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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Latest revision as of 15:11, 2 June 2024

Operation: Backfire (Bow)
Date of Cutscene: 01 June 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Bow stumbles upon an idea to strike first at Sunset and shares it with the others.
Cast of Characters: Bow
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

It was shortly after Bow had finished talking to Koji and Chiyo that he had found himself back in his dorm room, pondering over their words. Find his own focus. Return to your roots and make them work here.

He sat at the table, pondering that. He had the dorm room to himself, Kukai had gone... somewhere. He was sad that he never really made friends with the boy, but they somehow kept missing each other except for brief passing greetings. But the solitude gave him a chance to plan. And that planning eventually turned to Hinoiri. He'd never given her a fair shake, because he always felt that Sayaka had something unresolved there and he was always on guard to step aside if that was the case.

But now she had revealed herself fully as Sunbreaker and now this Sunset of Sora. And it was getting worse. As the burn ward at Mitakihara General Hospital was getting more and more occupied, something had to be done. Attacking her head on had been disastrous. Talking to her seemed to go nowhere except to get you attacked. She wasn't listening to anyone. What she needed was a good ole-fashioned purification. Purification... what had he thought of that before. Was what happened with Scorpia and supposedly Catra the Etherian version of it? How could he... wait. Eyes widening, he went to his book bag and dug around, finally pulling out the Tech Pad he had brought from Etheria.

"Bring up the footage from the May 10th Eclipse Zone." Bow announced. And nothing. Oh right, there was no longer a connection to his AI, and he had to go back to doing things manually. Blowing out a sigh of breath, he opened the files he needed. First, he compared every file he had on Sunbreaker's presence at the Eclipse Zones. She was always there at them. He realized... they were her project. He jotted down a note about that, and then went to the specific file he wanted.

As he looked over the schematics he had gathered, he remembered the plan he had presented to Usagi and Ami. That they could feed a purification into the leyline, and blast it straight into Obsidian. It was meant to be a first strike on what promised to be a long battle against Beryl. But... now he needed it for something different. He made some calculations and changed some of the settings on the virtual side of things, and finally, he got a result he was looking for. Excitedly, he sent a message to the others, using the SENSHI COMMUNICATOR.

BOW, excitedly, "Hey all! I think I know of a way we can get the jump on Sunset and catch her off guard to hopefully stop her! So, the Eclipse Zones. They are her thing, right? And I had this idea once of sending a pulse of purification through it to hit Obsidian. But I did some calculations, and my theory is that Sunset is using that same Eclipse Zone as kind of a recharge unit! And if I can get in close enough, I can make the changes needed that instead of dark energy, we can hit Sunset with a massive burst of purification energy and that may stun her long enough to launch a massive attack! I have everything set on my end. I just need to find a black bodysuit in my size. So, going shopping. Wish me luck!"

After sending the message and making sure to transcribe it to leave in the Shed, Bow grabbed his wallet. He needed to do some shopping. There was a disguise to make - and an Ami to contact so that they could hopefully set up the first strike on Sunset and help tip the odds in favor of FRIENDSHIP AND LOYALTY.

The rest of his afternoon was spent with him going to various shops around the ward. Finally, he found everything he needed. A black body suit. White and grey boots. White gloves. A red scarf. Red sunglasses. A utility tool belt. He didn't need to look exactly like a Kindabad - just enough of one that he'd look like one from a distance. Because he planned to get in close to the Eclipse generator to make the modifications needed. And hopefully henshin in time that he can take whatever hit comes his way when Sunset realizes what is happening.

Otherwise, it's gonna hurt.