couldn't defend myself if I really wanted to. Someone like her can't really intimidate me, but I can't really explain that to my momma. If everyone who cares about me suddenly gangs up on her, I think it'd result in something even worse."

    Gretchen happily takes nibbles of ice cream when offered, scooping it up into her little bowl. The masked Chara almost seems like she's been starving for it, which is weird because it's not like she brings it up often. Madoka watches her dark fairy's behavior and takes note. Lydian is... a bit less greedy about it, but she's more than happy to have some of Homura's ice cream, too.

    "You've always been a good friend, Homura-chan. Even if people don't know it," says Madoka, and for once Lydian doesn't spill out the subtext of that. "Thank you for thinking about how I feel, and for coming over to ask me." With a small smile, she adds, "and also for the ice cream."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    "It isn't surprising that you'd have so many people jumping to defend you. You're the last person I can think of that would deserve someone yelling at them and getting slapped." She's looking down in to her ice cream again. Having access to so many more of her memories Madoka would be able to see how much emotion she was holding back while saying those words. Homura gives a small shake of her head, "You're the kindest person I've ever known. I can't see you ever escalating a verbal confrontation without having very good reason. You hate it when people fight instead of trying to work things out together. There are a lot of people who know you well enough to realize this. For things to have happened as they did, this Hinoiri person must have a strained relationship with reality, have let her emotions completely overrule her judgment, or both."

    Her spoon stabs down into her pint to extract more ice cream and she eats it slowly. It's clear she's trying to take her time and think out her words. This is harder for her than it normally is; explaining her thoughts about various magical incidents, situations, and lore is an extremely practiced talent of hers, as is deciding exactly how much of the information she knows she should give. When it comes to mundane social interactions though? She's had more practice brushing things off than actually navigating them.

    She looks between Lydian and Madoka for a moment and notes, "You're right that you should be able to hold things back and decide for yourself how much you want to share, but Lydian is also right in her own way, Madoka. No matter what you say or think, I won't judge you for it. Even if it isn't what I want to hear or it surprises me, I'll always accept your feelings." Shying a little more she retreats again to looking at her treat, "I know that's easier to say than it is to do, or to accept, but it's true."

    Homura doesn't judge Madoka. Homura judges everyone else by Madoka. There's a vast difference between the two.

    She then shrugs lightly, "As for someone with magic beating her up, there's more ways to use magic than the blunt application of force. It seems to me that someone like her would be used to getting her way through pure vitriol and aggression. I doubt she's very used to people standing up to her. If I used my magic to beat her senseless, yes, that would be unfair and uncouth. But if I used my magic to make it impossible for her to hit me and strike her back with equal force that she couldn't avoid? I wouldn't blame anyone for that. In some ways you could say she attacked you with a power you don't have: verbal abuse."

    Briefly Homura smirks, and then has to visibly suppress a laugh, "I would love to see her try to yell at your mother like that. Even without physical violence, she'd quickly learn there's always a bigger fish in the sea. Relying on egotism can only get you so far."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    She watches the Chara enjoying their ice cream and continues, "All of your friends and family ganging up on her wouldn't be fair, though, you're right. If Sayaka yelled at her I think that should be enough. She might have more right than anyone to confront her over it; treating your girlfriend's best friend in such a way is reprehensible, even before factoring in that it's you."

    She doesn't respond to the compliments right away, instead letting a spoonful of ice cream melt in her mouth while thinking. When it's melted and she swallows it she speaks out a quiet, "You're welcome, Madoka." Her purple eyes lift, staring at the ice cream her friend is holding. "This experience has been... eye opening to me." After she says it she actually closes her eyes, taking in a breath and sighing lightly. "Of course I knew I'd be angry. I'll always be upset when you get hurt, and someone hurting you on purpose is always going to be worse. But I was surprised about... how I was angry."

    Her eyes open again, "I wanted to protect you but I knew it was too late. After that passed, I wanted to avenge you, to show that girl just how wrong she was. Hearing Lydian say how she cursed at you, it made me want to yell at her until she understood she couldn't be more wrong. Not when she was talking about you."

    She finishes kind of lamely, because she isn't working towards some great point or elucidation. This isn't like when she's talking to Madoka about the magical world, trying to steer her thoughts and actions in order to keep her safe. There's none of that in this.

    This is just Homura quietly struggling to openly say how she feels.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The thought that so many would rise to Madoka's defense gives her mixed feelings. On the one hand, on the bright side, it's nice to be so beloved. To know that the kindness she tries to treat everyone with would be turned back onto her in such a way. On the other hand... Well... She's so popular that someone might get hurt without Madoka even knowing that it would happen. There's such a thing as proportionate response.

    "I guess another thing is... I know others in my position would probably want to heap as much trouble onto her as they probably could, and I don't really want to be like that either." After all, that's one of the things that makes Madoka especially potent. She's not some narcissist pretending to be nice for attention, regardless of what Hinoiri thinks. Madoka's the real deal, and she means what she says. Being kind is better for everyone, including the kind person themselves. It adds value to the world and preserves important things.

    "It's not pretentious to simply acknowledge that you try your best, Madoka-chan," says Gretchen, responding to her inner thoughts. The masked fairy still hates it when her Bearer is down on herself, even slightly. "Nothing she said to you was true. She doesn't know you like we do."

    Madoka smiles at her X-Chara, and it's genuine even if her eyes look tired and sad. When Homura starts talking about her own feelings, Madoka's eyes get wider. She blushes a little bit, and looks off to the side. Of course, she doesn't fully understand how Homura feels, but she's seen glimpses of it. The purple-eyed Puella has always been very protective of her, and very eager to be close to her, but also Madoka can only imagine that the poor girl is also very hurt and, in later timelines, she's been more distant.

    Madoka traces her spoon around the inside walls of her ice cream, scooping it up slowly as she gets lost in her thoughts. After a moment, she eats another bit of ice cream, then stands up. She walks over to her own bed and sits down next to Homura, leaving a short gap between them. "If you want... we could always have a more private conversation..."

    Gretchen gives her Bearer a sideways glance. Lydian seems blissfully unaware of whatever the X-Chara is thinking about and happily munches her ice cream.

    Madoka glances off to the side, away from Homura. "I just mean... I doubt anyone would look for us in here, if that'd make it easier to talk."

    The Chara Bearer is blushing a bit more now. She doesn't want to push things, but there's a lot that she can't really say because of who might overhear.

    "Honestly... I couldn't really think of anything to say to her. I tried to explain my reasoning and my thoughts, but I don't think she was listening. She apologized to me later over text, after Saya-chan yelled at her. Maybe it's lame of me, but I kind of wish this whole thing would just go away." Now shy and a bit hesitant, she slowly scoops up the next bit of ice cream. She's almost surprised at how steady her arm is.

    "Also, it's okay. It didn't really hurt that much. I mean, I don't want to downplay it, but you don't need to feel like you've failed to protect me over something like that."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    After Madoka notes people wanting to heap trouble on someone who hurt them like Hinoiri did Homura shakes her head a little, "Part of the problem with egotists and narcissists is that they really don't get how their actions affect others, only how things affect themselves. If there's no response at all they might get the idea that there's nothing at all wrong with what they did." A small sigh, "If they're too bad, though, they won't make the connection between cause and effect and will just get angry they get hurt too." Okay, so she really is leaning a bit on her interactions with egotistical dark energy users, but the comparison isn't entirely wrong.

    Or wrong at all in this case, not that she knows it.

    "I'm not trying to change your mind, but sometimes letting someone get away with that kind of thing can even be harmful. If they think their behavior is acceptable they might do it again to someone else, and maybe it could have been prevented." She's quick to add, "I don't think that's true in this case, I think the consequences she'll have with Miki-san will take care of that. She'll know her actions have consequences."

    She has a few more bites of ice cream as Madoka moves over to sit next to her. When she sees the blush she blushes a little herself, though it's barely noticeable. "I wouldn't mind a deeper conversation," she says in a quiet voice. "I can't think of a safer place than your bedroom, unless it was in one of Gretchen's Labyrinths, if you think that's necessary." She doesn't mention her own ability to stop time, letting that option be inferred.

    Homura then shakes her head a little, "I doubt she was. She was probably caught up in her own world and letting her emotions get the better of her. It's surprisingly common, though it doesn't always go as far as it did. Sometimes it does, though. Sometimes teenagers pick fights.

    She looks briefly over to Madoka and nods at the mention of wanting the problem to go away. "It will. Maybe not quickly, but if she apologized that might be enough to appease a lot of people. You should let your mother know at some point, if you haven't already."

    As for the slap not hurting that much? Homura just quietly says, "This would be a different conversation if it was a punch rather than a slap. Slaps are usually intended as powerful expletives to shock someone. It's not right by any means, but at least it means she was probably trying to express herself in a violent way instead of trying to hurt you a lot."

    She can say that, but she's going to frown while doing it. She's not exactly the type to easily forgive someone for trying to hurt Madoka. At the same time she's had to practice stoicism and pragmatism for quite a long time. A Puella Magi has to get very good at making the best out of bad situations and dealing with the hand they're dealt in order to make it long enough to be a veteran.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka considers Homura's words, and then nods. Letting Hinoiri get away with it, letting her think that this was okay, would be the wrong thing to do. "Maybe that's why I felt lost. There isn't really a nice way to tell her that she was being a jerk, but I didn't really think it was right to do nothing either." The pinkette would feel very differently about this if she knew who Hinoiri was in henshin. If.

    "If Miki-san can't get through to her, then I'm not sure who would," she notes quietly. She's not really sure who else Hinoiri is close to, if anyone.

    At the mention of a Labyrinth, Madoka looks up at Gretchen. The X-Chara shakes her head. "There's no way I'm henshining with you right now." As her Bearer looks away, the masked fairy reconsiders. "I might be able to do something, but it's gonna be cramped. Fortunately for us, school girls aren't known for being massive. Let me think about it for a moment."

    "Thank you, Gretchen-chan," says Madoka, before turning back to Homura. "I know I should. I just... have a lot of feelings to process. I shouldn't just leave her hanging, though." Madoka considers for a moment how differently things could have gone as she lets a bit of ice cream melt in her mouth. After, she adds, "If she were really trying to hurt me, I would've had to use magic. To tank the hits if nothing else.

    The masked fairy speaks up again. "Alright, I can try something, but don't expect this to happen too often. If I feel for one moment that things are going wrong with my powers, I'm ejecting you both and closing the Labyrinth."

    Madoka reaches up to pet her X-Chara, saying, "I understand. Thank you for trying, Gretchen-chan."

    The world twists and distorts around them. Gretchen and Lydian are gone, or rather they are left outside in Madoka's room. The two magical girls are sitting next to each other in a olive-colored gondola, the inside of which is very, very soft. Outside the window they float over a vast nighttime cityscape of bright multi-colored lights, or at least that's how it appears at first. Close inspection would reveal that the windows are more like window boxes and the cityscape is a tiny replica.

    Madoka nervously 'Ehehs' as she looks at the inside of Gretchen's Labyrinth. She's known from her magical senses that it was tiny, but this is the first time she's actually been here outside of the Hope Witch henshin. "This is probably the best she can do for us. It's a good thing we were already sitting next to each other. She can't really act at full power without me, so I get the feeling this is pushing her limits a little."

    The pinkette smiles softly at Homura and mentions, "An extra layer of security might not hurt, but I'll leave that up for you to decide." Looking at the interior of the gondola, two wide seats opposite of one another with very few places to hide, and the false windows beyond which probably nothing exists; Madoka suspects she might know what Gretchen's plan is. "I doubt that Kyubey could enter here without us seeing him."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    "You want to be nice, but there isn't a good way to handle the situation while being nice. That must be frustrating. You were probably right not to do anything, though. I'm not sure how I would have reacted in the same situation." After saying it she realizes she might react very similarly, but for very different reasons. For one thing, a Puella Magi doesn't feel pain in the same way others do and her pain tolerance has gotten pretty high too. The bigger part though is that she knows she could retaliate against a mundane girl with impunity. She might even be able to tense her muscles and cause a slappers hand to sting more than her cheek would.

    A vague look of amusement shows on her face as she thinks of that and she mutters, "Turn the other cheek; the magical one. That's my plan now, if it ever happens to me." Her hand lifts and flips her hair, and somehow the look on her face makes the act seem smug.

    Back onto more important thoughts, she looks over to Madoka, "You should take as long as you need to process them. Maybe don't stay home from school again if you can help it, though." It might be bad if rumors started to spread. People might think Madoka was hurt a lot worse than she really was, or that she had gotten very afraid of Hinoiri. That wouldn't do.

    She looks around as Gretchen forms the Labyrinth around them, and she smiles a bit at the size of it. A tiny Labyrinth for a tiny Chara. Why not? "I'm impressed. I wasn't sure she could do this on her own." Her head shakes then, "I doubt Kyubey could get in here easily. This isn't a normal labyrinth, and I think it's impossible for Gretchen not to notice. If you want perfect secrecy though, I can provide it." After a pause she notes, "I don't think Gretchen's help would be strictly necessary if I went that far, anyway." The odds Teresia is going to wander into Madoka's bedroom is probably.... very slim. As far as Homura knows, she's the only other person immune to her timestop.

    There's also the unstated fact that they'd need to be touching or have something tied to both of them in order for the timestop to allow conversation.

    She takes in a deep breath and then lets it out. She wants to look over at Madoka, but can't quite bring herself to. It's her turn to do a bit of explaining. "If you have more of your memories back then you know the real nature of my magic. I expected you'd figure it out eventually if you got enough clues. You've always been a lot better at that than you'd give yourself credit for. The truth is... I've known you a very long time, Madoka. Almost as long as I lived before I met you." Her eyes lid as she thinks about her childhood, something that takes some effort. "It feels like a lifetime ago. Everything about my life has changed since then, multiple times."

    She's quiet for another moment and she looks lost in thought. Then she blinks, realizing the remains of her treat is more milkshake than ice cream now, and she scoops up a cold liquid bite before continuing, looking over to Madoka now. "I'll answer any questions you might have. Or... most of them. There's still one or two things I shouldn't tell you, but none of those are about me, specifically."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Turn the other cheek? Madoka gives a thin-lipped smile in response to that. Puella magic is a bit more fluid than her own, or at least a bit more subtle. Madoka doubts that anyone with magic awareness would fail to notice her Chara Change.

    As for staying home from school, Madoka just says, "That was only for one day. I don't normally skip attendance like that, so I doubt anyone would mind." It's not like she was trying to keep perfect attendance or anything.

    "Honestly... this is kindof an experiment for me," says Madoka. "You're probably right, though. Gretchen is fully aware of what happens in here. At least, with things as they are now." The pinkette leans against her friend, since she's close enough to do that, and listens to what Homura has to say. She finishes off the rest of her ice cream, as much as she can, and then sets the container aside.

    "I'll say it up front. If there's anything you want to keep to yourself, I wont be mad. Gretchen has made it very clear that there are things she doesn't want me to know, and I think that's part of why she's so careful around me."

    Madoka pauses for a moment, and looks around her at the gondola. The colors are muted, meaning that the Labyrinth itself is probably frozen. Gretchen might not have been pulled in, which makes sense. Well, that answers one question that Madoka hadn't asked out loud.

    "I remember a lot, but it's all fragmented. There were times when you were really serious and mysterious. There were times when you were incredibly open and vulnerable. I kinda remember one time you didn't have powers at all?" She fidgets with her foot a bit, pressing her sole against the floor of the Labyrinth. "I don't know if I have a lot of specific questions. It's just weird how we both share a secret that neither one of us have really talked about. I thought maybe if I got you alone I could clear up some things."

    She clasps her hands together and rests them in her lap. For a moment she considers taking Homura's hand, but then she gets a better idea. "Maybe I should... if you don't mind..." she wraps one arm around one of Homura's, leaving the Puella's hands free. "Is this okay?"

    If not, she'll find some other position, but either way she continues on. "I guess I just... I don't like the idea that I've forgotten someone who matters to me. I know it's probably just how things work for you, but I wish there was some kind of workaround. Maybe that's asking too much..."

    The pinkette glances away, looking at the fake landscape outside. "I can understand why you'd want to keep this a secret. I'm just... not really sure what to tell the others sometimes. How do you warn people without giving away what you can do?"

Homura Akemi has posed:
    "It wouldn't be right of me to tell you things Gretchen thinks it isn't the time for. Since she's an aspect of you she probably knows better than I do about that, so I'll respect her wishes." Honestly there's only one thing that Homura thinks Madoka shouldn't know that she doesn't already, even if it is a doozy. She looks down at the tiny city with it's tiny box windows, imagining it like looking up into a starlit sky.

    "I've talked a bit with Gretchen about what she remembers, and we've worked together to try and piece what we both remember together into a reasonable timeline. I remember everything, but my memory is as fallible and imperfect as anyone's. A lot of things have blurred together for me to, but I do have a very good sense of how things came to be how they are now." She's still not being direct or exact, not making it explicit she's talking about multiple timelines. But that's coming now. It's the right time to talk. With Madoka having her memories it'd be foolish to put it off for much longer... and if Madoka wants to put recent events out of her mind, this might be a very good way to manage that. Two birds, one time traveling stone.

    Homura's serious tone breaks somewhat when Madoka puts her arm around her, her eyes blinking. She stirs in surprise, but doesn't pull away. "M-madoka?" she stammers out before adding, "This is okay..." It's more like the quieter, shier Homura in some of those fragmented memories.

    Given the confined space there's no flashy henshin. Shimmering purple spreads out over Homura from her ring, and then with a pop and a few sparkles her Puella Magi outfit appears on her. Then her shield whirrs, rotates 90 degrees, and any remaining color outside the two girls is entirely bleached away into greyscale.

    "You already have found a workaround. Gretchen. It may not seem like it, but having any memory of that time at all is miraculous." Still too embarrassed to look at Madoka while they're so close, she instead examines the diamond shaped Soul Gem on the back of her hand. "Warning people isn't as hard as you might expect. I'm a transfer student who only recently moved to Tokyo, so people don't know me well enough to realize how much more I know than I should."

    She takes in a breath and lets it out slowly, "The short version to clear up the most inconsistencies with your memories is that when we first met you were a Puella Magi, and I wasn't. I was an ordinary girl. You were my first real friend here in Tokyo. Being honest, you were my first real friend ever. I had a heart condition that made it hard for me to fit in." She stops herself, refocusing on the timeline, "After that I was the new, nervous, inexperienced Puella Magi you might remember. I went right up and told you I was and embarrassed you in class. You and Tomoe-san taught me and trained me. I didn't even have weapons back then. I learned how to make bombs, and use guns. You were still my best friend."

    Her voice is quiet. She doesn't like remembering the times when she was meek and vulnerable. She's worked hard to expunge those qualities from herself, but they'll never be truly gone. "After that, you asked me to try and keep Kyubey from tricking you. That was... very hard. I did my best. I stopped working with other Puella Magi, or with everyone. I tried to keep you from Tomoe-san, who was your teacher as well. She noticed what I was doing and always got in my way."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Homura pauses again, turning her hands over and looking at them, studying their lines in the way people do when thinking about the things they've done with them cause them to feel guilt. "It isn't like I was trying to isolate you from your friends, but it was the only way I could see. I tried warning everyone about Kyubey. Many, many times, and in different ways. Most of the time it only made people more suspicious of me. The truth can be so frightening that people will refuse to believe it in order to protect themselves. Keufer-san has talked with you about how important it is for Puella Magi to keep a positive outlook, and denial is an effective tool the mind uses to do that."

    She shrugs lightly, "That's why we became more distant. I was focusing more and more on my mission to prevent you from ever becoming a Puella Magi, and the most effective ways I found until then didn't leave much time for friendship." Her head tilts back and she looks up, eyes unfocused. "Even when I did convince you Kyubey's Wish wasn't worth it, something would happen that would force your hand. Someone would die. The world would end. Many times it was Walpurgisnacht, because no matter how hard I tried she was the one Witch I could never defeat alone, and my methods left very few people who wanted to work alongside me. Even if Walpurgisnacht was defeated, she'd do so much damage to the city or kill so many people it was an easy choice for you spend your Wish to reverse it. Other times it was other disasters. This Midnight Tokyo plot of the Dark Kingdom could easily become one that could bring about such a downfall. I have seen... so many."

    She shakes her head again to refocus herself. "That time was when I came into my own. Refusing to fight with others, I had to rely on myself to destroy Witches and Youma. I got very good at it, but it didn't matter. I was alone, and I was miserable. My mission felt impossible, and I could see that it was hurting you too. Because I was trying to keep you from becoming a magical girl, to keep you from helping people. I thought that was what you wanted because that's what you told me in a moment of weakness. But... we were both wrong."

    She crosses her arms in front of herself, hands at her elbows, but slowly rising until she's almost hugging herself. "It took a long time, but eventually I... I gave up. Not on everything, but on that aspect. I accepted the impossibility of trying to make you deny your nature while fighting alone myself, and instead I started trying other methods. I tried making other friends. I still did my best to warn you about Kyubey and the dangers of becoming a Puella Magi, but I no longer gave up the moment you did. A few times I was even able to spend more time with you, my best and only real friend. And I think... that made all the difference. It helped me remember why I liked you so much, how kind and sweet you are."

    "All I've ever wanted was to try to make a world where you could be safe and happy. Where you wouldn't have to sacrifice yourself for one person or another, one cause or another. It's why Hinoiri's accusations are so sickening to me. To say such horrible things about you when you'd almost certainly die to protect her if she needed it, even now." She looks up to Madoka, and her eyes are shining, though there's not quite tears in them. Her emotions aren't available enough to her for that, at least not the ones that allow her to accept her own sadness and suffering, "Because I know better than anyone else that that is who you are. You've always been quick to praise me, but I'm not like you. You care about everyone. You want to make everyone happy if you can, and it hurts you to see anyone else in pain. I'm not like that. I only care really care if one person is happy or hurting. You."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Her voice cracks at her last words, but after a moment she's able to center herself again. "You've seen where this last path has taken me. In many ways I've done very poorly this time. I've not managed to follow up very much on the alliances I've made. But this?" She motions to the labyrinth around them, Gretchen's handywork, "This is a success beyond everything I've seen before. Other times you've attempted to gain power to fight without Kyubey's Contract hadn't gone very well. I never even considered you might gain Guardian Characters. Seeing it now though, it doesn't surprise me. Whenever you've learned of the existence of magical girls you've dearly wanted to be one, so you could help and protect people. I knew this method was working better, and that letting myself work with others was helping me and much healthier. I was in a very bad place before, but I'm doing better now."

    Now, finally, she lets herself look at Madoka. "And recently, I'm starting to think..." Her eyes flutter, and some shimmering does show in the corners of her eyes now as emotion wells up, "That this time might be the one. The one where I... where we finally break the cycle and move on. I'm starting to feel hope again and," she has to swallow, "And I'm scared. Because this is the best chance I've seen in so long, and I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it if I have to start over again."

    Rather than being the powerful veteran who can be relied upon, Homura probably looks to Madoka like her hair should be in braids again. She reaches out and takes Madoka's other hand with both of hers, her spoon and ice cream tub falling an inch before freezing in the air before her as they fall out of the timestop. "We're friends again, and more than that you... you remember me. How am I supposed to survive it if this world falls like all the others? This is a one in a million chance, and I don't think I can make it a million more times. If I have to try again I'm taking Gretchen with me, but even that won't work if you die. For so long I've been able to undo everything bad that's happened, time and time again, but it would be horrible, wrong to undo the You that I see now."

    She sniffles and, suddenly annoyed with herself, releases Madoka's hand and wipes away her falling tears with her sleeves. This takes several moments, but she's able to quiet herself down and find her sturdy veteran tone again. "I'm fairly sure you've already figured it out with your memories and the fact I use time magic, but I'm a time traveler. If I turn my shield sideways the hourglass inside is put on it's side, and time no longer flows. If I turn it over the hourglass is flipped, and I go back in time to before we first met. To two weeks before I transfer into Radiant Heart Academy. I get the chance to relive everything again and make different choices and try to create a different outcome. And I have tried... very many times."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    She looks down, considering, and then looks into Madoka's eyes again, "The first time we met you saved my life. I was Kissed by a Witch, but you and Tomoe-san destroyed it before it could kill me. I followed you around for a month... but then Walpurgisnacht came, and you both died. It was only then that Kyubey offered me a choice, and like almost everyone he offers a Contract too I took it immediately. I was lucky though, because I knew what I wanted more than anything else, and made a Wish I know I could never regret. I wished to redo my meeting with you, and to be able to protect you instead of being protected by you."

    She almost laughs, but she doesn't. "It took a long time before I was better at being a magical girl than you, so of course I couldn't actually protect you right away. Maybe that's why I was able to reset time more than once. You really are an exemplary magical girl."

    Homura looks down into her lap again, and after saying so much and going through so many memories she looks and feels exhausted. Drained. She's been at it so long, and now for the first time in all her memory Madoka can see just how tired and weary she is.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka watches on as Homura starts to talk about her conversations with Gretchen. She has a pretty good idea of what that's about, even if it hasn't quite been spelled out for her before now. The pinkette holds her friend's arm close, and is kindof happy about it even if it makes Homura get a little nervous. Well, if the Puella isn't objecting, then the Bearer isn't either. She smiles, but... for some reason, she gets the feeling that Homura is... about to say a whole lot.

    All Madoka can really do is listen.

    Gretchen being a workaround... is only reliable if Madoka can figure out a way to make her magic survive her own death, and that's not an experiment that'd be easy or cheap to run. It's no good if Madoka loses all of her memories, and all of her Chara, after a reset. Either that, or Homura wins this time around, making it moot. At least that's what Madoka thinks.

    When Homura starts getting into the details of past timelines, of her personal history and everything that's happened to her, Madoka's eyes start to get a lot more serious. She clings a little bit closer when told that she was Homura's first real friend. It's something she's been told before, but now it has a much different context.

    "I... asked you to do what? So... the reason you told me that stuff..." Madoka doesn't remember that moment. Gretchen hid it from her, because revealing it would also reveal the Witch Secret. So instead of having a moment of clarity she just sits there confused. Thinking back to past timelines, to all the times when she made a wish despite being warned... she honestly feels pretty guilty. That Homura would remain her friend after that... A lot of the fights that sprang up from Homura trying to warn people are... also heavy fragmented, if not kept from her entirely.

    "Tomoe-san was my teacher in other timelines... I actually kinda remember that. It's still all mixed up."

    To think that some of the first conversations that Madoka had with Homura in this timeline were due to something Madoka asked her to do many loops ago... It's a lot to take in, all at once. It's confusing and strange but somehow it all makes sense. The news that Homura actually accepted the fact that trying to protect her would strain their relationship, or prevent it alright, and did it anyways. As the story goes on, Madoka takes her free hand and covers her face, leaning against Homura and burying her wet eyes against the other girl's shoulder.

    She wants to apologize, to tell Homura that she shouldn't have to suffer so much over her, but she can't find the words. Homura's story continues. When she hears what Homura really values, or rather who, its like a stab in the chest. She grits her teeth. She listens. Homura is pouring out her heart and the least Madoka could do is hear her out, no matter how scary it is. At least she gets some relief when her friend says she's doing better now, but that only leads to Homura putting all of her hopes in one very precarious basket.

    All of Homura's vulnerability, and hearing her say that she's not sure she could make it if she had to reset... It sinks in. Madoka had been thinking, at one point, that maybe she could find a way to make other timeloops easier. That may not be an option. It might be too much to ask, making Homura redo it all. Yet the shocks don't end there.

    When Madoka starts hearing about Homura's time travel powers, that much makes sense. They already had one private timestop conversation, and that combined with the memories Gretchen gave her made her highly suspicious, but this is the first time they've said it out loud. No vague hinting about braids, or pretending they didn't already know what was up with Walpurgisnacht. That part isn't the shock. That part is expected.

    No, the real shock is nature of Homura's Wish.

    "For me?" Once Homura is finished, that's when Madoka really starts to talk. "You did all of this... for me? Because I was kind to you? Because I was your only friend? Because I mean that much to you?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka sits there in the timestopped gondola, one arm around Homura's, opposite hand holding hers. She looks down at the ground, taking in everything that was told to her. Deep breath in, and deep breath out.

    "I... I haven't really been fair to you. I've asked so much of you. I had no idea how much I would make you suffer. If I'd known it would be this hard, I... I don't know what I'd do." The tears forming at Madoka's eyes start to roll down her cheeks. "You fought so hard for me, all the time, and even when I forgot you, you still cared for me. Homura-chan... I'll never abandon you. I don't know how I'll be able to keep that promise, but I swear, even if I die... I don't want you to..." A single sob escapes, "... be alone anymore."

    Pressing her face into Homura's shoulders, Madoka leans against her and clings tightly. "I'll... I don't know how, but I want to make it worth it. You deserve a better life than this! If I have to change the laws of physics or alter how time travel works, I will, if it'll make it easier for you. I wont let your hopes go unanswered."

    A big promise for her to make, but... she's starting to believe she might be able to do things like that. No, it's not a matter of whether or not she can. She must.

    Madoka clings to Homura, crying over her long time friend's suffering, over the fact that it's been so hard for her and that Madoka, herself, was the cause of it all. She's actually shaking at the end of it, but in time she regains a little bit of her composure.

    "One time... you and I... on the radio tower. I brought a picnic basket with my papa's cooking, and we ate up there. You kissed me. You were shy about it and nervous, but... for the record? I actually really liked that kiss. I hope you didn't think otherwise." How long ago was that? It's impossible for her to tell, but Madoka knows it was one of the later Braid Homura timelines. She hasn't yet figured out that it was the last one.

    "I guess it'd be hard to be my girlfriend though, losing me and resetting all the time. If we could find a way for you to take my memories along with you, we'd never lose each other again... No matter how many apocalypses we had to endure. I wouldn't mind fighting forever if I could do it by your side..."

    Only after speaking does Madoka realize what it is she just said. She... actually gets a bit more bashful, and turns her eyes away from Homura. Since when has she felt this way? Has she... always felt this way? Well, yes and no. These are largely inter-timeline feelings. Her fractured memories are starting to paint a very clear picture for her.

    "I mean... I don't... want to push you, since I'm sure it'll hurt if things don't go right, but... I don't think there was ever a version of me that would've hated the idea of kissing you. Maybe it isn't fair for me to talk like that, since we don't know for sure if this time will work, but I feel like you should know that I've had crushes on you in most of these timelines. Especially... the one we're in right now. I'm not saying we have to act on that, if you're scared of losing it, but..." She trails off for a moment. "I don't know. I guess I just felt like you should know how I feel."

    Madoka looks out the window of the gondola. The view almost looks romantic.

Homura Akemi has posed:
    As Madoka starts to lean into her and especially when she starts to cry Homura slowly wraps her arms around her. She resists the urge to hold her tight and squeeze her, instead being a pillar of support but showing Madoka that she's there and empathizes with her.

    "It isn't as bad as you're making it out to be," Homura replies softly, her voice slightly raw from her earlier emotion but steady. "You changed my outlook and my mission but you didn't start it. I chose a terrible, powerful path for myself when I made my Contract and my Wish, but I'm still here. If I ever for a moment regretted wanting to protect you or thought that you weren't worth everything I've been through I'd have been gone in an instant. But here I am. To me you're worth any amount of pain I might endure, any amount of struggle, no matter how long it takes. There's nothing unfair about what you asked."

    She closes her eyes, thinking back to that time, of the horrible pain and raw emotion of that final moment, one of the few that still must be kept from her best friend's eyes and memories. "You were asking for help in a moment of pain and weakness. Even the strongest girls, like you because you are one of the strongest people I've ever known, have moments of doubt. You couldn't have known how impossible it would be for you to stay out of the fight once you knew it existed. Before then you'd always jumped at the chance. Back then it was always a part of you, a part of who you were and are. You were the sweet, kind magical girl who wanted to be friendly with everyone and everyone to work alongside each other. You were confident and happy, and believed in yourself from the start. All the self doubt and recriminations you've felt against yourself... that's my fault. It isn't natural to you. It's only ever been there because I kept you from taking the natural path you belong on from you. That's probably why Gretchen is so upset when she sees it."

    Now she does squeeze Madoka's shoulders, "That's what I finally realized. That even if I should honor your request to try and keep Kyubey from tricking you, that I could try to arm you with the knowledge you'd need to make the decision. To try to stop Kyubey from offering you a Contract before you knew the risks, and to keep him away from you in moments of extreme peril by being your proxy and preventing the harm that would require your Wish to solve. I'd always hoped we'd find a new kind of power for you that would let you be yourself without the costs of Kyubey's Contract. Now it seems like rather than finding it, it found you."

    Then the dark haired Puella is startled as Madoka collects herself an then mentions the picnic on the radio tower. Her eyes flutter and widen and her cheeks warm. Despite having so many memories needing sorted through herself, this one springs clearly into her mind. "I did," she says very softly at the mention of having kissed Madoka, "and you did tell me. You wrote me a letter. I still have it." She almost says that it's one of her most prized possessions, but she keeps it to herself for now.

    She isn't hugging Madoka back as hard as she was when she was crying, but Homura does keep a gentle but very present hold on her still. At the mention of losing her repeatedly she nods, and then speaks when Madoka is quiet again. "That's right. It was... right after that that my mission changed. I still wasn't so far from you then that I didn't consider it, but I couldn't just spend time happy with you knowing that disaster was always just around the corner. Things were very unstable then. Maybe it was chance, or maybe it was the fact that one of Tokyo's best protectors was absent, but there were many times where I had to reset after only a week or two. Something would happen that would force you to make a contract, or you'd be vulnerable without your magic and get killed by a Youma or Witch. The idea of getting that close to you only to watch you die and have to start over."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    She shakes her head, "Falling into despair is a trap and permanent end. I was able to use my pain and focus it into a cold resolve once, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it again. Later... there were some good times. Times when I'd prepared everyone enough for Walpurgisnacht and we defeated it together. Times where you became a magical girl again but without all the strife. I... thought I could approach you then. When it'd been a whole year since I'd last needed to reset. I was a veteran and you were a magical girl, and even if we weren't close we could fight together. But even then, there are some dangers that are so... impossibly powerful and strong, that even a coalition that snuffed out Walpurgisnacht like an unwanted candle was swept aside like nothing. Everything I'd worked towards gone, in a moment."

    Despite the pain in her voice she actually smiles, forcing herself to think of the good rather than the loss, "I have a... hard time connecting with people now. Because even if I know we can be friends, I know how easy it is to lose them. So I've tried to stay distant, be professional even when I'm trying to make friends and build coalitions." Her voice lowers slightly, "It's not like I was ever very good at making friends to begin with." Now that she has power and skill though, most people will at least respect her obvious competency on the battlefield.

    "So that's why I never pursued what we felt that time again. Too many memories like that would... get in the way. Make it hard to do what I thought I had to do, and make the hard times harder. I've made myself strong and resilient, but even I will have a breaking point." She sighs a little, "But there's also... that it wouldn't be fair. I can't just walk up to you when you don't know me or remember me. I know you're amazing and will always be kind to me and give me the benefit of the doubt, but what am I supposed to say? 'Please give up on your hopes and dreams, try to keep away from all these friends that want to offer you a magical world where you can help people, and by the way I love you and think you might love me too?"

    Homura shakes her head a little and actually does laugh this time, "Even without knowing about magic your mother would tell you to run for the hills and she'd be right. That's no way to treat someone you care about. Maybe if I'd known from the start that you had a crush on me too it could have been natural; I couldn't hide my feelings to save my life back then so I couldn't have kept it to myself. With how things went, though, I never felt like there was a time when I'd gotten close enough to you to admit those feelings to you. At least, not until now."

    She unwraps her arms until her hands rest on Madoka's elbows, the touch soft but not as timid as they might have been in moments long ago. "So when I heard that Hinoiri slapped you, and then I heard why... After every side of you I've seen, not a single one of them ever being cruel or vindictive, I felt it was a slander of the worst kind. I think maybe it's lucky in a way though, because it's so off base I knew that she must have been venting without having any idea what she was actually saying. Anyone who knows you will realize you're one of the least selfish people alive."

    Her voice has softened, and she repeats Madoka's words in her mind. "I am scared. I'm scared of getting so close to you and losing you again. I'm afraid of what will happen to me if I think the impossible circumstances that brought us to here will never repeat. That it'll be too hard to keep myself from being sad. The life of a Puella Magi is very hard. Those that survive for long either avoid the truth or learn to accept it and bury our darkest feelings until we can channel them into something else. I've channeled mine into purpose, and then into anger against the people that ruin things and force me to start over."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    She takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, "It's very easy to forget that even if I'm a Puella Magi, that I'm also a magical girl, and as you once told me magical girls make hopes and dreams real." Her voice breaks and she can't keep her own tears from flowing again. She shifts, hiding her face in Madoka's shoulder, pressing her closed eyes against her, "That no matter how scary it is, or how afraid I am the only true choice for a magical girl is to believe in what little hope we can find." Her hands on Madoka's elbows tighten, and she clings to the other girl, needing the support while she lets her feelings flood out unfiltered, "I can't help feeling in my heart that I'll never see another chance like this. It's been years, years since I've been able to talk with you openly and tell you the truth, and I don't know if I can go back now that I have. I've needed your friendship for so long but it's been so far away. Now that this chance is here I can't let it go."

    She lets herself cry for a few moments and then lifts her head, letting the tears stain her face because she's not willing to let go of Madoka now to wipe them away. "Somehow, someway while I was trying to find a way to protect you and save you, you and your magic found a way to find and save me. It's always been like this... it doesn't matter how strong or experienced I get, you're the better of us Madoka, even when you don't even know what you need to do." She smiles, and it's affection that shows in her eyes, not self deprecation. She isn't badmouthing herself at all; to her there's no one that could ever match Madoka, even if the girl has a hard time seeing it herself.

    "If you say all those things to me and mean them, then I can't do anything other than accept them. I could never reject your feelings, Madoka." Maybe she could work around them, or ignore them because she felt words of the past were more honest, but reject them? Never. "If that's how you feel, then know that I feel the same way too. I always have. You've always been the best, most wonderful person I've ever known. How could I want to do anything other than spend all my time with you? The only reason I don't is because I can't if I want to make the world a place where a girl as sweet as you can survive." Unsaid is the random thought that a world where she can't isn't a world that deserves to exist.

    "I don't care if it's dangerous, if the potential for loss puts me at risk. If we both know how we feel about each other then I'll trust that together we can find a way to make it a good thing for both of us. Even if I do have to reset again," her hands squeeze on Madoka's elbows, "we'll... find a way. Even if I have to stuff Gretchen and your eggs into my shield, I'll trust in your hope."

    It's not much of an actual confession or an actual answer to one, but it's the pure intent of her heart and even if she isn't good at directly saying how she feels, Homura knows Madoka will understand.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Homura's embrace is a welcome one in Madoka's mind. It's okay to go slowly, in Madoka's mind. To feel things out and be cautious. This is a touchy subject, for both of them, and certainly the enormity of this blows the whole Hinoiri issue out of the water.

    To hear that she matters so much to Homura... there really isn't any word for that in Madoka's mind aside from 'love'. A love so passionate and intense that it refuses to be snuffed out, no matter what. Yeah, that's how Madoka is starting to see her friend. If the pinkette is being honest about how she feels, even if her feelings don't make sense within the context of one timeline, she'd have to say that she loves Homura, too. As much as she wanted to be gentle, she may have started something that can't really be stopped. There's no universe or timeline where Madoka would turn down Homura under these conditions.

    If it's okay with Homura, then it's also okay with Madoka. She's perfectly happy with being Homura's girlfriend, if that's where this goes. Madoka wasn't thinking of dating anyone else, and the purple Puella is making a pretty strong case for herself. Even if they end up being too busy to really have a lot of fun, working together to save the world is a valid partnership in of itself. Even if they decided to wait, Madoka would wait for Homura as long as it took. No one else could ever really compete with the girl who dedicated so much time to her safety and happiness. Who, as Madoka has now found out, has sold her soul for such a cause.

    As she considers Gretchen and her feelings, Madoka realizes that the X-Chara probably carries a lot of burdens that she keeps to herself. "I think... since Gretchen and you both endure the same weight, maybe that's why she feels so close to you. It's in a Chara's nature to wish that their Bearer would be more like them, to embrace the dream that they represent. Gretchen-chan might be trying to balance her natural need to help me grow against the desire to not hurt me. But... there's something that I want to point out."

    Madoka presses a little bit closer to Homura, wrapping her arms a bit more fully around the other girl. She's not doing much aside from holding her close, both for comfort and also for the timestop magic. "I was... having dreams before Gretchen showed up. Well, I mean, I had one dream. I don't think it's correct to say that a workaround exists because of her. I think it's more that she exists because of the workaround." She looks down for a moment at her lap, and glances towards the door of the gondola. In her mind, she figures that's the exit of the Labyrinth, which means that two of her Chara are sleeping beyond it. "I think... Those other timelines are affecting me, and my magic. I think that's why Brai-chan looks like the old version of you. I think that Gretchen isn't doing anything other than widening a crack that already exists. Maybe that's why she's so concerned about my memories. She wants to sort them out to make them easier to transfer. Not only so that I'll remember fully in this timeline, but in other timelines, too."

    She turns her head again, this time tilting it down and looking 'up' at Homura's eyes. "Don't get me wrong. I don't want to risk losing this timeline. I think that we should try our best to make this work, as it is, because I don't think that either of us could do any less. I'd be afraid of losing my precious Chara if we reset. But... if we're ever in a corner, and you do have to go... I think we'd be able to have all of this again, if only Gretchen could be reborn. If there was a way to reliably make me a Chara Bearer... you'd both save me from Kyubey and also we'd be able to have this again."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    After a pause, she considers something else. Maybe, this really is their best shot. If Homura really at her limit... "... but... just because we have a potential safety net, that doesn't mean we have to use it. It's untested, and we'd lose a lot if it didn't work. If you really want to go all in on this timeline, if you don't think you can stand the idea of losing me again, if you don't want to give up what we have... then I'll go along with it. I'll help you in any way that I can."

    She shifts again, this time placing her lips near Homura's ear, and whispers, "If that's what you're going to do, then there's no reason why we can't be together. You can't expect me to leave you alone after everything you've just said. I would have held back to spare your feelings, and I would've waited, but if you really want to put all of your hope into this then I don't really see why I shouldn't be dating you." Pulling slightly back, and looking away, she adds, "Of course... even though I say that, we're both pretty busy. We might not have time to have a lot of fun. That's fine with me, though. It's okay with me if we go on patrols instead of dates, because you're right about me. I've always wanted to be a magical girl."

    Madoka gets shy and looks away. Homura certainly has a high opinion of her, and even says that she's the better magical girl. It's funny, because Madoka considers the black-haired Puella to be one of her personal heroes. "I mean... I don't know if I'm better. You're a lot more durable than me, and you've survived things that would've killed me, and we both know those aren't empty words. I guess... in the same way that you looked up to me, I've started to look up to you. To wish that I could be more like you. Precise, decisive... efficient and fierce without being cruel. Having someone like you speak so highly of me is a level of flattery I don't know if I can take. Maybe that's why Gretchen expects so much from me."

    Madoka isn't really sure how to handle all of this news. All of it is very heavy, and parts of it are soul-crushing, but it's funny. The pink-haired girl can't help but feel... almost hopeful. No, not just hope. She's sure that things will work out. Even if disaster strikes tomorrow, they have a way to make things better if only they can find a way to repeat it. She giggles, even if it has an undercurrent of being tired. "I have to admit... I really wasn't expecting this conversation. All I knew was that I really wanted to talk to you. There was so much that I wanted to say that I couldn't, and also... once we leave this Labyrinth and timestop, once we're back to normal, we wont be able to talk about a lot of this stuff." She takes Homura's hand in her own, and interlaces her fingers with the other girl's. "... but even so, I don't think something like that would mean that we couldn't be together. We'd just... have to talk in code or subtext or something."

    What would that entail? Probably the same as they've been doing, with the additional understanding that they are both truly on the same page. Maybe Gretchen could carry messages between them if they needed to be blatant. It's something to consider, but also something that they'll have to be careful about. No matter how hard it might be for Gretchen to hang out with Madoka at times, she's sure that the X-Chara will cooperate with this.

    "I may not be good at lying, but I can keep secrets pretty well. I wouldn't mind keeping our mission secret from everyone else."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    "It's a very similar burden," Homura agrees about Gretchen. "I've tried not to place too much of that burden on you at a time. It must be hard for her, having come into existence with all of it on her at once." She nods then, looking to Madoka as she has something to say. Homura's expression goes a bit more stoic as she considers the new fact. "That's true. There was always something strange going on, in the background. I didn't know if you had dreams before, but your magic was changing. Or rather... growing. The last time you became a Puella Magi you were so powerful you destroyed Walpurgisnacht in a single shot. But that magic was so expensive that it cost all you had, and used up all your magic."

    That's scary enough with what Madoka already knows, but Homura doesn't think the information is too much to withhold right now. Not after all they've just talked about. "I didn't notice at first, but eventually your potential grew and grew. Gretchen says she's the embodiment of that potential now. I suppose it makes sense that she'd be the one who could 'widen that crack'." She thinks on it for a few moments and nods, "So maybe you're right. Maybe it isn't a once in a lifetime chance, but some kind of breaking point we've reached. I think... I'll need to talk to Gretchen about this as well, to get her opinion. She has insights that I've never thought of."

    She smiles sadly at Madoka as the magical girl suggests doing everything they can to save the timeline, nodding to her and then blushing as she's whispered to. "I always try my hardest. I don't know how to do anything else. Even when it seems hopeless, or impossible, I don't leave until I'm positive I can't win. I've watched this world end more than one time." In a way it's scary to think of what the world might be without her to reset when everything goes horribly wrong. To her all that takes is a world without Madoka, but many times it's been disaster to so many more than just herself.

    "I thought, a few times... of what it might be like to stop trying so hard. To just be your friend and fight Witches and ignore everything else that's happening. To just enjoy myself, take a break, and relax." She smiles that sad smile again and shakes her head, "But I can't do that. Not when I knew it'd mean leaving you in a world destined to destruction. I won't sacrifice you just so I can hug you, not when you spend so much time suffering for others yourself." She shifts her grip, sliding her hands down until she's holding Madoka's in her own, rather than her elbows.

    "That's one thing I'm good at though, even if I'm always busy. There's no reason we can't hunt Witches and patrol together more. And we're already together, I can make extra time for us. Whether that's to talk about important things we don't want Kyubey to know, or to spend time together without having to worry about what's happening while we're away."

    Homura shakes her head a little as Madoka mentions the flattery, "None of that came easy for me, but your kind and hopeful nature was with you from the very start. Don't think of it as an expectation that you have to live up to. I think maybe Gretchen is angry because all you really need to do to be great is to be yourself and listen to your own heart. She's strict, but she knows like I do that your true nature is how I first met you; kind, confident, and protective."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    With fingers interlaced she squeezes Madoka's hand and replies to the need for secrecy, "That won't last forever. I've done my best to hide my secrets from everyone, but eventually someone will figure it out. A wind mage will notice that my 'teleporting' leaves trails of air currents, and once Kyubey realizes I use Time Magic he'll understand immediately why he doesn't remember making a Contract with me. Keufer-san already knows; if she realizes I simply popped into existence in Tokyo as a fully formed Veteran Puella Magi no one had ever heard of before in July then she'll likely figure it out as well. Still..." She lets go with one hand and holds up a single finger, "I will likely get one chance to avert a complete disaster by hiding my powers. Before that it is best if we keep more things to ourselves. But there's no reason we can't talk like this more often. If Gretchen or your other Chara sit on our shoulders we can talk with them, too."

    She lowers her hand and is quiet. Slowly her eyes drop, looking down to her hand and Madoka's held together, their fingers interlaced. She gives that small hand another squeeze with her own. It seems both exactly correct and surreal to her at the same time. It's a nice feeling, so she sits in the gondola with Madoka, letting time that won't pass for anyone else slowly slip by.

    "Thank you," she eventually says. "For listening to me, and believing me, and caring about me. I came here to talk to you about your problems, but I ended up talking about myself instead." She actually blinks a few times after saying it, clearing her mind. It feels like it's been days since she came over to Madoka's house with ice cream. Then, suddenly, a small rare laugh. She delicately catches the frozen, floating ice cream container that still has a few bites of soupy ice cream in it and sets it on her lap, taking the spoon up and eating another bite. Then she scoops up what frozen cream and bits remain, and offer it to Madoka. "If we're going to be close, like this, then I want to show you the things I like."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka... actually has to stop and think about one of the things that Homura said for a moment. Destroying Walpurgisnacht... with one shot? "I... what?" The idea of that is unbelievable. Could she really do something like that? Even if it sacrificed her life in the process...

    No, she shouldn't even think that way. If Homura's going to reset every time she dies, then her death is a fail condition. She can't consider herself an acceptable loss unless doing so will allow Homura to reset. That's one thing about her nature that's going to have to change. It's not enough to trade lives. She has to win.

    "I... I never saw that timeline. To me, for what I remember, Walpurgisnacht was this impossible monster. Even if I gave all I had, I couldn't beat her, but you're telling me there was a timeline where I killed her in one shot?" Why... did Gretchen hide that from her? Was Gretchen trying to stop her from being self-sacrificing, by showing her it didn't do any good? No... it's not fair to question her right now. Madoka already knows that the X-Chara keeps her own secrets. It's just... that's a big one to keep.

    It's one thing to be told by a questionable furry animal that she has godlike potential. It's something else to know that a terrible monster like that can be beaten by her. Even if it cost her everything. It makes her potential... quantifiable somehow.

    "I wasn't... even nearly tapping into my full potential as Hope Witch, was I? I still have a long ways to go before Gretchen-chan will be satisfied." Madoka's voice is soft, but she's not as easily shocked as she was a few months ago. In her mind, she almost considered the promise of her potential to be some kind of con game. Like it wasn't real, just something said to lure her into making a Wish. Maybe Kyubey just thought that Madoka wasn't creative enough to come up with something that would test the limits of her potential.

    She's quiet for a few moments, listening to Homura talk. She shifts around a bit to get closer to her. It's funny how this has gone. There have been confessions on both sides, but it feels less like one of them asked out the other and more like they simply mutually decided to be partners.

    "I wouldn't have blamed you if you just wanted to relax for a bit, but I can understand why you didn't. It'd be hard for me to watch you suffer, even if I knew I could undo it all. Besides, you aren't really going to escape this unless you keep trying, right? Maybe... from now on, I can help you, and even if we never find a way out we'll always have each other." Her eyes go back to the window of the gondola, to the colorful lights beyond it. "... maybe this is the dream. To fight and save the world, never giving up no matter what. Maybe that's what Gretchen is. My wish to be someone who can save my family, my friends, and especially you. I can see why she'd push me so hard to be my best self. One of the first things she told me since hatching was that she knew that I could do better... That was the day she told me I was a magical girl."

    The idea that Homura's secrets have a time limit is... a bit of a relief in a way. On the one hand it's sad to think that her friend will lose an important advantage, but maybe that's just how secrets work. The element of surprise is short lived. On the other hand, it means that she can one day speak openly about things with her. A part of her is almost excited about that day.

    Also, the idea of Gretchen or Lydian or any of her other Chara being part of a Top Secret Timestop Labyrith Cuddle Pile Discussion makes her smile, and then giggle. After realizing that the sudden laugh probably sounds strange, she explains, "Sorry, I just thought of all of my Chara clinging to us while we talked. The mental image was too cute!" She has another gigglefit, but afterwards she adds, "I think we should, though. Get Gretchen in here, I mean. It would be hard to hide things from the other Chara too, since I think they can read my mind sometimes. They must, if they know what I want to say."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    When Homura thanks her, Madoka smiles brightly. "You came over here to help me, because you care about me. I'm always happy to listen to you, even if you can't tell me everything, and you've earned my trust by now. I'll always care about you, too. Even when I didn't know you, I still cared."

    As the other girl picks up the timestopped ice cream and scoops out a bit of it to share, Madoka gives her a shy smile. She leans forward to eat the offered chunk, savoring it for a moment as it melts. "I guess timestop is one way to keep food fresh while you eat it, huh?"

    Madoka searches for her own container, which had gotten timefrozen along with everything else. Picking it up, she scrapes the sides for droplets to gather them all at the bottom, then takes what's left and offers it to Homura. "I'd like that, too. We can start sharing everything, really."

    Something occurs to her, and she giggles, "I guess watching movies with you would be a little strange. How many have you seen already? Or have you been too busy?"

Homura Akemi has posed:
    "One shot," Homura agrees, "But it took all your magic and killed you instantly. The most worrying part is I'm not sure how much control you even had. Maybe you put everything into it knowing you wanted to destroy Walpurgisnacht more than anything else. Maybe you weren't trying to use everything, but couldn't stop yourself once you started such a powerful attack. Either way, it wasn't worth the cost." She squeezes Madoka's hand again, "I've already showed you some edited footage of a group fighting Walpurgisnacht and winning. That's the better way. I think it's the better way against almost all enemies of that scale. It's better to rely on others against opponents that powerful, because you never know what's going to happen or come next. Walprugisnacht is a terrifyingly powerful Witch, and even using all my tricks I can't beat her alone. Not even when I figure out exactly where she's going to appear and get in the first strike. For a long time I thought I just needed to become stronger, but I was wrong. I needed to get smarter, make friends and work with others."

    She's already just told that story, but reiterating it now so Madoka can see how she's moved on and that even the most ridiculously powerful people can't fix everything by themselves. No matter what Gretchen might be pushing her towards. "Probably not," She agrees with the potential of Hope Witch, "but I don't find that surprising given that Gretchen is still an X-Chara. If your hearts aren't fully aligned you likely won't be able to access her full power."

    She follows Madoka's eyes and looks out at the frozen scenery. "A Puella Magi can never stop fighting. I'll always need Grief Seeds to continue my life. Even if I filled my shield with them it'd be a scary thought to 'retire' and decide 'I have enough to last my lifetime'. That was always the choice I made. To fight at your side and do my best to protect you, to be someone you could rely on instead of being helpless and weak and getting in the way." A wry little smile shows on her face and she looks to Madoka out of the corner of her eye, "I wasn't even smart enough to pack a first aid kit with me. Not that you two got too badly hurt when Tomoe-san was leading the way. But still... it didn't even occur to me that I could help, or that I might have the potential to join you. When I was given that chance I took it, and even after I realized what it meant I never stopped. Even if fighting is difficult and frightening, being your partner in that is everything I've ever wanted."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    She smiles when Madoka giggles rather than giving her a funny look. "I never thought I'd be able to see more than one of you. Now there a lot of little 'You's as well. Now all the magical people can see all the wonderful parts of you I always have as well." If they're going to be girlfriends, Madoka is going to have to learn to put up with being praised and complimented a lot. Maybe Gretchen will have to scold her later, if praise is something that needs meted out slowly over time just like dangerous secrets.

    Homura nods softly at the mention of always caring, "I know you have. I've never forgotten it, how nice you were to me when you had no reason to be, when the only thing you knew about me was that a Witch had lured me into it's Labyrinth."

    She sets down her spoon after Madoka has had the bite, smiling at her joke and then watching as she gets a little bit of left overs from her own pint. She eats the offered bite, smiling at Madoka through her eyes. She still thinks her ice cream choice tastes better, but ice cream that was given to her by Madoka is the best.

    "I've seen a lot of movies, but it's also been a long time." She closes her eyes and notes, "I counted, once Gretchen and I started talking. If I add up all the time that's passed end to end, it'd be almost twelve and a half years. That's more than enough time to want to see a movie again. Especially if it's with you."

    It's then that she takes heed of Madoka's words, about bringing Gretchen in to talk, and her shield suddenly starts whirring and turns back into it's normal position. Outside the gondola everything becomes more colorful again, and faint motions can be seen. She doesn't make any moves to get up or leave, though. Instead she actually shifts a little closer to Madoka, so they can rest side against side while holding hands. "It's already a lot easier, knowing that you know. We should still be able to talk freely in a place like this." Something makes her smile and after a moment she adds, "If Kyubey tried to enter, Lydian might turn him into a pincushion for it."

    Yes, the idea of Guardian Character minidokas shooting tiny arrows at Kyubey and chasing him off makes Homura smile. Of course it does. How could it not?

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Time suddenly unfreezes, and outside of the Labyrinth both Lydian and Gretchen are hit like a brick. "What the heck happened in there?!" exclaims Gretchen.

    Lydian covers her mouth to stifle a giggle. "I don't know but our Bearer seems really happy!"

    The X-Chara flails. "Are they cuddling in there?! I bet they're cuddling! I should've known they'd start cuddling!"

    Lydian tilts her head at an angle. "I mean is that a problem?"

    The X-Chara stops flailing for a moment and says, "Well... I mean... not really..." A pause, and then, "Hold on, I think my Bearer is calling me." Gretchen vanishes, leaving Lydian outside to stand watch. Well, maybe not 'stand'. Float watch? She's a minidoka with a bow. Cross her at your own risk!

    Inside, Madoka and Homura share ice cream. Well, what's left of it anyways. Even if they each have their own favorites, it'll be important to understand one another's tastes. Especially when it comes time to give gifts or things like that.

    The door to the gondola opens to reveal a strange series of multi-layered magical circles lined with witch runes. Madoka can't really read it on her own, but it's so long that it almost looks like a rant of some sort. She gets the mental image of her X-Chara going on a tirade about something and almost giggles again, but then Gretchen herself comes through. Madoka reaches out her hand to let Gretchen rest on it, and the X-Chara settles on the upward palm letting her ribbon dress splay out in all directions. A couple of the black ribbons flop over the side as the X-Chara grumpily shifts her gaze between her roommate and her Bearer.

    "Gretchen-chan," explains Madoka, "Homura-chan and I were talking... about... a lot, and the subject of you came up. I know you hold a lot of my memories, even some things you can't really share, and so I wanted to ask if you could give us some insights."

    The X-Chara crosses her arms and frowns. Her mask has been pushed up and off to the side this whole time, as it usually is when addressing Homura and Madoka alone, so her frown has been visible. She looks up at Madoka and asks, "Why do I get the feeling you made some big decision in here? How you feel affects us you know." When she looks at the way these two are holding each other, and how close they are to one another, she starts to make a few... educated guesses. "It's not really an issue if you two are suddenly dating, but I feel like there's something else going on here too. What did you want to ask me about?"

    With a bright smile, Madoka pauses for a moment, and leans into Homura. "Well, I guess we were talking about failsafes... First off, how secure do you think this place is, Gretchen-chan?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The X-Chara tilts her head to the side, and then scratches her chin. "Well, if you're worried about a certain eavesdropper... I should say outright that we don't understand his full capabilities. There's no telling what he could hear, or how far he could hear it from. I can be pretty sure that he's not in here, but I do want to remind you that it's possible to sense what happens in a Labyrinth from outside. Especially when we're close to the entrance like this." She points to the gondola door, which now closes on its own. This is, after all, the domain of the X-Chara.

    "On the other hand," continues the dark fairy, "Kyubey has lost all interest in you, Madoka Kaname, and that may also extend to losing interest in Homura's powers. Believe me, he would have loved to get rid of me and the other Chara if that would have helped him free up your potential, but a careful observation of certain Easter employees would probably reveal that it doesn't work that way. I highly doubt he'd remain ignorant of other magical types for long."

    Gretchen shifts uncomfortably in Madoka's hand. Something is off and she can't figure out what. No, actually this is something that's been growing in the background for a while. What is it? Is it something with Madoka, or the connection between X-Chara and Bearer? Whatever it is, it seems impactful. "The biggest failsafe, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking, would probably involve figuring out a way to mess with your potential directly. That power is clearly tied to other... attempts. Otherwise Madoka couldn't see what she sees." She holds up a tiny finger as she makes her next point. "I will say, though. If you tie that power in with Chara magic, then you might be stuck with us forever. There will be no getting rid of us, short of the Fade or something."

    Madoka nods, smiling brightly as she brings Gretchen closer. "That part, I don't really mind at all. I wouldn't want to lose you or any of my other Chara. You're too important to me."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Homura tries to read the runes as they form, but they're too fast and they disappear as the door opens. When she mentions Labyrinths being able to be peered into Homura nods to acknowledge the point but makes a counterpoint, "That's true, but it's usually people's magic being read. There isn't all that much happening in here." There'd be even less if she dropped her henshin. "For a Labyrinth this small, I think Kyubey would have to be near it. Inside Madoka's room, at least. If you're worried I can make it even safer again, if that would make you feel more comfortable speaking aloud, Gretchen."

    She nods a little when Gretchen mentions Kyubey losing interest in Madoka. She actually sighs a bit in relief. "I'm sure he wants the Grief Seeds I use up still, but his big catch is gone now." She then listens until Gretchen is done and Madoka replies, thinking it over all the while. "You once said you represented Madoka's potential yourself, or something similar. If you don't think that power is 'locked in' now, then I would guess that tying it properly would open that up to you." The veteran Puella studies the X-Chara for a few long moments and then adds, "But before that, I think we'd need to remove those traces of Dark Energy from you. I have no issues at all with you as you are now, Gretchen, but even the slightest chance that Madoka's potential might get twisted due to an unintended force might threaten that."

    She shrugs lightly, "On the other hand, I don't think we need to rush. Forcing a full resolution of whatever barriers there are between the two of you," her eyes move between Madoka and Gretchen, "might also do more harm than good." She then looks away, peeking towards the Chara out of the corner of her eye, "Besides. If everything else fails, I will stuff you and any Eggs I can get my hands on inside my shield if I have to leave. I wasn't joking about that, as a last resort."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen considers for a moment what Homura says, and then thinks it over. After a moment she concludes. "Okay, it should be safe to talk here, in this specific situation. I was being cautious because I'm used to it, but even if Kyubey overheard us somehow he might not care or interfere. After all, it's not as if he'd side with Obsidian's goals. Top secrecy probably isn't necessary, but it's important to keep that as an option."

    Gretchen takes a look at Madoka, who is happily cuddling Homura, and squints. "There's still one here whom I can't openly discuss everything with, but she already knows about alternate timelines. If we aren't going to use Homura's power for this..."

    The tiny fairy floats out of Madoka's hand and into the open air. The Bearer wraps her now-free arm around Homura, and quietly listens as her X-Chara speaks. "We still aren't quite ready for that, yet. Madoka-chan is getting close, but there are three things getting in the way of unlocking my, and my Bearer's, full power." She holds up one finger. "One, the aforementioned Dark Energy. I will need to get purified. Doing so will likely cause me to go back to sleep, but the closer Madoka gets to fulfilling the other steps the less of an issue that will be." A second finger goes up. "Two, Madoka-chan will need to finish laying and hatching the rest of her eggs. Brai, Medo, and Lydian are already here; but she's going to need three more before she's done. When she has all of those, she'll have a very clear idea of who she wants to be and who her absolute best self is. Other Chara Bearers don't have to deal with that kind of thing, but we do." Gretchen sticks out her thumb in addition to her first two fingers. "Three, Madoka will need to... to..."

    The X-Chara squints at her Bearer again. Madoka asks, "What's wrong, Gretchen-chan?"

    Turning away from her Bearer and clutching her hands behind her back, the dark fairy says, "Nevermind the third one. You've already fulfilled that condition. At some point you gained the will to see this through to the end, and you've accepted the truth of who you are. You need confidence, faith and hope in order to chase your dreams. Those things, you now have enough of."

    Madoka speaks up, saying, "You were right about me. The moment my loved ones were in trouble, I wished for all the power in the world. A lot of people I care about are suffering, and there's no sign of it getting better. Not unless something fundamental changes."

    The X-Chara quietly considers, then states out loud. "So... that's what it was. I will say, even when you unlock your potential, your power will still be limited by your emotional state. That's just how things are for a magical girl. I don't really know who you'll be able to save or how, but I'm sure you'll be able to do a lot of good."

    Turning back to face the pair, Gretchen clears her throat and says, "As for stuffing me in your shield, well... I'm actually counting on that. It's one of the reasons why I hang out with you. If something happened to Madoka-chan, you'd know it through me, and if you could take me to another timeline then it'd resolve a lot of issues. It's important that we don't lose the advantages we've gained here."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    There was another reason Homura offered to stop time again; that if letting them and keeping them in this place was strenuous, that strain could be removed by freezing time. If Gretchen isn't worried though, she isn't going to actively bring it up. She watches and listens as Gretchen goes over the things Madoka will need to do. She shifts and relaxes against Madoka as the arm goes around her, smiling a little to herself when the third important task is already complete. "She only needed time to find it within herself. Madoka was never meant to watch magical girls fight and not be able to join them. I'm glad I finally realized it myself."

    When Gretchen mentions emotions powering magic she looks to Madoka, and then back to the Chara. "I hadn't thought of that, but Madoka might end up more powerful as a Chara Bearer than a Puella Magi. We use a lot of magic when we let our emotions empower us too but that doesn't alter the fact that it's a predefined finite resource. As she is now if Madoka's emotions are enough to create powerful effects and miracles she won't be limited by what a Soul Gem can provide. It might tire her, but it wouldn't kill her."

    It's onto slightly grimmer topics after that, and Homura looks a bit more stoic as she addresses the chance of taking Gretchen with her should something terrible happen. "It's good as a last resort, but it is a last resort. If you could... find a way to continue even if Madoka somehow died," she frowns even saying it, "then obviously that would be the right choice. Otherwise... it's a terrible thing to have to do. The thought of leaving Madoka alone to face whatever it was we were all sure couldn't be overcome." She closes her eyes and shakes her head, "If we actually were certain it would still be difficult. If I wasn't certain, it would eat at me. I already feel bad for all those times I reset just for seeing Madoka make a Contract with Kyubey. I always thought those times ended and were unmade whenever I reset but... now I wonder."

    Her eyes turn to the space outside the gondola, peering down at the tiny imitation of a city and it's twinkling lights, "Because there are somethings that do change. That remain 'changed', from powerful enough Wishes or other miracles. My own Wish, for example. I don't have to re-contract with Kyubey every time. Madoka's potential is another clue. That even if everything is reset, something of those times remain. And not just the things I've put in my shield."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Would freezing time with Gretchen here actually reduce the strain on her? Probably. At the very least, it'd change the requirements. If she got used to not needing to maintain the Labyrinth, then she might have trouble stabilizing it if Homura suddenly resumed time without warning.

    "Time," agrees Gretchen, before she adds, "... and experience. Seeing her friends suffer was always going to motivate her." Madoka listens to this and gets a bit sheepish.

    Is Madoka more powerful this way than as a Puella Magi? It's hard to say. This time, it's the Bearer who speaks up. "I think, in terms of combat, a Puella Magi version of me would be a bit more specialized than I am now. However, as a Chara Bearer, I have a lot of options I didn't have before. I certainly don't remember having any Witch powers before, and who knows what a purified Gretchen would be like." Madoka is completely oblivious to how awkward Gretchen gets after that last sentence. Probably because she's got her mind on cuddles.

    On the topic of other timelines, and what happens to them, Gretchen looks to the side thoughtfully. "Well, I can't really answer that one with any clarity. I feel like I remember watching you vanish, but I can't recall what happened after. If anything." Closing her eyes, she adds, "Some of those times when you dodged an apocalypse, well... those worlds were going to vanish anyways. I don't know if that question is answerable by anyone. Maybe a goddess would be able to tell."

    Madoka blinks. That's an angle she didn't consider. "If it was possible to save those other timelines... well... we should focus on this one first. We need to be sure we can win at least once before we worry about things like that. I don't want to abandon those who might need our help, but I think that's a battle we should worry about later. If those times remained, they'd likely be ruled by the worst of the worst. That's if any world existed at all."

    After a moment, the Bearer adds, "Though... in some of them, they might have survived without us. We might be able to recruit powerful magical allies, too."

    Madoka looks down at her ice cream bucket, and then at Homura's. If both are empty, she'll place one inside the other. "Maybe that's enough talk for now. I don't want to push Gretchen too much, and I think we've gone over the important parts. If you'd like, maybe I can start visiting you after class sometimes? We can plan and strategize, and maybe spend some time together."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    When Madoka mentions a purified Gretchen Homura does notice the chance in the Chara, so she reaches out to offer a sympathetic pat to her head, and then offer her her hand. If she rides it, she'll bring it to her shoulder, where she can stay while they talk, if she likes.

    She's quiet as the other two talk, only to suddenly blink and briefly get a very far off look in her eyes. "...save the other timelines?" There's a feeling of sudden weight and heaviness on her. Like her quest had just been multiplied several times over. She shakes it off, blinking her eyes a few times. "That... well. If you were even to consider it Gretchen is right. You'd have to become a Goddess so powerful you could cross timelines at will, or act across all of them at once."

    Homura shudders a little and shakes her head, "And you'd have to be prepared to fight all of them at once. I can't even begin to imagine how dangerous it would be if multiple evils powerful enough to destroy all life on the planet were to team up." Her mouth starts to open again, and then shuts. Her eyes slowly turn towards Gretchen with a slightly haunted look. "I... I think it would be a very bad idea. Not something we should even consider for a very long time. I can't even be sure they'd persist at all after my leaving, or if it's just the remnants of powerful magic leaking through as I return."

    Her voice is quiet. She's thinking of that enormous wall of Silence coming to destroy everything, to scour the planet and entire solar system of all life and render everything to ruins and dust. Even a Goddess might need to be terrified if she entered the timeline only to find that awaiting her.

    Luckily Madoka brings her out of her dazed reverie, and she nods. "I agree. We'll want to give our minds some time to think over everything. Sometimes it's best to think of something else for a while." Suddenly she's smiling more, remembering that at first that was the entire reason she wanted to bring all these things up. To get Madoka's mind off of current events for a while. Well. Mission Accomplished on that, it seems.

    "I'd like that. I wouldn't mind visiting you at the hospital when you're doing things I wouldn't distract from, and I should probably be paroling more myself already. If there are enough Witches around that you're fighting them often I've been slacking on cleanup duty." She lets go of Madoka's hand finally, and puts her arm around the girl. "Besides, I think we have some things we should tell Lydian. Brai and Medo too, even if they have to listen through their eggs." Then with a mix of amusement and maybe a tinge of fear she adds, "Maybe your parents too, if they see us holding hands."

    Then with grave seriousness she finishes, "And it wouldn't be at all right for Florence to be left out."