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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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|Date of Scene=2024/02/22
|Date of Scene=2024/02/22
|Location=Radiant Heart Academy
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|Synopsis=Sayaka takes Luke around the school on a tour and he ends up surprising her with some of his skills. The basis for a freindship is formed in the duet of an instrumental.
|Synopsis=Sayaka takes Luke around the school on a tour and he ends up surprising her with some of his skills. The basis for a friendship is formed in the duet of an instrumental.
|Cast of Characters=226,32
|Cast of Characters=226,32

Latest revision as of 22:43, 22 February 2024

A Tour of the School
Date of Scene: 22 February 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Sayaka takes Luke around the school on a tour and he ends up surprising her with some of his skills. The basis for a friendship is formed in the duet of an instrumental.
Cast of Characters: Bow, Sayaka Miki

Bow has posed:
Asking Bow... no Luke... to sleep was a hard ask. He eventually did get some rest, but most of his night was spent in the rabbit hole that Setsuna said might happen. He only spent a couple of hours looking at cute cat videoes though! The rest of the time? He was just figuring out exactly where he ended up at.

Which brings us to the next morning. Having secured an actual uniform instead of the loose shorts and shirt he had the night before, Luke Armbruster - a last name! Still have to get used to that - is waiting, having sent a text to Sayaka to agree to meet her in the main commons of the school for her promsied tour.

But exactly where did he get the glasses that he is wearing from? They don't look bad. But it definetly is a change in his appearance.

Someone discovered the Superman comics.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
It's early in the morning right before school, so Sayaka has just spent the morning preparing just like she was heading straight to classes, even if she actually had an appointment before that, showing Bow around the school, even if she should actually begin to address him as Luke, since that's how he is going to protect himself now.

They agreed to pick him up just in front of his dorms, so she heads there with a quick pace, accompanied by Ula, who is hanging onto her shoulder like an overall credible plushie (that is, if you exclude the fact that she is perfectly balanced despite nothing holding her to Sayaka).

"Hello, Luke-san!", Sayaka greets him from afar while she approaches the new student. "How was your first night?"

Bow has posed:
As he sees Sayaka, Luke raises his hand in greetings to the Puella Mage. What was it that Setsuna addressed her as last night? Oh, right. "Miss Miki! Good morning!" he offers, warmth in his tone as he comes to meet the girl. A crystal hanging from his ear marks the position of Crystal Hope as he smiles cheerfully, full of hope and optimism. "I am excited to explore and learn!" he admits.

His hands catch her for a moment. "I'm a hugger." he warns her. "And I don't think I have had a chance to thank you properly for helping me." He looks down at her for a moment. "But I totally won't hug if you don't want one. But... either way, thank you for helping out. With everything."

Because she could have just as easily left him there for someone else to find. A scuff of his shoe on the ground, and then he ohs. "How is the work on the device coming?" he asks curiously.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Please, Sayaka is fine", is the first thing Sayaka tells Bow. Nurse Meiou really gave him a bad impression of how things work. "Nurse Meiou is part of Radiant Heart's staff, it's normal to have a formal atmosphere around her, but we are both fellow students", she explains the difference with a nod and a smile, adjusting a strand of hair that had just fallen out of her hairpin as a result.

"And I don't mind hugs, actually, so if you want to greet me that way, feel free!", the bluenette adds, beginning her walk towards the academy. "Right now, I am going to show you the cafeteria. It's good food, so many of us eat here. The city does offer many spots to eat, though. I imagine you would need a city tour guide too", Sayaka looks at him with the uncertainty of someone who expects an answer.

And just before they enter the Cafeteria, Ula speaks. "It's just about done, but I meant to ask you, Luke-san, do you want me to do some embellishments to that phone?" Its condition really wasn't all that good, and Ula would much rather have Bow say yes than leave it like that.

Bow has posed:
"Sayaka." Luke responds, changing his way of thinking with ease as she corrects him to the proper path. "I'll keep that in mind for the future." And when she says that she does not mind hugs, he takes that as permission. Stepping into the smaller teen, his arms close around her, giving her an affectionately friendly squeeze before he pulls back.

"Cafeteria sounds great! At some point last night, I realized my last meal was on another world." A blink. "I'm still parsing that. Being on a whole other planet. That is so... //cool//." he admits, eyes sparkling again with excitement.

When she mentions a tour of the city, he considers. "I wanted to do some exploring, yes." he agrees readily. "That's why I was asking about the... thingie. I kind of feel naked without my gear." he confesses. "I've pretty much had it since the Horde invaded Etheria." That should give her a frame of reference.

When Ula speaks up, Luke looks confused for a moment and then ohs. "Hello, Ula!" he greets the plushie, walking close to Sayaka as they converse so he can keep his voice down. "I do not mind embellishments. I mean. I figure you won't do anything bad..." And before he can say more, the smells of the cafeteria hit his nose and his stomach announces his need in a loud rumble.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka quickly gives him a light hug as the taller teen steps in. He feels just as muscular as he looks, the bluenette realises, but that's to be expected from someone who took part in a rebellion and Adora was really no different. "Is everyone where you come from just as muscular as you and Adora?" she asks Luke.

Sayaka grins at seeing his excitement. "It's good that you are taking it in stride", she says. It will certainly serve him better in the long run. "But let's not dally. If you are hungry, we need to fix that asap. What are you in the mood to eat?", she says, stepping in and waiting for Luke to follow.

"That's alright", Sayaka begins to reassure him. "Ula was almost done. But since it's so urgent..." the bluenette looks at the mermaid. "Can you go back and sneak in while I show him around?" The koi mermaid nods, floating up and going away. "That's no problem. I willl give him a piece of art so beautiful, he won't believe his eyes. See you later!"

Bow has posed:
Luke gives a little laugh at the comparison. "Oh, Adora's way stronger than I am." he offers in a moment of self-depreciation. "But no, we all have different shapes and sizes and it's all pretty awesome. I mean, my best friend, Glimmer? She's short and a little rounded and just adorable for it!"

But yes, no dalying. Walking into the cafeteria after Sayaka, he laughs heartiedly. "Do you have dehyrdated slaw dumplins?" he asks. Because Etherian food. He has yet to experience anything here. But as they start to take in the buffet style cafeteria, his eyes get wider and wider. "Oh... this." And he starts to just load a plate with random foods. Some eggs. Meats, pastries, fruits, growing quite the impressive little stack of consumables. And clearly marking himself as out of place."

"See you later Ula!" he says to the little koi mermaid as she departs, and there's a small chirp in his ear. "And hello to you too, Crystal Hope." he comments, letting Sayaka know that it's online.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Adora? Stronger than him? They didn't seem all that different. To be honest, she is now curious about what the teen means. Is he being modest? "I think you are selling yourself short. You...", and she stops nervousism catching her all of a sudden. Is she actually complimenting someone she literally just met. Way to make it weird, get your mind out of the gutter, Sayaka!

"I mean, I don't think you have to blame yourself anything. You were impressive on the beach, despite the rest of us not having the advantage of not being thrown into an unknown world." Phew, that was a good save. And then she greets Crystal Hope. "Hello, Hope, everything all right?"

"Yeah, I am afraid we are all out of those", Sayaka says with a grin, catching up on what he was asking for. "But for a hearthy breakfast, you can't go wrong with ham and cheese sandwiches", Sayaka says, picking up 2 of what she just mentioned. For herself, she picks a pastry with blueberry jam and a glass of orange juice, picking one of the latter for Bow too.

"So, I have been meaning to ask", Sayaka says, going through her breakfast after sitting down, "was that Swiftwind in your video? Why was he so big?"

Bow has posed:
"Greetings Sayaka Miki." Crystal Hope greets. "I was processing the data information that Bow provided me with last night so that I may be of better assistance to him." She was downloading the internet, please help her.

When Sayaka freezes in the middle of her words, Bow looks confused for a moment, before she changes her course. There's a tilt of his head and he shrugs. "I'm used to being a support role. You and Rashmi, you two did all the heavy lifting. It was pretty awesome!" he compliments her, as he picks up some of the same things she does, eager to try them as they take their trays to a table to sit.

"Yes, that was Swiftwind. He looks like that most of the time." he says, some confusion in his voice. "Has... has something happened to him? Is he hurt? Adora will be so worried if he's hurt!" he worries, a frown touching his features in concern.

Not that he's seen the Princess yet as he takes his first bite and...

He just grins so brightly. "By Brightmoon..." he gasps and starts to eagerly dig in. "This is amazing! Just... wow!" A little bit of everything is going to be sampled.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"That's nice", Sayaka tells Crystal Hope with a grin. "I hope you enjoy the cat videos", Sayaka says, echoing back to Setsuna's warning. It will probably be a while before you get your assistant back, Bow.

And then Luke insists on being humble. "Not at all, your arrows were just as amazing. We would have been at it for a lot longer without them, Luke", she insists. Nevermind that there were those overlords running interference too.

Sayaka then shakes her head when he starts worring about the rainbow horse. "No, he was completely fine, and with a voracious appetite for apples. It's just that the Swiftwind I know is approximately the size of Ula, certainly not that impressive steed in your video." Swiftwind may be suddenly filled with pride at Hinoiri's room at the feeling somebody is complimenting his real form.

Sayaka finishes her own breakfast and as soon as Bow is done with, gets up from her chair. "Next up, the classrooms and the library, two of the most beloved or hated places in the school depending on which student you ask", she grins jokingly.

Bow has posed:
"We worked well together." Luke points out to her. It's not humbleness. He knows what he did. He's glad to have had the support. He's glad that Sayaka was there to help - just as he's happy that she's here now. He continues to tuck into the various foods on his plate, but all his reactions are excited, warm happiness - somebody that has never tried some of these things or combonations before.

"Never knew Swiftwind to be that small!" he comments. "In size or ego!" A snicker at that, but he's considering it. "Maybe it's the same thing that Crystal Hope had to do to me - to adapt him to this world?" comes the suggestion and then he suddenly realizes. "He's Ula size? Oh my gosh, I bet he's adorable!" he admits with excitement at the ides of seeing tiny alicorn Swifty.

With their meals finished, he helps put away the plates and trays as the tour continues. There's a thought as he glances aside to her. "I'd like to see the library." he admits. "My fathers were in charge of the one on Etheria. I... I would like to see it." comes the soft words, before he adds. "Will we be having classes together, Sayaka?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Swiftwind isn't the only one that is adorable right now. The sheer unbridled joy Luke demonstrates at going through all that new food would be enough to win over anyone. "Don't chow down too fast now", she teasingly warns him. "We just helped you from those robots, I am not sure you want food choking you to be the next enemy you face."In the meantime Sayaka has been Bow have been going through all the classrooms.

"It must be some odd adaptation, if you say he was that big before", Sayaka ponders the new information. "I wonder if there is some way to restore him. If Adora was riding around on him, the current situation must not be pleasant." Sayaka just doesn't know anything about She-Ra or the fact Swiftwind reverts when Adora gets into her henshin.

Though she definitely knows all Crystal Hope said at least. "Right, that impressive library, the largest one in Etheria. I bet your fathers are darn proud of it", Sayaka mentions. She would be if she owned such a monument to knowledge.

"I'm in grade 8, so probably not?" Sayaka replies, even if she doesn't know for sure. He certainly looks a bit older than her, though she doesn't know whether she is right or if his height is tricking her. No matter though, they have reached their destination. "Feast your eyes then, our school's own library!", she declares opening the door, though it has a high bar to live up to.

Bow has posed:
"Oh, I'm always told I have a big mouth! No worries there!" Luke offers proudly at the idea as Sayaka worries about him choking or eating too much. "I can't be taken down by a simple breakfast!"

"Maybe. I won't know until I talk to her." he admits as they continue to postulate on Swiftwind's condition. "I'm not veternarian, but I'm sure someone can figure it out." There's a brief frown, but he shakes it off.

The mention of Sayaka's grade gives Luke a brief frown, "Setsuna said because of my supposed age, I should be in grade 10, but that they may test me for it?" he suggests. So they aren't in the same grade at the moment, but that may change.

As they talk about the library, Crystal Hope chimes in. "If you would like, Sayaka, I can broadcast some images of the library on Etheria that Bow's fathers curate?"

The first is of the outside of the library on Etheria, purple vines growing up it's walls. "This is the Library of the Whispering Woods." she explains. The next few images are of inside. The stacks, a group shot of Adora and another girl with Bow and two older men that are obviously Bow's parents. A few shots of some artifacts, First Ones' artifacts, including the Colonia Pitcher, a tablet that dates back over two millennia, a runestone shard, and a vase with She-Ra riding a dragon on it. The oldest part of their collection is a shard from an ancient, defunct runestone.

And then a picture of a plush, cozy place, filled with stuffies of alien design. "This was Bow's adventure room."

"Crystal!" Bow hisses. "Traitor." a small grumble, as he steps into another world's library that is almost equally impressive with how modern it is. "Oh my... Dads would have loved it here." he admits. And if Sayaka is paying attention, a tear plays on the corner of his eye.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka places her hand on the taller student's shoulder. "You have my blessing then." She just isn't just of the fallout with cafeteria staff.

"It's not that bad", Sayaka says at seeing Luke's frown. "Even if it takes you a while to find a solution, he is still happy right now", she consoles Bow.

Sayaka looks quite interested when Crystal Hope shows her the library of Bow's fathers. "That's amazing, Bow. How long has it taken for them to gather all of this?" And then her eyes fall on the vase with She-Ra, her interest piqued. "Who is the woman on that vase?" she asks.

A small aww mixed to a chuckle escapes out of Sayaka's mouth. "Is that where you played when you were a kid?" she asks to Luke. "You certainly loved your plushies, uh? Just like Madoka", she teases him a little before adding "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

When the bluenette sees Luke's tear, she approaches to give him a hug. "It's ok, I am sure they are safe, and you will see them again", she whispers to him, almost as if in confidence.

Bow has posed:
It takes a moment, but Luke realizes that he had let the facade slip as he sees the concern in Sayaka's eyes. A smile shows for, warm as a summer breeze. "Yes! And that is is the most important part! I just... I am so glad to be reunited with my friends, Sayaka." he admits to her quietly. "Yet worry about friends I left behind."

Which is driven home when Crystal Hope starts to show images of the library. "Oh, all their lives." he admits quietly. "I was the next generation to curate it." he explains. "To be there, raise a family, and have the next generation. But I had to be different. I joined the Rebellion behind their backs. Told them I was in a special school, all the while, I was fighting the Horde."

The image of the nook draws a sad smile. "When I was a kid, yeah." he admits. "Is Madoka a friend of yours?" It's the second time he's heard that name. But at the mention of the vase, he explains. "That's She-Ra. Etheria's proetector and champion. She's why I'm here." That said with a soft sigh. "Instead, I'm trapped here with her now. But we'll figure it out."

And then she's hugging him, and his arms encircle her for a moment, before he lifts his glasses to get rid of that pesky tear. "Oh that! Speck of dust!" he offers confidently as he gives Sayaka a warm embrace, before he nods. "Of course I will. And I will have new friends to introduce to them!"

And in that moment, he realizes that he was fortunate. He got to tell his dads the truth. About it all. And then suddenly, there's a laugh. "I told them I was in a special school... and now I am!" The irony hits like a truck-kun isekai'ing someone and he laughs even harder at the absurdity of it all, only recovering after about thirty seconds. "I'm okay. I'm okay. Promise"!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"We will find a way to get you and Adora back to Etheria, and you won't go back alone, I will be there, and I am sure the same goes for others." She offered him her sword, after all, and it wasn't a lie.

Sayaka bites her lip when she is informed of Luke's regret. That is quite a burden to bear now that he isn't even on the same planet anymore to do anything about it. "Yes, lying about it wasn't nice, but you didn't have any malicious intention", she points out. Unlike a certain alien cat she knows of. "I imagine that if the Horde had won, the library would have been destroyed, right? You were curating it too, in the way you best thought you could contribute."

"Yes, Madoka is my best friend", Sayaka explains. "We have been inseparable since childhood, and I care about her a lot."

When Bow explains about She-Ra, and he has come here for her. "You came here for Adora... so Adora... is She-Ra?", she asks confused.

"You don't have to hide your sorrow", Sayaka says when he tries to downplay the tear. "It's ok to talk about it with people, we are very non-judgemental here."

When Luke tries to assure the bluenette he is ok, Sayaka doesn't take him by his word, but instead of calling him out, tries something else to calm him. This is where her talents can come into play. "There is a place I want to show you, and coincidentally it's in the Club Building", she says, grabbing his hand and leading him, even if she has to drag him there.

Bow has posed:
"No, they're both here. They were together when the Sword of Protection was broken." Luke doesn't know what Adora has crafted for her identity here, but he's going to protect it. He's unaware that there are others here as well."

"I got the chance to tell them the truth," he finally explains. "And they were proud of me for doing so." A soft sigh. "And I know. We will." And he was just about to say more when the bluenette snags his hand. "Wait, where are we..."

He learns quickly that he cannot resist the pull of her and it's just best that he goes along with her. His hand settles into hers, not trying to actively pull away, but staying in stride so she can guide him along. "The Club Building?" he asks, a lift of his brows. "Is there anything this school doesn't have?!" comes his confused laugh. Schools are small. Colleges slightly larger. Nothing like this!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"The Sword of Protection got broken? But Crystal Hope said Adora has it, she never implied it got broken", she points out.

"That's great news!", Sayaka says when he reveals how George and Lance took it. "That's a sign they trust you, and you aren't actually disappointing them."

Sayaka smirks next at his reaction over the school having a Club Building. "It doesn't have a Game Center, but we will survive somehow", she jokes.

And it doesn't take them long to reach the Club Building, and when they do, Sayaka explains a few things about it. "The Club rooms here aren't fixed, they are on a precise rotation meant to accomodate everyone since there are more clubs than rooms. You can find where your club got transferred on a notice at the billboard by the entrance."

And then they reach their destination. "This is the Band Club, and I am a member", she explains before sitting at a piano there. Then her fingers fly across the musical instrument, a melodious arrangement that moves the hearts spreading into the air.

Bow has posed:
Crystal Hope corrects gently. "I sensed the energies of the Sword of the Protection here. It is how I postulated that we were in an alternate timeline. The Sword of Protection where we are from was destroyed." she explains.

And then she's pulling him further along, into the Club building. And she takes him to the band room, explaining that she is in the band, and then the pretty bluenette moves to sit down at the piano to start to play. Her tune is light and melodious. And while she is concentrating on the piano, he's taking in the room and instruments, moving amongst the woodwinds, the percussions... and then he spies something. Making his way over to it, he picks up the instrument and turns it over in his hands.

There's a few turning of the frets, a feel for the strings in his hands and he picks up a bow. He breathes in a few times, catching a hold of Sayaka's melody. And just as she starts in the second part of it...

The light sounds of a violin cascade around her ears. The melody matches with hers in the spirit of uplifting as he works to intertwine the music he knows with his ability to play by ear.

The accompanyment of hearts is joined, as Bow stands somewhat behind Sayaka, standing straight, his posture perfect, eyes closed as his fingers dance on the fret board with every pull of the catskin across the strings.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka stops for a second when she hears the sound of the violin, eyes open in surprise as she turns around and looks at Luke playing. That melody brings back a precious memory to the forefront of her mind, a time when she was just 6 and a melody from back then won over her heart, and it kept it for a very long long time, until its creator ignored her at a pivotal moment.

Sayaka smiles sweetly at Luke as he stands next to her, his melody mixing with her, feeling just like back then, but enhanced by their conjoined efforts, resuming playing the piano with certainty and admiration.

The koi mermaid comes in just as the two are playing, carrying in her arms the converted (and very embellished) smartphone, having followed Sayaka's magical signature all the way over here (they lived together constantly, even if Sayaka wasn't transformed, it was as clear as day to her). A soft smile appears on Ula's face as she sees the two teens play in unison, silently floating her way over to a nearby table.

There she she places Luke's device, the previously derelict phone now a sleek phone with a stunning blue crystal screen, encased in a frame crafted from luxurious white gold. Its wiring on the back is now covered by a slab made of shimmering gold of the normal variety, showing a group of sapphires in the stylised form of Crystal Hope holding in her hands a heart-shaped arrangement of small, glistening rubies. She will remind Luke to pick it up when they are done.

Ula stays silent, her eyes closed, enjoying the duo of piano and violin, the two melodies intertwining in a perfect harmony.