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Warnings of a Hunt
Date of Scene: 17 January 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: The Vampire Hunter is in Tokyo and Veronica and Norie discuss how the vampire should keep herself safe. There isn't a precise plan, but at least Norie knows who to look out for.
Cast of Characters: Veronica Perenna, Norie Okana

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica is back from dealing with that cursed painting, though the way back certainly wasn't as relaxed as that adventure had overall been. She kept a quick pace as she walked right to the dorm room, maybe even attracting a few curious gazes from the other students on campus with the hurry she is demonstrating.

Once she is back inside, she points towards her roommate's door and lightly knocks on it twice, hoping her roommate isn't out. "Norie-chan, could we talk? This is really important." And both her tone and, once/if Norie opens the door, her expression actually communicate something is worrying her.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana is busy in her small dorm room, writing hurriedly because...

Her homework is a day late, because she overslept. Math. Literature, will she even need these things. Why can't she just take these as she wants in her newly immortal life? Oh right. She can't actually tell people that.

So instead, She's doing her English homework. "Right there!" she says as she moves to open the door and looks annoyed at first. "I'm working on homework." she says.

"What's up?" she asks, perhaps noticing the concerned expression.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Norie actually opens the door and Veronica doesn't pay any mind to her annoyed expression. She may have given her no advance notice, but she will probably think it was necessary after she has explained herself, right?

"Magical business", she declares. "I was out there chasing the rumours of a cursed painting just a hour ago. The thing is, I wasn't the only one doing that. Standard fare, up to this point." She adjust a strand of hair before continuing. "The painting itself wasn't a big deal, I suspect a prank, but one of the other mahous there has declared herself to be a vampire hunter."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana is less annoyed than she looks, maybe any excuse to procrastinate her homework.

"Ah. Well. Glad it wasn't a big deal." she says. Then Veronica mentions a vampire hunter. "Ah..."

"You are the second person to warn me about her." she says. "At least. Probably the same one. The only description I have is. Uh. 'Pretty and Pink'." she says softly. "Do you have. Any sort of information for me? a name? I'm..." she says.

"There's...strange concerns I have." she trails off. "Like. There's vampire hunters. But then there's... The vampire hunter? It's. A Feeling I have. Is all." she says.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Someone else has told Norie the same thing? Hmm, that's quite helpful actually. The more vigilant eyes, the better. "It's a good thing you have others looking out for you", she smiles.

Though apparently that other person really wasn't thorough. Fortunately, Veronica has stuck around her for quite a while. "It's actually a good thing the painting didn't change her any when it sucked us all inside. Everyone else had taken a different form besides her."

"Ok, here us the thing", she starts describing Anna. "On her right hand, she wears a silver gauntlet, and she also has a pink tailcoat with a frilly white blouse underneath."

The brunette wets her lips as a reflex as she recalls more. "She keeps her weapon, a whip, at her belt, and she wears boots. That curse hunter hasn't given herself a name, just 'Pink', but if we meet again I will be sure to try to learn more."

Though, isn't it simpler if she uses her disguise magic to show her? A quick transformation into the Princess of Sarek, and another into a copy of the vampire hunter, and Norie can see for herself the magical girl Veronica met.

"A feeling you have? So, someone would be the ultimate nemesis for vampires. Stay on guard at all times, ok?" Veronica heartily suggests to Norie. "And if there is anything going on, you know how to contact me."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana sighs and listens as she purses her lips at the description as Norie Okana tries to construct a mental picture... then Veronica just transforms and uses her magic to show what she saw. She frowned and drew a finger to her bottom lip as she tapped it there.

"The worry for me here. Is that gauntlet." she says softly. "I don't have a name for it but it's the point that's sticking out to me here." she says.

She sighs again and obtains a donut by walking over to the cabinet and pulling down a donut from her stash. The fresh donuts, at least.

"I.. haven't explained this before. But there's another vampire. Who my power originates from. His power was split. I have one half. He still has the other. I..."

"Dream..of this other vampire. His life. Until his power was split." she says.

"His name is. Poderoso." she says.

"He upset a family of vampire hunters. So they sought to destroy him. They succeeded. Kind of. It's complicated." he says.

"But. I dream of the Hunter with the gauntlet." he says with a terse frown. "So. Maybe. Probably. This is the one." she says silently.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica looks down at the gauntlet and flexes her fingers as Norie mentions that being what worries her. Of course, her disguises are just surface-level, so she can't really test what powers that thing is supposed to confer, if any.

The fact Norie has taken out a donut while she studies her appearance? That right there is a bad sign: Veronica doesn't really need to be told this hunter might be the one to come to that conclusion from what Norie is doing.

"So, she might really be your nemesis", Veronica comments before Norie starts explaining how she got her vampiric status. She raises an eyebrow when Norie says Poderoso. Her family is partially spanish, so if course she recognises the word, and really? To simply call oneself powerful? Talk about a showoff.

"Those dreams arent' the unpleasant kind, are they?" she checks out with Norie. She sure hopes not.

"Is there anything that would be helpful since she might be your nemesis?", Veronica inquires.

Her job done, she just turns back into the Princess and then into Veronica, her arms crossed as she thinks about the risks for her roommate. "If you want a hand in trying to get away, I can help you push back against her."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana softly sighs as she eats the donut nervously.

"Well.. I mean. It's like living someone elses life, a life of a very not nice person. But sometimes I dream of him doing something. Then. I can do the thing. So that's how I typically. Pick up new abilities. Periodically. Things will trigger. Certain dreams." she says quietly.

She sighs. "Of course I'll need help against the vampire hunter. If you have ideas, I'm open to them, but, like.." she trails off.

"The only idea I have is to fight and try to drive her off. Or run away. Continuously." she says quietly.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Well, learning via dream osmosis sounds nice to have, but I hope the other things you see don't become... too much." That wouldn't be surprising.

And Norie isn't really in the wrong about doing something other than escaping or fighting her being hard. "I don't really have other solutions, but I could distract her by disguising myself as you and if she tries using abilities to counter dark energy, well, that's going to be useless on me."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana deep breathes through her teeth. "Oh. Oh it does. Become too much sometimes. Don't worry about it." she says quietly. She then stuffs the rest of the donut into her mouth. She then sighs a little. "Alright. But. Be careful with that." she says quietly as she shifts a little.

"I should...try to get back to my homework. It's a day late. As it is." she says softly. "Thank you, Veronica-chan, for the information." she says softly.