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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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An Unexpected Date
Date of Scene: 23 February 2024
Location: Game Crown Arcade
Synopsis: Marinette hits the Arcade for some video game therapy. She meets Luke Armbruster and the two have some fun there.
Cast of Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Bow

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette wanted to go shopping. Pure and simple. A little retail therapy was always nice. Of course for her, the best place would have probably been the Tower. Then why did she wind up here? Well Maybe it was her subconscious coming up with a crazy idea of doing something fun instead of just blowing money. No matter what the cause, Marinette wound up in a very busy Game Crown Arcade! The blunette is no stranger to gaming. She had played a lot back in Paris. So being able to play some of the amazing games that never got out of Tokyo was a real enticing thing. So in she stepped.

Her feet carry here to what looks like a fighting game. Standing in front of it, she popped in some yen and started playing. It took her a long moment for her to get familiar with the controls but once she did, she started having fun. For the time there was no troubles in the universe. There was no psychotic guy trying to steal Miraculouses and make a wish to alter everything. There wasn't boy trouble. There wasn't even school woes. It was just her and the baddie she was beating up.

Bow has posed:
After Koji and Sayaka had finished Luke Armbruster's (also known as Bow) henshin device/phone, they had made sure to download the latest map of the environs around the school on the device so that he could go out and explore, without the need to go with others - because they were sure that he would want to do so.

Which is why he was out and about now. Away from the school, he's dressed in a nice t-shirt of a solid black, blue jeans and sneakers. A pair of red-rimmed glasses sit on his nose and a crystal earring hands from his right ear.

When he had seen 'Arcade' on the map, he was excited. On Etheria, an Arcade is a shopping plaza with a lot of different shoppes. This is not the Arcade he was expecting.

But the bright lights and sounds are intriguing and it coaxes him to come within, as he ducks out of the sun, looking around with curious interest. As a machine starts to dispense tickets, he steps out of the way of the kids collecting them, wanting to ask so many questions, but unsure where to begin.

But there is a young woman playing at a fighting machine alone, and he comes over, trying to peek around her to see what's happening on screen. By now, he's used to televisions and computers, but the young woman is... cotrolling the person on the screen? "By Brightmoon." he says in awe, his eyes wide with excitement and just wanting to know more.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
The fighting game is quite fast paced. Its one that Marinette isn't Super familiar with so she isn't going to be super great at it... Not yet anyway. She gets beat up pretty good. Her fighter goes down and is finished off.

"ROUND 2!! FIGHT!" The game exclaims in japanese. This time, Marinette knows how to play a little better. She actually manages to put up a fight this time. The enemy loses about half its health bar before it finishes off Marinette's fighter. "Aww phooey." She shakes her head. She goes to put more yen into the machine. She stops part way down when she sees the rather excited guy watching the game.

"Oh umm. Hello! Did you want to play? We can take turns or we can play against each other. Its your choice." She states facing the guy in glasses. Marinette is dressed in a white top with pink cherry blossoms on it. A pair of pink pants are on her feet and a black jacket hangs over her shoulders.

Bow has posed:
It is so fast, and as Marinette is playing, Luke is watching, making little moves - like he's trying to understand. Small punch and kick. "Oh oh, it's above you!" he starts to say, clearly invested in this... right up until Marinette loses.

And then she turns to face him, and his dark eyes take in the girl and he offers a sudden smile. "That was really close! You'll get him next time!" he offers in warm encouragement. "So you put money in there and you control the person on the screen?" he asks, clearly intrigued by this concept - almost as much as he was by the UFO catchers by the door.

And then she's offering to play with him, or let him play and he ohs. "I... I mean, I've never used one of these before." he admits to her, reaching up to rub at the back of his head. "Hi. I'm Luke Armbruster." he offers in greetings. "I'm not from around here. I came from America." Because that's the cover story that Setsuna gave him.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
The Bluenette smiles a little. She hasn't been cheered for while playing a video game in a while. So it does make her feel pretty good. She turns and gets a good look at the guy. "I..." She pauses but then speaks up. "I'm Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Its a pleasure to meet you." At the comment of how the game works she almost has to laugh. "You really aren't from around here are you." She comments. There is something about him that she can't put a finger on. Nothing bad. Its a similar feeling she gets from another guy but this one... At least with this guy she doesn't feel like she is stumbling over her every thought."

"OH! You've never played a video game? This is similar game to one I played back where I am from. I'm from Paris, France." She comments as she picking up some yen. "Here. Give it a shot. Yes, you put the money in the machine here." She pops the yen into the coin slot and moves him over to the second player controls. She adds more money so that both could play at the same time. "Now you use these buttons and this stick to control your fighter. Its a lot of fun." She smiles to him."

She smiles, "Its nice to meet you Luke. I will hold back so you can get a feeling for the controls. Then when you feel a little more confident we can fight each other." She smiles and picks her character.

Bow has posed:
The bluenette is pretty, that much is obvious. The accent in her voice is unfamiliar, but reminds him of someone back home, but not exactly the same. With Marinette making her introduction, the dark-skinned teen chuckles warmly. "Nope, I'm not. I'm from Etheria. That's in Montana." Again, the cover story that Setsuna gave him.

His interest is back from her to the video arcade and then back to her as she explains how it works, following her instructions. He gets a coin from his pocket - but Marinette beatas him to it and he chuckles softly, a warm and affectionate sound from him.

He studies the buttons and the stick, and then she announces that she will go easy on him. That brings a challenging smile from the young man. "There's no need to do that! I rise to challenges and thrive in adversity! Myself and my avatar..." He goes through the character select and picks... a pretty complicated character, but he looks cool. "...shall be victorious!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette smiles and nods, "Alright you've got it!" Even though he is requesting she not go easy on him, she still holds back a little. She may not be using her own controller or be playing the game that her dad and her played for years but there is definitely similarities. She fights Luke like she would be fighting her dad, Just for fun, not to prove that she is the best or anything. Still the game is on and she is showing that she is definitely far more of an experienced gamer.

"If you do different button combinations you can do special moves. Like this!" She does a quick motion with her Joystick and buttons causing a fire ball to get thrown across the screen! Its a slow fireball though, One that should be easily dodged.

"So Etheria, Montana?" She smiles, "I've never been to that part of the USA. Sounds nice though. I spent most of my time in Paris, France. My parents run a bakery. Well they both work the bakery together. My dad runs it for the most part. My mom teaches art classes."

Bow has posed:
"I've never been to Paris, France, so we have that in common!" Luke offers as a counter-point to the fact that she's never been to Montana. Though as they continue the conversation, he's not really paying attention to the game - so an attack that Luke should be able to just jump over? It nails his poor character in the face, knocking him over, and sapping his health. The joystick rattles in agitation at the hit. "Ack!" he yelps, "Well! I should take this seriously!"

And as an archer, he does have really good hand eye coordination, but nowhere near the skill as someone that has played the game time and time again. He tries to mimic her move and button combonation, and he throws a fireball! "Oh, awesome!" There might be sparkles in his eyes.

"Oh, that's neat!" he comments on the ability that he just did. And he repeats it. Oh dear, Marinette may have created a fireball spam monster. But his attention is back to the girl, thoughtful. "A bakery? That's really cool! My fathers are the curators of a large library, and I'm their thirteenth child, and as the last one, they hoped I'd take over the library myself someday!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Oh so you are a bit of a Historian?" Marinette asks as she quickly throws another fireball. This one much faster. "Its just a game. No need to take it seriously. Not like some monster is making us play a game using friends as combatants." She states offhandedly. "I mean... err. Yeah. That would be a real mess. I hope that never happens." Never mind it DID happen and she had to fight an Akumatized friend using her friends as combatants. She really needs to show her appreciation to Cat Noir sometime.

"There are other moves too!" She quickly does a movement that does a powered uppercut. "There are all sorts of special moves coded into the game. I don't know them all cause this game is new to me." She smiles. "Wanna try the dance game next?" She asks curiously. She gestures to a Dancing game where the controller is the arrows on the floor. "I'm not very good at that one. I'm kinda clumsy."

She sighs as she considers her lack of coordination. How in the world did she wind up Ladybug when she can barely stay on her own two feet most of the time. Ah well it is what it is. According to Tikki she is a good Ladybug so there is that. She is distracted from the game and winds up dying. "Oops! Sorry. I was just thinking about some stuff."

Bow has posed:
When she asks if he's a historian, Luke brightens considerably. "I am a historian of Etheria." he says honestly, "I'm also a member of the Etherian Maker's Community and work with some really old technology." There's a grin at that. "I'm also an archer, so I'm in that as well." he explains as he tries to work the combonations and is really successful and gets a victory. But it was at the price of her being really distracted.

He doesn't start the second round, instead, he releases the controls, and turns to face her. "The dance game sounds fun." comes his response, but that's not what he's focusing on. Instead, as he considers her, he asks curiously. "Something seems to troubling you." he points out, feeling empathic about it all, coupled with her sigh earlier.

"I know we just met, but I have been told that I am a very good listener, even if my advice can be terrible. So I don't offer that much." A small grin tugs at his lips at that, his arms folding across his midsection. "And the only way you get better at something is if you keep practicing at it."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"A Historian, A Maker, and an Archer? Sounds like you are quite the guy!" Marinette blushes having blurted that out. "I've never done archery before. I do make things though. I am a fashion designer and I make things on occasion. Like I made a special lockbox for my diary. I wanted it to be kept safe so no one could read it. Sometimes I just need a place to keep my private thoughts, you know?" She smiles. "It was a good thing I did that though. My old bully from my old school sent her 'friend' to steal my diary. My lockbox worked. It trapped on her hand so she couldn't get free of it. She couldn't get to my diary either. After finding out what happened, I let her out on the promise that she would never try to steel my diary again."

She smiles and turns toward the dance game. "Okay lets do it! I will try it." She starts walking towards the game and smiles to Luke for a moment. "OH I am just a really clumsy person. It makes me worried to try playing games like this." She comments as she steps onto the dance pad. "Well. Shall we."

Then there is the conversation at hand. "Thank you Luke. If I ever need to talk about something like that I will keep you in mind. What school do you go to anyway? I mean you are in Tokyo from America... There has to be something big that brought you here." She blushes, not really realizing that Etheria, Montana doesn't actually exist.

Bow has posed:
There's also freedom fighter and rebellion leader, but those things can come later. "I try to keep busy! Not much to do on the entertainment front where I'm from. Mainly social gatherings and dances and the like!" Luke offers to Marinette as she relays her story and he snickers, before a small laugh escapes from him. "That is a very good story. If Glimmer were here, you'd be giving her ideas!" he admits with amusement.

"And even if you don't do well, it's good practice and you'll only get better." he offers to her in warm encouragement. "I'm probably going to be terrible too, this is my first time trying! But the point is to engage, enjoy, and be enthusiastic! The three 'E's!" Walking with her over to the dance game, he give the inside of her elbow a gentle touch. "We got this." A wink.

Then the discussion turns to school, and he ohs. "I just started in grade ten at Radiant Heart!" comes his response, as he taps on the pad, figuring out how he works. Oh man, this is so neat, he's almost salavting at the idea of taking it apart to figure out how it works. As for why he's here? "It was an exchange program, and they chose me to come here as a student." That was adlibbed.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Well you've already got a leg up on me when it comes to this game. I don't really dance a lot. But here we go!" Marinette puts some yen into the machine and gets ready to go. Already the arrows on the screen start falling down and going across the bar. She tries her best to step on the right arrows at the right time. She gets a little twisted up and... down she goes. Quickly she scrambles to her feet and tries to keep going. "Told ya I'm clumsy!" She comments as she keeps going.

"Oh Radiant Heart!? I go there!" SHe smiles a little smile. "I am in grade 9 there. Its a really good school. Plus there are a whole bunch of clubs. I'm not in any of them because I am usually making clothes or designing outfits when I am not in school." That's a good enough cover for her anyway. She can't exactly say that she is often swinging through the air with the greatest of easy while trying to stop a crazy guy from stealing magical gems from her and Cat Noir. "I also do some baking from time to time. My dad taught me to make macarons and bread!" She smiles happily while she continues trying to dance on the rhythm game.

Bow has posed:
As the game starts, it only takes Luke a moment to see how it's going and he's dancing along, "Oh, you match the arrows! How fun!" he annoucnes, as he starts to move, pressing on the arrows as he tries to keep up with the rhthym. Even when she slips, his hand grabs hers, helping her back to her feet, and once she's back in place, he releases it, a small blush in his cheeks. "You're good! We got this!"

"There are! I'm going to join the band. I play the violin." he explains. There's a lot of things that he's into. "And when I'm not in class, or clubs, I'm out exploring. This is easily the biggest city I've ever been in."

Then she's talking about baking and he perks up. "Oh, I've never had a macaron. What's that?" he asks. Plenty of bread. So much bread. He continues to move, but then he catches sight of the UFO catcher lowering down, trying to pick up a big plushie... and drops it. He forgets the arrows for a moment, tilting his head. "I wonder..." he muses, clearly getting an idea.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Yeah its a lot of fun when I'm not tripping over my own two feet. Sometimes I wonder how I don't have more bruises then skin!" Marinette comments as she is helped to her feet and guided back to the dance. Eventually she's got the rhythm and is moving along with it. She blushes a bit. Could she be interested in this guy? No way they only just met. That doesn't mean that she wouldn't want to hang out again.

"Oh you play an instrument? The Violin? Thats really cool. This guy I... Well this guy who is a friend of mine plays piano." She pauses a long moment before getting back into the swing of the dance. "Clubs? You're going to be in multiple clubs? That is really cool. I wouldn't have time to be in multiple clubs. I even heard of one club where they are just every day heroes! Like they find homes for pets and stuff. Its really a cool concept. I think I'd wanna join that one if I actually had time for clubs." She blushes a little bit and then there is attention brought to the size of Tokyo. "Yeah! I thought Paris was huge but Tokyo's got it beat. I went from the Fashion Capital of the west to the Fashion Capital of the east!" She laughs.

"Oh A Macaron is..." SHe hmms. "Well I think I might have one somewhere." She checks her bag. Inside the bag, out of sight from Luke thankfully, Tikki is all smiles as she hands Marinette a macaron. "Here! I make them frequently enough that I always have a few on me." Also she gives them to her Kwami when she needs to recharge. That part goes unsaid of course.

Bow has posed:
"We all have our little faults, Marinette. It's what makes us endearing." Luke offers to Marinette, trying to bolster the French girl's spirits. And when she seems to be finding the rhythm. "There you go!" he offers brightly, "We'll have you Prom ready in no time!" Princess Prom is what he means.

"Yep. I'm going to join the Band, and the Kyudo club, and the Shop class, because I love to tinker." he explains. But then she is explaning the hero club, and he ooohs. "That sounds so neat! Are you a member of it?" comes the curious question as they finish the game.

And that's when she presents him with the macaron. Studying it curiously, he sniffs at it, and then pops it into his mouth. Bite. Crunch. And all at once, the cookie spills it's secrets and the young man grasps his cheeks. "This is... so good!" he murfs as he chews on the cookie, quickly scarfing it down, "That was great!"

Once their scores are up, he reaches for her hand, purely out of habit. "I want to check this out." If she allows, he'll tug her over to the UFO catcher. The plushies stare out from within and he presses his face against the glass. "Ooooh, so that's how it works! Okay, okay, you need the right tension and... aha!" And he's digging in his pocket for some yen coins to feed it.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Prom!?" She hadn't thought of going to Prom. She especially hadn't thought of actually going to any dances since she learned of Adrien and Naru being an item but here she is actually thinking about a dance. No. Not just a Dance. THE Dance. "That would be amazing! I could design a dress for prom!" She smiles happily.

Then there is the talk of the different clubs. She smiles as Luke gets carried away with all the talk of the different clubs he is in. As he mentions the hero club she shakes her head. "no. I'm not in any clubs. I'm too busy for them. I am always designing outfits and different things. I had something of a reputation in Paris. I designed a derby hat for Adrien Agreste to wear during a photo shoot. He's a model and is a bit of a muse to me sometimes." She doesn't say that he was a love interest. A muse is enough.

She then watches as he eats the Macaron. She can't help but laugh a little bit. "I will have to let you try some of the fresh ones when I actually get to make some more. THey are a lot better when they are just made. That one I made a few days ago. I keep them on me in case of emergency."

Then there is the UFO Catcher. Marinette looks over the prize catcher game and can't help but laugh she she sees how excited Luke is. "Yeah, Its not super hard in principle but it is tough to actually do!" She smiles. "Give it a shot!"

Bow has posed:
"I mean, if they have proms here?" Luke asks. "I don't know, I really haven't looked that deep into the social stuff." he's been kind of distracted with being new to this world. "They have one back where I'm from, it's pretty amazing."

"Oh, is Adrien your boyfriend then?" he asks, because that would make sense if she was making clothes for him to show off. It's an innocent question and Bow is just totally unaware of the mindfield he's stepping into with that question,

"I look forward to it. I mean, the fresh cookies. Not prom." Because that's way too forward for Luke to consider at the moment. Another glance to Marinette as she explains how it works and he gives it a thoughtful look.

He puts in a yen coin, and the little crane rolls out and he starts to lower it down, and it grabs the edge of the toy, lifting it... and just as it was getting close to the drop, before it flops back onto the pile of other toys. "Well, foo." he murmurs, giving it a closer look. "I'll get it next time!" Ah, that slippery slope.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Yes of course there are proms here. Every school has a prom. At least to my knowledge. I don't think I've ever seen a school not have a Prom and a homecoming." Marinette smiles as she considers it. "Its a fun opportunity to show off our dresses and even more to show off whatever gown I make." She smiles happily at the idea.

-Oh is Adrien your boyfriend then?- Glass may have shattered just then and it wouldn't have hit near as hard as that question. She lets out a sigh. "I umm... no. He's not my boyfriend. I had a thing for him but I couldn't confess to him... So... I missed out and he is dating someone else." She sighs but leaves it at that. She is of course a little broken hearted still but she is handling things much better than she's been.

Then she goes to watching Luck playing the skill game. "Okay you've got this Luke." She watches the machinations of the game how it works and such. Then the inevitable fall of the plush that he had almost caught. "You were close! Its a challenge. Wanna try again?" She asks curiously.

Bow has posed:
There's proms at every school? Luke is just dumbstruck at this idea. There was one Princess Prom and it was held in Brightmoon Castle. How... different is this world? How rich and different and just... it's really starting to settle in that this world is way way different from his home.

And that's when Marinette tells him what happened with Adrien. His worries about Prom are gone, and his attention turns fully to the French girl. "Oh. Oh. I'm sorry." he offers in genuine sympathy. "I mean, I hope you at least have had the chance to address your feelings on the matter? That could be a hard burden to carry." And a small offer in there for her to open up to him was going to be made.

His hand reaches, and squeezes Marinette's upper arm. "I'm sure it hurts. But there's going to be other chances, and you need to make sure that you keep yourself available open to them. Don't let this experience close you off, okay?" And somewhere inside, he feels like he missed something, but it quickly passes.

His attention rotates back to the skill crane. He lowers it again, and this time, he plucks up a small plush. As he manuveurs it into place, he holds his breath as the claw releases. The plush bounces on the edge of the chute and then tumbles into the depths. "Yes!" he announces.

Reaching down to retrieve the plush, he presents it to Marinette. "For you." A pause, and he adds, "Would you like a hug? I'm told I give the best hugs in all of Etheria!" A smile at that. "But totally optional, even if it may make you feel better."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"It's okay. I have cried my tears. I am mostly over him. Plus there is a chance that he and her could break up. I can try again at that point. For now, Who know what the world has in store." She blushes a little bit and nods. "I gave him a letter confessing everything. Who knows if that will work out well or not. Plus he kinda gets a lot of confession letters. He is a well known model." She pulls out her phone and pulls up a picture of Adrien, wearing a derby hat clearly taking inspiration from a pigeon. It is really nice. "This is him wearing the derby hat I designed."

She then watches Luke go back to the skill crane. She tenses up. "You've almost got it. Just a little more..." She states as she flips her phone to video mode. She records the master at work, getting the plushie into the right drop zone and... "You did it!" She cheers happily. Then he gives it to her. "Awwww Thank you Luke! That means so much to me!" She takes the plush alien like thing and hugs it happily. "OH umm Sure! I will accept one of the best hugs in Etheria." In Marinette's eyes that means a good hug from a small town. She really doesn't get that Etheria is actually a planet!

Bow has posed:
When Marinette talks of Adrien and his beau breaking up, Luke gets a little bit of a frown. The Plushie is placed in her hands, and he considers her. "I can understand your thoughts on that. We're teenagers. It could happen next week. It could happen three years from now. It could happen never." he points out to her, the archer's tone taking on a more serious mein. "But that's not a way to live your life in school." he explains.

"Pining for what's not available and putting your life on hold is not doing anything for you, and if you want to keep Adrien as a friend, it does no good for him. You need to repsect his choice. You can't go looking around corners, waiting to see if there's a crack in their relationship or if one of them slips up? Is that how you really want to go about this? You're pretty, you're excited to be in Tokyo. You took a loss. Don't let it bring your adventure to an end." He looks at the picture she offers to him.

"He is quite handsome, yes. And he is your friend. Be that back. I have two really good friends. One that I haven't seen in a long time. One that I'm hoping to reconnect with again. And it's probably going to be different. And strange. But they're still my friends. And he's still yours."

That said, he steps up and wraps his arms around Marinette, and gives her a squeeze. He's muscular, very much so - as if he's spent his whole life outdoors. And after the warm squeeze, he steps back and grins. "So there. Best hug in all of Etheria!" A small town in Montana. Really.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette sighs, "I know... I know. I'm not hoping they break up anymore. Its just. First love you know? I am trying to let it go but I feel like no matter what I do that love will still be there." She sighs. "For now I think I just need to find something to do to keep my mind occupied. "I'm not going to cry for what can't be anymore. I'm going to try to get my emotions in check and maybe I will find my dream guy elsewhere and maybe we will have our two kids one boy one girl, and a hamster..." She trails off.

"I don't know how to be normal around him though. Things have been so weird between us that normal never really happened. I just kinda messed up all the time. Around him, my ability to speak just goes and my clumsiness just gets so much worse. So I've been keeping my distance. Maybe things will get better now?" She asks hoping that maybe without love being a thing, just maybe they can be good friends.

Then Luke reaches out and hugs her. She blinks and blushes a little as she hugs back. "You weren't kidding that is a really good hug!" She then has to ponder, How the devil is this guy so strong! He felt solid. "Wow okay you are really strong. I'm guessing archery helped with that?"

Bow has posed:
"First loves and first crushes are rough. Think more on what hasn't been done. First relationship, first kiss?" Luke suggests easily as he eyeballs the machine again. "So, what now?" He does notice the photo booth over in the corner, but has no idea what that is. She talks about what she wants and he chuckles. "I have twelve siblings." he points out. Big, huge family.

"Be yourself, Marinette. Even if you think it's weird, be yourself." he points out to her. "Because it's going tio be weird for a while. I mean, we're hanging out and you seem pretty nice to hang out with. Be like that. And smile when he talks about his girlfriend, and supportive when it's not going well."

He shrugs his shoulders and then chuckles as she realizes how solid he is. "I spend a lot of time outdoors!" he offers with a grin. "Lot of archery, lot of time in the woods. Lot of exploring! I'm pretty active with like... everything."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"There are a lot of Firsts that I haven't experienced yet. Who knows when they will come. Adrien is still a muse when it comes to fashion design. He is still a friend. I just gotta stop fantasizing you know?" She smiles. "Who knows who is in my future." She comments. "Twelve siblings? Goodness. That must have been one heck of a family. I don't have any brothers or sisters. I'm an only child." She blushes

Be Yourself. Those words are so hard to hear when half the time she doesn't even know who herself is anymore. Is the real her the one who wears the mask or the one trips over her own two feet. Tikki would probably tell her that both are her. That there is no Ladybug without Marinette. "Yeah weird is an understatement." She nods. "I will try my best to not be too awkward to be around." She laughs.

Then he starts going into how much he does. "That is really impressive. Etheria must be a very rural area. "Paris was very much a city but not like Tokyo. Tokyo is a lot bigger. Everything is a lot closer together here." Of course she is also learning it from the top down courtesy of swinging through the streets. "I have an idea! Have you gotten any pictures since coming to Tokyo?"

Bow has posed:
"It'll come in time, and then you'll be ready. There's no expiration date on heartbreak, just what you decide to make of it. But you're never going to discover your future if you keep tripping over the past, Marinette." Luke offers with a small smile. "And yeah. My fathers were proponents of lots of kids." he says with a small laugh.

"Eh, you are not the most awkward person I ever met!" he offers with encouragement. You should see some of the Princesses that he's had to be around. Especially Entrapta. Weird? At the highest level possible!

"Yes, very rural. Lots of woods, small areas of population." he shrugs his shoulders. "Lots of land, though!"

When she mentions the pictures, Luke shakes his head. "Nope, not since I got here!" Not that he knows how pictures work. That's usually a painter and a portrait. Or magic. And so far, there is a lot of techno-magic about, he's discovered and it's got him utterly curious.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette snickers and takes Luke by the arm and pulls him towards the photo booth. "Okay you just come over here. You sit inside and you pay your yen like this." She sits in the photobooth with him not really thinking about what she is doing. "Smile!" She smiles happily and several pictures are taken of the two of them. "Just like that." A moment later the machine spits out the pictures of the two sitting in the booth.

"Here you go!" She takes some of the pictures and gives the rest to Luke. "There now you've got your first trip to the Arcade documented with pictures." With that she looks over the pictures and... she gets a thought. A laugh escapes her lips as she brushes it off. "They turned out nice!"

"Another weird thing about me is I often run off on my own. It really stinks but sometimes I just have to go do things when I think of them. Otherwise I will forget. Sometimes you just gotta do stuff right?"

Bow has posed:
There's no resistance as Marinette tugs Luke over to the photobooth. He sits with her and mugs for the camera with her. His smile is warm and bright, a natural smiler if there ever was one. A few moments later, the pictures are out.

Looking at the pictures as hands over the ones that she doesn't want, and he nods. "Yes! They look really good." And then she mentions that she goes off on her own alot.

"Everyone needs time to themseleves sometimes." he mentions easily. "Just make sure you keep in contact with your freinds if you need them." That said diplomatically, he tucks the pictures into a pocket. "And yes, sometimes you just have to do stuff!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"I guess I just run off at inopportune times I guess? I dunno how to describe it." She shrugs. "I guess I am just forgetful." She laughs before putting the pictures in her purse.

Inside her purse, A pair of eyes look at the the pictures and a smile forms on a small Kwami's lips. Yep Someone is getting an idea.

So now what do you wanna do. Are you thirsty? I hear this place has some really good drinks." She comments as she looks up toward the food counter. "Would you like something? Its on me!" She smiles happily offering to cover the cost.

Bow has posed:
Luke was about to eagerly take up the offer for drinks when his phone chimes. When he takes it out, the screen is an almost unearthly blue as he swipes it to look at the message. There's a small nod of his head, and he turns his attention to Marinette. "I'll have to take a raincheck on that." he admits sadly.

"I'm still getting settled at the school and some things I asked for arrived. Another time?" he offers to her in suggestion. "We can trade phone numbers?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette smiles and nods. She quickly brings up her phone number. "Here you go." She shows it to him letting him write it down or plug it into his phone. She gives a smiles to him and a little wave. "I need to go do something anyway. Until next time. Don't be afraid to call!" She states before putting the plushie thing into her purse. "Thank you for the plushie!" She exclaims as she quickly makes her way outside.

Once outside, She pulls a little disappearing act. Down into a back alleyway she slips before calling out, "Tikki, Spots on! YEAH!" A moment later a ladybug costumed magical girl goes swinging her way through the city feeling quite good.

Bow has posed:
A reading on Adora. He finally has one. As Marinette is pulling her disappearing act, he's pulling his own. Around a corner, Luke stands and presses the Etheria app on his phone and holds it aloft.

                          FOR THE HEART OF ETHERIA!                          

And with that, he transforms into Bow, the Etherian Archer. Firing a rope line, he's yanked upwards tio head off in pursuit of the latest lead in his search for Etheria's champion.