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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/08/25 |Location=Dorms #1 |Synopsis=Chiyo reaches out to Usagi about her suspicions as to who she really is. Bonito and Luna meet, hissy cat ma...")
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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2023/08/25
|Date of Scene=2023/08/25
|Location=Dorms #1
|Location=Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
|Synopsis=Chiyo reaches out to Usagi about her suspicions as to who she really is. Bonito and Luna meet, hissy cat mascot ensues, and Usagi realizes that not only is her secret as Sailor Moon out but Chiyo is also a magical girl!
|Synopsis=Chiyo reaches out to Usagi about her suspicions as to who she really is. Bonito and Luna meet, hissy cat mascot ensues, and Usagi realizes that not only is her secret as Sailor Moon out but Chiyo is also a magical girl!
|Cast of Characters=57,43
|Cast of Characters=57,43

Latest revision as of 17:55, 3 November 2023

Putting The Clues Together
Date of Scene: 25 August 2023
Location: Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
Synopsis: Chiyo reaches out to Usagi about her suspicions as to who she really is. Bonito and Luna meet, hissy cat mascot ensues, and Usagi realizes that not only is her secret as Sailor Moon out but Chiyo is also a magical girl!
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Usagi Tsukino

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
A short text had been sent to Usagi asking if she could visit her at her dorm room. It seemed the best place to get in touch with her after the busy season at work was starting to die down. Summer was always a bit hectic, and though she had managed to step out for some free time, she hadn't properly been able to catch up with Usagi after the dance incident. The barbecue outside wa the first time she'd seen her in awhile and even that was a bit ago.

Approaching the dorm door Chiyo pauses, then raises her hand to knock confidently on it. Beside her at ankle height is the white and orange Bonito with a little satchel tied around his neck and hanging heavy on his back like a pack. If it had a little stick in it, he might look like he were carrying luggage to run away. As it was he looked more like a farm worker carrying in a load of veggies from the fields. Only. As a cat.

"Usagi-chan, it's Chiyo," she informs perhaps unnecessarily nervous.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The text had been welcome - it had been a while since she'd seen Chiyo - sure, there had been the barbeque, which was so much fun, but it had been a group activity, one she'd spent most of glued to Darien's side, and they hadn't really had a chance to talk! And then, there'd been everything with Shingo, and the Witch, and she's really only just gotten back to campus with Luna, and now she gets to hang out with Chiyo -


And the last time they hung out alone -

She glances at Luna, and the bathroom, and -

"I am not going into the bathroom for girl talk," Luna says flatly. Well. So much for that!

And then there's a knock on the door, and there really isn't time to argue, so Usagi bounces to her feet and to the door, throwing it open. "Chiyo-chan! Hi! And oh, you brought Bonito!"

Luna stiffens up behind her, looking at Bonito with, well not horror, but skepticism. She's still in her cast, but it will be able to come off soon.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai clasps her hands in front of her politely when Usagi opens up the door. A smile comes easily to her. "Yes, I hope that's okay. Are you alone? Other than Luna," she asks as her own gaze slips past to regard the room and the cast-wearing cat within. Of course she didn't flat out know that Luna was similar to Bonito, but... There was suspicion there, too.

"Can I come in?" She does wait until either invited in, or until Usagi steps aside to enter, taking care to slip her shoes off on the mat before she tracks any dirt in. Even Bonito is polite enough to scuff his paws on the mat before sauntering further in to sit regally with a little huff.

"I know it's been awhile, and all, but... I think we should talk. The thing with the dress, and that pen of yours."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Mhm, Naru went out - probably for coffee, or maybe art? Just me and Luna now!"

Oh this is absolutely going terribly wrong, she knows it, she knows it to her core, but! Not because of Chiyo. Nope, this is going to go wrong because Luna is going to find out about what she did with the disguise pen -

"Of course you can come in, do you want a muffin -"

Shoes are off, feet scuffed, and then - well.

Usagi laughs weakly, rubbing the back of her neck. Luna is staring daggers at her. She can feel it.

"We ah, we probably should, huh?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai gives a little nod of agreement stiffly. It was an awkward topic to bring up. Even though she'd been 'caught' a few times already so far, thanks to Bonito or simply being able to 'see' the mascots of another, she had never been the one to outright broach the topic before.

"Usagi, are you..." The words trail off quietly. Chiyo lifts her head again to regard her friend with her lips pursed together, and she brushes a few of her curls behind an ear. "... It was magic, wasn't it? A dress doesn't just vanish and then reappear as something else. Don't get me wrong," she adds quickly, reaching out to take one of Usagi's hands in her own to squeeze it reassuringly. "I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you so much. But then that cat woman person showed up and tried to steal it from you when I returned it..."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I... yeah, okay, it was," Usagi says, and flaps her arms a little, trying to hold off -

"Usagi, what did you do!?"


Luna, fur puffed up so that she looked nearly twice her size, red eyes narrow with annoyance, tail lashing, standing up, obviously putting weight on her leg by the way it trembled -

"Aha... So... Chiyo-chan... meet Luna. Luna... you know Chiyo-chan already, so... what you might not know is that my pen is a, ah, disguise pen -"

"Did you use your disguise pen for fashion? Didn't I tell you you couldn't do that!?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"She helped her out of a tight spot. Simmer down, and let the girls explain."

The deep voice comes not from Chiyo but from Bonito who had paused just long enough to flick a hind leg up to kick a scratch or two at an ear lazily. It's enough as he regards the standing Luna with bright orange eyes. Then HE stands up on his legs as well since there was apparently no need to hide things further. Plus, maybe it would count a bit if they realized what was going on so far as the entire situation went.

Chiyo for her part blinks a time or two at Luna not really expecting her to have just... spoken. Then again Bonito does the same immediately after causing her face to redden with a blush of embarassment over the whole situation. "Ah... Nice to meet you again, Luna," she offers before a vague gesture is swung to Bonit. "And er, you-know-Bonito-too." It comes out very quickly.


Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"She absolutely did not help anyone out of a tight spot if dresses were involved - " Luna freezes, as the voice registers more than the words, finally. The deep, masculine voice that most certainly did not belong in a room belonging to Usagi - and she had a terrible suspicions...

And it's a correct one - Usagi is staring as well, both of them looking at the large cat with shock. "Bonito is -"

But Luna interrupts, jabbing a paw in Bonito's direction. "You have a cat shape and you can't even speak cat?"

It's as clear as day that her real question is are you an idiot?

Usagi winces, half hiding her face behind one hand, and then - finally, realization dawns for her.

"Chiyo-chan! You're a magical girl too?!" It's not that she sounds unhappy - it's that she sounds absolutely baffled, as if this qere something she could have never possibly forseen, but also something she definitely should have guessed. "Is everyone I meet at this school going to be magical?"

It's not exactly a complaint, but - well. It kind of sounds like one. She shakes her head, twintails bouncing. "Luna is going to be kind of busy for a second... I'm Sailor Moon?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Bonito lifts his chin indignantly, and his paws cross over his chest. Even in this form he manages to do that, somehow. "I like visiting the kittens around the school and this is the easiest way to do it without scaring them," he protests as if this was all the explanation needed.

"My *real* form isn't really one that can *talk* to begin with." Harumph. Plus people tended to feed him in this form. That was always good.

Chiyo watches the interaction a long moment only to allow herself a chuckle when Usagi catches onto it. "Yes, I am. I'm sorry," she finally offers her friend. The name 'Sailor Moon' didn't ring a huge bell but... Wait. Did it?

"I'm Culinary Guardian Daifuku, and Bonito is actually a fire spirit. He changes shapes as needed, but does seem to prefer this one," she has to admit.

"Oh, um, I brought some more of that bacon mochi, since Luna's hurt," she explains with a gesture toward the bag on Bonito's back. "Bonito, would you please?"

Bonito's ears lay flat looking from Chiyo, to Luna, then back again. Maybe he's grumbling a bit but he does swing a paw up to pull the fabric around his neck up and off over his head. The 'package' thumps on the floor, and he gives a quick swipe-slice of the tied knot to open it and unravel it so that it lays out on the floor like a mini picnic blanket, with some bits of bacon mochi wrapped in wax paper to keep it fresh.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Luna grimaces, looking at the completely unnatural angle of his arms, which she certainly couldn't manage - "Please tell me you don't speak to them with that mangled Feline Speech, at least."

All she can picture is the utter confusion - or worse, those poor innocent kittens learning to speak in the wrong tongue. The bafflement of their parents, wondering what they'd done wrong to have that happen.

"You could have been a bird, and then they'd get to practice hunting you," she says pointedly, but grumpily settles down, eyeing the two girls with annoyance.

"No, that's okay! I mean! It's kind of cool, I just - also am beginning to wonder if this school has normal kids... I mean, it has to, right?"

Maybe she's just drawn to fellow magical kids? "Oh! You made the mochi - oh I should have known, you're the only person I know who makes mochi. How did I not figure that out?" She's not that much of an airhead, she should have known! "And - will the bacon make Luna feel better? The way it helped that cat girl?"

She remembers that - how much the mochi had helped, and how much the cat girl in particular had liked it, and with the bpackage unwrapped, there's the scent of delicious bacon in her room - usually a sanctity of vegetarianism.

Luna eyes the package with reluctant interest, because it does smell good... "That would be the veil, Usagi. Neither of you could recognize the other because of the veil's effects."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Bonito has to huff a bit at that. "Of course I don't." ... Grumble. Okay maybe he did a bit, but even the cat parents were pretty good about letting the kittens know that was 'dumb uncle' and not to listen to him much. He wasn't going to let Luna get to him!

"Except then they wouldn't get an actual meal and would have spent all that energy hunting. That's not fair to them either," he points out wagging a paw right back at Luna chiding.

Chiyo smiles reassuringly while moving to take a seat next to Usagi on the edge of the bed. "Of course it does. Though I've started to meet a few others, too. I just... I haven't met anyone like *me* yet." Here she pauses with her nose scrunching some. "I'm beginning to realize I might need some allies though, even if we're different types. There's so much going on and I admit I don't know much."

Luna's mention of the veil earns her attention, and she looks to Bonito who can only shrug some. "Is that what it is? I started noticing that even other people who were at attacks didn't seem to remember them, and I got odd looks if I brought it up. It makes sense, though," she reasons thoughtfully.

The question of the bacon mochi though earns a quick nod. "Oh! Yes, I made it with my powers so it will help heal her some. Please enjoy it, Luna. It'll make you feel better I promise. I tried to use more bacon than mochi so it'll be better for a cat's stomach."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Luna is doubt.png right now. She does not believe Bonito can keep his mouth shut - that he could ever have kept his mouth shut. The best she can hope for is that he speaks to those poor innocent kittens in a human tongue...

"Kittens play hunt all the time. It's good for them to learn to catch prey - and better for the birds, to not be toys."

Get to it, uncle!

"I've met - not a lot of people like us, at least, not who are willing to share their names - even just their hero names! - but a few. I keep running into the same ones, honestly, and also, there's - I have built in allies. I've started finding them - other Sailor Senshi." Usagi's expression starts soft, and then turns a little contemplative, as she considers Mars, Mercury, and Pluto. "And I'd love to be your ally! We already are, because we're friends, but - I could use all the help I can get, and you can have all the help I have too."

It makes sense, right? Friends help friends. Friends with the same problem, they should help!

"...Also, Naru-chan knows about me. I told her um.... about a week ago? Something like that. After steaks."

She might as well make it known that Naru-chan is safe!

Meanwhile, Luna has decided to investigate the mochi, walking closer, healing leg positioned stiffly as she leans in and sniffs - "Yes, that's what it is," she says around a mochi, drawing it back and chewing with satisfaction - a cat really shouldn't have this much fat, but she's not exactly a cat, now is she? "The veil prevents those without an element of magic from seeing and remembering the effects of magic. It's the reason a monster can attack the mall, and the news will report that a gas main exploded."

It's not just the government trying to cover something up (Luna has seen those conspiracy theories online.) It's the effect of magic.

"I'm not entirely clear on it's source - this is delicious, by the way! - but it's helpful for protecting you all."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Bonito's tail lashes a few times but he does sit down normally. Cat normal, even, resting on his haunches while Luna eats. "Of course it's delicious. Chiyo-chan made it. Culinary Guardians are masters of their art," he intones with some pride.

Chiyo for her part just looks a little thoughtful over the matter as she takes it all in, Luna's words and explanation, as well as Usagi's.

"Thank you, Luna." Regarding those she'd met she explains, "I accidentally met another few because I could see the creature that was hovering near them. Apparently it was invisible thanks to magic, but since I saw they realized... But we didn't exchange names. I don't know who they are outside of their civilian identities, but I did learn some worrisome things from them." Witches. That was a heck of a thing to learn about and worry about really.

"Ah, that's good to know. Naru seems very trustworthy. I'm still hesitant to really let people know, but..."

Here she pauses to offer Usagi a smile of reassurance. "I am a bit glad I can let you know at least. I didn't want you to be worrying I'd tell your secret, or anything." Once it was obvious that she'd found it out at least.

"I can fight all right, but I don't think I'm as strong as some of these monsters that I've been running across. I need to improve if I'm going to be of any help."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"And are there more Culinary Guardians?" Never let it be said Luna cannot do two things at once: dig for information and enjoy a delightful treat.

"Worrisome how?" Usagi tenses a little, looking Chiyo over as if expecting to see a sign of whatever she learned. "It wasn't about a Dark Kingdom was it?"

That's the most recent bad news she's heard of, and the only other thing - well.

She really hopes Chiyo-chan didn't run into a Witch too.

"I haven't been trying to tell people either, but - I told one person, because she accidentally told Luna, and I didn't think that was fair. And my henshin broke after one battle, and a few people found out from that... and I told Naru-chan myself. Because she deserved to know... and you know, because I let you borrow my pen for totally legitimate reasons and you definitely didn't get it laundered so everything is fine."

Luna chokes, "You did what?" Around a mouthful of mochi.

Usagi determinedly ignores here because! She has to! "Have you ever been to self defense class? Inai-sensei knows about magic, and after the regular class, there's magic class."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
At the question of more Culinary Guardians, Bonito actually hesitates looking a bit perplexed. "There *should* be. Something seems to have gone wrong. We're unable to locate them."

Chiyo purses her lips together while fidgeting with her nails a bit. "As far as we can tell the other objects to create more of us were sent out to where they belonged, but that's all that's come of it so far. Either they've not been awoken yet or something else happened." What, she wasn't sure. Neither was Bonito by the way he glances aside and his tail lashes behind him. Just silence from the usually mouthy 'cat' in this case.

Usagi's question of a dark kingdom earns a quick shake of her head. "Oh, no, I was told about Witches, and a Witches Kiss that curses people into going into these labrynths that then, er, devour them. That's from that other creature I saw. It kind of looked like a rabbit, but it wasn't?" How exactly does one describe Kyubey?

"So they know who I am, and... And Ikiko-chan does too," she adds with a little flush. "Again because of Bonito."

Bonito throws his paws up in the air. "All right, fine, I'll practice my feline!"

Lightly shaking her head, Chiyo smiles at Usagi again with a bit of hope in her eyes at mention of Inai-sensei. "I only recently heard of the classes offered. I didn't realize that was a thing. I'll look into it."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
And Luna softens for a moment, looking over at Bonito for a moment and actually feeling empathy for the other cat-shaped being. "I understand that feeling. I am sure - I have faith - that destiny will draw your guardians to you, as they are drawing the Sailor Senshi to each other."

Even if she herself is rather worried, that Jupiter has not appeared, that the Outer Senshi are out there, there is nothing she can do. She has to have faith, and keep searching, and she will find the Senshi, and Bonito - she will hope for his sake, that he will find his Culinary Guardians.

Usagi frowns a little, worry marring her forehead, and - "Oh I was really hoping it wasn't that thing. They're - they're the worst. ....but I've never seen a rabbit that didn't look like a rabbit."

At least, she doesn't think so?

Oh! Hey!

"If it makes you feel better, Ikiko-chan is the one who I talked to. Because she accidentally told Luna, and Luna definitely told me right after, and then I had to tell her the truth, of course!" Of course. "You should! It's every week. I'm learning a lot."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai lets out a soft breath at Luna's reassurances. Bonito didn't seem quite so sure, but he does give a soft grunt and nod as if saying thanks. Just without having to say it outright. Sometimes it was hard to do that for guys of all sorts.

"Thank you. I hope so. It would be nice to not be alone... Ah." Chiyo pauses at that, thinking a moment only to shake her head. "Not that it's so bad, either, but ... I guess you know what I mean if you're also looking for your other sailor scouts," she ventures giving Usagi a weak smile.

"I'll see about going this week then. The busy season is slowing down for us at the shop a bit, so it'll be easier to find more time. And, really, I think Ojii-san would prefer if I took more time to spend with my friends. So long as I'm careful."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Do you... not know any other Culinary Guardians?" This is - it's an insensitive question, but she's got to ask, right? Because Chiyo - Usagi was alone, but only for a little while. A very little while. (She's only been a magical girl for a little while, if you think about it.) Chiyo though? If she's been alone in this all this time -

"I know what you mean. It's nice to, to have other people like you. And... especially if you have a mission, or something you've got to do. It's hard to be in it by yourself."

So she would really like for Chiyo to not be alone. She would really like that!

"Inai-sense definitely won't mind, and - your grandpa would want you to be safer too, right? And this is how you could be safe."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances down again with a shake of her head. She was trying not to be upset about it, really, but it was something that did weigh on her in the back of her mind. "None. It's just been me and Bonito for... for quite awhile now," she has to admit. "Honestly," she adds looking up again with a bit of a smile. "I didn't even know about other magical girls until the incident with the Dippin Dots vendor."

"Even if we're not the same type, it was nice knowing there were others out there, too. I do know there are supposed to be others, too, so maybe it's just a matter of time."

Reaching out she gives Usagi's dhoulder a little pat to reassure her. "It's okay for now. I'm not upset, just worried a bit. That doesn't mean I can't help others in the meantime, either."

Looking over toward Luna she remarks, "I hope you feel better now having eaten that. We should get going though, I don't want to be out too late and worry Ojiisan." Stading she starts to gather up the cloth, and even Bonito to heft onto her shoulder with ease. She was stronger than she looked.

"Thank you for being honest with me Usagi. I'll catch you later."