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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Fencing Club on the Go Go
Date of Scene: 24 May 2024
Location: Mitakihara Ward
Synopsis: Adrien has set up at the park across from the hospital with coffee, snacks, and fencing gear to help people relax between shifts keeping an eye on Mamoru. Tamaki and Naru join in. A bit of fencing is had, and then Tamaki starts to question them about their relationship.
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Jadeite, Naru Osaka

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Everyone had been very busy since Mamoru was injured. Those immediately involved or close friends took turns watching over him. While Adrien had of course offered he was politely rebuked due to the fact that he wasn't *as* close with Mamoru as the others who so desprately wanted to be near him. He could understand that. Still, he wanted to help, so if he couldn't help Mamoru directly? That meant helping those who were near to him.

The park across from the hospital was one of those nice parks set up with built-in exercise equipment for people recovering, and seniors, as well as a good walking area, and a 'general sports' area. This is the spot that Adrien had currently set up with help from his bodyguard. Little caution signs were set up along with a sign stating this was practice only by members of the RHA Fencing Club. The nearest picnic table was set up with a small spread. One of those to-go coffee containers, cups, creamer, and of course croissants, fruit, and onigiri for those who may need more of a meal. Against the side were some of Adrien's sword bags filled with various foils, epees, and other clear training swords. No 'real' edges here, at all. He even had his fencing suit on sans the helmet. A few fencing jackets of various sizes were borrowed and set out for whoever decided to join in so that it can be done safely.

Adrien leans against the picnic table with one coffee cup taking a long sip off of it before preparing to do more, or simply hang out. Whatever the case may be. It was early yet so the park wasn't *that* full, and the bodyguard stood well away watching so that if anyone asked he could explain. Or at least keep others from getting too close due to his imposing height and grumpy appearance, even if he was a softy.

Jadeite has posed:
This week has been a month. Mamoru injured badly with no way to speed his healing - and for as much as Mamoru had the power of the earth, he's been like the sun this week, staying where he rests while the rest of them rotate around him, each trying to reach out a hand in turn.

Tamaki's glad he can help keep him company, that he can bring in homework so no one falls behind, but between his shifts and his schoolwork and the stress, if he doesn't get a little activity in, he's going to end up exploding another art project.

So when he sees Naru's boyfriend with a picnic table full of snacks while he's stretching his legs, he beelines over.

"Adrian, right? You're one of Naru's boys?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste sips at his coffee slowly enjoying the warmth of the caffienated drink. His phone was near in his other hand having texted Naru while waiting for her to arrive. When the blonde teen he'd seen a few times around comes over that he lowers his cup to flash an easy smile toward him. "Yes, hello-- Ah? One of her..." Instantly he turns a little pink with an awkward laugh.

"R-right yes, that's right. I'm Adrien Agreste. You're one of Mamoru's friends I assume?" The coffee cup is set down on the table so he can stand properly and step forward offering a hand out toward him automatically as he'd caught the American accent. He was so used to dealing with those of other nationalities that he just reacts without thinking.

Because if he thought too much he'd be more embarassed about the 'one of Naru's boys' remark.

Jadeite has posed:
"Yes! I'm Tamaki Suikawa," and Tamaki shakes his hand without missing a beat, years of american socialization kicking in in an instant. "I'm one of Mamoru's," bodyguards, "childhood friends. I'm guessing you've heard he's in the hospital? Naru's been an angel, helping Usagi out."

The whole school had heard, even if no one knew the details. Tamaki was trying to keep it that way - the gossip would be countered once they had gotten Mamoru back on his feet. Which they would.

Tamaki's stressed enough that he's dressed obnoxiously American - jeans, sneakers, a baseball cap with DARTMOUTH emblazoned on it in English, and a t-shirt with Godzilla and King Kong fighting.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste shakes Tamaki's hand without trying to do any of that macho hand squeezing nonsense that sometimes comes up, even if he was a bit embarassed by the original statement. It's rolled with smoothly.

"Pleased to meet you, Tamaki! Yes, I'd heard about Mamoru. I thought I'd set up something that might help burn off some stress if you've any interest at all?" He gestures breifly over to the long black bag that was currently unzipped to show various sword hilts.

"I fence with saber. I've been wanting to teach Naru for awhile as well, so I set things up. And of course," He adds with a grin of sheer amusement as he also gestures to the coffee. "I set out the usual Naru-traps to lure her here."

Jadeite has posed:
"I'd really appreciate that, if you don't mind! I... Everyone's been a real sweetheart helping out, but it's been a long week," Tamaki says, his shoulders sagging.

Which is american for i am so tired. im dying squirtle.

"Oh, you fence?" Tamaki's eyes light up. "I do too! Or I did - it's been a couple years since I did it formally. I was going to join the club in April but then things got - busy. I"m sure Naru filled you in on that." Too busy being traumatized by his own bad idea statuary past to get into a club... "I use the epee. I'll take the most sugary, least Naru-ish coffee and maybe we can spar a little? I'm afraid I'm not terribly familiar with the differences in sabre fighting..."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Emerging from the hospital across the street, is the one for whom the snack and more importantly the coffee trap has been laid out for. Naru has clearly been in visiting Mamoru already today, possibly just dropping things off for him and Usagi, possibly having taken a few hours to sit and just quietly be with him. Either way, she's emerged out into the sunshine and is headed for the park, looking around for where ...

Ahh, there's Adrien, and oooh! Coffee! Her smile is warm for both of the boys as she heads over to join them.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting." Naru comments as she settles her hand on Adrien's arm, coming up on tip toe to settle a kiss upon his cheek. "Hey there Tamaki. How're you holding up?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Ah, a latte sounds about right then. With extra sugar." Adrien grins as he turns to fill the cup with cream first, and then the coffee. Sugar is added and swirled in with a stirrer before it's offered over to Tamaki with a chuckle. "I know epee as well. I've trained in the various styles but saber is the one I've been told might most benefit teaching Naru. It's more a slashing style and tends to have the most hit-areas in competition."

Without really having to double-check which ones he's withdrawing, he pulls out two epees to offer one out. Point held down, so that there's no chance of accidental poking in the meantime. "I joined last semester and missed the club sign ups so I had to wait till this year to join myself. I'd be happy to train with you if you want until things are opened up again."

A more sympathetic expression is given as he adds, "I know you've all been through some really tough times lately. I'm happy to listen if you need to talk, or just offer a distraction otherwise. Sometimes it's good to just have some 'normal' things to do, I think."

Anything else he may say is put on hold when Naru comes over. His face lights up with a bright smile as he gazes on her fondly, and oh-so-helpfully leans his head down to the side to accept the kiss that she bestows on his cheek. Only to return one of his own with a grin. "I never mind waiting for you, Naru. There's coffee of course," he offers though he seems quite happy to just remain there for a moment next to her with his gaze lingering adoringly.

Jadeite has posed:
"Wonderful," Tamaki says, taking the coffee and sipping it. Ahhh, sugar, his beloved. There's no such thing as too sweet... "The epee's piercing-centric style works better for me," especially given his weapon would be made of ice in an emergency - he'd rather not shatter his sword - "but I can see the saber for her. It's versitile!"

And he brightens up. "I'd appreciate that. I suspect I'm going to be too busy for clubs for the next few months, but I'd love to do some one on one training. Especially with someone who knows what's going on," eg is clued in enough about magic to date a mahou, "and someone with more experience." His face flashes shy for a moment, and he opens his mouth to elaborate -

And there's Naru! "I'm living the dream," he says, taking another sip. "Adrian offered to fence with me and let me have some of the feast."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Ooh, we're fencing today, are we?" Naru asks as she moves to make herself a coffee. Black, she's no fun at all when it comes to coffee drinking. "Are we finally going to work on the sabre, just like we've been talking about approximately forever?" She asks with a grin and then looks over to Tamaki. "I have a lot of hope that we're not going to be busy for months." She comments quietly. "But perhaps. Some fencing time seems ideal"

Naru in her standard Naru way eschews such things as snacks. She's got a coffee, and an Adrien. She's good.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Absolutely! I've got the whole day off," Adrien explains. "The photographer we were working with came down with the flu, and Father's refusing to let him near me so I don't get sick too. One of the times that it's good having Father be so protective." It meant he was here, lots of free time, and he could spend the day (or however long necessary) with Naru and her friends.

"Would you mind if I warmed up first with Tamaki while you enjoy your coffee?" His attention shifts back to the other blonde with a little questioning tip of his head. He'd caught part of the remark about being more experienced, but given the topic was fencing right now he just responds, "I can't say I'm more experienced or not though. I guess we'll find out after a match!"

Jadeite has posed:
"Handy! I'm just cutting class," Tamaki says, grinning. Rich parents were all the same, huh?

He picks up the wooden epee and gives it a few practice swings, then settles into a stance. "On three?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh please.." Naru gestures for the two boys to fence first. "Go right ahead. I would happily drink coffee first and spend some time relaxing."

Naru tucks herself on the seat of the picnic table, her legs folding up under her as she cradles her cup and watches the two of them attempt a wee bit of recreational homicide.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
They were high quality epees of course. Anything less would make Adrien look shabby and that was not allowed at all. It would ruin his image and the image of the brand his father had built up. They have little soft safety balls on the tips of the swords that were a bit spongey. No stabbing here.

Adrien does lean down to kiss the top of Naru's head fondly before he steps over to the flat grassy area he'd set up for this purpose. Almost instantly he shifts from relaxed boyfriend mode to practiced, poised fencer as his posture straightens, movements grow precise, ad he snaps his own epee up to salute.

"On three. Naru, if you would do us the honors?" He inquires still grinning. Even if he weren't facing her on immediately at least having her do the count was a good way to keep her involved.

Jadeite has posed:
Naru raises her hand and counts one, two, three -

Tamaki salutes, then lunges forward. As a fencer, he's got the technical skills down despite being rusty - he just keeps on misjudging how far his legwork will take him. As if he'd practiced this a great deal when he had very different length legs.

(When he was eleven, when he was in the past - legs too short, legs too long.) If he does manage to hit Adrien, it's more likely to be because overshot a step and went too far, too fast into Adriends range.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
With such a start it's really no surprise that Adrien reacts well to this over-stepping. His weight rotates on his foot turning himself to the side further so that the epee slides past him while his own presses forward to bap Tamaki in the stomach. He doesn't do a full-extend given the distance but if he had? If that were a real sword? That would not have been a pretty ending.

Immediately he bounces back several steps to regain distance with a firm nod "Let's keep going," he suggests. "Your depth was off but you did say it was several years. Growth spurts will do that. Your form was excellent though!" No bragging or boasting or crowing over first strike. He just falls back into stance again, this time he lunges first.

The fencing continues on this way for awhile letting both work out some stress and frustration, until it slows to a point where it's more about the moves than the hits.

Jadeite has posed:
Tamaki flinches when the rubber ball hits - he's done this enough back in the day to know what would have happened if this wasn't just a playfight.

But it is. He steps back and breathes, then resumes his starting position. "I was a lot shorter when I started training," he says with a grin.

And this time he's on the defensive -

And they fight and dance, moving in careful forms as it becomes less competition and more remembering how to do THIS and THAT - and soon Tamaki's laughing as much as he's panting for breath, sagging against the table. "I think I need to call it. My legs are voting to secede from the rest of the body."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste laughs warmly, if a bit breathlessly, as he steps back himself at the call. "Not a problem. It's always tough getting back into the swing of things after a long break." He looks over to Naru with amusement as he adds, "Though I think Naru will do fine given she jogs at an insane hour every morning."

He moves over to the table again, and while it did have mostly coffee, there were also bottles of water. Two are snagged and one tossed lightly toward Tamaki. "Let's catch our breath."

Jadeite has posed:
"It is. I'm sooo out of date," Tamaki laughs, and he sits down on the bench across from Naru and Adrian. "A runner? Perfect. Fencing needs a lot of leg strength."

He grabs the water bottle and drains half of it in one gulp, then sighs in relief.

"Can I ask something a little weird?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste nods in agreement easily. "It'll help her stamina and footwork certainly." His own bottle is uncapped and he tips his head back to take a quick chug before glancing toward Tamaki curiously.

"I'm sure it's not weird. Go ahead," he urges.

Jadeite has posed:
He leans in a little and lowers his voice - the bodyguard seems nice enough but he isn't sure if Adrien wants him (and thus his father, who the bodyguard is employed by) to know his personal business.

"How do you and Cat and Naru schedule everything so you all get a turn hanging out? Kazuo's been showing me the calendar and I feel like dating's about to become an after school club with the amount of planning it's going to take."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"It's not THAT insane." Naru protests as she drinks her coffee. "Kazuo and I generally aim to be running by about 6 at the latest. Then we're back in time to get ready for school."

Yes. It is that insane.

She watched the fencing with a mix of curiosity, attentiveness to details and admiration. Perhaps a little more admiration for watching Adrien.. with no offense to Tamaki, but bias.

Naru had just been taking a sip of coffee with Tamaki asks his question and she accidentally swallows wrong, coughing rather than helping him with a reply. She waves off assistance. She's /fine/.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste stares off into space a moment as the question is asked because it just takes his brain a bit to parse that. Him, and Naru and CAT NOIR. Oh no. Oh no someone had told him they were a trio apparently. His face immediately turns beet red as he starts, and stops, and restarts trying to make his mouth work properly to form sentences.

"W-we uh, we... It just... Ah... Take turns?" He coughs into his fist with a glance to Naru wide-eyed and pleading but she was no help since she's reacting similarily. Only with more coughing due to choking.

"I guess it um. Day shift and night shift? If it's something, ah dangerous, then him. Um. And I like going on day trips to visit tourist sites."

Jadeite has posed:
He'd heard about Naru and Adrian and Chat Noir a couple weeks - maybe a couple months ago? Going out to ramen? Good for them, honestly, managing a triad in this economy.

"That makes sense! You're both active at different hours, so it's easier to prioritize depending on circumstances and timing. Makes sense that it'd be more free-flowing..."

He and Kazuo and Usagi and Mamoru all have to take the same hours to share since, well, they all had classes and such. A more nocternal mahou would have an easier time scheduling.

"Do you feel like conflict is easier or more difficult to deal with with more people involved?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
To say that Naru looks as if she is enjoying the absolute crap out of Tamaki's questions to Adrien would be an understatement. She just smiles serenely, trying depserately not to start laughing. Again.

"It's true." Naru pipes in with. "We really are fortunate that it's rare for both of them to be around at the same time. Just the way scheduling tends to work out." She sips from her coffee, managing not to choke on it this time.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
As the questions continue, morale does not improve.

Well, Naru's might.

Adrien decides he has to sit down, and sinks down to sit sideways on the picnic table bench so that his legs don't need to shift beneath the tabletop. It makes it easier to keep an eye on both Tamaki and Naru. Who gets a bemused look as he knows very well she's enjoying herself. He's still a bit red-faced but that could be due to the workout, right? Clearly.

"We uhmm... You know that's a good question. We haven't really had any disagreements yet so far. I guess we're lucky that way?" Looking more serious he has to admit, "It very well may happen some day though." Ah, yes, introspection. "But for the most part, um... I guess having someone else to offer another view on the matter, or differing insight, is probably going to be pretty helpful." Plagg. He means Plagg.

Jadeite has posed:
Well. It seems like Adrien's as much of a novice in this as Tamaki is. No fights... not even one? That could be good, but it also could mean someone was hiding the arguments until too late. (Not that he, uh, lived through that on the moon or something. Whoops.)

"Having lots of opinions is probably helpful," he says, nodding sagely. "You shouldn't be afraid to disagree with each other if it does come up - it's better to communicate and nip those problems in the bud than be quiet to try and avoid a blow up and let it fester."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru seems to think this is great. She's not blushing at all, still faintly grinning at the questions.

"Fortunately, once we finally got ourselves altogether.. we've not too bad at communication." Naru leans over to lightly bump shoulders affectionately with the blushing Adrien. "Adrien is eternally patient with my silly ideas, and my Cheeky Kitty encourages all sorts of stupid ideas. It works out delightfully, really."

Naru's attention moves over to Tamaki. "Oh, I'm not generally all that shy about disagreeing when we do. We just haven't yet." She turns to Adrien and quirks her head. "I'm not sure why, but we haven't."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste coughs a single time more. The little nudge from Naru causes another grin though, and he tips his head toward her to rest his cheek momentarily on the top of her head. Ah, height differences. Squish. He does chuckle a bit at that. "Small differences don't matter enough to become an argument, and the more important things we usually have similar views on," he explains.

"I admit I worry that Naru is in danger often, but that isn't her fault either. With the friends we have it's bound to happen. I could try to keep her from fighting 'because it's dangerous'," he lifts his hands giving finger quotes in the air. "But given the circumstances, it'd be far better to help her learn how to fight. Events are going to happen no matter what. Being more skilled when facing them is going to serve her better."

Jadeite has posed:
"I see, I see," Tamaki says, nodding. They must both be even tempered... He just hopes they don't repeat the mistakes of his past. They seem like a nice couple!

"Exactly. At this point, learning how to fight alongside us and knowing when to battle and when to play defensively," eg run the heck away, "are more important than platitudes about too dangerous to fight. Everything can be dangerous. It's better to go at it clear eyed and prepared."

It was important to respect her enough to invite her into the battle, too. Another way he'd failed Endymion back on the moon.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Even without powers of my own, I'm hardly about to stand around and do /nothing/." Naru protests as she's gently squished. She's still shorter than Usagi, it would seem fate has decided she's done with that growing thing. She's petite, even by Japanese standards.

"Life is dangerous." Naru agrees with both of them. "It's also a lot less demoralizing to be able to at least make some attempt to defend myself rather than just sit around feeling helpless." There's a flash of a smile over to Tamaki, a private note of amusement. His alter ego, when still.. under the influence, was the start of it all.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste sits up straight again so he's not squishing her too much. Though it is tempting to keep hanging on her. Instead he takes a deep breath as he thinks. "See? She's brave, and strong, and cares about her friends enough to want to help them in spite of danger. How could I not admire someone like Naru?"

"Besides, I want to help my friends, too." A gesture is made toward the coffee and snacks in indication. "It doesn't always have to be through violence."

Here he pauses lifting a hand to scratch fingers through the back of his hair. "I feel like I got off topic a bit there. Sorry, Tamaki. Um. Is there something specific you're having issues with, other than finding it hard to balance your time?"

Jadeite has posed:
"Exactly! Trusting your friends and knowing you can rely on them is important," which, ok, he knows that's incredibly cheesy, but he's not sure what else to say. It really WAS important. She really WAS amazing. They both were!

"Well," he says sheepishly, fiddling with his empty water bottle, "I asked Mamoru out a couple weeks ago, to join his whole - group. You know." The polycule! "When we were younger, I was a jerk, tried to override his decisions and was just - deeply unpleasant to Usagi out of jealousy. I'm glad they're giving me a second chance, and I want to make sure I don't mess it up this time. Because Mamoru's one of my best friends, and also because if I hurt Usagi, Naru will help hunt me for sport and she'll be legally in the right."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm entirely in favour of helping out via coffee." Naru points out to Adrien with a grin.

Her attention settles back on Tamaki and Naru smiles gently. "I can only imagine with such a large group and so many personalities that jealousy has to be so much harder." She nods in agreement with his assessment. "I mean, only if I have to. Usagi will kick your butt while crying if she has to, but I'll kick the pieces." She pauses a moment and then adds. "Although, I mean.. even just knowing that you screwed it up once helps to not screw it up on purpose this time. I thik most of us were more jerkish when we were younger."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Oh! Congratulations then, I suppose." Adrien does smile sincerely as he offers the sentiment even if it's a bit awkwardly stated. His hand falls back to his lap considering everything the conversation had covered already.

".. You know, Naru wasn't the first person I liked." An apologetic smile is offered to her. She knew though, so he continues on looking back toward Tamaki seriously. "I had another in my heart. I was true to my feelings, and told her such, but ... She had someone else herself. I wasn't who she wanted. And it hurt, a lot, and I dwelled on it a lot. I tried to at least be a good friend to her. She hadn't done anything to *not* deserve that.

A slight shake of his head comes. "It took me a bit of time to even realize I had feelings for Naru after that. I was so used to looking toward L--toward the other girl. I didn't really realize at first. It was just so comfortable and easy being around Naru, and before I knew it I wanted to spend more and more time with her."

"It still kind of hurts a bit thinking about the first person I cared about." He reaches out for Naru's hand to grasp gently, and raise to his lips to kiss the back of her knuckles fondly. "But I'm so much happier having someone reciprocate my feelings. I'm so lucky I met you."

Jadeite has posed:
Oh.... True love...How wonderful it could be, to fully express the feelings in your heart!

In his past life, Tamaki had craved the ability to be honest about his feelings, feeling like his duties were in the away. But now there was a path forward. And now he could appreciate the loves others had rather than being engulfed by envy.

(Which is to say, he's emitting shojo sparkles and roses at the sight of all this cuddling.)

"I'm trying to be better and not get smashed into little pieces this time," ahahaa, siiigh. "Unreprociated feelings hurt, but... there's always hope. If not from that person, then from someone else." He claps his hands together. "Thank you for your wisdom, Adrien. I wasn't sure who else I could ask advice from since most of the people I know well enough to ask are, well, also dating Mamoru..."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru reaches over to snag Adrien's hand as he offers it, to be able to hold it as he discusses the fact that they both took a while to figure out that they weren't just really good friends, there was more to it.

"I mean.. Neph and I danced around each other for months before things didn't work out between us, even while I was getting closer with Adrien." Naru mms softly and nods. "It is hard when your feelings aren't shared, it hurts the heart and it sucks." She gives Adrien's hand a squeeze. "I think we're both.. all three of us really.. are the lucky ones. We fit well together."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste squeezes her hand in turn quite happy to keep hold of it for awhile longer. "We did talk about that, too. I won't say I wasn't jealous but I was willing to let you see where things went with that, and... well I would have wanted to meet him too, of course, if things had gotten more serious." He sighs a bit in almost relief.

"You're welcome, Tamaki. I can't claim I know everything, but I do know that talking and being honest, and not hiding things is a big part of everything. The rest is a bit of a work in progress."

"But if you ever need to talk, I'm more than happy to chat, and I'm certain Cat Noir would feel the same." Whew. Interrogation survived!