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From Radiant Heart MUSH
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|Synopsis=A small Moment between Moments between The Unstoppable Sister and Rashmi Terios. | |Synopsis=A small Moment between Moments between The Unstoppable Sister and Rashmi Terios. | ||
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+ | |Tinyplot=The Crown of Succession | ||
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Latest revision as of 20:46, 7 March 2025
The Unstoppable and the Meister | |
Date of Scene: | 07 March 2025 |
Location: | The Infinite Void |
Synopsis: | A small Moment between Moments between The Unstoppable Sister and Rashmi Terios. |
Cast of Characters: | Aloisia Stauss, Rashmi Terios |
Tinyplot: | The Crown of Succession |
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Those cerulean flecks fall as a flash of emerald light explodes in the distance for Rashmi Terios, an island of reality coming into existence in the endless Nothing.
Flight towards it finds a small, unstable island, a knight standing vigil over a fallen form. This knight wears armor not entirely unlike Aloisia's, but bears only one shield, and has shocking red hair and green eyes -- not unlike the Pawn that had been fought before. Though she bears a shield, she bears it like it were a stabbing weapon, herself, the sharp spikes at the bottom of it pointed out at that infinite nothingness, that darkness trying to creep in on her little sanctuary.
As the darkness begins to encroach once more, that voice screams out once more, launching a sphere of emerald green energy out at that encroaching darkness, that explosion of plasma expanding and restoring that little island of Reality inside of the Nothing. It's stable, for now.
Though her armor is tarnished, though she looks exhausted, and the ever slightest edge of despiration is on her face, she still has a certain ari about her, a reassuring energy that warms the heart and calms fears.
This is the Unstoppable SIster, she who never loses.
"Dearest Meister... Regrettably, I am not her."
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
Flying through nothing toward a distant objective is, surprisingly, a mentally taxing exercise; the hindbrain keeps demanding to know where the next obstacle is, the next landmark, and *refuses to believe* when told none exist. The only spot to orient on, the flashing green light, grows larger by degrees until suddenly the destination is easily visible, oriented on, and swooped down to land.
Rashmi is feeling... rough. Between the Dark King's Pillar, the corrosive energies that made up the battlefield, and this minutes-long eternity of nothingness, her mind and body have taken a battering.
But as the Unstoppable Sister identifies herself, Rashmi feels bouyed by a sense of soaring joy, and she lunges forward to *hug* the Device-given-form. "That's okay. That's *okay,* you've been fighting so hard and so long, Unaufhaltsam Schwester. It's *so good* to see you, whatever shape you're using!"
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
Everything is alright
When you're here by my side.
A song begins to play in the back of Rashmi's mind, quiet, so as not to drown out thoughts, but nonetheless a song of love and friendship, hope, and strength when fighting together. Rashmi, being a device user, likely realizes that she is utilizing the still-present, if otherwise silent telepathic comms network to spread such music.
And that the singer is not the Unaufhaltsam Schwester, but another, present, but not manifest sister, her cerulean flecks in the air seeming to twinkle brighter a moment at that moment of realization.
"I told you, though I worded it much less eloquently. That I shall never lose."
The Sister replies, one arm wrapping around the shorter Meister, her other hand lifting to gently rest upon her head, gently stroking through her hair. Reassuring, warm, and soothing. Some of that pain, that exhaustion draining away as that emerald energy is gently shared. After a few moments, that hug is slowly ended, and instead, the Unstoppable Sister kneels before Rashmi, one hand gently reaching to take hers and place a soft kiss upon the back of said hand.
"If only this moment between moments was eternal, there is so much I would love to talk about with the one who restored me to proper function. But unfortunately, this moment between moments is finite. Is there much you would like to ask? To say before we move on to the fight ahead?"
Meanwhile, the figure beside them, that fallen, Forgotten Princess lays there, quiet and unmoving, but breathing softly. Her head obscured by a staticky darkness that is constantly kept at bay from spreading further by gentle flecks of cerulean falling upon it, gently lapping away at it.
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
"There'll be time enough for that later," Rashmi says, stepping back and smiling up at the emerald sister. "*When* we've saved Alo-chan, and I've got you both in my workshop, we can talk about *anything* you want."
The music earns a brief tilt of the head, and her eyes track the sky-blue flickers... "It'll be the *least* you two deserve, for all your loyal service."
And Rashmi kneels to the fallen Princess, resting her hand on the forehead just above the obscuring, scribbly darkness. "What to say... That there'll be an end to this soon, and that all three of you will be welcome among us, should she choose. And that just as you both haven't given up on us... So did *none* of us give up on you. And we never, ever *will.*"
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
"Regrettably, I will not remember this moment between moments, when all of this is over. The twisting of mine shell is too great, but that is okay. There will be enough time for that. Even if my Spirit will be less present, as I will lack the Emerald to piggyback upon." Though a bittersweet statement, the words are spoken with a warm smile and fond gentleness regardless.
The Unstoppable Sister stands, looking down upon the pair. The Meister and fallen Sister. "She will need much help once this is over. I saved what I could -- but as that Thing said, she nearly became Nothing." A hand lowers to that obscured, scribbled out face, resting upon its cheek.
"We are the Sisters, however. And so long as we three are together, hand in hand with others, we are invincible. The Unstoppable Sister who knows not defeat. The Indomitable sister who shall never break. And our Meister, the Shield of a World."
There'll be and end to this soon. And that the three of you will be welcome.
"We look forward to it. Though only one of Us can talk right now. You-- and your companions, though you cannot perceive them at present -- are exactly what is needed right now."
Golden light begins to consume the island, collapsing in on the trio.
"Ah... this moment between moments is coming to its end."
The Unstoppable Sister stands, one arm crossing to thump her own chest. "We shall see you on the other side, dearest Meister."
And the golden energy consumes, shooting off to bring Rashmi to that final battle.