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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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|Date of Scene=2024/08/17
|Date of Scene=2024/08/17
|Location=Yumegahama Ward
|Location=Port Warehouses
|Synopsis=It all started like a normal fight, with Wind Dancer, Hope Blossom and Puella Red repelling a Layabout. But when the time came for Laura to retrieve the motivation power, Chongire put his true plan into action, taking Laura and the Aqua Pot. A trail of bubble photos is however showing the way to chase after him.
|Synopsis=It all started like a normal fight, with Wind Dancer, Hope Blossom and Puella Red repelling a Layabout. But when the time came for Laura to retrieve the motivation power, Chongire put his true plan into action, taking Laura and the Aqua Pot. A trail of bubble photos is however showing the way to chase after him.
|Cast of Characters=256,80,33,107
|Cast of Characters=256,80,33,107

Latest revision as of 16:22, 20 August 2024

A Boatload of Problems
Date of Scene: 17 August 2024
Location: Port Warehouses
Synopsis: It all started like a normal fight, with Wind Dancer, Hope Blossom and Puella Red repelling a Layabout. But when the time came for Laura to retrieve the motivation power, Chongire put his true plan into action, taking Laura and the Aqua Pot. A trail of bubble photos is however showing the way to chase after him.
Cast of Characters: Laura La Mer, Zephyr Windstar, Madoka Kaname, Amanda Faust

Laura La Mer has posed:
It's a pleasantly sunny day in Yumegahama Ward and two people are close to a moored boat. "So, to which warehouse?", a woman asks, grabbing a box from a boat before turning to her colleague. "I believe this one goes to 7D", that one replies after grabbing a sheet of paper from his breastpocket. "Hey, everyone! We are starting to unload here, get moving!" he loudly shouts immediately after to the woman's shock.

"Hey, what are you doing? That was uncalled for." Her colleague scoffs staring at him with fierce grey eyes. "Uncalled for? Do you even have eyes? They were just dallying there", he replies under the annoyed glares of the group he has addressed. "And what do you expect them to do when this is only the second boat arriving here the whole day?" she fires back.

Before the argumentative guy gets to reply, a voice from right above them. "Whoah there, try not to let that argument get too intense." Both workers look upwards towards the voice. "A crab man on a flying boat? What publicity stunt is that?" the woman mutters in disbelief. "After all, I believe that energy will be best served for us", the general continues, taking out a sickly green sphere. "Come out, Complete Layabout!", he smirks, throwing it onto the boat.

Becoming alive, the boat opens its eyes for the first time and jumps onto the docks, the characteristic purple dome expanding to surround the area. "Now then, get these humans' motivation power", Chongire orders, the youma's eyes turning red as rainbow light is sucked out of the workers towards it, causing them to collapse.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Zephyr Windstar, or as she goes by in magic circles now: Wind Dancer, is on patrol today. She's flying out of normal person eye lines. She's taken to investigating places that her soda cart wouldn't normally take her, like the docks.

    She's just about to call off her search, when that purple dome erupts from the waterline and Tenraikaze pings an alert. < Chief. Dark Energy signature. Big one. Same baseline as that cement truck. Might be one of those Witch of Delays goons. > "Got it, moving in, ready a Barrier to enclose that dome, and scan for any other magical signatures, prepare for a solo, but lets hope we have some backup." replies the mage as she wings over and boosts off toward the dome.

    Once she's close enough, she 'skids' to a stop, and expands a spell seal under her feet. "Barrier!"

    An oil-slick dome expands out and engulfs the purple dome of the Layabout, and any other magical beings within its area of effect.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka Kaname barely noticed that there was even anything weird going on at first. Her eyes very clearly displayed her exhaustion, and yet worry pressed her ever onwards. There was no rest for her. Not with things being the way they are.

    A tiny fairy floated around her head, wearing a bright pink business suit. "Madoka-chan... I know you're worried, but you need to rest too."

    "Sio-chan..." says Madoka's tired voice. She reaches out to embrace the tiny Chara, holding her like a plushie. "She has to be around here somewhere. I just know it."

    Sio shakes her head, "You have no idea where she is! She could be anywhere! She could've known you'd come looking and moved somewhere else." Nearby, Sio notices the purple dome forming and points. "Look! Someone's in trouble!"

    Madoka looks over, and her pink eyes widen. "Could it be...?" She's seen that dome before... "My Heart: UNLOCK!"

    Madoka makes the unlocking gesture with her hands, and Sio goes back into her egg to merge with Madoka, and with a flash of light and stars she transforms into Hope Blossom. With a renewed vigor and a hint of desperation, Hope starts racing towards the dome, which eventually leads her to the docks. She glances up at the dark general. Someone she's never seen before. A blue crab?

    Hope feels the formation of a Barrier, and is disappointed that it isn't Gretchen's. She looks at the source of magic and sees Wind Dancer, but her attention quickly goes back to Chongire. "Stop this! What are you even trying to do here?!" As she desperately looks around for someone small and grumpy, what she finds instead is a boat youma currently stealing people's motivation. "This again. I guess someone had to fill the power vacuum that Beryl and Sunbreaker left behind."

    She summons her branch bow into her hands and nocks an arrow, watching the enemy carefully as she considers her next move.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Saturday! And there's no school yet! *this* morning, she played a game on the internet when the time happened to line up, with plans to go to the beach in the afternoon.

    She looks a bit lost in thought though, as she makes her way from the train station to the beach.

    An old sci-fi horror RPG was a large part of why she was already familiar with the idea of putting her mind in a rock and seeing it as separate from her body. But, revisiting it after all these years in an online one-shot, it hit kind of close to home. Her character sacrificed herself, but the mind was recovered. And all she could think of was fighting in the caverns below Paris, seeing Homura toss her soul gem to Madoka before exploding. She was a bit distant and unfocused in the session after that.

    What's the stress I roll for remembering that in real life...?

    Amanda's walking along thinking to herself, and then a dome appears, and there's shouting, and she transforms and runs towards danger and think of the devil there's Madoka, and the Device Mage from the other day, and...

    A crab man on a flying boat. "YOU again?! Why don't you-- Hey! Stay away from them!"

    She interrupts herself to shout at the Layabout and try to get its attention with some rocket-propelled bullets.

Laura La Mer has posed:
It doesn't take long for Laura to notice the dome and fly at speed towards the scene with the help of the Aqua Pot, even if she wasn't anywhere nearby. "You had had your turn Chongire, but now it's ours", the pinkette declares, jumping out of the magical item with haste and putting it in her bag.

"Thanks for being here, everyone. Remember to focus on the Layabout. Once it's exhausted, I can recover the stolen motivation", she tells the magical girls. She does sneak a worried glance to Madoka, noticing how tired she is, but it's not like anything can be done about it right now. It will have to wait, despite not really something Laura is up to.

"Me again. I was waiting for you sparkles. The mermaid is here too, good", Chongire smiles when he sees the group arrive. "You are a real annoyance, so let's get this done quick. Just beware, the Witch gave me a stronger Layabout this time", the Dark General looks down at them.

Sensing its cue, the Layabout gets into action, throwing 2 enchanted oars at the Wind Dancer, before a chain is ejected out of the Layabout's side and it is thrown at Madoka, the anchor at the tip approaching her fast.

"Layabout", the youma grunts, a dark layer of energy covering it when it sees Red's bullets approach it. Its eyes fixate on the Puella Magi, its mouth downturned with clear irritation. "Layabout!" its shouts as it starts dashing fast towards her like a ferocious bull.

He shrugs at Hope Blossom's question. "What do you think I am doing, kid? Just absolving the task Butler has pushed onto me for the umpteenth time and taking care of an eyesore. Not that I mind the last part", he grins.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Wind Dancer spots the familiar shapes and colours of Hope Blossom and Rocket Red. She nods to them, in turn, lifting her Device in greeting before opening a Telepathy channel to both. << Nice to see you both again. I'll provide air support from up... WHOOP! >>

    She jukes under one of those oars, but gets hit center mass by the other, causing her to flip end-over-end in mid-air or a few seconds. Her spinning fanblade flight spells spin that little bit faster, as she arrests that momentum, and rights herself. "Right, first, Rude. Second, Gale Razor!"

    She sweeps her device behind her in a two-hand grip, angles the head parallel to the ground, then sweeps it in a wide arc. < GALE RAZOR! > affirms Tenraikaze. As the Device sweeps, its blades become engulfed in a boiling coat of purple magic, which then seems to spall off into rapidly rotating scything blades that sweep downward toward the Layabout. Two rotating blades spin down, in opposing arcs that intersect at the Layabout's center of mass.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The Witch? A stronger Layabout?! Madoka looks terrified for a moment before she realizes that he probably means the Witch of Delays... whoever that is. "So now she's escalating? Great..." Madoka sighs. Life really doesn't slow down no matter how bad her problems get.

    Hope Blossom watches with tired eyes as the Layaboat launches an anchor at her and... oh she should probably dodge that. Too late. It smacks her in the side and sends her flying backwards into a pile of wooden crates that Hope is very glad are the product of a Barrier right now. As she picks herself up, she's also glad that her henshin protects her from mundane splinters.

    "Ow... ow ow ow... Geeze!" she complains before smacking her own cheek for a moment. "Okay, okay, wake up. It's serious time." She blinks for a few moments, focuses her eyes on the bout youma, and has to nock another arrow since the first one fizzled out the instant she got hit. This one she releases in a single solid shot that curves through the air at the youma.

    Laura and Amy are here now, too. Good. She'd hate having to fight all by herself in this condition. With telepathy now open, she responds, <<Yeah, I'm here now. Let's do this!>>

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy nods at Laura. She knows the drill! "Oh, you couldn't even make your own monster? What kinda villain are--" oh fudge it's charging her like a bull. Her hand snaps up into firing position for the shoulder launcher that suddenly appears. Tandem-charge warhead, why not? If it's a boat and thus hollow, maybe she can get an explosion inside it and see if that hurts it more?

    Unless that stops it in its tracks, though, she barely has time to dive out of the way, possibly getting her feet clipped or grabbed.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura sighs with relief when she sees that Wind Dancer was able to stop in midair and doesn't seem to have suffered any big injury despite taking the oar center stage. That could have been much worse. Good thing she had dodged the first one.

The same relief can't be had for the anchor strike however. "Blossom!" Laura calls out when she sees the other pinkette crash against the crates, running over to her. "How are you feeling? Are you sure you can stand?"

The arrow Madoka has fired buzzes through the air as it flies... straight into the Layabout's mouth, who stomps around in a rage as it tries to continue its advance, trying to get the frustrating feeling in its mouth to pass. It is too distracted however to notice Amy's attack, who is able to put a definitive stop to its charge forcing it to take a break and recover.

Meanwhile Wind Dancer's razor blades strike true, forcing the Layabout back, a grimace of pain on its face. It instinctively closes his eyes when the strike almost knocks it over, but it recovers its balance in time. Rolling back the chain with the anchor, another one shows up on the opposite side before the youma starts spinning them rapidly. It has apparently decided to show it can rotate things too, and with that, it swings the left anchor at Zephyr, the chain lengthening to reach the Wind Dancer.

Chongire focuses on Amy at the redhead's provocation. He is tempted to send a dark energy strike at her for the offence, but... nah, he really doesn't feel like it at the moment. Maybe another time or something. The Layabout is doing all the work for him anyway. "Kid, don't bother me, I have been hired as a chef. This is already out of my job. Go ahead, Layabout."

The youma nods and replies in kind to Madoka's arrows, sending two oars towards her before using its right anchor to swing at Amy.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    < Chief! > "I see it! Blitz Move!"

    Wind Dancer's flight spell fans spin up, becoming rings of purple around her ankles as she jukes aside. The anchor skims past her shoulder, barely missing her, though she definitely feels the breeze in its passing.

    She glances over her shoulder, then brings her Device up in a reverse hack, aiming to cleave the anchor off by the chain. < TYPHOON SABER! > announces Tenraikaze, as its blades begin to boil once more. This time instead of spalling off, the blade explodes on contact, acting like a shaped charge to disrupt the chain and add to the impact of her strike.

    << Focus on the youma, don't engage the crab. Pretty sure he's beyond us. >> she warns over telepathy.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Hope Blossom starts to wake up a bit more. Possibly because Sio is in the back of her mind telling her to get it together. Golly that sure is a huge boat over there. Sure, Hope has fought large opponents before, but... geeze! Those things are really big up close!

    When Laura comes to check up on her, Blossom gives her a weary smile. "I'll be fine. It'll take more than that to get rid of me!" Mentally, Hope is kinda surprised at just how tough henshin armor really is.

    Of course, when the oars start flying at her, she moves to the side and pushes the mermaid out of the way. "Be careful! They're still shooting at me." This time the oars just barely brush past her, destroying what was left of the wooden crates. Deciding that staying close to La Mer is probably not the wisest decision, Hope decides to act more aggressively and draw the Layaboat's attention elsewhere.

    Madoka leaps up to a rooftop in order to get a better angle, and then super jumps from the roof to the deck of the boat, firing a spray of pink arrows ahead of her to cover her approach. Once she lands she runs across it from bow to stern, shooting at various parts of it as part of her mad sprint. When she gets to the opposite side, she leaps off of the side and lands on the dock, sending another arrow towards the hull of the Layaboat.

    "We're not letting you get away with these people's energy," she calls out. "No matter what!"

    Telepathically, she notes, <<Yeah, we probably can't get him now, and he's not engaging us.>>

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Mad--Blossom!" Amy shouts in alarm when she sees Madoka in the pile of broken timber. Landing from her dive, she rolls onto her back and fires an explosive shell at the layabout's mouth, jerking her forward unexpectedly as there's reverse recoil from letting the back of the launcher touch the ground. She doesn't even have time to fully get to her feet before leaping aside from the next attack, barely making it -- the anchor catches her cloak and pulls it off as she's left scrambling to reorient herself...

    The crab man might be glad she's being kept too busy to hassle him with banter, at least.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura's lungs have their air knocked out of them when Madoka pushes her back to save her from the oars. "Owowow, thanks", she mumbles to the pinkette once she has realised just what had happened. That really was a close one. It really is a pain that she can't have the same protection as everyone else. Still she has to pay Blossom back once this is over and then check what is going on with her exhausted appearance.

The Layabout whimpers when Hope Blossom boards it and starts damaging it wherever she can, not quite able to see what's causing the damage, without having noticed the pinkette jumping on. Still it doesn't take long for it to catch on, shaking left and right to throw the pink magical girl off itself. It tries to go after her once it notices but Amy's strike reaches it just them, exploding in its mouth, a column of black smoke exiting from it as it whimpers a pained "Layabout..."

Madoka being thrown off however probably ends up being a blessing when the Wind Dancer strikes at the chain. Whatever it is made of, it is too sturdy to be broken by Zephyr's attack, but the momentum of the explosion has a clear effect still, sending the chain round and round and round the boat youma, chaining it completely and making it vulnerable to attacks without any retaliation.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Wind Dancer adjusts her grip on her Device, and takes aim. << Stay clear of it, I'm going to fire a Buster! >> she warns over the telepathy link. "Ragios Rasgriz, Lethim. I call upon the Great Winds!" she intones, aiming down the haft as the axe blades ratchet apart, exposing the gemstone. The blades begin to slowly rotate around the gem, feeding energy into a growing sphere of purple magic. Once it reaches about the size of a watermelon, the Device announces < MAELSTROM BUSTER! > and a breath later, the mage calls "FIRE!"

    The sphere distends, then ruptures and billows forth as a torrent of barely contained magic.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka winces as notices just how hard she had pushed Laura. She didn't mean to put that much force into it. "Sorry!" she calls out. She doesn't have much time to dwell on it though, because the Layaboat has decided to throw her off, and no matter how tough of a magical girl Hope Blossom may be there's no real overcoming the difference in mass and scale. So she goes flying through the air and lands in the water with a splash.

    Deep breath in, deep breath out. Madoka raises one hand into the air and summons a large number of branch bows, weaving them together into a raft which she then stands on. Somewhat precariously. Fortunately such a vessel doesn't have to be ocean worthy. It only needs to last for a short while.

    Madoka pulls back another pink magical arrow, holding it until the pink flame ignites at the top of her branch bow. Once she's gathered enough power, she shouts, "CHERRY BLOSSOM BLAZE!" and unleashes the arrow. The magical bolt splits into many, and each one explodes as it impacts the youma boat.

    <<It's vulnerable now, so let's give it our all!>>

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy scrambles to not get hit by an attack that... doesn't come. They've just about beaten the monster.

    And then the device mage warns to get clear, and Amy's not sure what the minimum safe distance for an unknown magic attack is, so she rocket jumps high into the air to get away!

    She's still a little disoriented, but as she sails through the air she sends a couple more rockets the layabout's way as she watches curiously to see what the 'buster' spell is. "Ohhh, cool!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
The Layabout's eyes widen when it sees the three attacks directed its way. The three mahous are able to see clear fear in its eyes as it gets covered by a layer of dark energy, a protection against the triple offensive. Chongire too appears annoyed at it having been pushed this far.

The torrent that originated from Zephyr's sphere lashes at the Layabout first, the floor getting the marks of the youma's resistance as its feet digging into it. Each of Madoka's arrows is a precisely aimed strike, and the Layabout whines through its protection despite it not having been broken yet everytime one reaches it. The explosion of Amy's rockets linger as dancing flames on the surface of the dark energy, somehow feeding off of it, consuming it a bit more for each second it stays there.

The layer of dark energy starts breaking the more it has to endure the triple pressure, a loud crack accompanying each time it happens until eventually, they break past it sending it flying onto its back, completely immobile after the magnitude of the magical energy it has received. Chongire looks a lot less annoyed however. Is he concealing a bout of good mood?

"Finally! I am going to get the motivation back!", Laura cheers when she sees the Layabout get capsized, overjoyed that they are finally making progress, taking out the Aqua Pot. Despite it being an upgrade, it really wasn't too big a deal in the end despite it trying its best to protect itself.

The crab-man's eyes glint when he sees Laura take the Aqua Pot out. "Now, Complete Layabout!" The boat youma gets up so rapidly there is barely time to react before a myriad of bottles explode out of its mouth in Laura's direction, all of them rushing by her and landing around the yelling mermaid.

"Come on", she exclaims frustrated. "Well then, Mermaid Aqua Pot, search!", she smiles, pressing down on the top of the top of the bottle. "Eh? Search!", she tries again when nothing happens. "Layabout", the youma exclaims content as it moves its oars in a provocative way. Laura stops to take a good look at what she is holding.



"What's this? This isn't the Aqua Pot!", hurriedly tossing it aside and starting to dig through the pile of bottles. "Not this one! This is not it either! Wrong! This is different! The Aqua Pot is not like this!" Busy as she is, she doesn't notice the net coming down on her and scooping her up together with the bottles. "A good catch, a good catch", Chongire laughs heartily.

"Goodbye", the dark general looks haughtily at the three magical girls, throwing a dark brown-violet sphere towards them, which then explodes as a curtain of smoke. When the smoke dissolves, Chongire and the Layabout with Laura and the bottles have taken off into the sea at absurdly fast speed, the only sign anything has happened the exhausted workers and a trail of bubbles photos on the water surface. Laura must have found the Aqua Pot again at least.

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Tenraikaze's blade snap back to 'normal' position as the beam peters out. A set of vents open, and expel mana-infused steam in the wake of the buster strike.

    The mage herself winces, clutching at her chest for a moment. And then, she sees Laura being kidnapped. "What?! Hey get back here!" she exclaims, throwing her off-hand forward in a desperate... and ultimately futile attempt to stop Chongire from escaping with the mermaid. "Chain Bind!"

    Purple chains lash out, but find no purchase through the smoke screen. She then coughs at the smoke wafting at her, wincing again as she drops to ground level. "What the---" < Chief. I can track their signals... it will take time to narrow search parameters though. >

    Zephyr frowns. "Keep me posted, Dee." she balls a fist, and smashes a crate to splinters, "Damn it!"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Hope Blossom pumps her fist in the air and does a little jump to celebrate as the Layabout gets plastered by multiple strikes, only to immediately regret her choice as her landing unbalances her makeshift magic raft. When there's a slight unexpected delay in Laura's use of the Aqua Pot, Hope calls out, "Come on! Let's finish it!" before looking over to see the net closing over the mermaid.

    She gasps, and stars using her branch bow to row closer to the dock. "Wait! Don't take her. Wait!"

    Watching in horror as Laura gets kidnapped, Madoka starts to draw another arrow... but then holds it. If she fires now she might actually hit the girl, and she doesn't have a henshin or any real magic other than her Aqua Pot. The pinkette goes pale as she tries to think of what she could possibly do to stop this, but over half of her solutions involve using Gretchen's magic in some way.

    Brai, sensing her Chara Bearer's distress, suddenly flies to her side. "Don't worry, Hope-chan. I'll try to figure out where they're going."

    Madoka shakes her head, worried about losing even more fairies. "Don't chase them... they'll get you, too.."

    Brai gives her a thumbs up, "It'll be okay. I probably can't just follow them, but my magic senses work at a pretty good range." Then she zooms off before Hope can object further.

    Hope Blossom is left there, on her lone low-quality raft that probably functions less because of physics and more because magic and the fact that she expects it to. Tired, worried, and even more tired. She sinks to her knees.

    <<We... we'll get her back. We have to.>>

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy feels a little bad for it, seeing that fear. This creature's existence must end, sure -- but must its final moments be suffering? They can't all be purifiers, though...

TIt's done, she lands, Amy watches Laura prepare to retrieve the Motivation Power. And then--

    The layabout is back, and Laura is surrounded by bottles. Which look just like the Aqua Pot. As Laura digs through the bottles, Amy realizes what happened. "Oh, shit. That's pretty smart." Before she can think of what to do about it -- maybe she could shatter the bottles with her weapons, if the real one is tougher -- POOF -- Laura has been snatched! "NO!" She runs to the edge of the docks, "NonononoNONONO!"

    She stumbles to a halt looking down at the water. Even if she probably doesn't need to breathe, an unfamiliar environment, that she's not sure she can move in... seems like a worrying way to risk using up all her magic, especially solo.

    "Perhaps... there's some better way to find her? Like Coco's plan to find Gaito's castle didn't involve chasing his guys. But who else even knows where the Witch of Delays's lair is... Kururun?" She looks around for the seal. "Maybe if someone can talk to fairies...?"

    She scratches her head with both hands in frustration. "Rrrrgh... and even if we did that, we'd be walking right into his lair!"

    She starts pacing back and forth at the edge of the water. "If they're smart, they'll just keep her locked up so she can't interfere. But, they might go for the extra evil points of trying to turn her evil or mind control her or something... then we could capture her back... augh, but that would be so terrible for her..."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    "I should have seen that coming." says the Device user, knitting her brow with a growing frustration. "Keep in touch... if one of us finds out where she is, we call the others, and go kick the door in... or the wall, or his teeth." she says to the other two, her mismatched eyes burning.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka starts holding her head as doubts creep into her mind.

    She let herself slip. She messed up. She let her worry about Gretchen wear her out and now this happened... What a terrible magical girl she is.

    Sio's mental scolding is immediate. 'Now wait one silly second! You did the best you could, and there's no way of telling whether or not you could've even stopped that even while in top form. Even if you still had Hope Witch. Things happen, and you've seen far worse than this. Chin up!'

    Hope sighs, gathers her courage, and stands back up. She takes out her smartphone and calls one of her Chara. "Hello, Medo-chan? Make sure Brai keeps in regular contact with you, okay? If she goes missing, I want to know immediately and I want to know her last known location."

    Once she hangs up with her fairy, she looks over the water, seeing a trail of bubble photos that Brai is following. The tiny competence fairy picks up one of the photos, checks it for magic, and then keeps following the trail. It looks like Laura is doing whatever she can to be found.

    Madoka reaches into the water and pulls out one of the circular photos, and then super jumps over to the dock. She takes the photo, looks it over, and then shows it to Amy and Wind Dancer. "She left a trail of these behind. One of my fairies is following the trail. She'll let us know if she finds anything." Hope casts a worried look out across the water. "It'll be okay. I'm sure wherever she is, she'll be fine. Long enough for us to find her, anyways."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    They have a fairy on the case! "Oh, damn, that will... well finding where she is is critical information."

    Amy looks at the other two. Wind Dancer looks mad, but Madoka...

    Amy walks over to hug the pinkette. "We'll..."

    You'll what, Amy? You've always felt very strong about not promising things to provide false comfort.

    "...Things won't stay like this."

Zephyr Windstar has posed:
    Wind Dancer looks back at Hope Blossom. "..." she steps over, and offers a card with a cell number on it. "In case I forgot last time. Keep me posted... and get some rest, you look like a Parthran after a failed hunt."

    A what?

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Hope Blossom glances over to Amy as the Puella approaches, and she hugs the red girl for a moment before pulling away. "I know. This isn't over yet."

    Then she accepts the cell number and then texts it with her own. "Here's mine."

    She rubs her forehead for a moment. "'Failed hunt' is right. I hope Brai has better luck than me. I... need to go."

    Soon after, she's jumping away, vaguely in the direction of Mitakihara. She's not sure whether she feels better or worse about not having seen the Meanie Dokas here today.