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Latest revision as of 00:54, 14 May 2024

You Are Not The Mom Friend
Date of Scene: 29 April 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Emotions run hot as Usagi storms out of Setsuna's house with Ami on her heels, both of them shocked at the revelations that unfolded in 1513. But there's fury, frustration... and something more than friendship unfolding, when Ami scews up her courage.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Ami Mizuno
Tinyplot: We Got The Beef

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The door is slammed. Not hard, not with the wood-jarring crash that might have been used to slam a personal, bedroom door, but it's still slammed, the second Ami and Usagi are out of the Outers' house, and she's still angry, and she doesn't want to wait for the bus, and -

"There's some trees over there. Let's hide behind them and transform, I'm going to scream if I have to wait for the bus."

So saying, she stalks right for those trees, and a burst of light and ribbons later, Sailor Moon is standing on the side of the street, looking at the roofs, then grabbing her phone to double check a map app on which way to jump to head home.

"I can't believe Mamochan knew and didn't tell me. I can't believe Su- Meiou-san knew for weeks and didn't tell me!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno was not expecting this outcome of the evening. While she'd known Firefly had her Device repaired, she had offered to help but then... well. That hadn't happened apparently. But the rest? "... I had no idea she was Hotaru-chan," comes her quiet murmer as she follows Usagi out of the house and she's frankly a bit bewildered herself over it. Concerned.

Frowning she thinks on it while tugging the strap of her purse over her shoulder a time or two in a fidgety way because she wasn't really sure what to do with it, or her hands, right now. The suggestion of transforming is met with a simple nod. "Alright."

She too ducks behind the trees and her transformation is equally quick as she follows close on Usagi's heels trying to figure out how to calm her or... "I don't really want to play devils advocate right now, but I think maybe they're too accustomed to dealing with things on their own. It's a hard habit to break. That's not to say they're right in this situation," she adds hastily. "Just that is maybe why they didn't tell you. Or any of us." Other than Mamoru apparently? Oh dear.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I didn't think you did," Usagi says, "But Mamochan did, and I'm - so mad. I'm going to ask him about it. I'm going to ask him about it before I yell at him -"

And then she's texting, as she's walking, and she's got the direction, and she -

She looks back at Ami, at Sailor Mercury. It's her first time seeing her in transformation since what they saw. Her eyes can't help but catch all the differences, the softened lines of her face, the shortness of her hair, everything familiar and beloved, everything in Ami that had been in that older Mercury, that beloved guardian.

Mercury and Ami are two different people. But Usagi loves them both.

"They're used to operating on their own, but they expect us to share everything we know. We're a team, but only when we're the ones bringing them in. Ami-chan. You don't have to be mad at them, just because I am, you know? But I am. I'm so -"

Her lip curls back, her shoulders are straight, and she's so angry.

"This way - that's the way back home."

And she leaps up to the nearest roof in the right direction. She waits for her, once she's up there, though.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury is there right beside Sailor Moon listening as she gets the anger out. When that look is cast back toward her she offer a smile, reassuring and solid, and perhaps a bit soft as well. Even if she's angry she knew it wasn't at her.

"I'm not angry at them. I'm dissapointed that they put you into this situation. I don't have the same history with Firefly as you do, but they knew all that she has put you through. I was there when you told them, after all." It was only for this reason that it's easier for her to be objective about the whole thing. Really though... They *had* hurt Usagi in many ways tonight. She could see that. "You have every reason to be angry."

When the leap is made she follows after to land deftly nearby. The talk of home is glanced at only a moment.

"Do you *want* to go home yet? We could go somewhere else if you want. You still haven't eaten yet... We could get ramen?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"You're the disappointed, I'm the mad, and between the two of us, we're my parents every time I did something stupid," Usagi mutters, thinking back to the many times her papa hadn't been mad, just disappointed, and all the times her mama absolutely WAS mad.

"It's not just the history with Firefly, either, it's just - this is big! This is a big thing! They kidnapped -" she lowers her voice, casting a careful eye over the area, "They kidnapped the daughter of a director in Obsidian. That means he's probably some stupid powerful insane guy, because Beryl is a director in Obsidian, and yes, it's good that they saved her, but they should have told us if there's a risk that three of our Senshi could be found out and attacked! Because there's a risk of that!"

It's amazing how much hissed passion one can squeeze into a whisper.

"You're right. I don't want to be home. And I didn't eat that burger, even though it smelled really good - and Mamochan is texting me back but he thought Setsuna would tell me because she told him and she's been-"

She looks over the most recent text. She is in disbelief.

"She's been hiding Firefly as Sailor Charon."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Parents. Ouch. Somehow that remark hits Sailor Mercury a little hard as she feels her cheeks flush at the thought of being compared to Usagi's parents. Her mouth opens, then shuts with a click of teeth as she glances to the side momentarily fighting the urge to dwell on that topic. It wasn't important right now in light of everything else.

A quick, deep breath is taken, held, and then finally let out slowly. "You're right this could have been, and could *be* very dangerous for all of us." She risks a look over toward her friend again only to stare wide-eyed.

"They. They *what*."

Devils advocate be damned. Now her face twists with a look of horror, turning to anger and frustration. "That is *incredibly* irresponsible of them! Not only were they hiding her but they're also taking her out to fight with apparently? She needs help yes but she's unstable that isn't-" No, calm, calm. Usagi was the one angry right now she needed calm.

Mercury ducks her head to pinch at the bridge of her nose. "I'm very much beginning to dislike this evening entirely and I really wanted to talk to you about something but it can wait. Let's run a bit, and get some food, and then think straight."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's a flash of something over Ami's face, and it makes the anger falter, because Usagi's always been full of love, and what can she do when her friends are upset, but be concerned? "Hey - are you okay?"

And then Ami is angry too, feeling her same degree of feeling, refleccting her horror and anger and frustration. But still, there was that flash of feeling, that look, and Usagi is still angry, yes, but she's worried, too. She understands a little more, maybe, why Ami is pushing her own anger aside.

"I hate it too," she says softly, "And... you're right to be disappointed and mad too. I'm frustrated with them, obviously, but - you don't have to push your stuff away, for me, you know? We're friends. I care about you, Ami-chan, I want you to be okay too."

A little sigh, and her phone dings, more texts, and she'll jot off replies soon, but -

"Are you sure it can wait? I mean, definitely let's run and get food, I'll probably have like, an anger heart attack if I hold it all in, and if it turns out Luna knew and was hiding this from me I'm going to turn her into a coat."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Mercury's eyes dart back to Usagi's when she pauses to question. Though her own anger was there she was clearly a bit conflicted as well. "This doesn't seem the time-" she begins only to bite at her lower lip considering.

There's obvious confusion and conflicted emotions warring over her face a moment. Again her eyes shut to take a soothing breath as she gathers her thoughts. It was something she was having to do a lot of lately, especially since coming out of the portal. A step closer to Usagi is taken, and she looks back again.

"It was just what you said a moment ago about your parents. About how I was like them." She was always the responsible one though wasn't she? Do your homework, make sure you eat right, get some sleep. Was she like that in Usagi's eyes? "I know it's silly to ask. I'm just, I'm not. A parent. I've always been the responsible one though. I've had to take care of myself growing up because Mother was so busy, and I just-" Another deep breath. "You don't see me as a parental figure, do you?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"If you're upset, it's the time. I don't want you to have to push things down, Ami-chan."

And focusing on something else - something she can do - honestly, it might help.

And then Ami steps closer, and Usagi steps closer too, naturally closing some of the gap, and she's concerned, because -

Uh? Wait - "Are you asking if you're the mom friend?" A little smile touches her face. "Ami-chan, I don't know how to tell you this, but that's Mako-chan. No, I definitely don't see you as a parental figure. You're responsible and you push me to do my homework and you're always on me for studying, but I don't see you as a mom at all."

Her tone gentles, and she reaches out, and she's got her hand, on Ami's shoulder, looking her in the eye. "When I said that, I just thought it was funny that the two of us were taking the same roles as my mama and papa. Me, getting mad like her, you, getting disappointed like him. That's all. Don't worry, Ami-chan."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Mom-friend. Yes that was probably the best way to put it now that it had been said, and when Usagi points out that Mako-chan fills that roll, it certainly makes sense in a way. A look of relief mixed with a bit of embarassment slips over her face though at least she does look better. Consoled. A little giggle comes in response, "She really is, isn't she?"

The hand on her shoulder causes her own to rise resting atop Usagi's with a little squeeze. "Thank you. I'm glad to hear that. I was afraid that you might ... I mean I was older in our past lives, too, and your guardian and tutor and this life is different. I don't want to be that this time. Now that I've remembered everything."

The hand lingers there a moment, her other hand at her side clenched into the fabric of her skirt for something to hang onto as she meets Usagi's gaze with her own. Smiling softly she adds, "I really, really don't want you to think of me as that, because I think-"

The words seem to bunch up in her throat a moment and she grows a bit red-faced, fumbling for how to say what she wants to say. With a little bit of frustration she mumbles to herself, "Well it worked for *him*," enigmatically.

Her fingers shift over Usagi's hand to dip between Usagi's, lacing together. Her weight shifts to the balls of her feet as she suddenly leans into Usagi to brush a quick kiss to her lips. It's breif, and testing, and warm, and rushed because she was about to lose her nerve if she didn't try right now.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's that look of relief on Ami's face, and Usagi is surprised that to see how intense it is, how much it had truly bothered Ami to be thought of as a mom-friend, but she smiles, pleased to have been able to resolve one problem - relieved be thinking about something else, and to have Ami looking - pleased. Their hands are touching, again, Ami's hand heavy and warm on hers, squeezing, and there's that earnest intensity, in Ami's eyes, and when she brings up their past lives, Usagi frowns a little, as she says -

"Serenity thought of all of you as older sisters. But I'm not her, and you're not Mercury, it's different, you know?"

But there's something weighing on Ami, clearly, and it's got something to do with the past, and then there's their hands, laced together, and then there's that mumble, that she doesn't quite catch -

And then there's Ami's lips on hers, and her hand in hers, and Usagi's mind goes blank. Full stop, no thoughts, just petal-soft lips on her lips, the scent of Ami's shampoo in her nose, the gentle press of a kiss.

Usagi kisses back, rising up on her toes, a little, even though the height difference isn't that great, matching her. Her eyes, drifted shut, open, and when the kiss breaks, there's a little smile on her face, dazed and pleased.

"Oh," she manages, "Different like that. Different is good. I like different."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno held her breath for the length of that kiss until she feels that little upward press as Usagi leans into it. She suddenly remembers how precious air is and how very much she needs it when her heart surges with a skipping beat.

Was kissing always this good? It's no wonder Endymion couldn't stop kissing Serenity in their past lives. More importantly though it was Usagi, her Usagi here and now, the friend that had helped her to realize there was more to life than studying. The one she fought with and for.

Could her face be felt with how hot her blush was? And oh god she really really hopes she doesn't taste like that garlicky burger she'd just scarfed down at Setsuna's oh god--

The kiss breaks away leaving her a little breathless as well while she's treated to the sight of Usagi looking dazed, and dreamy.

With relief, joy, and delight she breaks into a giggle at the response smiling wide and openly. "Okay. Good. I'm glad. I... I'm really glad. I asked Mamoru if he thought I could, I mean I didn't ask his permission that's up to you, I just wasn't sure if I'd be good enough to, and." Breathe. Deep breath. Her free hand lifts to wrap around Usagi's waist pulling her in for a firm hug. Not another kiss. Not just yet.

"We should get you some dinner, but I'd really like to discuss this more later too. If you're okay with it."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's a little garlicky burger taste, sure, but Usagi likes burgers, and she likes Ami, and she'd liked that kiss, to be sure, and honestly, having it happen - has opened her eyes in a whole new way. There's so much more to think about and see, when she looks at Ami, with her pretty pink blush and her lovely blue bob and the little flush of her lips and -

"That was nice," she says, flustered, and then Ami is babbling, and it's so cute, her hurried speech and her giggle and there's a firm hug.

And ah, does Usagi love a hug. She hugs her back, tight and firm, and inhales the scent of her shampoo again, and thinks -

No wonder Mamochan wanted to have Kazuo-kun too.

"I'm glad you asked. And I'm glad you kissed me. And of course you're good enough, Ami-chan, you're the best, you're mine, and I love you, you know? no matter what... this becomes, I love you. And I'd love to discuss this more. Maybe over ramen, or maybe... maybe some other time soon, if you want."

There's other things, other issues, but her frustration with the Outer Senshi is far away, and Ami is right here, in her arms.

And she does love her. Is it a romantic love? Could it be? Is there a difference?

They've just got to find out.