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|Date of Scene=2023/09/27
|Date of Scene=2023/07/25
|Location=Mitakihara General Hospital
|Location=Mitakihara General Hospital
|Synopsis=Sayaka has heard Kyubey's pitch, but she decides to see if the magical healer she met before might be the solution she is looking for instead.
|Synopsis=Sayaka has heard Kyubey's pitch, but she decides to see if the magical healer she met before might be the solution she is looking for instead.

Latest revision as of 12:36, 5 October 2023

Medical Magical II: A Second Opinion
Date of Scene: 25 July 2023
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Sayaka has heard Kyubey's pitch, but she decides to see if the magical healer she met before might be the solution she is looking for instead.
Cast of Characters: Magda Faust, Sayaka Miki

Magda Faust has posed:
    July 23rd. Or maybe it's the 24th. Or possibly the 25th. One of those. Magda Faust tends to lose track of time as she spends most of it in the hospital, helping others. When she isn't doing mundane physical tasks like restocking medical supplies, or using her magic to speed up someone's recovery or make a serious injury less-serious, she is doing her homework. If she is done with her homework, then she is studying medicine. She wants to become a doctor as soon as possible. Her plan for how to help more people than she can personally reach is to learn the technique that Teresia and Adalinda use to transfer magic to an object to power it up temporarily. If she can somehow make a machine or something that produces medicine created by magic, she could ship that medicine all over the world!
    Wouldn't that be truly wonderful?
    So it is, multi-braided, green-haired, with matching eye color, the school girl clad in her uniform since she doesn't have the time to change out of it, is sitting in an empty patient's room after her afternoon rounds.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
It has been roughly 10 days since Sayaka had met 3 Puella Magi on her way to visit Kyousuke. However, by some machinations of fate, Sayaka couldn't meet any of them, especially not the Puella Magi with a knack for healing. Until today, when she was going to meet Kyousuke as per her usual.

The bluenette isn't doing anything in particular, just carrying another selection of classical music for Kyousuke to experience. On top of her left shoulder is Kyubey, the white cat perched onto it completely unperturbed, when at a prodding from him, Sayaka's glance is directed into an empty room, noticing the nurse Puella Magi in it.

"Oh, hello!" she says, stumbling into the room a bit nervously. "I'm Miki Sayaka, the girl you passed by when you were with 2 other Puellae Magi! Kyubey was with you back then too!", she explains, her hand going to pet the white critter's head as a reflex.

"You were able to heal people, right? Could you come with me?" the bluenette asks of Magda, nodding towards the outside of the room.

Magda Faust has posed:
    Magda looks up, a cross between startled and confused. It takes a moment to recognize Sayaka, but then beams at her. "Oh, yes! Good to meet you again!" Her Japanese has noticeably improved since last they spoke. Like, by a lot. "Yes, I use Healing Magic." She's already putting her books away in her tote bag, in preparation to stand up, perhaps assuming Sayaka has an injury. Oh, but they're leaving? Maybe it's something sensitive. Like acne. Magda can, in fact, get rid of acne. Sometimes. She can't do much about a hormonal imbalance causing a break-out, since that's a natural part of puberty.
    Soon, she is out in the hallway, bag over her shoulder, smiling cheerfully. "It is so nice to meet a local Puella Magi! Kyubey has all the most interesting friends, so knowing him tends to result in making lots of new friends myself. So, how are you? Did you get hurt?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Oh, I am not a Puella Magi yet!", Sayaka exclaims, turning towards Magda-san. "Kyubey is talking to me about it still, and I have a friend he advised to keep her out of this, since this kind of thing would turn dangerous, so I don't know how to go about this yet." She smiles at the other magical girl. "I don't even know what to wish for help. I could have a wish, but that one has lots of things I could consider too."

She reaches an hospital door, stopping there. "I have a friend here with a problem with his hands, and he used them a lot in his career as a violinist. He is really good, and I thought that since you have healing magic, you could do something about it?" She looks at Magda hopeful.

Magda Faust has posed:
    Magda was trying not to acknowledge Kyubey in public, since normal people can't see him. Otherwise she would have greeted him like usual. Pausing outside the patient's door, Magda thinks about the request. "That depends on the injury. I will do my best either way!" Magda lowers her voice and leans forwards, looking up and down the hall, and then whispering conspiratorily, "Can he see Kyubey and magic too? I try not to let normal patients know I am doing anything other than comforting them, and I only accelerate their healing rather than curing them outright. It would be too suspicious if they made an instant recovery, you know?"
    Then she blinks and says, "Oh, and I am Magda Faust. I should reintroduce myself. It is wonderful to see you again, Miki-san, whether you are a candidate or a friend." She smiles brightly, and straightens up, preparing herself for what kind of injury awaits her that she will have to mend!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"No, he can't", Sayaka reveals, looking at Magda with sudden apprehension. "Is that a problem? I get that you wouldn't want to reveal your magic to everyone, but maybe we can work around it somehow." She starts proposing alternatives, raising the compositions she brought with herself. "I have this music collection that he would love listening to, and perhaps that would distract him enough."

She looks towards the closed door. "His hands are completely immobilised: the doctors want to try rehabilitation, but I don't think they have much faith in a recovery." Her expression is a bit less chipper than before.

"Thanks a lot, I am sure that becoming a magical girl like Kyubey said will let me help lots of people. I don't know how to that yet: Kyubey had talked to me about witches and the danger they constitute, but that's all I know. Would I be able to ask you about it, Faust-san?" The bluenette has now matched the whispers by Magda.

Magda Faust has posed:
    Magda isn't used to being in the mentoring position, so she's blushing a lot and very nervous as she shyly rubs the back of her head. "Eh... Eheheheheh... Sure! I'll do my best to tell you everything that I know. Ah, but Teresia-sama might be better as a teacher. She has been doing this for years longer than all of us." She claps her her cheeks with her hands to prepare herself. Telepathically, Magda sends to Sayaka, <<It's fine. I will just have to pretend to be doing less than I actually am. It's what I do with everyone else who can't see magic. I love music. Especially the opera! The sooner he gets to enjoy it again, the better!>> And then, she opens the door, after making sure Sayaka is ready.

    All smiles, she says, "Ah, hello! Sorry to disturb you. Miki-san asked me to come with her to meet you. Kamijou-san, was it?" She probably should have let Sayaka go first and introduce her. In Magda's mind's eye, she sees herself turning to stone, cracking, and crumbling away. She was so eager to help she forgot about Japanese customs entirely.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
<<Teresia-san? One of the other two magical girls?>> she inquires, only faintly remembering them. <<You would help greatly, I barely know left from right about this!>> Sayaka beseeches Magda. <<I enjoy it a lot too, did it since I was very little.>> the bluenette replies to Magda. <<I have lots of suggestions I could give you if you would like!"

When Magda opens the door, Kyousuke looks up from the music player currently resting on his legs, a thin smile appearing on his face at the appearance of Magda and Sayaka. "Hello, Sayaka. I see you brought Nurse Faust with you. Is it to talk about another tentative for rehabilitating my hands?" His tone is calm, but a flicker of annoyance passes through his eyes as he mentions the rehab.

"Hello, Kyousuke. She would be helping you feel at least a bit better", Sayaka mentions. "Please, then, Nurse Faust", Kyousuke invites her in. "I would like not being in this state, you know?"

Magda Faust has posed:
    Yes, Magda would very much like. Music gives her another thing to occupy her mind while tending to patients. She saves that conversation for another time though. Flustered, the green-haired bows while smoothing out her school uniform and skirt. "Ah, yes... I am not really a nurse, but I have, um, particular knowledge about revolutionary therapies from Germany, where I am from." That's the best she could come up with on a moment's notice. "My father is a doctor, and at the very least I can see if you would be a candidate for treatment." She advances into the room after Sayaka, realizing maybe she shouldn't be discussing this in the doorway.
    "Ah-haha... But also, it's just good to meet a friend of Miki-san's... Can I call you Sayaka instead? We are practically friends already, right?" Probably not, but Magda gets very lonely at the hospital with all her friends out risking their lives to bring her back Grief Seeds, so having some friends more likely to hang out with her would be nice.
    "That is, if you are willing to let me take a look. I would not wish to impose upon you or interfere with any ongoing treatments..." She tugs at her skirt again, and then makes sure the bows in her braids are still neat and tidy. Awkwardness around new people? Naaaaaaw. Why would anyone think she has that as a problem?

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Revolutionary techniques from Germany?" he repeats inquisitively before muttering under his breath "They are really desperate to try anything", a barely audible whispering that isn't really lost to Sayaka and maybe Magda.

"Kyousuke, she knows what she is doing", the bluenette tries to reassure him. "Faust-san spends a lot of time here" she says, not that she really knows whether that is actually the case.

"Well then, ok", the boy replies, back to a more serene appearance. "I leave my hands to you, Faust-san."

Whether Magda approaches right away or not, Sayaka starts messing with Kyousuke's music player, letting the classical music spread around the room. She is plenty nervous herself while she works closely to the bed, in addition to the nervousism from what this moment could mean for Kyousuke and the reaction he is having to Magda. They all need something to relax, and apparently that something is Chopin's Nocturne in C-sharp minor.

"Sayaka works great, Faust-san", the bluenette allows her. "Magda-san for me, then?" she asks the green-haired girl.

Magda Faust has posed:
    She bows again, asiding to Sayaka, "Magda is fine! Thank you!" Then she proceeds forwards. She asks for permission to examine his left arm, the one with the nerve damage. Invisible to someone without Veil Sight, she is already using magic for a cursory examination by channeling it to her eyes. They glow bright green, like a pair of emerald spotlights, slowly scanning over the injured area, then over the rest of poor Kyousuke.
    Katarina would be able to do this better. She can see right through things. But Magda can at least improve her eyesight and amp up her ability to recognize discrepencies and process vitals.
    Once she gets to the physical examination part, her delicate fingers moving surely, professionally, but with caution and respect for the comfort of her 'patient'.
    Magda tries to keep any sign of her findings off of her face, but the prognosis isn't good. She does, at least, trace a line from Kyousuke's upper arm, all the way down the inside of his forearm, to his wrist, leaving a sparkling trail of green magic energy.
    She has temporarily connected the nerves packed densely into the left upper arm to the rest of his left arm. It will be numb, but... He'll have sensation again. A degree of control. The best Magda can do. Just enough to give him hope, so he will keep fighting.
    "Ah, I used the principles of reallocation of dynamic energy along a circulatory pathway to perform a massage that should help improve the flow of sensory data!" she makes up on the spot for an explanation. "It's not a permanent fix, but it will give you more fine control again for a while, until I can consult with my father about a more lasting solution!"
    She isn't a very good liar, so she is doing her very best to hide how much she is sweating over trying to keep up this deception.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Kyousuke tries to move his fingers. They tremble the whole time he is trying, but he can get them to things. Somewhat. They aren't immobile at least.

"Thank you for your work, Faust-san", he replies, his expression contradicting his words. "Sayaka, could you please put the music player back to how you found it?" The bluenette scrambles to do just that, throwing Kyubey a bit off balance before he steadies himself on her shoulder again. "Sure, Kyousuke!" she confirms, while her thoughts are verting towards his reaction to the results of Magda's intervention.

'I let his hopes up... No, it's ok, this is just the start, soon things will be better to how they were', she tells herself. Once she is done with the music player, Kyousuke looks at her friend. "Hey, Sayaka, thanks, but would you mind leaving me alone for a bit?"

She nods. "Of course. See you, Kyousuke", she agrees, moving out of the room. Assuming Magda followed her, shee looks at the green-haired girl. "Hey, thanks, Magda-san", the bluenette smiles at her. "That wasn't easy. What do you think of Kyousuke's situation?"

Magda Faust has posed:
    Magda bows again, and gives a thumbsup to Kyousuke with a great big optimistic smile. Once she, Kyubey, and Sayaka are back outside, the Puella Magi's smile becomes much more fragile. "Um... I'm not saying... It's impossible for him to get better, but... Uh..." She shuffles her feet and messes with one of her braids, clearly uncomfortable with having to relay this information. "With modern medicine as it is, I do not believe he can be healed. I thought maybe a nerve transplant might be good enough, but... If they've already ruled it out, then, um... Magic is probably the only solution. But..."
    She doesn't want to make promises she can't keep. But she wants to keep up hope! "If I was regularly spending magic to give him back the use of his arm, like... Several times per day, every day, he might be able to live a relatively normal life. Maybe. But I can't heal something that his own body can't fix."
    Magda shakes her head. She looks to Kyubey. "Kyubey can tell you. Some things take a miracle. I was dying two years ago, from a terminal illness. I made my wish to save myself. Now I use it to save others. But... I'm not the same thing as a miracle." She folds her hands together at her waist, and bows deeply to Sayaka. "I'm sorry."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The words do come at a disappointment to Sayaka, but she doesn't want to let it show. She is the one actually trying here. "Don't worry, Magda-san, that was really helpful. And kind too!" she exclaims. "I told you about it just now, and here you are, putting your best foot forward", she defends the Puella Magi's result. "Doing this every day makes you a heroine just as much as fighting witches does. Lots of people must have been helped by you, and you are the one investing your efforts in this."

At the mention of the miracle, Sayaka stops the speech that is just as much a declaration of how great Magda is and a veiled accusation towards herself. "Yes, a miracle. Kyousuke needs one. And I could probably provide one to him..." she slowly ponders. <<Of course, Sayaka! The wish can provide the miracle you need. If you have decided that's what you truly want, you only need to say.>> Kyubey intervenes.

"Kyousuke really loves the violin, merely being able to use his hands for the same activities as everyone else won't make him happy. If only I could ask Madoka over this. But I know, what she would say. Madoka is my good friend and a person. Much like what you do, Magda-san, she is quick to help students who may be ill."

Kyubey's ears flickers. <<You can't do that, Sayaka. She would be too scared by the prospect of witches. It's best if you leave her out of this.>>

"Yep, don't worry, I will make up my mind soon. There are no other solutions anyway, and it's the best one for everyone." The bluenette has reverted back to a happy tone now.

Magda Faust has posed:
    The kind words from Sayaka only make Magda feel worse. She failed her new friend, and she failed Kamijou-san too. She straightens up quickly, braids flying, and says, "Anoo~!" What is she even going to say? What can she say? She reaches out, attempting to take Sayaka's hands and clasping them between her own. She looks determined and pleading all at once, as she says, "If there is anything else I can do, please let me know. I will not give up on him, or anyone else. If I think of something I will let you know right away, okay?"
    After several seconds, she realizes she is very much encroaching on Sayaka's personal space, lets go of the other girl's hands and steps back, toying with a braid again. "Yeah, um... Kyubey is right. Witches are..." Her eyes slide to the side, going distant as she remembers her own fights inside of Labyrinths. "...Very scary."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka extends an arm forward, grabbing Magda's hand with her own. "Yes, Magda-san, I would appreciate that!" She gives her a friendly gaze before proposing. "Here, you can this", she says pushing into her other hand the music tracks she had bought for Kyousuke.

"There was no occasion to give them to him, so now they are yours, since you like classical music too. I will buy him some more after I go outside. Enjoy them and tell me what you think!" The bluenette waves at Magda, already walking towards to the exit.