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==Dusk zone==
==Dusk Zone==
The dusk zone is where dusk energy seems to come from. Sparkles do not last long here as it is incredibly corrosive to life. Even people who can wield dark energy tend to get burned over time. It is useful to destroy things, as it will melt away even the strongest metals to nothing but dust within an hour or so, leaving no evidence. The flora and fauna there is incredibly strange. There seems to almost be an echo of the real world in it, but nothing transfers over accurately so it’s strange and distorted.
The Dusk Zone is where dusk energy seems to come from. Sparkles do not last long here as it is incredibly corrosive to life. Even people who can wield dark energy tend to get burned over time. It is useful to destroy things, as it will melt away even the strongest metals to nothing but dust within an hour or so, leaving no evidence. The flora and fauna there is incredibly strange. There seems to almost be an echo of the real world in it, but nothing transfers over accurately so it’s strange and distorted.
==Dusk porting==
==Dusk porting==

Latest revision as of 06:17, 7 August 2024

Here are Hinoiri Kirara’s notes on Obsidian, the information she has dispersed to Radiant Heart after Obsidian’s attempts to give her a final severance package. As funded by Yellow Pearl Voice. While the information below is freely available to everyone on RHA side, the fact it's from Hinoiri is not.


The doors are the primary method Obsidian troops will attempt to get from locale to locale. They are located at random locations throughout the city and trying to find them all would be an effort in futility. Fortunately, as a former Obsidian agent I know where many of them are and, as such, all of the doors in Radiant Heart Academy and in the directly neighboring areas should be down, making it harder for any attacks to be done against the academy.

The Doors themselves are small portals that allow, when the correct doors and turned the correct way, for people to travel through them. This can allow them to travel miles in seconds. Some of these Doors are located in entirely random places that even I can’t understand, such as at the bottom of lakes or in elephant enclosures at the zoo. This is how Obsidian operates can sometimes appear to just… well… appear across town.

Dusk Zone

The Dusk Zone is where dusk energy seems to come from. Sparkles do not last long here as it is incredibly corrosive to life. Even people who can wield dark energy tend to get burned over time. It is useful to destroy things, as it will melt away even the strongest metals to nothing but dust within an hour or so, leaving no evidence. The flora and fauna there is incredibly strange. There seems to almost be an echo of the real world in it, but nothing transfers over accurately so it’s strange and distorted.

Dusk porting

This is how we got into and out of trouble so easily! Dusk porting is a rather… inaccurate, but useful method of moving somewhere fast. We more or less can jump into the Dusk Zone or move into the general area of where we want to go. The latter is incredibly inaccurate, we we may end up two or three blocks away. More accurate teleporting is NOT dusk porting. It is incredibly hard to stop and, aside from some witch labyrinths, I’ve never found anything that could stop it.

Fortunately, it’s near impossible to arrive at a set location using it. There are only four places I’ve seen that can be dusk ported to, and that’s only when close enough. Two of them are in Tokyo: Clover Tower and Obsidian Tower. The space needle in America(Seattle, Washington) and the Eiffel Tower in France (Paris). Three of these locations are incredibly focused places of magic, where many, many leylines have gathered. The reason one can dusk port directly to Obsidian Tower is because of…

Dusk reactor

The dusk reactor is in Obsidian Tower and the cornerstone of ALL exchanges in Obsidian. Everyone who gathers energy puts that energy into the reactor and it is stored. We could then use that energy to, more or less, ‘buy’ youma, money, anything we needed. This is, in many ways, the uniting aspect of Obsidian. Energy ALWAYS has a use for us because we can put it into the reactor and then exchange it for the things we want. For example, money.

The reactor is why Obsidian Tower is so easy to locate and dusk port to when needed. This is definitely why you shouldn’t ever attack the tower directly, it is incredibly easy for members of Obsidian to bounce in and out of the tower in a moment, without any way to really stop them.


Youma of Obsidian are… incredibly varied. They come in all kinds of types and, in general, they tend to be quite specialized. And, in many ways, this can mean dumb. While there might be some ‘smart’ youma, they do tend to be very focused in their knowledge and not understand things outside of their specific niche. They may seem intelligent but are almost never actually sentient. It’s more akin to an imitation, not real intelligence. There are actually intelligent ‘youma’, but they aren’t usually made by dark energy so much as they are something from possibly another world that can wield dark energy.


The leylines are like rivers of magic that flow through the world. More powerful spells, in theory, tend to tap into them. Almost all awakenings take place near such collections of power.

Something at some far, far, far off distant point in this world’s history seems to have aligned all of the leylines to converge on three locations, with the majority ending up in Tokyo and the others in Paris and Seattle. This is only known by a select few in Obsidian and not widespread information.

Eclipse Zones

The Eclipse Zones were my invention and are created by tapping in directly to the leylines' convergence points. As such, they can only apply in specific areas. They are made up of the core tower which is shielded by four other towers. In order to destroy the core tower, the four towers MUST be destroyed first, or deactivated.

They have two layers of security. The outer layer can be accessed by the consoles, created by Keaka. This allows them to run diagnosis and setup. However, there is a deeper level that lets things like how much is drained, deactivating them and alter how they function. This could only be done by myself at the time and would require someone to know how to operate gemstone magic.

They are protected against being touched by anyone who is using purification magic AND isn’t using dark energy. This would mean someone like Madoka who can, for varying levels of success, use both wouldn’t be able to use them. As I can no longer use dark energy, this means I can’t access them either.

They constantly drain energy from the leylines and then store and disperse that energy. I had set them up so only a portion was going to Obsidian and the rest was going to a place I had setup and now… is likely being just dispersed back into the world. So long as they can’t access the core controls, that should continue. They also emit a song of darkness at all times, a combination from both the Black Beauty Sister’s song and Easter’s dark music. This heavily dampens non-dark energy attacks.

The best way to stop them is to ensure they DON’T activate to begin with. Once they are up they are incredibly difficult to take down. It was done once, but well… I’ve tried to avoid asking how they did it as I do not want to know how to make these stronger while I’m powerless.