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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Latest revision as of 03:26, 15 September 2023

Texts: If I was missing
Date of Scene: 14 September 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Naru and Himeko text about abductions and adoptions.
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Pyrite

<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Things are a little hazy, but I'm pretty sure you were there to help resuce me, Himeko-chan. Thank you.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I was not seen there. It would be very irresponsible of Onii-chan to bring a small child to a rescue.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Certainly. I'm still grateful to have been rescued, even if I was mistaken.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Did you have a nice time?
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I was very bored while I was a captive.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Oh. That is unfortunate. I was considering being kidnapped as well. I am used to waiting for long periods of time, so maybe it would be okay. But it would be good if it was fun, ne? Perhaps your next abduction will be more entertaining.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I'm sort of hoping that I don't have another abduction, personally. It's not my favourite thing. I enjoy having autonomy to go out and visit with people and such things. Who are you hoping to be kidnapped by?
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: *.... typing* I had not thought of that.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Perhaps my mother could kidnap me.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: That might be good? I suppose that depends on if you have a good realtionship wiht your mother or not.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: She is deceased.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: That does not change my question about your relationship.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: It is difficult to have a relationship with someone who is not present. This is why her abduction of me, her daughter, might be good.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: She could appear as a ghost, or a zombie, or perhaps a skellington.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Ghost feels most likely, I would think.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I am fine with all of those possibilities.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Do you remember anything of your mother?
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: No. That is why I would wish to see her. Even seeing her dead would be better than never seeing her again.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Yes. I can understand that. I'm sorry you don't remember her.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: It is okay. I was very young. I mostly remember the orphanage with Onii-chan. Even that is indistinct. Even the people who took me from the orphanage are a mystery to me.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I didn't realize you two were at the same orphanage, but that makes total sense.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I am six years younger than Onii-chan, so I would have been a baby for some of that time, I assume.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Perhaps five and a half? Math is a challenge.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: How was your oprhanage when you were a child?
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: And age is a pretty nebulous thing too.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I didn't live in an orphanage. I lived with my mother in the evenings, and a care centre during the day until I was old enough to go to school during the day.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Oh. Your mother did not adopt you?
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: No, she did not. Usagi's parents acted more like adopted parents to me.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I am beginning to suspect I have an extraordinary misunderstanding about the mechanics of parentage and childhood.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I thought that everyone was adopted.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: You have a different lived experience than most of us. Some people are adopted. Most live with their biological parents.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Does your mother treat you well?
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: She does not treat me badly.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: That does not mean that she treats you well.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: She is grateful that I am at boarding school, and I think we will have a better relationship not living together. She means well.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I understand. Having a living parent does not make that much of a difference in the end. They may be just as nice or mean as any other person one might meet. I had felt I might have 'missed out on' something important.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: It does not make that much of a difference, no. Some parents are awesome, adopted or biological. Some probably shouldn't have had kids.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Well, I will at least wish for you that she is happy about your return. Perhaps it will lead to a better relationship as well.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: Losing something that one has taken for granted appears to have that affect.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: My mother is not magical at all. She didn't know I was missing.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: There was no mundane investigation by law enforcement? No notification of your absence from classes? What happened when you were not seen for however long that was?
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I am not the one to ask, I was missing and I'm not sure what happened here at the school. It is not unsual for my mother and I not to talk for a few days at a time.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I see.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: If I was missing, I wonder if anyone would notice or if I would just be forgotten again.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: We'd notice. You have friends, and Darien. :<3
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I see. Perhaps you should ask Onii-chan about my past.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I do not wish to 'drag down the mood'. Suffice to say, every single person in my life, regardless of their importance, has abandoned and forgotten me.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I am still waiting for it to happen this time too. It always does eventually.
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: It's hard to learn that it's different this time when that trust is already broken.
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: I shall certainly find out one way or another. I am glad that you are back, Naru-san. Please take care of yourself.