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A Blossoming Affection Among the Sakuras
Date of Scene: 24 March 2024
Location: Botanical Gardens
Synopsis: During the Sakura Festival, Bow and Sayaka go for a walk and talk - and now Bow owes Sayaka Etherian Dehydrated Slaw Buns.
Cast of Characters: Bow, Sayaka Miki

Bow has posed:
As the main viewing group was parting and going their seperate ways, Bow asked Sayaka if she wanted to go for a walk, so that they can get a better view of the petals... and enjoy more time in each other's company. His arm was offered to the kimono clad girl and he keeps his pace gentle so that she can keep up with him easily.

"It really does remind me of Plumeria." he admits as he walks with Sayaka, looking up at the flowers, his hand settled lightly over hers if she wishes to hold it. "It really is quite lovely..." a glance down and towards the side, and he adds, "...especially with the company." he admits.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
It is just after the main group left after enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Sakura petals, while Bow and Sayaka have stayed behind, lingering on their path to enjoy mote time with each other. Sayaka has taken his arm, letting the two of them stay close in each other's comfort.

Sayaka is of course, still wearing the same blue kimono with a gold-and-white flower pattern, the addition of a wooden obi belt with faded impression of piano keys cinching the kimono around the stomach, pink strings with ribbons decorating the top and bottom of it. Her hair is decorated by a big white-blue inflorescence, safely secured at the left side of her head.


"Is Plumeria your favourite place on Etheria?", Sayaka asks once Bow brings up the place with the tree runestone once more, her attention focused on the sakura tree decorating the landscape, and lightly squeezing Bow's arm when he compliments her. "True, I am in great company", Sayaka turns it around with a grin.

Bow has posed:
"It's a pretty place to visit." Bow admits as he feels the closeness of the Puella on his arm and just enjoys the closeness of her as the two of them get a few moments to themselves as they walk. He's not as formally dressed as she is - it was impossible to find something in his size so close to the festival.

But Sayaka makes an adorable proxy and he smiles. "So, that's how they dressed here a long time ago?" he asks, but he does return to the question at hand. "Brightmoon was my favorite place to visit. It was calm and peaceful... someday, when you want, we can sit with the tech pad and I can show you pictures and some more videoes. If you want. It's all so far away now." A glance aside to her again as she mentions being in great company.

A smile shows, reflected in his dark eyes as he sees her grin. "What are some of your favorite places to visit?" he asks her curiously. "I can't take you around Etheria, but you can show me what you like."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The two of them are are surrounded by trees on all sides, the flower petals a spectacle that enriches the senses as it is a true and tried spectacle that is unfailingly celebrated every year, the rebirth of spring that brings a smile in everyone's heart. Bow might not be as formally dressed as she is, but he dresses well, and his presence is all she needs to enjoy the events anyway.

The bluenette listens intently as he speaks of the pervasive calm that defined Brightmoon and how he enjoyed it the most as a result. "I would love looking through your records with you", she happily confirms to him, before addressing his question. These are very much traditional clothes", Sayaka starts explaining. "It is not something people wear on the regular anymore, but tradition usually manages to stay alive in some form.

"My favourite places, huh?" Sayaka starts pondering. "The Botanical Gardens are very nice, especially at the koi fish pond here, and Gullwing Coffee is my favourite place to hang at. I love the music shop at Four Clover Mall, and the the Beach is very nice too. Lastly, the Island Shrine at Penguin Park is very reserved, so I find it is great for when you have thoughts to mull on."

Bow has posed:
As one of the petals falls and lands on Sayaka's hair, Bow pauses his walk to turn to her and pluck it away. And for a moment, it gives him a chance to be close to her, realize how pretty she is once again. Heat warms his cheeks, but he doesn't say anything in this case, remembering her words about being flattered too much.

"Then we'll try it like a movie night~" Bow sing-songs lightly about showing her the vidoes and images. "I'll take you on a virtual tour of Etheria, and afterwards, you'll feel like you'll want tio join the Rebellion!" A bright grin, a hope that someday... he'll still be able to return home and free it from the Horde.

"You look very pretty in the clothes." Fine, it slipped out anyway. "..I can see why they were phased out - I mean, I don't think you can run in that = and you're pretty in your nomal clothing... but that looks really nice on you. I can't wait to see what you decide to wear for Prom." he offers to her in quiet honest, squeezing her hand as he turns to walk with her again.

She lists off her favorite places, he grins. "Well, we've visited a few of those, we'll have to mark the rest of the list..." A thoughtful look and he considers, before continuing, "Where would you like to go that you never been before?" he asks, releasing her hand and stepped forward, turning and walking backwards, "I've read a little... your world is so large, and it's varied and different, I mean, Etheria... well, different areas seem to have a common theme, but here? Everything is so jumbled and confusing, and I kinda want to see it all!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka has really told Bow that she trusts him and believes him at her most, so if anything, Bow is expressely encouraged to speak his heart, and not be afraid to tell her anything. Because she wants him to be at his most relaxed around her, and not to have to worry about anything, as she won't break. Her heart has been given to him for a while now, and she wanted him to know that for real the last time they played music together, hence why she has encouraged him not to be afraid to speak his mind.

"Haven't I joined it already?" Sayaka grins, clinging close to Bow and enjoying the warmth of the Etherian's figure, reminiscing how she had been spurred into feeling sympathy for Bow the very first time they met, with that video that showcased his great qualities, even if it wasn't something he had aimed for then, and how close-knit their trio and Swiftwind were. That was when she had decided that the boy who came onto the Beach at Yumegahama chased by his enemies was worth any help she could give, and offered him her sword.

"I probably could run in this if I had transformed first and then worn it", Sayaka muses with a smile. "And I would be really fast, even." But of course she knows that doesn't count, it's not like they could have made it with that purpose in mind. "I do have to be careful with where I step, and need to pace myself too", she explains. That isn't a particular concern today, though, as she can cling to him and enjoy his warmth, especially as she looks up to that serene and beautiful face of his. Sayaka had noticed that he had kept something for himself, the expression on his face spoke volumes, but well, telling him any more than that wouldn't have accomplished anything, which is why she is quite joyful when he decides to finally speak his mind, and be less afraid to somehow hurt her, a small blush settling on her cheeks.

"Somewhere I have never been from here?" Sayaka asks, unsure if he meant the whole of Earth in some sort of thought exercise, or just Tokyo. "Well, you haven't been at Four Clover Mall yet, right? We could make that our next date. And don't worry about Etheria sharing a theme, I still can't wait to see it all", the bluenette confides to him.

Bow has posed:
Bow had promised to be more open with Sayaka, at least, he will. And it is with that in mind that he is willing to tell her that he finds her attractive, even if he tones it down just a little and doesn't burst into song or anything equally embarassing!

She's been pratically by his side since he arrived in this world. He was unaware of her story, she was just the brave girl that stood beside him in the sand against to her unknown enemies - and has given her everything she can since then. Including her heart.

"Hopefully we don't gave a reason for you to run!" he comments aas he finds her staring up at him, and when she blushes, she is even more attractive, and he leans down, placing a warm kiss against her cheek.

"I mean, I'd love to see the mall, sure." Bow admits. "But I mean. Outside of Tokyo? Japan? Is there anyplace you want to see?" he asks. "I want to see this America that everyone told me I should say I'm from." Then there's a pause. And his smile turns concerned.

"...wait. You can leave Tokyo right? I mean, being what you are doesn't keep you trapped here, does it?" Bow worries on his lip, a tighter hold of Sayaka in concern. "That'd be terrible!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"What if we have a reason, though?" Sayaka slightly pushes back against Bow's arm with a smirk. "It could be as simple as a race. You. Me. The end of the park. Could be fun. Don't you think?" It would certainly be an unusual Sakura Viewing date, but they could always take their time watching the flowers on the way back to the gate. There can be space for both things.

"I am not trapped in Tokyo", Sayaka reassures him, holding his hand tight. "Literally the only thing that makes me different is my Soul Gem and needing to recharge every once in a while, and for that I can just bring a stash of Grief Seeds with me for the duration of our trip. Sure, it sucked incredibly when I first found it out, but I am used to it now, and I learned to appreciate myself still. Because despite everything, I am still me." And she is glad that everyone stuck with her even when she giving them grief to no end.

She hasn't really thought where to go if she ever left Mitakihara though. Earth is big, and it's probably more than she could ever explore in a lifetime. In a single lifetime, that is. She gazes uncertainly at Bow, before saying "Well, how about the Pyramids. Everybody seems to love the Pyramids. Maybe we could find out why together."

Bow has posed:
"It's not much of a race if something isn't wagered." Bow muses on the idea, looking thoughtful as the two walk. And he gets an idea, but for the moment, his attention is on the words that follow, as Sayaka lays out what all she would need to do, just to leave the city.

"I mean, there's other Puella out in the world, right?" he asks her curiously. "I remember a mention of a German one, and Amy doesn't seem Japanese? What do I know, though, I'm not from around here." A small smirk at that. "And yes, you are still you. The girl I care for a great deal." A fond smile and he lifts her hand to kiss her knuckles lightly.

"I'm not sure how big Earth is compared to Etheria..." he admits as they walk, turning his gaze away from the bluenette, back to the trees. "...but I'd love to find out. Especially with the right company." His hand squeezes hers in return. "Pyramids? What are those? If everyone loves them, we should totally go see them. Are they far away?"

Then he pauses, remembering where he was going. "Okay, a race." His hand releases hers. "From here, to..." he gestures to a small footbridge in the distance. "...there. Whoever loses... hmm. Next movie date? They have to make the other their favorite meal. So, if I lose, I have to make you slaw buns." he explains, waiting to see if she accepts this wager.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I don't really know what was up with those girls", Sayaka shrugs, not really wanting to contemplate the possibilities. "They came here talking of having fought the Walpurgisnacht, but then did not turn up ever again. I hope nothing bad has happened to them." She certainly does not want to come up one day against a Witch that she finds out to be one of them during the fight. "Amy, though, I know she made a wish here in Tokyo even if she is american", Sayaka adds. "So, I don't really know what the status on Witches is out there. And if we meet them there, it means Kyubey is tricking people worldwide, so I really hope not", Sayaka shudders.

Sayaka clings closely to Bow at his kiss. "I would love to find out too. Earth is big enough that one life isn't really enough to see it all, but I don't know if Etheria is anything like that. As for the pyramids, they are these massive funerary monuments for pharaohs - the rulers of Ancient Egypt, where the Pyramids are - that have been built at a time when creating something that huge would have been absurdly difficult, to the point they are regarded as a marvel for that alone."

"I see you quite enjoy the idea", Sayaka's eyes glint as Bow starts bringing up the idea of a wager. She is certainly not one to walk back from that, and rather she only wants to do it more now that Bow is fully ok with the idea. Though there is that matter than now gnaws at her, something that Bow has the right to know. "Would it be ok if we added a talk over the food?" Sayaka asks, quite clearly unsure about whether it's acceptable instead of a movie. If Bow accepts, she excuses herself from his presence. "Just a second!", she tells him, as she heads for the public bathrooms to undress, transform, place her transformed uniform into Oktavia's labyrinth, and then dress again, going back to Bow clearly ready to get this going. "You might want to transform too", she reminds him.

Bow has posed:
"And if it is true? You and I can make sure that those girls learn the truth." Bow points out to her, giving Sayaka a brief hope to show her his loving support, if she wants it. Once he releaes her from the hug, there's a tilt of his head as she describes what the pyramids are, he looks confused. "So they built giant graves to themselves? Wild."

"I mean... we teleported or took ships to each of the main kingdoms..." Bow admits, but he seems to be okay with that as he adds, "Maybe after we leave school then? When things are better? Travel together... you know... if I don't go back." There's a momentary pause. "I mean, if things work out where I can stay and Etheria is safe." he clarifies.

And then she's scrambling off to go change and come back to him, and when she arrives, "It's okay..." he comments about transforming. "I'm the same speed in either form..." Something else he has not figured out yet, maybe?

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"We have to be careful with how we approach the subject", Sayaka warns Bow. "Revealing that the Witches they have been killing are in fact other people and could have been their close friends? We could be playing into Kyubey's intentions and further draw them to despair", she says, clinging close to him in that hug. "Yeah, they haven't really been fine as people, I think", Sayaka says. History wasn't her strong subject.

She keeps up the hug when he mentions having to possibly go back. "Just know that whatever happens, I will have always been happy about our time together. Nothing will change that", she smiles to reassure him.

"We are actually faster in our magical form", Sayaka tells him. "Some are faster than others, but everyone is so much better off, stronger, faster, most resilient like this. It wouldn't even be a fair contest if we raced while I am like this. When you are ready, we can start."

Bow has posed:
As she mentions that they need to be careful, Bow nods slowly. He's terrible at that, but he's trusting her - openly and wholly. She's done nothing to betray that. And the hug is... really really nice, and he's in no hurry to pull away, even if she can clearly hear his heart racing a little faster with her closeness.

"You'll have a new love interest in like a week." he says teasingly, kissing the top of her head, smiling back before he starts to pull back. "Alright, let me go do that."

Crystal Hope sighs quietly. "It sounds like a waste of magic." she murmurs.

"Quiet, you're always telling me to practice." Bow protests, and that continues as he ducks into the restrooms to change as well. Hopefully people will just think they are cosplaying some fantasy anime and they're adventurers.

After a few moments, he comes back out, changed into his armor as he returns to Sayaka and offers a fond smile. "I think I'm ready."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka shows no sign of wanting to undo the hug. It will either happen when Bow wants to or they are about to hold the race. "Maybe", Sayaka remarks quietly at his bringing up a new love. If Bow is teaching her anything is that she is able to be attractive on her own, and he could actually be right, but... "I don't think one week is nowhere near enough for me to get over you, though, so it doesn't matter how little it takes for others to want to be with me. My heart will extend that time a lot."

Though they are about to race now, so Sayaka gets set, ready to show Bow that she was actually serious when she said henshins are enough to make kimonos viable to run in. When she sees that Bow is ready, the bluenette starts counting down from three, and suddenly, the two of them go, Sayaka doing her best to keep up with Bow. And despite her clothes, she actually manages to stay toe to toe with him.

In the end the Puella cheers when she unexpectedly snatches a really close victory, being the first to reach the end of the line by mere centimeters. "Good job", Sayaka turns around to smile at Bow. "It was a really good race."

Bow has posed:
When she mentions it would take time for her to get over him, Bow blushes, showing on his dark skin as his eyes meet hers. And as much as he may want to sweep the bluenette up in his arms and firmly kiss her, he stops himself, so that they can concentrate on race.

He sets up, and when she says go, Sayaka is able to take an early lead, and Bow finds himself having to race to catch up. Just as he was about to, it's like she had a whole other gear as she continues to increas the lead. Bow is working to catch up, but the view is distracting as well, quite lovely as it is.

Noticing how close they are to the bridge, he starts to catch up to Sayaka with his longer strides - and maybe if he had another fifty meters or so, he would have overtaken her, but Sayaka is the first to the bridge, Bow only a couple of moments behind. "It was. But you won!"

"So I hope you like dehydrated slaw buns..." He pauses, and realizes. "I hope they have all the ingredients for them on this world." he comments, a brief frown. "I will have to check this... super-market."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Now that the race is over, Sayaka gets behind a fortunately large bush (large to her anyhow, which definitely helps the odds) and after getting herself back to normal in all senses of the word, she smiles to Bow. "I don't know what they are, but I am certainly open to try them out", the bluenette remarks, motioning for Bow to reach down for a kiss due to that blush he had.

Because she cannot deny it is very easy for him to make her heart flutter, and she doesn't envision herself trading him for anyone else in the world, even if she knows that the chance of her having to do that is very real. But that's a problem for future Sayaka, and now she is fully intent on enjoying her time with him.

"Want me to accompany you to the supermarket?", Sayaka asks. They have to go to Four Clover Mall anyway for their trip to the music shop, so they may as well add that to the list.

Bow has posed:
Moving to henshin back to normal behind a nearby building, Bow meets Sayaka back at the bridge as she returns to him and admits her want to try his cooking. "Queen Angella made them with Glimmer when they had time, she was really good at it..." Bow pauses for a moment with a sigh and shake of his head. That memory in his head, when he was a child and him and Glimmer in the royal kitchen when Angella came to make buns.

But Sayaka is motioning to him and he leans down to kiss her, soft and sweet, reminding him that he has new and pleasant memories here and now, even with that reminder that this may not be forever. He will enjoy it while he can.

"I think you just want to see my reactions to it." he points out with a smirk, slipping his hand into hers, "But it'll have to be after prom. I'm going to be soooo busy the next few days." He glances to her. "I'll make it up with as many dances as you want."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka catches the tone with which Bow talks about that memory and immediately gets her hand over to his arm, giving it a squeeze as she says. "I am sure she would love to know that you still remember her fondly and are spreading her recipes", she tries to console him.

And then they share that incredibly sweet kiss, affection tempered by the memories they are steadily building up being intensely felt in that single motion. "I will take you up on it", Sayaka's eyes gleam with joy at Bow's proposal.

Bow has posed:
"Good." Bow grins as he falls back to Sayaka's side so that she is next to him so they can start walking again, him next to her. "I'll try not to tire you out with all the dancing I want to do." he teases lightly.

And with that, he's leading her off for some more time together and to enjoy each other's company amongst the blossoms.