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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Latest revision as of 01:09, 6 July 2023

Schools out
Date of Scene: 05 July 2023
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Amu meets Cho. There is a card trick and plans to go to Tokyo Tower!
Cast of Characters: 54, Cho Konishi

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
Its been a long day. School felt like was going on for an eternity. The clock looked like it was going in reverse for Amu, especially after lunch. Thankfully she didn't run into the Prince today. That would have been really embarrassing. She quietly walks out of the school. She can hear the whispers of some of the people that see her. "I heard she beat up the entire football team of her last school. Their coach too!" Another voice chimed in, "I heard she was the head of the student council because everyone was too afraid to run against her." Amu just sighs. None of that was true but she can no more stop the rumors than she can cool down the hot afternoon sun.

Her feet stop at a small garden in front of the school. Taking a moment she kneels down and smells the flowers there. Its nice. Flowers always seem to cheer her up a bit with their fragrant smell. Quietly she stands up and finds a bench to sit on. Quietly she sits down and looks over the school uniform. "Ugh, why Orange and Blue!! They're not my color and just looks so wrong!" SHe mutters to herself about it, not really able to do anything about it.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi had managed to get out of school on time, woo! She'd done her homework during study hall and was actually ahead again, yay. Which was great, because she needed to clean up her room a bit anyway. Not because of her, though. Because she was many things, a slob wasn't one of them. Well. Okay, maybe a bit of a slob to herself, considering her hair but... she didn't leave messes.

No, she needed to clean up because Wuwu. The little brat had tried to do the dishes and just... no. She appreciated him trying to help, but she REALLY wished he'd figure out how a dishwasher worked.

However, as she was walking towards the exit, she heard some whispers and paused. She glanced over to the girl who they were all gossiping about... Huh. A whole football team? By herself? That sounded pretty cool. Maybe she could dethrone the prince... assuming she could resist the sparkles. Little prince and his sparkles.

She eyed the girl for a moment before she stopped to literally smell the roses. Awwwww. The headmistress would be happy to see that, probably. If the rumors were true.

Hmmmm. Well, she'd best go and say hi. After all, anyone who could suplex a coach was worth knowing. And she knew just how to do it.

And, best of all? Amu gave her the PERFECT opportunity. No sooner had the girl said those words, that a voice spoke up behind her. "I know, right? Why would *anyone* make us wear orange uniforms? At least the blue makes sense. But the orange makes it look like they haven't been washed in months," she said before going straight for her number one ice breaker. She held out her right hand, pulling out a deck of cards from her sleeve and...

"Here, pick a card, any card, Spicy-Ranch-Chan," she said, fanning the cards out. No, she didn't know the girl's actual name yet, memorizing every single name was omething she left for people with talent, like Tadase. She HAD heard of the great 'Cool and Spicy' girl, though. With the pink, slightly off center ponytail. Cho, alas, was likely not nearly as memoriable. While she was on the council, she was nowhere near as breathtaking as some of them. Heck, she wasn't even one of the chairs. Just another paperwork doer amongst many.

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
Amu lets out an "EEP!" And jumps a little. She wasn't really expecting anyone to actually talk to her. She was still reeling from the Prince talking to her! It was all really overwhelming. "Spicy-Ranch-Chan?" She rubs her head over that one. Well that was new at least. Not exactly something she'd heard before. Usually it was cool and spicy.

She then blinks as the girl fans out the cards. "Err Okay." She idly pulls a card and looks at it. Its the Joker. "Okay I got it." She memorizes the card and looks at Cho. "My name is Amu Hinamori, by the way. Not Spicy Ranch-chan." She winces a little bit at that one.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi grinned and then nodded. "Yup! I couldn't remember your name, but I remember someone saying you were cool and spicy. Not... exactly sure what that means, but hey. Sweet and sour is a thing, so why not cool and spicy? And what's cooler than ranch?" she asked.

She then nodded and hmmed, putting her fingers to her own forehead. "Now, I must reach out to the spirits, tell me... what card does he hold? Ohhhhhhhh..." she said, focusing on it... Before finally...

"It's the Seven of Diamonds, isn't it?" she asked proudly.

"Cho Konishi, nice to meet you. You're a new transfer here, right? There's been a lot of them lately. Wanna know a little secret about the uniforms?"

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
"I don't think I've had ranch before. Wait is that American dressing?" She asks having heard somewhere that American dressing was called something different there. "Either way people always call me that. I don't know why." She states feeling a bit awkward over the whole thing. "I've not been called Sweet and Sour yet. That would be even stranger."

As Cho does her showmanship, she can't help but shiver a little bit. She has a slight fear of spirits after all. Still she watches, trying to follow what she is doing. And then there is the payoff. She shakes her head. "No, sorry. I had the Joker." She shows the card.

"Yeah I am a transfer student. My mom got a new job and moved us here to Tokyo." Then there is the secret. She is thrilled to learn anything that might result in her not wearing orange and blue. "Whats the secret?"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi nodded. "I think so. My grandmother lives in america, she sent us some last year. It's very creamy, but strange. Well, you can be anything you want to be! Probably. I mean, I wouldn't suggest actually covering yourself in condiments to increase the flavors you're associated with. But you could."

Then, of course... she sees the card. Cho groans. "Seriously? Joker? I was supposed to take those out," she said before taking the card back and then jumping the bench, sliding in besides her and shuffling the deck. "Heh, sorry. Still figuring out the whole stage magic thing. I'm... not really good, if that's not obvious."

She then glanced up at Amu with a grin. "So, I'm sure you've seen that some kids wear different uniforms than most. The truth is... as long as you wear *A* uniform, the school doesn't object if it's not theirs." She then sighed and leaned back. "I've actually been considering getting a new one too, orange isn't really my color either. Then again, I don't think orange is *anyone's* color."

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
"No its okay. We all start somewhere. As long as you keep trying, you are bound to get better at it right? You can do it." She smiles as she gives the words of encouragement. If there is one thing she can do, she can listen. If there is a second thing, its give good advice.

Then the secret drops. Amu's eyes light up at this bit of information. "Oh my goodness YES!" She cheers, drawing unwanted attention from some onlookers. She largely ignores them. "I am going to wear my old uniform. Black White and red! Red is definitely my color." She snickers a little.

"You have family in America? That is really cool. I wanna go there some day. I think it would be cool to see some of the stuff there. You know like New York City? Los Angeles? Those places just look so cool on movies and stuff."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi gasped and then nodded. "Exactly! Practice makes perfect! Even if I kind of suck at it, the first step of getting not awful at things is just sucking long enough that you improve! Besides, it's fun and silly, we can all use a little fun and silly in our lives, right?" she asked, grinning happily.

Of course... The comment on the outfit choice made her pause and look Amu up and down for a moment, a thoughtful look on her face. "So... black... skirt, white blouse, red accents?" she finally asked. "That does sound nicer, at least. Kind of... goth, I guess? Though you don't really strike me as a goth girl. I've always been a big fan of pink and black, though. And you'd probably look pretty cute in red."

She nodded to the america question. "Yeah. I've only been there once, but I was just a little b--kid then. They don't live anywhere super crowded, though. Apparently they used to have a farm or something, but they sold it long before my parents got together. Some of the trees I can remember were big, though." Not a lot of memories of that time, sadly.

"Are you a big movie fan? You ever been to Tokyo Tower? Seems the kind of place you'd love, then, considering how often it shows up in movies."

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
"Nope! A red plaid skirt with a white top and a red tie with a black jacket and belt. I also wear plaid leggings to go with it. Its really nice. It matches my hair pins." Amu smiles as she describes her old school uniform. "I can't wait to actually wear it here. Its better than orange and blue, thats for sure."

"Oh thats cool too." She comments about the whole farm thing. "It wasn't an egg farm was it?" She asks nervously. "No reason in asking I am just curious is all." In reality there is a reason for asking and three of them are in her bag. "Quiet places are nice too."

Then there is the comment about Tokyo Tower. She smiles a little. "I've seen it on TV and stuff. I haven't been there yet. I want to go." She smiles. "I enjoy movies sometimes. I have to watch a bunch that are more for little kids due to my little sister being only five."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi stared at her and then... "That... sounds. Absolutely adorable! Ohhhhh, I'm so jealous! None of my old schools had uniforms anything like that, they were always these bland, boring suits and scratchy pants that always felt like they were bathed in starch and just uggggh," she said, shaking her head. "Bleh. I can't wait to see it! I wonder if I could get something like that... Meh, even if I could I doubt they'd let me wear it. Supposed to set an example and all that blah blah stuff," she said dismissively.

However, the comment on egg farms made her cock her head to the side. "I... mean... they had eggs, probably. I think it was a dairy farm, actually. Mom and dad have chickens, though. But I wouldn't really call it an egg farm, though. Just like... sometimes we have fresh eggs. Roosters are evil, vile abominations, by the way. Don't let anyone ever try and trick you by saying they're not."

"Yeah, I haven't been there either. I wanna see it, though. Just haven't had the time or moti... vat..." she trailed off. Then blinked. Would she be here, a few years from now, wondering if she'd ever see the tower? Would that be who she...

She jumped to her feet. "Hey, Hinamori-chan. You said you have a little sister, right? Do you need to pick her up or take care of her or anything? If not..." She held out her hand. "Wanna go to Tokyo tower? School's out, there's probably a bus or something. And, well... if we wait around, the opportunity might just pass us by. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to look back years from now and wonder why I never at least tried. You know?" she said with a cheesy grin.

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
Eggs. It had to be eggs. Amu rubs her forehead and laughs a little. "Was just curious about the egg thing. I accidentally checked out a book on egg farms the other day. It was a complete accident. Someone started shouting in the library and then I saw the Prince leaving the library. I wanted to ask him something but he was gone. I just checked out the nearest book to me."

"I actually do have to go home. My parents are going out tonight and need me to watch Ami." She smiles. "Raincheck though? We could go tomorrow? We could go after school and see Tokyo Tower. Plus I can talk to my parents about getting some money so I can actually get a drink or try some of the local foods." SHe beams happily.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi nodded before snickering. "Ohhhhh. Really? They have a lot of books on egg farms, huh? Sounds like fun. Though if you wanted to know a lot about eggs, the prince is probably the one to ask," she said with a light chuckle. "Well, if he's not busy. Just, uhhhh, ask him when I've already left for the day. If he gets busy he's liable to sparkle at me and make me do his paperwork," she grumbled. "I swear they should make him get a license for those things..."

However, while she was disappointed about the 'no', she perked up when the other girl made a raincheck. "That sounds like fun. And hey, maybe you can wear your other uniform. Probably be funner to run around a tower and take pictures then. Huh. I wonder if they let people climb the tower, that'd be fun," she mumbled absent mindedly for a minute before shaking her head. "Right. So, tomorrow! The Tower of Tokyo! I'll see you after school. I... should probably let you get going, though. Don't want your parents to miss their date. Hee hee."

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
Amu nods, "Tadase-san? I will ask him when I see him again. I really have some questions about some things." She blushes a little and tries to hide the fact that she woke up with eggs in her bed just a few days prior. "Everything is just so crazy. Even my parents are calling me cool and spicy now. Its so messed up."

"Yeah. I should probably get going. Watching my little sister while annoying sometimes, I love my little sister. Big sister was her first word." She comments as she stands up. "Until tomorrow Konishi-san." She smiles. "Have a good evening."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi snickered and gave a nod. "Oh, I'm sure you do. Half the girl's in this school have some 'questions' for him," she said before chuckling again. "Granted, I shouldn't complain too much. Half of my fund raising is done just by selling the Tadase picture packs." He was possibly going to kill her if he ever found out about them...

The smile on her lips wavered slightly upon hearing that her parents called her that. She then chuckled. "Hey. If you don't want to be the 'cool and spicy' girl, it's never too late to be who you want to be. Most people can't change their history. But the future is always there for you to make your choices."

"Until tomorrow, Hinamori-chan. Stay safe and say hi to your little sister for me," she said before waving the girl off. She'd then grab her bag and start walking away as well, heading towards the dorms...

"She seems nice," Wuwu said from inside her bag. "What was that about changing her history?"

"Hey, it sucks being called what you don't want to be," Cho said.

"You should really stop doing those card tricks," Wuwu said. "You're awful at them."

"I know," Cho said. "But I never would have done them before, even if I could. I'd rather do them when I can't, because I want to. Hee hee. Tomorrow is going to be fun. I should soak some more peaches! They'll be amazing," she said before dashing off towards her room.

Amu Hinamori (54) has posed:
Amu thinks on that comment. Changing. How she wants to change. She prayed to her guardian spirits just a few nights ago with that single request. How could she ever change to be who she really wants to be. Her true self.

"Oh! I will tell her." She states and starts walking away. Suddenly with no warning at all, her hair pin turns into a heart. "BYE KONISHI-SAN!! HAVE A GOOD NIGHT!!" She starts skipping off toward her home.

A moment later the heart turns back into a red x. "Why did I do that? Oh my god that wasn't like me at all! Ugh People are going to be talking about that all day tomorrow. They are probably going to start saying I'm foolish! I just know it." She sighs and just walks home.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi glanced back at the other girl's yell. Heh. She was nice. Friendly. She gave a friendly wave back to her. She didn't know why everyone seemed so intimidated by her. Why, she seemed positively wonderful and incredibly friendly. Nothing at all like the rumors she'd heard.

The football team had probably started it.

Alas, for poor Amu... already a few people were glancing over... and soon, new rumors would circulate. Had 'good night' been a warning of some kind? Why were one of the student council members talking with her? Was it a threat? were they planning to make a play against the prince, or perhaps someone else on the council?

Dun dun duuuuun...