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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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A sticker for details
Date of Scene: 08 February 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: After a fight against the White Bone Demon, Cho gets a new sticker... the mermaid one. This allows her to share a bit of excitement with the local mermaid princess, Coco! Under the sea, down where it's wetter.
Cast of Characters: Cho Konishi, Coco Kiumi

Cho Konishi has posed:
Weeks prior:

If there was one thing Cure Wukong was good at, it was being annoying. But, if there was something else they were good at? It was depending on their friends. In this case, Yellow Pearl Voice. So while the giant Dead Beat tried to chop her in half, she'd used her staff to catch the blade and hold it back.

Allowing her friend's song and throwing of stages to pepper the youma with all kinds of destruction and smashing! Until, finally, through their combined efforts, the Dead Beat was purified!

The Bone Demon hmphed, before she abandoned her host, a young girl, leaving the girl to collapse and dispelling the magic over the area.

"We did it!" Wukong yelled, punching a fist into the air. "Woo hoo!"

A moment later her sticker appeared and she snatched it out of the air. A...

She then blinked. "Uhhhh... Wuwu? What's this?" she asked, holding it in her palm, her back to Yellow.

"Hm?" Wuwu asked, jumping onto her shoulder. He then chuckled. "Ohhhhh. That's a fun transformative art. I think you'll like it."

"Wait, it IS a transformation art?!"


"So I could--"

"Yuuuup," Wuwu said before jumping off her shoulder.

Wukong grinned, turning around to face her. "Oh Yellowwwww~ Would... you be interested in going to the beach after we take care of Boney Face's latest victim?" she asked, holding the sticker behind her. The biggest, Wukongiest grin on her face.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Of course, Coco didn't need to be told once to provide help when Cho had warned her about the Deadbeat. So, she naturally transformed right there and then and followed her friend to the fight.

And they fiercely defeat the bone demon, forcefully expelling it from the host. This too was done.

Coco was about to take care of the collapsed girl. Maybe sing a bit more to help her regain more strength, definitely carry her to a hospital, but she is left to stare quizzically at her roommate and friend when the usual sticker leaves her acting unsure first and impishly second.

What has she gotten this time that's so special? And Wuwu finds it fun? That's not a recipe for anything good typically. But before she can express her reservations, Cho suggests her to go to the beach after helping the youma's victim.

"Uh, sure", she exclaims taken off guard by the sudden proposal. "I didn't have anything else to do, and you know I wouldn't turn down a chance to swim." Nothing better than being back in her own skin, after all.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong gave a happy little yay, clapping her hands with her leap! "Yes! This'll be a blast!"

She then pulled out her scroll, sticking the sticker on it and careful not to show her friend. Why?

Because it was the MERMAID sticker. A pretty cure tradition, though Cho didn't know that. She then ran after Yellow, helping to make sure the kid got somewhere safe. Between Coco's healing abilities and Wukong's muscle? Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Of course, from there, it was easy. Her leaping or Yellow's stages, the modes of transportation to the beach were pretty simple...

The biggest issue was the water itself. Cold as it was. However... She ended her henshin. "Hey, Coco. Cover your eyes for a moment, will you?" she asked. With the biggest, most mischievous grin on her face.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Cover her eyes for a moment? Why was this getting so weird? Still, it was Cho asking, not a random stranger, so Coco obliged her friend, regardless of what Wuwu had found fun in the situation.

And the fact the Precure was deliberately hiding what she was about to turn into? Were it anyone else, she would have insisted in knowing what was up.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi grinned the moment her friend's eyes were covered. Oh. This was going to be fun. She stepped out into the water and--

Cold cold coooooold! Okay, very cold, BRRRR!

But, either way, she pulled out the scroll. Luckily, it was water proof. And fire proof. And... well, it was magic.

A few moments later...

"Okay, you can open them!"

Of course, now Cho was out in the water too. So it wasn't like she could see anything... until... "Hey, Coco? Guess what!"

And then she dove under the water, before launching up and over her! Free willy-ing!


Coco Kiumi has posed:
Despite the trepidation, Coco didn't even try to sneak a peek soon, waiting patiently with her eyes so shut she didn't get the faintest trace of light.

And when Coco opened them, she confusedly stared at the indistinct mass of her friend that dove below the water surface. "Cho? What are you doing?" she asks. It didn't seem like she had transformed any. The little she saw still seemed very much human.

And then the Precure splashes out, throwing herself onto her, leaving Coco to stumble a bit, almost falling to the ground as she catches her friend. And the most noticeable thing was of course, the mermaid tail. "Is that real?" Coco asks bewildered. This is the first time she sees someone going from human to mermaid rather than the other way around.

"That's awesome!" she tells Cho once she recovers from the surprise. "That's just... Thank you, Cho! You don't know how much I have missed swimming with another mermaid", she smiles before setting her friend back into the water.

And with a second splash, she joins her, joyously returning to her own form.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi wiggled about a little, all flippy flap. "I know, right?! Apparently it's a sticker! I can be a mermaid now!" she said happily.

Once she was in the water again, she swam around a few times in quick bursts. "I've got to tell you. This? Is so much nicer than doing it in just a bathing suit!" she said happily, swimming in tight circles. "Also, WAY easier! Heee! Ohhh! I'm gonna see if I can breathe underwater!" she yelled, before disappearing under the surface!

A few moments later she surfaced, coughing and sputtering. "Okay! I can breathe underwater! However, I can also TASTE underwater and you know what? Sea water, not the tastiest thing in the world, bleh!" She then started swimming out. "Soooo! Now you've GOT to show me! How do mermaids do it? Like... there's a buncha special, secret things you can do while swimming as a mermaid, right? That are different from other swimming?" she asked, a huge grin on her face.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Of course it doesn't taste great", Coco laughs a little at Cho's observation. "The water is still pretty much the same, whether you are a mermaid or a human. Cho could point out the different reactions mermaids have to a specific substance, but then again. That doesn't really change the taste.

Cho happily trying out the mermaid experience would have also been cause for joy on Coco's part if the surprise hadn't already contributed to that. "You know, at first, I was a bit unsure since it seemed something Wuwu had put you up to to", she reveals. "I imagine it is a much better experience yes. Legs don't seem to be built for doing as well as a mermaid tail." Not like she could actually try them out.

"Well, you already experienced the powerful kicks we can give out", Coco starts talking at the mention of differences. "Once you get the hang of it, you will find that leaping up several meters into the air is quite simple." She swims close to her friend with each push of her tail.

"If you are anything like me, even the waters of the Artic will feel pleasantly warm", she mentions. "Is this what you were expecting?" she asks, not that she intends that to be all the experience has to offer. There is so much Cho can see now that she shares her advantages.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi gave a small nod. "I guess. I thought, I don't know. I'd get magic mermaid taste or something. Like... I guess the air doesn't have a taste for you though, huh? I mean, it doesn't for humans, but... I guess it'd suck if like. The air tasted weird and salty and icky and stuff, wouldn't it?" she asked sheepishly.

She tried to keep rhythm with Coco, swimming besides her bit by bit. "Yeah. I think I'm... definitely handling the cold better. I don't think I have the whole talking with fishes thing, though. Which I guess makes sense. I can already kind of talk with monkeys. It'd be weird to have both. And yeah! I mean, well. Not exactly what I was expecting, but close. Admittedly, I didn't think I'd ever feel anything quite like this."

"So, come on. Tell me. Is there anything you've always wanted to show someone on land, who could become a mermaid? Anything that's like... super cool or super weird or just... super?" Cho asked, a massive grin on her face. "The sea is our oyster. Hee hee. Wordplay intended."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco nods over Cho's observation. "Yes, that's just about it. Salty air would actually be an annoying experience. At least, if we are talking about air that isn't just like the one from seaside environments."

She shakes her head. "At worst, I'd tell you to stay away from soda, but I don't know how that actually works, since the beverage isn't good for me regardless of the form I am in."

Coco gets completely underwater then, motioning for Cho to do the same. "Ever had the opportunity to swim next to corals, enjoying their beauty with no surprise at how good sight is?"

"If admiring scenery isn't your thing, we can just have fun with random stuff! Like races! Or finding stuff that goes well with our tails. You have received a pretty one, we could totally accessorise it with our stuff. I am happy just as long as we can play together mermaid-to-mermaid."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was, admittedly... had anyone told her a year ago she'd be a MERMAID swimming with a MERMAID PRINCESS she'd have laughed and asked what drugs they were on. Because they were DEFINITELY strong. Now? This was AMAZING!

"Soda? I wonder if it's because of all the caffeine. But that's fine, I try not to drink much of it anyway!"

She then swam down under with her. It took a few moments for her to start breathing, though. Because here she COULD breathe now. And it was AMAZING! To actually feel like she was in control, like she was safe and secure. It was.... exhilerating. She'd always been a bit... nervous in the sea, admittedly. It was so open and wild...

But now? She got to be in the sea and just... moving through it.

"Corals sound nice! Are any of them like... stingy? I've heard some can be pretty dangerous to humans."

And then Coco said THE magic words. ACCESSORISE?! She dashed up, grabbing Coco's hands and was almost SHIMMERING with excitement. "YES! Let's do that! Let's do mermaid tail decorating! Yessss! Show me the accessories of your people!" Were she on land? She'd be hopping up and down with excitement. As it was? Her tail was happily beating back and forth!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
If anyone'd told Coco her human friends would have become merfolk, well, she would have questioned it a lot less, because magic is wild, but still, she would have had questions over how it was done.

She shakes her head at Cho's theory. "It's because it's carbonated. I told Nurse Meiou a while back, by presenting it as an allergy and saying what exactly it was like or why, just mentioning what caused it. So, sparkling water is just as problematic. I don't believe you have to worry though. If mimicking a human form doesn't solve it, mimicking a mermaid form won't give you that problem. At least, I guess so."

Coco stuck close to her while Cho was getting used to not worrying about drowning, holding her hand so she didn't feel under any sort of risk.

"I have never had any sort of problem with corals", is what Coco had to say over the matter. "Maybe I was just lucky, though."

While she speaks with Cho, she just stays there, enjoying the feeling of the calm sea currents as she swims around Cho, truly relaxed here in her element, her fin not doing any erratic movement.

"Ok, I can see you like the idea", she smiles, nodding at the expressiveness of Cho's tail. "Let's try that, then! It will be fun!", she replies affirmatively with vigour as Cho grabs Coco's hands. "We are too far up for gems and the likes, those are typically a couple thousand meters below us, give or take a few hundreds, but seashells and levigated rocks are pretty too!" With that, she starts sticking closer to the floor, trying to find a pretty lilac that would suit Cho's pink tail.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi definitely appreciated her friend sticking so close to her and keeping her safe. It was... definitely unsettling at times. She was already further out and deeper than she'd ever been in her entire life. Heck, further out than most humans would ever dream of going.

But having a friend close by, especially one who was as experienced as her, definitely helped.

"Thousand... meters? O-oh yeah. I uhhhh, I definitely do not think I'm anywhere near ready for something like that." Not even close. She dove down and tried mimicking Coco's search, before gasping when she saw a fish swim by. And... almost instantly got distracted by it, following after it for a moment...

Before turning and swimming back to search by Coco.

"Did you used to do this kind of stuff with the other mermaids when you were .... well, I almost said a kid, but we're both kids. I guess younger?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is still combing through the seafloor while she listens to Cho talking. "Don't worry, I am not asking you to. I imagine the experience is a lot scarier when you didn't grow up with it. And if you ever want to visit my castle, I can always teleport us inside, no need to see what's like out."

She delicately places aside a green-white shell before continuing. "I did use to do something like this", she smiles in fondly remembrance. "It was a very popular activity. Do you have any similar game about finding pretty things on the ground over at the surface?"

She turns her gaze towards Cho's tail for a few seconds, comparing its colour with the purple shell she is holding before placing that one away too. "I had very good friends at the time, before we sort of went our separate ways. I was still the princess, though there is no actual rule against mingling, it's just my duties started pulling me away more as I grew up. We end up fully in charge of our kingdoms as soon as we become 13, with everything that entails."

She finds a satisfying lilac shell and turns to Cho with a smile. "Doing this again is an endearing return to the past. What do you think of this? Do you like it?" she asks, showing her find to Cho.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi let out a soft gasp. "Ohhhh. I'm a mermaid now. I could... could I come to your castle sometime? Could we get room service? I've never had roomservice before. It'd be like being an actual princess..." Pause. "I mean, yes, I know I'm kind of a monkey king but... being monkey king doesn't really give many servants or anything. Mostly I just kind of... am there. And sometimes they'll do what I want."

However, the question about finding pretty things made her cringe. "Not... really. I uhhh... didn't play very much. I mean, some of the kids would find bugs and the like. But I didn't... really... get on well with the other kids to begin with. Then... the whole... boy... thing... I didn't want to be... so ummmm... I ended up... just... not... I ended up never doing that kind of stuff."

"... Honestly?" She dropped down to sit next to her, lil tail folded up like her knees, which she leaned on.

"I love it," Cho said, staring at her. "This has been the best year of my life. Being... well. Being able to be me. Making a friend like you. Trying so many new things. I think I'm happier than I've ever been. And moments like these? It's like I get to live those moments I missed out on when I was younger..."

Then her cheeks went red. "O-oh! Wait, you... you meant did I, uhhh, like the shell? Yes, I think it's beautiful. S-sorry! Hee hee. I'm a bit of a dunderhead sometimes. Hee hee. Ummm... the friends you had when you were younger. Do you ever meet with them anymore? Do you remember them?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco swims close to Cho, giving her friend a hug as she replies "You didn't need to become a mermaid for it, you could have just joined me whenever. The castle is equipped so people from the surface can still breathe, though it's not advised for them to get out it then."

Coco winces over the faux pas as she hears Cho get nervous. "Sorry, Cho. I shouldn't have asked that, and you certainly don't need to oblige me when I do something insensitive. Just say you'd rather avoid answering, ok?" she fixates on Cho.

"I did mean the shell, but your first answer is good too", Coco smiles with a wink at Cho. "If you want to share how much things feel better for you, then I tell you this: don't ever forget to call me", she says, giving the seashell to Cho. "You will look ever prettier with it on if you ask me."

She turns pensive as she hears the question about friends. "I do remember one," she admits, putting on a smile. Though, that's probably something Cho didn't intend on touching. "My first and best friends, we played a lot together. I remember she was wearing a sari the first time we met."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi shakes her head. "No, no, it's fine. It's not you, it's me. Literally. I... I need to probably face it eventually, anyway. It's not like I can hide from those feelings forever, right?" She paused. Then shook her head. "Right, I can't."

She happily took the shell, before pausing. She looked down at her tail. Then back to the shell. Finally... "How... how does this work? Do I just... stick it on? Or... is there a special mermaid trick?" she asked. Nervously, she'd press the shell against her tail.

However, there was another thing that quickly caught her attention. She glanced up at her. "Hmmm? What happened? Did they kind of just.... drift apart? From you? Or did... oh... did... something... happen between you two? Is this... too much to ask? I understand if you don't want to tell me! Just... I wanna know more about you."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Just because you feel the need to face your feelings doesn't mean you have to crash against them", Coco remarks to Cho seriously. "Take your time and keep your own pace. They will always be there and it's not worth it to lose your smile over them."

"Right, uhm...", Coco considers as she sees Cho ineffectually try to find a way to get it to stick. "We would tipically bring string with us for that purpose back then, sorry for not thinking about it." What to do now? Well, maybe she can give Cho a strand of her hair. It is quite long in this form. "Here, use this", she says, ripping one off.

After that, she sits down next to Cho, she too gathering her tail to her chest with an embrace. "The thing is you know her. It's a coincidence we stuck as friends throughout the years, that wasn't just because we had become best friends. The reason we could keep in touch with each other is she is a princess too. We were inseparable back then, and could always find time for each other. That's Sara", she mentions at the end, a bittersweet smile on her face.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked a few times. "That.... that is very good advice." How DARE she. Good advice? HERE?! How could she just attack Cho like that, wielding valid and good advice against her?! Either way, though, it really WAS good advice. "Sometimes I forget how important a smile can be. I didn't used to have one, you know. Nobody could tell, at least."

Cho took the hair, then gasped. "Is that... a thing? Hair to tie it? Ohhh!" And then... she tugged one of her own hairs, holding it out. "We can match! Don't worry, I'm not in henshin so it won't turn into a monkey." She started fiddling with the hair and the shell then, humming softly as she worked. However...

The mention of Sara made her freeze. She slowly put the hair and shell down, before surging forward to hug her. "I'm sorry," Cho whispered. "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry. I know... it... much hurt losing a friend like that. But I'm sure we'll get through to her eventually. Just... we just need to keep trying. We're magical girls, right? Doing the impossible is kiiiiind of our thing. Magic makes anything work! Sorta."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I hope so", Coco replies back to Cho's statement about it being good advice. The mermaid princess is glad to be Cho's friend, there is no way she would turn down a way to be of help. "If nobody cared to that point, that's on them. For my part, I actually prefer knowing that you are happy."

Coco takes the hair Cho is giving her, explaining "I was only doing it because I neglected to mention we would have needed strings for that, so that was a temporary workaround. But thank you, Cho." She reaches down and ties the hair to a thinner part of her tail. Now when she finds an appropriate decoration, she can tie it there.

"That's all right", Coco says, hugging back Cho. "You couldn't have imagined she had been the one, could you? I really hope we can get through to her one day. When she came here during Christmas Eve, she was still as closed in her grief as when I failed to help years ago." She smiles at her friend. "Thank you. You saying that is really important to me. And for sticking with me all this time."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi flushed a little and nodded. She'd wipe her eyes, but no need. She was under the water! Best part of it. "I... honestly much more prefer being happy. Being not happy used to suuuuck," she said in a teasing tone.

"And I plan to stick with you as long as I can. Even... if one day I lose magic, I hope I can still always be your friend. Even when I can't always remember exactly how we got so close to begin with. And... I'm sure, one day, we'll get through to her. In the meantime, though!"

She pulled back, finally managing to get the hair to work with the shell, tying it on!

"Let's go play some mermaid games! Chase, right?" she asked, before reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" she then turned and swam away, giggling playfully. Oh, she was SO going to get wrecked here.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I can imagine", Coco replies with a small chuckle. Despite Cho's attempt to dry some tears from her eyes, Coco is glad the pinkette seems to feel better.

Though the very possible reality of Cho forgetting her makes Coco shudder. "I hope we can still be friends too, but you just said it, we are magical girls, we do the impossible and honestly, the Fade can stuff it. I won't let it take you away from me, even if you still regard me as a friend after. I want you as you are. If we don't find a way to beat it permanently, have you considered becoming a mermaid like me permanently? We are not subject to it", she offers, a smile that actually is hopeful.

Coco giggles too when Cho surprises her with a game. "Oh, you are so on", she grins impishly as she too starts playing the game. Though, Coco isn't paying any mind to any winner, even if it's true she has a natural advantage here.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was nowhere NEAR as experienced with swimming, let alone a tail, as Coco was. She was, however, a crafty bugger. So while she couldn't hope to beat her in a straight away... she likely couldn't beat her by diving in and around rocks and stalagmites, either. So it wouldn't be long until she was caught.

However, until then they could talk, too!

"Wait, I can just... BECOME a mermaid? Is that a thing? How does that work? Because... like... I'll be honest. Coming here, being a mermaid, with all the magic and everything? Forever? Sounds pretty awesome. I don't think my stickers can do it permanently, though. Can your pearls do that? To people who want to? GASP! Can you turn people INTO mermaids?!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco darts around, the noise of her tail beating the sea as it fills the water all of a sudden. Being surprised by Cho being so eager to enjoy things together as a mermaid, Coco is literally brilliant with joy. Cho forgetting about them is something she is more than sure won't happen. Her fins quiver happily as the game goes on.

"It's not something I can do, but I know how it can actually be done", Coco explains. "You don't have to actually give up your humanity if you don't want to, but really, there aren't that many differences between human and merfolk." Rather, it's the Fade she is against, and she intends to come out victorious over that'".

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi didn't stand a chance. When Coco got fast, Cho was caught with barely a chance! But... it was still fun. She was still having fun. Swimming about. And once she was tagged, well. It was her turn to swim after her.

"Ehhh, I don't know! Being human is okay, I guess? But... being the best friend with a princess forever sounds AMAZING! Do mermaids have like, TV and stuff? Or games? OH! Could we swim with the fishies? Can you pet a dolphin?!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Got you!" Coco exclaims in silly fun, immediately doing the underwater equivalent of a somersault and speeding away. "Your turn now, you can do it!" She isn't going too fast though. It's just a game still.

"I am not asking you to give up living on land!", she clarifies herself. "I am a mermaid, but I still have a human form. This is meant to be a workaround, not a bad solution that restricts what you can do. You can have the best of both. We have books, but not TV, plus swimming with the fishes and petting the dolphins are both normal activities."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi swam after her, her tail beating mercilessly against the water as she went, sending little bubbles in all directions. While Coco managed to do it in such a graceful manner, Cho was... anything but. Instead swimming in a wild, rapid manner, spinning a little as she went. Hand reaching out to try and snag her tail.

"Would... that mean I'd... turn into foam if anyone saw me? Or is that only for mermaid princesses?" she asked.

"Wait, books? What kind of books? Do you not have the internet in your cities? Wait. I guess... what's it like having cellphones now? Does it ever feel weird? Is your phone water proof?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Still dashing away from Cho's reach, Coco swims with minimal effort in the water, her tail following a precise rhythm while she almost loses herself in the situation. Almost, because she doesn't want to be so absorbed she doesn't pay attention to where she is going.

"I don't actually become seafoam if someone simply sees me, they must hear my human form declare myself a mermaid, or seeing me change form. And I don't think you would have to gain every little disadvantage, I hope the seafoam doesn't coubt"

"All kind of books: stories, culture, history, various wellsprings of magic in the world... Things like that. We don't have tv or the internet. My cellphone is probably wherever my clothes are."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was really getting her butt kicked but, oddly? She didn't mind. It was *fun*. She hadn't actually played like this in... she didn't think she'd ever played like this. It was a nice life, a new world for her.

"Ohhhh! Cool! I'd rather not get that one, if that's okay!"

She reached out, trying... so close. Alas. Even at her max speed she was still just a newbie to this.

"Wellsprings of magic? Oh. OH! Can you do other magic than the singing things? Do your people have wizards? Or is singing just the strongest magic for mermaids?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is having the time of her life, and shes decides to show her friend a few neat things mermaids can do while they are still together, like lateral pushes and more underwater somersaults.

"I hope you don't either. Living with is an annoyance, and this is after everyone has made sure I can reasonably expect my life not to be at risk anymore."

Coco shakes her head. "I can't do that. We have mages for a few utilities here and there, but the bulk of our magic resides in what Aqua Regina has created for the defense of the kingdoms, like the Sealing Key or ourselves. The rest shows up naturally in the environment."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi slowly down, before she tried doing the same. Spinning a few times... then a few more times, going far more than she wanted to. Urgh. She wavered there for a few moments, eyes swirling. "Oooookay... so that was.... fuuuuun..." she said, wobbling back and forth for a moment.

She shook her head. "Yeah. I... want you to have a lot of fun on land. But... you know what? Maybe I could start doing longer visits under the sea. You know. You spend so much time in my home, it's only fair I start to see yours. How about next time, we go to your home?"

The talk of only a few mages made her a liiiiittle sad. But that was okay. There was still so much for her to see. And...

"Coco? I just want you to know. You're the best friend a girl could have. The best princess for a monkey king. Definitely worth fighting heaven over." Pause. "Or... fairy... heaven... honestly it's still a really weird concept."

"Just don't think about it too hard," Wuwu said, swimming by. He was not a merman.

"... Wuwu? How are you doing that? Aren't you going to die?" Cho asked.

"HA! Mortality, that's hilarious," Wuwu said, snickering under his breath.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco stops when she notices Cho is being overcome by dizziness. Should she have expected her friend to be trying to imitate her? Probably. That's a natural reaction to seeing someone having fun in front of you. "Ok, Cho, grab my hands and take a few breaths", she suggests, trying to help her feel better and help her world stop spinning.

Coco lets go once Cho has recovered. "I don't really mind spending time in your home, it is really nice between... things", she makes a vague gesture. "But I would totally love to show you my home. Just say a word and I will show you the best hospitality there is."

"Because you too are incredibly precious to me and I won't let anyone say or do things that imply otherwise. So, just thank you for being so amazing", giving her a full hug.

"Figure you would say that when you appear out of nowhere", Coco smirks at Wuwu.

Though with him here, they should probably at least making their way back. They had lots of fun, but it's time they got back and check nobody is in danger yet.