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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Latest revision as of 20:06, 11 February 2024

The Masks We Wear
Date of Scene: 29 January 2024
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: Adora and Mio discover eachother are Magical while fighting a Terribad!
Cast of Characters: Mio Morita, Adora Rainbowfist

Mio Morita has posed:
"Ugh!" Mio exclaims as she dives out of the way from an incoming punch. She rolls to her feet and quickly returns to her fighting stance. The girl has been training with Adora for a few months now and it shows. Her fighting has vastly improved both in her mundane life and in her magical one. As she readies herself, she quickly darts downward going for a leg sweep.

Its a fairly quiet really. The sun is out kissing the recently fallen snow which coats the ground. A few birds hop around signaling the future return of spring. School is out now allowing the students to go to their respective clubs or hang out. Whichever they are deciding to do today. That is what led Mio here, to Penguin Park with Adora to do some training outside. It was certainly cold but at least Mio had come dressed for the weather. She is dressed in sweat pants and a sweat shirt, Clothes that give warmth and good range of motion to actually fight. With her she brought her bag which contains some sweets for after the training and what looks like a plush stuffed animal with a ladybug backpack on its back.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
The blonde hops up to evade that sweep at the very last second, almost being caught by it. Mio really is getting better! She takes a few steps back, her arms raised in a defensive posture, and she grins across from her at the other girl. "Oh, nice!" But then she surges forward, lifting a leg for a side-kick, aiming for Mio's mid-section.

She's dressed for the training, too. She's wearing a pair of those black, tight athletic pants and a windbreaker over a cropped Nirvana t-shirt. Her heavier jacket for the cold is off, and hanging from a brancyh with her scarf. The fitness is keeping her warm at the moment, anyways!

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio quickly dodges the kick coming into her midsection. She just barely avoids it as she rapidly throws a punch to counter the kick. Their actions have drawn a little crowd. Not a big one but a few people are watching the two go at it. A few are Critiquing the strange fighting style both are using.

Across the park but still in viewing distance, a few people are preparing for a play in the park. Two or three people are watching them as they go. Each one wears a mask to portray their different characters. One of the actors grumbles from behind his mask, seeing the fighters and the crowd they are drawing. "We are better actors then them. People should be gathering around us!" He snaps.

One of his co-actors speaks up in response. "Don't worry about them, focus on your lines."

Meanwhile in a nearby tree, a man dressed in green and with green hair is sleeping. Its an awful uncomfortable limb to be sleeping on but he is managing just fine.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
The punch lands, catching Adora in the chest, and she lets out a woosh of air. "Good impact!," she coughs. "Strength training is working!" She's surprisingly good at this. Teaching, I mean. At first she was awkward, but she HAS been the commanding officer of both an evil army AND a good rebellion, so...she's picked up some things, for sure. But Mio doesn't know all of that. She just knows this weird foreigner girl is athletic as hell, and good at passing that on to others.

And then, in a burst of speed, Adora leaps forward with two quick knee's upward. One, and then the other, towards Mio's stomach. Whether those land or not, her fist swings about to finish off the combo! She has no idea they are being watched...or that a villain is trying to nap nearby. She's focused.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio smiles, "Thank you! I've been training really hard." She sighs, letting a held breath out. She takes a deep breath right before the wind is knocked out of her from the one two knees to the stomach. Then the punch sends her to the ground. "Umph!" Mio exclaims as she is a little slow to get up. Still she does stand up.

A few people applaud Adora's moves. Two people who happened to be betting on the training fight settle their bet. One of them is rather sad. The other is all smiles. The actor across the park is really annoyed now since the small crowd is celebrating someone else. He yells out, "HEY! We're trying to practice here!"

That may not be a good thing. The man sleeping in the tree opens his eyes. "Its still winter. The air is too fresh here." He grumbles. "He turns to look at the actor and a smile crosses his face. Suddenly he is on the stage looking at the Actor, "You woke me up early. Now you are going to help me." He snaps and glares. The other actors flee while the singular actor looks scared, or at least thats what his posture says. His face is still covered by a mask. "LET THE FUTURE REFLECTED IN THE MIRROR TURN TERRIBLE!" Immediately the actor is trapped in a coffin shaped mirror wrapped with a red ribbon. "COME ON OUT, TERRIBAD!" A massive black creature Wearing a mask, a green scarf and red angled sunglasses comes out of a portal. The green clad man laughs, "Now my Terribad, Do something about this fresh air. Make it nice and moldy!"

"TERRIBAD!" The towering entity cries as it starts waving its arms. The area quickly getting covered with mold.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Mio doesn't get up on her own unless she wants to. Instead, Adora reaches down to take her hand and pull her to her feet. "Too much weight on your front foot. Swivel with the other and dodging and tucking will be easier. But really, really good progress. I'm proud of you." Adora beams at the girl, before everything around them changes. She whirls as the mold begins to grow, and the towering monster comes into view at the stage. Her eyes widen, and she steps in front of Mio.

"The heck? Stay behind me. I'll...explain later!" She has no idea who Mio really is...or what a Terribad is, for that matter. Either way, she figures if she transforms and fights, Mio and the others will forget it after. Normal, mundane people do.

She slaps the golden wrist bangle she wears, and with flowing golden and rainbow light, it transforms into an enormous, stunning sword. She holds it high, and her eyes begin to crackle with the same energy. "FOR THE HONOR OF GREYSKULL!" Golden and rinabow light wraps about her, and she is lifted into the air. Her white and golden outfit flows over her body, from the spanks to the tunic and bracers and boots. Her hair erupts and becomes insanely long and flowing, before the tiara finishes it all. When she lands she is also...just about eight feet tall. She levels the huge sword at the Terribad.

"Everyone, get to safety!"

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio sees the transformation and blinks a few times. She didn't expect Adora was a magical girl but well. She is! She doesn't argue when she is told to get to safety. Was she running to safety? Not really. She raises to somewhere quiet. Quickly she pulls out her pre-chan mirror. "Pretty Cure, Rolling Mirror Change!"

Immediately She is engulfed in orange light. Her form changes, becoming her Pretty Cure self. Quickly she returns to the scene, looking much more equiped for a fight. "Namakelder! You need to stop this now! Release that man from the mirror and go back to where you came from!"

The green man glares at the glowing blonde and the orange girl. "Cure Daybreak, Why must you interrupt me. Certainly you must be happier without all this clean air and the dead trees. Allow me and my terribad to make this city a better place and you go away." Of course he knows that won't happen. Before anyone can respond he calls out, "Kindabads. Take care of them." Suddenly a horde of black entities, all wearing red sunglasses appear. Each one the size of a grown man. They come rushing out to attack She-ra and Cure Daybreak.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She keeps her sword leveled in the direction of the green man and the enormous creature, her eyes narrowed and her body ready for battle. Then the Pretty Cure appears, and she blinks. "Oh, whoa! Uh...hello! Namakelder? That the name of this loser? Ugh, these bad guys are a dime a dozen..." She turns back just in time for the Kindabads to appear in their horde, and she leaps.

Adora covers an impossible distance with her jump, and when she lands there is an eruption of golden energy, sending a bunch of them flying. As soon as she lands she is moving, her blade swinging this way and that.

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles and jumps at the kindabads as well. She starts fighting them and knocking them senseless. Her fighting style would be very familiar, if not blazing fast. She is laying out a bunch of the of the much smaller enemies. She even grabs one by the ankles and starts using them as a weapon, knocking even more of them out. "Namakelder, You lazy jerk! Just go back to the phantom Empire before you get your butt kicked, again!" Daybreak calls out as she finishes off a few of the kindabads.

Namakelder grumbles, "Insolent Pretty Cure. You will pay for your..." He yawns. "Your mockery." He teleports back to his tree and lays down. "Terribad, Take them both down." He states before closing his eyes to sleep.

The terribad stops spreading mold and touches his mask. The mask changes and becomes something like that of a tiger. It takes a fighting stance and comes running at both She-ra and Daybreak.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She notices the fighting style as she helps kick the butts of the Kindabads. Between the two of them they aren't any sort of threat. "The way you fight...!," she starts, before the Terribad starts to charge.

She turns her attention to the towering monster, and she swings her blade in front of herself in several swift arcs. Each leaves behind a shimmerine line of light. She then shoulders the combined air-slashes and they erupt into a huge blast of energy, rocketing towards the thing!

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak turns and looks at She-ra. She gives a playful wink, tipping her hand enough to say who she is. As the Terribad is slashed, She turns the dial on her prebrace. "MORNING SUN BEAM!" She calls out and throws her hands forward. A blast of orange energy goes flying towards the terribad.

The Terribad staggers backward as its slashed multiple times by She-ra. Then getting hit with the beam courtesy of the precure, the Terribad falls to the ground. It stands back up and touches its mask. The mask changes to an almost human looking thing. It cries out, "TERRIBAD!" And as it does, Waves of sonic energy blast outward towards both the fighting girls."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She-Ra beams at that wink, happy to know another friend is like her. Well, kind of like her. But then that blast comes, and She-Ra is launched back into a tree, cracking it. She grunts and slumps to a knee before yanking herself back to her feet.

"Please. My girlfriend hits -way- harder then that. Hey! You seem to know what these are!"

She turns towards Cure Daybreak. "So what's the plan?"

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak gets hit as well by that sonic blast. She goes flying backwards but luckly doesn't crash into a tree. She sticks a landing and quickly races forward. She jumps forward and does a massive kick to its torso, sending the terribad backwards. She lands near She-ra and smiles, "You okay?" She asks curiously before nodding in response to her. "Wear it down. Thats the goal. Once its weakened I can purify it and the person stuck in the mirror will be free. I can explain this stuff later if you want." She offers.

The terribad steps forward and cries out again, sending another sound wave at the girls. A few kindabads have gathered and are watching the fight while eating popcorn. After the sonic blast only one thing is heard... snoring. The source of the snoring is Namakelder and he happens to be asleep in his tree.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"I'm fine. Like I said, my girlfriend hits harder then that, plus she has claws! I'm fine, really." She furrows her brow. "Wear it down. Got it." She touches her sword hilt a certain way, and suddenly there is a rush of feathered wings. A majestic alicorn lands, head whipped back and hoof poised.


Before he can finish, Adora has leapt onto his back, and the two are kicking up into the air. They begin flying back and forth, dodging blows in the air while slashing ad head, shoulders and hands!

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles and nods, "You've got it." She rushes forward towards the terribad and turns the dial on her pre-brace. "RISING SUN FLARE!" She winds up and throws forward. A gout of flames goes flying at the monster. Daybreak lands and then looks up to see a flying horse?! "Aww you get a flying horse!? That is so cool!"

The terribad gets blasted by the flames causing it to take a few steps back. Its attention shifts entirely from Cure Daybreak to the flying Horse holding She-ra. From there the terribad gets cut and slashed multiple times from She-ra. The creature swats at her repeatedly and it is clear that the terribad is getting weaker.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"NO! I GOT A PRINCESS OF POWER!," shouts the alicorn in response to Cure Daybreak. She-Ra smirks at that and takes another swing with her blade. She's all smiles and beating heart, her long hair whipping about her as the winged steep does quick passes and loops.

But, then the Terribad takes a sudden swing, desperate as it is being beaten, and swats She-Ra right off of Swiftwind's back. She grunts and falls, crashing down onto the monkey bars in the nearby playground. She groans and lays atop them, balancing precariously as she turns on ehr sidfe to watch the fight, steeling herself to get back up.


Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak She-ra get knocked down. "HEY!" She shouts at the terribad. "That isn't very nice!" Her back bow turns into wings and she flies up to the towering black monster. She begins pummeling the creature, unleashing a barrage of punches at it.

The Terribad gets knocked back hard. It isn't exactly prepared for the precure's offensive assault. It quickly recovers and changes its mask again, going back to its more combat oriented mask. It begins attacking Daybreak right back, doing as much damage as it can which is to say, not a whole lot. It is rather large and lumbering.

Daybreak blocks the incoming punches as best she can. "Hey She-ra! You okay over there? This thing's still got a little pep in it!" She calls out trying to make sure her friend is okay.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Never been better! Swiftwind, scout the perimeter and make sure nobody is hurt!"

The alicorn nods and flutters off, making sure no civilians got hurt in any of the ensuing battle. Adora blehs and brushes some mold from her outfit as she hops down from the monkey bars. She then whirls about and takes a wide swing, cutting the whole metal structure from the ground. She grips the monkey bars with one hand, lifting the arch of steel above her head, and takes an enormous, inhuman leap to land beside the battle going on between the Terribad and Daybreak.

While the Terribad is distracted fighting the other girl, She-Ra suddenly brings the arch of metal down over one of the Terribad's feet and PUSHES down with absolutely monstrous strength, burying the metal spokes deep, and pushing the top of the monkey bars down against the monster's foot, firmly pinning it in place! "Ha!"

Mio Morita has posed:
With a thunderous thud, the Terribad goes down. Its mask changes to non-existant and the towering creature is slow to get up. "TERRIBAD!" It cries out in its pain. Its time is nearing its end and it knows it.

Daybreak quickly backs off. "Its ready to be purified. I got this if you wanna join up with your flying horse..."

Thankfully most everyone has cleared out of the park. Save for the sleeping Namakelder and the innocent actor who got stuck in the mirror. Quickly Daybreak turns the gem on her prebrace, "Light of Hope, become Sacred Power! Pretty Cure, FIRST LIGHT SHOOT!" What looks like a small version of the sun drops in front of the Pretty Cure. She quickly punches it and sends it flying into the Terribad.

The terribad is lifted off the ground and speaks, "Nirvana..." And then vanishes.

"Hope Return to the Heavens!" Daybreak smiles as things go quiet.

Namakelder opens an eye. "I know that sound. Ugh. Can't you just let me sleep!" He stands up and twirls his cane before teleporting away.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
The Princess takes a few steps back as the Terribad floats a bit into the air and vanishes in a burst of pastel light. "...Huh. Well, THAT'S cool." She glances about the battlefield as Swiftwind settles back in at her side.

"Everyone got out in time, She-Ra." She nods and reaches up to pet along his mane. "Good."

The tall, tall and muscled blonde looks to Daybreak and offers a very Adora grin. "You're impressive! I'm glad all that training is paying off! ...The powers help, of course."

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles and her henshin breaks leaving Mio standing there in her gym outfit. "Thank you, She-ra, Couldn't have done it without you." She smiles and bows politely to her and Swiftwind. "You're the one who is impressive. An Eight Foot Blonde riding a flying horse with a giant sword? Yeah I'd be intimidated if I were fighting against you." She smiles a little smile.

Suddenly familiar stuffed animal comes flying up to Mio, "Mio-chan!! I feel the sensation of a funky Beat.AHH!" Pin sticks her nose out to Mio, "Please rub it!" Mio does so and the plush fairy laughs a little before sneezing. A pair of cards pop out which she catches and puts into a card binder. "Look Mio-chan! You're one more step closer to your dream!"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She-Ra is about to respond when the fairy appears, and they go through the song and dance of her getting new cards. She-Ra stares with wide eyes before she shakes her head a bit, and her Henshin drops in a flare of brilliant, rainbow and golden light. As she does so, the alicorn doesn't vanish. Instead, he shrinks down to about the size of a cat. Swiftwind flutters over to the 'stuffed animal' and circles it, wings flapping.

"Oh! What's this?? Hello, friend! I'm Swiftwind, the might steed of the Princess of Power!"

Adora lets the two mascots meet as she trudges over to Mio, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Seriously, you kicked ass. I'm proud of you."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio smiles to Adora, "You did too! We both kicked butt. Those Phantom Empire guys are no joke. I'm just thankful that it was Namakelder today. Hoshiwa can be annoying but Oresky? He is so full of himself that there is no room for anyone else. He is also one of the stronger Phantom Empire Generals in the area. Scorn is... Well Scorn is Scorn. I've fought her a lot." SHe smiles a little.

"Hi I'm Pin! Nice to meet you Swiftwind!" The plush bear fairy wearing a cute ladybug style backpack on her back smiles. "I help Cure Daybreak by taking care of her Precure Cards and other things too."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Huh. Phantom Empire, huh? So many evil organizations in this world. Are they connected to Obsidian, too?" She adjusts her ponytail to make sure it's in place post-transformation. It's secure, as always.

"Hello, Pin! Want to be my friend? We can go on adventures! I don't know anyone else my size!"

Adora glances at the two and grins before turning back and releasing Mio's shoulder.

Mio Morita has posed:
"More than likely. I think they work together with them." Mio comments as she turns to watch Pin and Swiftwind. "I think Scorn really works with Obsidian. Pretty sure Oresky is too full of himself to consider working together with anyone except Namakelder and Hosshiwa. And thats only because he is their superior. I think if Queen Mirage commanded him to he would work with them. I dunno. I don't usually get a chance to ask about their hierarchy."

Pin nods happily! "Oh that would be fun! I would love to be friends with you!" Pin smiles happily as she flutters around Swiftwind. "Ooh Adventures sound like fun!"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Ahhhhh. Yeah. Makes sense. Some of the jerks from my world are with them here, too. -Including- my girlfriend." She huffs at that bit and wanders over to where the water bottles are. She tosses one to Mio and takes a pull on her own. "I'm glad you're also magical. I don't have to be closed off in our training, anymore. I mean, I can't train you in how to be better with your powers, but...eh, you get what I mean."

Meanwhile, the mascots continue befriending one another. It likely means adorable trouble down the line.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio goes to catch the bottle. She bobbles it between her hands and almost drops it but she does catch it. "Oops." She shrugs before opening the bottle and taking a long sip of the water. "Your girlfriend is wrapped up with Obsidian? Thats gotta be rough." SHe winces at that thought. "Hey we can talk and we can train in magical form too if you want. I mean I know you are pretty tough as She-ra and I know I am pretty tough as Daybreak but we can definitely help each other out a bit more if you'd like." She smiles.

Pin continues to chat with Swiftwind and potentially plans to help free Catra from Obsidian. Of course she is keeping this on the quiet. After all who would expect a rescue from the mascots?

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"She is, yeah." Adora sighs and considers how to explain. "We're not from this world. We're from a world called Etheria. It's a place of magic, with a different species and kingdoms and all that. I was transported there from -my- home world of Eternia as a baby, and raised in the same place she was. It was...well, a brutal training regiment for an evil regime called the Horde. We both grew up inside it. The fighting style I've been teaching you is a mixture of that, and what I came up with to combat it once I left them and joined the resistance."

Adora walks over to the other girl. "Catra and I fought against eachother tooth and nail for a couple years and it go...really bad. But, in the end she turned on them to join our side, and we confessed our love for eachother and destroyed the interstellar armada that was enslaving solar systems. And we were together and happy." Another swig of her water. "But then I got transported here. And awhile later she showed up, too. But...this Catra...she's not from the same time as me. She's from when our fighting was at its worst. So things are complicated."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio quietly listens to the story. She sips her water bottle as she listens. "Sounds like you've got a lot of history and not a lot of it good." Then she hears the really sad part. She frowns, "That has to be horrible. To have to fight your girlfriend all over again because she believes you are still at war. That has to be a nightmare. I am so sorry." She frowns. Was this why Blue was so against Precures being in love? She could see why it would be such a bad thing but the circumstances are rather extreme in this case. Aren't they?

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"It's...rough. But she's already making small steps that took her longer to reach back home. Baby steps, don't get me wrong, but still. She's helped us sabotage Obsidian at least once so far." She peels up the back of her shirt to show several long, clawlike scars, as if she was hugging someone with claws and they took the opportunity to rake their claws down her back. Then she shows more claw marks on her arms, here and there. "She fights hard. But, I love her and I'm not stopping until she realizes she's worthy of being loved. If I have to kick Obsidian Tower down in the process, I will. I want to save people and do good but...just so you know...THIS is my real goal. This is why I'm fighting on Earth."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio nods slowly as she listens carefully to everything Adora says. "I believe we have a bigger problem if more people can come from your world who are with this horde." Then she sees the scars from Catra. "So Catra isn't just a name. She is a bit of a Feline person..." She winces, worried about the whole thing. "I became a Precure when a strange guy gave me a weird pebble thing that turned into my prechan mirror." She looks down for a moment before looking up to Adora who is still taller than she is. "I actually have a dream I am fighting for. A wish that I can have if I collect all the precards." She smiles a little.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Yeah, she's beastfolk. Humanoid but...cat ears. Claws. Fangs. Tail. The -cutest- tail." Okay, stop, Adora! She glances down at the other girl and smiles. "Well, yeah. If more Horde show up it'd be bad. But I kicked their teeth in once before, so what's one more time? And that's great. Follow that dream. I'll help you pursue it however I can."

Mio Morita has posed:
"I dunno you'd probably think I my wish is a bit silly." She laughs a little as she thinks about it. "My whole life I've wanted to help people. I do my best as I am. I often go out feeding the hungry and doing bake sales so I can fund making food for the homeless. I like bringing hope to people, you know?" She blushes. "Well I guess my wish is to be someone who can help people on a grander scale." Mio pauses and sighs. "I wanna..." She mumbles the rest.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
She leans in. "Sorry, I couldn't hear that last bit? And my dream is to woo a half-feral catgirl, so...nothing is sillier then that. And helping people is great. So, what's the dream if you manage to collect all the whatsits?," she asks curiously. Adora is clearly not letting the girl get out of this.

Mio Morita has posed:
"I... I wanna be a Princess." She speaks a little louder but its still mumbled a bit. " I just... I sound like a little girl when I say it." Mio sighs. Her face is bright red as she thinks about how simple her wish is and how and how childish it seems. "I'm sorry I just think I sound foolish. But its worth the fight. If it means that I can be a symbol of hope for others... Thats a good thing. Right?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Hey, I'm a Princess!," she offers with a beaming smile. "And so are most of my friends from back home. The Princess Alliance. If -I- can be a Princess, so can you. That's not a silly dream at all! But we're all Princesses -of- things back home. Winter, Technology, Light, Nature. I'm the Princess of Power. I'd love for you to be a Princess with me."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio blushes and her eyes tear up a little. "I want to make my mom smile. Show her I did what she told me to. Show her that I took the hope that she wanted me to have and have found a way to share it with everyone else." She wipes her eyes. "My mom passed away when I was little. She was a very special person. She told me never lose hope. It was one of the last things she told me. I haven't and I've been finding ways to share it with everyone." She blushes

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"She sounds like she was a good woman. I never knew my parents. Or my family. An orphan raised in an evil regime. So...I'm happy you had that. And, hey, you're already doing a good job. You stopped that thing and saved the people around here, right?"

Mio Morita has posed:
"I'm sorry. I wish you could have known your parents. I can't imagine an evil horde were good parents. That must of have been horrible." Mio frowns feeling as though she embarrassed herself. "So maybe someday I will be a Princess. And hopefully your girlfriend will believe that she is worthy of love. I'm not allowed to fall in love. Blue-Sama said I'm not allowed."

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Not...? That's terrible," she whispers, half to herself. But then she hugs the girl for as long as she allows it. "Well, I'll do what I can to help you on your path, but I have to get some studying in tonight." Eventually the hug breaks and Adora leans down to scoop up her things. "Let's hang out sometime, outside of training, okay? We can talk more.

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio nods and smiles. "Okay! We can hang out another time! It was nice getting to know the awesome hero behind the mask." She giggles a little. "I need to get back to my dorm room. Pretty sure Amy thinks I am a ghost at this point. We haven't seen each other in like, forever!" She laughs. "I will see you later Adora! It was fun fighting beside you." With that she picks up Pin and takes off running toward her dorm.