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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2024/03/12
|Date of Scene=2024/03/11
|Location=School Library
|Location=School Library
|Synopsis=Zoisite decides to reach out to Ami to get help settling back into routine school life. After a bit of studying, Ami broaches a delicate topic about their past lives only to receive an unexpected response.
|Synopsis=Zoisite decides to reach out to Ami to get help settling back into routine school life. After a bit of studying, Ami broaches a delicate topic about their past lives only to receive an unexpected response.

Latest revision as of 20:42, 13 March 2024

Finals and Friendships
Date of Scene: 11 March 2024
Location: School Library
Synopsis: Zoisite decides to reach out to Ami to get help settling back into routine school life. After a bit of studying, Ami broaches a delicate topic about their past lives only to receive an unexpected response.
Cast of Characters: Zoisite, Ami Mizuno

Zoisite has posed:
    The text had been a last, desperate bid for help when all other avenues seemed closed to him. When faced with the hard, bitter reality, the cold truth of his complete lack of preparedness, there was only one person to call.

    Naturally, given that Zoisite is monologuing about his need to study to re-enter school at the upcoming start of the next year, it's the Pretty Guardian of Love and, yes, Intelligence that he needs.

    Mercury. Or Ami, rather. He's still getting used to that.

    For now, the library proves to be a suitable neutral ground, their agreed-upon clandestine study session duly arranged. When Zoisite arrives, it's under disguise, but a pretty basic one: that of a student, which he technically isn't (yet). No one questions him or his Radiant Heart Academy uniform, though the tasteful scarf instead of tie maybe gets a look or two. After all, he can't help but be a little fashionable, even within strict guidelines.

    As he artfully drapes himself into a chair at a table, he pulls out his phone to check the time. Early, good. Oh, Zoisite's all for making dramatic entrances when called upon, but this is serious work he's about to embark upon. He must not fail his prince. After all, there's no telling what foul misadventures might befell Endymion if Zoisite isn't there to keep guard. High school can be a very dangerous place.

    He begins to withdraw his books from the bag he's set in the chair next to him, as well as the requisite notebooks and writing implements. The assortment of multi-colored pens and highlighters might be a bit overkill for catching him up on two years of missed schooling, but Zoisite knows if his notes are drab and boring he's unlikely to remember any of it.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Early? As if Ami wasn't already prepared. Though she had made the offer to help the Shittenou re-integrate into school almost all of them had declined. Until the last minute.

Which is precisely why she had prepared well in advance fearing this may be the case.

As Zoisite is getting his colorful array of pens out, Ami Mizuno approaches carrying several workbooks that were already notated with dozens of little colorful post-it-note flags peeking out the side to mark specific sections. They're placed with a little thwump on the desktop, and she straightens to smile down at Zoisite the only way she could: By standing while he sat. He may be one of the shorter Shittenou but he was still taller than her.

"Good, you're just on time. Did you have a good breakfast and lunch? It's important to study while you're not hungry." Otherwise she'll end up with another snack-fiend on her hands like Usagi often tended to be.

Her own attire was... Well it was the school uniform. Neat, tidy, and a bit too large on her as if she wasn't entirely sure of what her size was, or perhaps she just prefered looser clothing.

Zoisite has posed:
    Naturally Zoisite had thought himself perfectly capable of learning on his own. It only made sense, after all, given he was a good hand at most other things he had applied himself to in the past. That these things were primarily done in the service to, and at the urgings of certain dark energy beings might have had something to do with it.

    Which is not something he'd considered until this moment. Yes, clearly, there's nothing wrong with him, he's just learning how to do things properly on his own now. That's it.

    "Of course," he replies breezily, waving away any concerns about food. At the very least he knows how to take care of himself, basic cooking skills included. Now if he could only master complex equations and the structure of a human cell. But that is precisely why Ami is here now, and so Zoisite leans back in his chair, one arm extended out to rest over the next one over casually.

    The sunglasses that have been pushed up onto his head are retrieved and set aside, and then he flicks a lock of hair back over his shoulder. "Sit, please," he says with a waggle of his hand towards the table. "I'm quite serious about this. You don't have to worry, I'm no slouch when it comes to studying. It's only the... hm."

    His nose lifts. Even admitting the tiniest of ineptitude was grating on his nerves, but he remembers why he is here and he soldiers on: "The finer details of some of the theories that I'm struggling with. Once we get through those, I'm sure I'll be able to continue on my own."

    And it's true, in a sense. It'd only been the hard sciences that he'd requested assistance with, via text, and it's only those books specific to those subjects that he's set out.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"It makes sense. You've been out of school for quite awhile as I understand it. Even though you're smart, it's never easy to dive right into a curriculum that you've been away from for an extended period of time." Ami reaches for the chair opposite to pull it out while her free hand sweeps over the back of her skirt as she sinks down to sit in a properly lady-like way as if it were second nature to her.

"Science it is then. I did bring the others just in case you might like to review them since finals are coming up," she offers with fingers tapping against the practice workbooks. The light touch then shifts down to lift the top two off which she fans out on the table to display them. "Take your pick which you'd like first, then. You have me for the next--" She pauses here to spare a glance for the watch on her wrist with a small thoughtful furrow of her brow considering. "Almost two hours. Then I have to head over to help the girls with their studies."

Zoisite has posed:
    It's very logical, the reasoning Ami gives to support Zoisite's own line of thinking, so of course he accepts it, naturally. He nods once, decisive, and then it's time to dive in so he leans forward, one finger laying carefully on the workbook marked Biology. He slides it out of the fan Ami has made and turns it to face him.

    "Let's not waste any time then," he says, loftily, as if Zoisite somehow has the power in this situation to declare such things. He flips through the pages casually at first, but then slows, and eventually stops, the fair skin of his brow furrowing as he considers the text.

    And he ponders it a moment longer. Juuuuust a bit longer.

    Finally, he exhales and says, "So the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell..." as if he actually understands what that means.

    Then he looks up at Ami, one thin eyebrow arched. Silently prompting her.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"Like the engine of a car. Though even I'm aware that the Mitochondrian is the powerhouse of the cell is an old meme at this point," Ami adds just in case he had been teasing her a bit. In case he hadn't been? She reaches out to snag hold of the top of the workbook he was reading with a fingertip to pull it down so she could see which page he was on.

And the explanations flow. There's no double-checking on her part. She KNOWS this. She's known this for longer than she could easily remember if she tried to pinpoint it. So she explains, pointing out parts of diagrams, and suggests mneumonics to remember items as well.

It's not just a lecture but a back and forth where she explains something, moves to the next part, and then gently asks questions about the part a moment before that tied into the new information to make sure it had sunk in.

Before long they've reached the end of that section. The cell has been explained, it's components covered, and a multitude of other things.

"There. If you need to study it a bit more on your own please do, but let me know when you feel ready for the mock test I've prepared."

Zoisite has posed:
    Zoisite is, of course, familiar with memes. He's definitely familiar with that meme, if the little moue of vaguely amused disappointment at being called out over it is anything to go by. He says nothing to that, though, only lifts his hand away from the workbook long enough for Ami to reference it herself.

    And then, as they say, they're off to the races.

    The truth of the matter is that Zoisite was (mostly) telling the truth. He perhaps needs a bit more help understanding the basics than he let on, but once it's explained to him, pointed out to him on diagrams and figures, he seems to understand things just fine. Certainly enough to promptly answer back when queried on it afterwards, at least.

    Time seems to fly by as they work, one of Zoisite's elbows planted on the tabletop so that he can affect a delicate lean as his free hand makes copious use of his notebook to... well, take notes, of course. By the end of the section they're covering the pages are a rainbow wash of highlighting, but in an organized way to suggest there's some method to his madness.

    He's just picked his pen back up when the words "mock test" pass Ami's lips, and he looks properly scandalized for a moment. "A test?" he asks, aghast, but then his green eyes narrow and a self-confident smirk curves his lips. "Of course I'm ready. Give it to me." There seems no doubt in his mind that he'll ace it.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"Of course a test. There's no better way to see if there's any gaps in knowledge that need to be brushed up on before a real test," Ami points out matter-of-fact. Twisting to the side she reaches into her backpack to withdraw a binder that she flips open. Like the workbooks it, too, was divided into sections clearly having several 'mock tests' in here to begin with.

"Now keep in mind these are not based on any actual tests that may or may not be given. I made these based on the workbooks and some information on where your grade will be around this point in time in the actual books." A sheaf of paper is finally pulled out to slide over toward him. Far thinner than the workbooks as this mock test was clearly just for Biology. Others remained hidden in that binder which she tucks back into her bag safely. Knowledge was precious, and while sharing it was fine, she was going to guard it too. Just in case.

"If you'd like we can take a quick break first to get a drink from the machine outside. Otherwise, drink after."

Zoisite has posed:
    His natural inclination is to cheat. Because that's how he's always gotten ahead in life. Using dirty tactics. So what Zoisite intends to do is skim the questions on the test he's been given, then say he was going to go get a drink, and then look up answers on his phone.

    That's his intention, at least. It's not the best, and Zoisite really doesn't care, he'll do whatever it takes to win (which in this case means not flunking out of school immediately).

    But he realizes after reading the first one that he knows the answer. And Zoisite knows the answer to the next one too, and the next. Before he's even realized it, he's picked up his pen and -- yes, bold to use a pen -- started writing in his answers. There's an intensity in his green eyes as he does so, burning bright, as he sinks into the self-satisfied feeling of having all the answers.

    Soon enough Zoisite's passing the paper back to Ami, and he abandons his pen to fold his arms over his chest, leaning back in an open, relaxed fashion in his chair.

    "I'm impressed with you," he says, which is no casual statement, coming from Zoisite. "Just like I remember. You always knew your stuff."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno waits patiently with fingers laced together resting on the table in front of her while Zoisite works at the mock test with a pen. A bold choice indeed but one that earns a hint of a smile from the sometimes enigmatic bluenette. The fact that he chose that meant he was feeling confident in what he knew, which means she'd found the proper way to teach him the materials. Perfect. It would make further study sessions so much easier.

Once he's done, her fingers unlace to reach across the table for the test sliding it back toward her so that she can check his answers. Even if he was confident it was best to know if there was an area where he'd slipped or hadn't remembered properly so they could then go back and study again.

Barely does she have time to do that when his remark comes. The compliment is just accepted. It's the other statement that earns her blue eyes jolting up to gaze across at him with obvious surprise.

"You remember back then? I only get a lot of feelings of deja vu. Sometimes, I feel pretty certain about something, but usually it's just very..." Very what? "Foggy." She'd assumed she was willfully deciding to forget a lot because if there had been a battle, it was likely a bit traumatic.

Zoisite has posed:
    Apparently, Zoisite is actually so confident that he doesn't even feel the need to watch Ami grade his mock test. Instead he watches her, eyes half-lidded as he remains leaned back in his chair, one hand lifting to twirl a strand of hair between his fingertips.

    "Not everything, not perfectly. It was a long time ago, after all," he says, finding no need to prevaricate about this particular topic. Not with Ami, at least. His head tips back and his eyes close fully, allowing himself to sink down into memories. "But I remember some things. The good... and the bad."

    He does not dwell on the memories of Prince Endymion's betrayal at his and the other Shitennou's hands. That way lies madness, and things are different now. Zoi's not one to look a gift horse (or gift teleportation through time) in the mouth. Flicking his hair over his shoulder, he sits up straight again, and folds his arms over the tabletop.

    And again, he's looking at Ami. "It doesn't matter," he eventually decides on saying. "What happened back then, it's in the past. I'm not going to let it influence me, not when this new world has so many opportunities." Drumming his fingers on the surface of the table with one hand, Zoisite's other lifts to support his chin.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno flashes a quick, easy smile when he talks about the past not mattering as much as the here and now. "Oh, of course, I completely agree. I'm not the same person as I was in that life at all. I've had different experiences, different knowledge. I'm a didfferent person. Though I admit I am curious about some of the past."

What exactly was she curious of? Her head tips upward to regard the library ceiling for a few short moments as she gathers her thoughts. "I'd love to know more of the technology back then. How things were done. Of course I'm quite fond of the Mercury Computer which seems to be a remnant of the technology of the time. It's impressive!"

Her attention returns momentarily to the test, finishing the few check marks she made on it with a solemn nod. "All correct, excellent job! We'll have you ready for finals in no time."

A glance is snuck toward Zoisite lingering on him a moment. In spite of her agreement that things were different... "There *is* one more thing I'm curious about. I vaguely remember there was something between us?"

Zoisite has posed:
    Zoisite's lips purse, and he looks like he might argue the point about being different people, though he taps his chin a couple of times before saying anything. And when he does, it's a fairly mild, "Things are different and have certainly shaped us differently, but I think at our core we are the same. But that's a question of nature versus nurture, really, isn't it?"

    Which, as it just so happens, is a topic in biology that he's already covered in his own individual studying.

    He doesn't seem to have much to offer up in regards to the technology question posed, deferring it with a, "I would have to ask someone else to give you a rundown and naturally it'd be you that I would ask in any other circumstance." One of his shoulders bumps up and down in an elegant shrug as his eyes go closed again.

    But when Ami brings up there being something between them, those green eyes snap open. And then his lips part, as he begins to laugh, one hand coming up to cover his mouth. "Oh, oh my..." he says through giggles, eyes squeezing back shut. "No, there really wasn't. We were close, but... what you're remembering was just a cover we had established to keep people from bothering us about possible romantic relationships." His hand drops, and he looks over at Ami, his gaze gone serious. "I wasn't the type to settle down, and you of course had things you'd rather focus on than that. It was a convenient excuse for the both of us," he explains.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Suddenly it all made sense. Ami looks a mixture surprised, relieved, and then she finally finds herself giggling quietly along with Zoisite once she fully realizes. "Oh thank goodness! Not that you're not cute, but I was so confused about... It just didn't quite feel right and out of all the things to not remember, I would have felt pretty bad not remembering if I was in love with someone."

Her head shakes lightly at her own misunderstanding of the situation. At least she's grinning, and rather accepting of it now that it's all clicked into place. "Honestly I was so confused I started keeping a spreadsheet to try and figure out what sort of things I liked in guys to figure out the pattern, because Usagi thought I had bad taste in men."

Zoisite has posed:
    It's a wonder they don't get shushed by someone for their giggling in the library. But Zoisite, the louder of the two, is at least covering his mouth as he does it. So maybe it's not too much of an interruption. He shakes his head, the motion necessitating he flick hair back over his shoulder again after with habitual ease, and then he shifts in his chair. Underneath the table, his legs unfold and then refold the opposite way.

    "What?" he asks, mock-offended. Zoisite's hand goes to his chest. "Bad taste in men, because of me? I'll have you know I am a catch thank you very much. Anyone would be lucky to have me." The corner of his mouth twitches with a repressed smile, and then he leans in on his elbows, conspiratorily. "Just because I'm not tall, dark and Endymion-shaped, huh?"

    He titters again, this one quieter than before, and now he finally decides that the juicy gossip isn't so distracting that he can't acknowledge his test results. "Thank you. You're an excellent teacher and I, of course, am an excellent student. What shall we work on next?"