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|Synopsis=Sayaka and Bow come to the Korma on... is it a date? Is it just to teach Bow about chopsticks? ...No it's absolutely a date, and this time *Rashmi* gets to be the matchmaker gremlin. Pretty easy when all the two of them need is the lightest of taps to cross the final millimeter.
|Synopsis=Sayaka and Bow come to the Korma on... is it a date? Is it just to teach Bow about chopsticks? ...No it's absolutely a date, and this time *Rashmi* gets to be the matchmaker gremlin. Pretty easy when all the two of them need is the lightest of taps to cross the final millimeter.
|Cast of Characters=41,226,32
|Cast of Characters=41,226,32
|Tinyplot=Princes and Princesses Prom

Latest revision as of 14:36, 15 March 2024

Curry Lessons
Date of Scene: 03 March 2024
Location: Korma Chameleon
Synopsis: Sayaka and Bow come to the Korma on... is it a date? Is it just to teach Bow about chopsticks? ...No it's absolutely a date, and this time *Rashmi* gets to be the matchmaker gremlin. Pretty easy when all the two of them need is the lightest of taps to cross the final millimeter.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios, Bow, Sayaka Miki
Tinyplot: Princes and Princesses Prom

Rashmi Terios has posed:
School is out for the day, and if the coming-home-from-school crowd is any indication, the dinner rush is going to be *mad.* Thus has Rashmi been voluntold to support the waitstaff, to keep the current press from trickling down to the dinner crowd!

Thus, instead of her Academy uniform, she's in the yellow-gold colored shirt, red skirt, and green apron of the restaurant's female waitstaff, bopping from table to table and collecting orders.

It's almost like she's done this for *years.*

Fortunately for any stragglers, there *are* still a couple tables free, and the large amount of students means there's likely to be a large amount of talky noises to cover any conversations that might need to be had.

Bow has posed:
Sayaka had agreed to meet with Luke after class so that she could show him how to properly use chopsticks. It made for a good excuse, and Luke was amicable to the idea to spend the time with the bluenette, so they made their way together down to the restaurant.

As they arrive, he opens the door to the place, the first thing that's obvious is that the dusky Etherian teen is a 'tall' drink of water. Nearly a foot taller than Sayaka, the young man holds the door open for her as he draws in a breath. "Oh, something smells delicious." he murmurs, his stomach rumbling slightly.

Which makes sense, he's been on cafeteria food since he arrived on Earth, as he's trying to figure out a way to earn this... currency that they use for goods and services and how to take care of that. Because he's sure that the school's generosity doesn't include that.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Korma Chameleon... The last time Sayaka visited here she was on a date with Hinoiri and now she is on a quasi-date with her prospective boyfriend. Funny how things go. Though he called her here to have more of a lesson on how to use japanese utentils.

And she had agreed to show him around, so teaching him how to use chopsticks isn't all that different. "Thanks", Sayaka says once Bow opens the door, before commenting on the food. "Someone has a good nose", Sayaka smirks. "And you are right, the Korma is quite great to eat at. You just can't get disappointed." And if it's not a law of the universe, it should be.

Recalling the menù, Sayaka thinks she will go with creamy tofu curry with roti, as she heads for one of the few still free tables with Bow.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Spotting Bow and Sayaka coming in, Rashmi grins. They barely just get settled down, before the redhead bops over, notepad at the ready. "Hey you two! Can I start you off with some drinks? Luke-san, I'm gonna *guess* you've never had Indian food before, so... We have teas, sodas, or the traditional kind of drink, lassi. Mostly it's yogurt and fruit, and it's *really* helpful if you like spicy food. And Sayaka-chan, did you want drinks or something to start?"

Customer-service brightness, with a dash of added warmth at a couple actual friends at her table.

Bow has posed:
Once they are inside, Luke's hand settles on the middle of Sayaka's back - it may be more of a date than he let on, after all. "I... no." he admits quietly, a small chuckle. "But Sayaka highly recommended here and I remembered you mentioning it to me the first night that I arrived here, so I have been wanting to thank you personally for your help that night." the archer admits with a smile.

"I have no idea what to order, but I don't like super-spicy foods. There was this one meal I had one time, when Glimmer tried cooking and there was just... so. much. spice." He shudders at the idea. "So, keep that in mind?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka doesn't expect Bow putting his hand on her back, so for two seconds her face has a clearly surprised expression, before recollecting herself. Her thoughts do wonder if she should take this to mean she is on a date, and honestly, if she were, she would have put a bit more effort than her baseline.

But well, now she is here, and there is no use crying over spilt milk. At least, she is presentable enough not to make a bad impression.

"Hi, Rashmi!" she waves at the other girl. "I would take a lassi, yes, and then creamy tofu curry with roti, please."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi has sharp eyes -- she catches the hand on the back, and Sayaka's surprise, and her mouth is trembling from trying to hold back the smile. When she can trust her voice to not waver, she bobs her head, jotting down the order on her notepad.

"Don't worry Luke-kun," she chuckles. "Mami and Papi are *huge* believers in 'spicy' being an accent, not the whole song. So..." the redhead thinks it over for a moment, then nods firmly. "Okay. Rose lassi to start since you're *clearly* on a date, then switch to mango with dinner. Luke-san gets Chingri Malaikari, just spicy enough to be noticeable. There'll be naan and rice to go with, so... I'll leave you two alone to talk!"

Aaaaand off she bops, to get the orders in and drinks set up. Because it's *so much less embarrassing* to make googly eyes at each other if a friend isn't watching and grinning and *now* Rashmi understands Setsuna.

Bow has posed:
So here's the thing. Sayaka was bold enough to kiss him at the end of a battle against a giant, dusk possessed corn cob that was trying to drain people and a vampire. The least he can do is agree in some small way that what they are doing at the moment does indeed count as a date. Fortune favors the bold, and Sayaka is collecting her prize for that right now.

Though when Rashmi makes it clear they are on a date, the tall archer's cheeks darken sunstantially. "Oh... well, yes." he agrees, a glance down at the bluenette to see if she also approves of this being a date and not just the pair of them going out as friends so she can show him how to use chopsticks. "Just make sure it's something to use chopsticks on, Sayaka is supposed to be teaching me how to use them!" he offers to Rashmi quickly as the redhead skitters off.

He leads Sayaka to a table, pulling out a chair for her, before he takes a seat himself. So. Conversation. Where to begin. Where. To. Begin. Awkward Bow is a little awkward. Inpsirational speeches? Check. Interpersonal relationships? Not so much.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka blushes a little with a nod when Rashmi mentions they are clearly on a date and says to the redhead "Thanks, Rashmi." She had sort of gotten the gist on her own when Luke had tried that move, but to hear it said out loud is a totally different matter. Even if they had done very datelike things in the past and she had been trying in that direction, she wasn't expecting this one to be recognised.

When Sayaka spots Luke's inquiring gaze, she gives him a bashful smile and adds "I mean, we probably are. I confessed to you twice, and with you, well", she smirks, mimicking the earlier back-touching.

"So, how was the day? Is Swiftwind still complaining about the lack of telenovelas?", she starts breaking the ice.

Bow has posed:
Does pulling out her chair count? Because, then yeah, totally a date. And Sayaka makes sure to point out that she's confessed twice now, and this, in the moment. Luke considers this, and her words. For the moment, Swiftwind and his woes are set aside.

"You're really attractive, Sayaka." he decides to start. "I mean, really. And you're confident, brave and bold. If we were back on Etheria, you would easily be a Princess there." comes his admission. "You're aware of everything's happening, and yet... you still want to be here." His eyes search hers for a moment, the tall Etherian considers it all, and his hand captures hers before the drinks are brought out.

"If you're willing to accept that I have my heart still set on saving my home, somehow... then I'm willing to try this, Sayaka Miki." he offers to her. His thumb brushes over the top of her hand. Probably not how either of them expected this to go, pretty much straight from school to here.

"But I enjoy our time together, and I think... you provide a wonderful accompanyment to my song."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Am I? Thank you", the flustered bluenette replies, adding an appreciative smile to her reply. "You haven't seen Usagi when she dressed up for a Ball months back. She truly looked like a princess there", she tries to deflect the compliment, unaware of Usagi's identity as Princess Serenity.

"And honestly, you look like a Prince yourself. You are tall, toned, charming, fun to be around, talented, you are only really missing a crown", Sayaka uses the situation to pour out her opinion of him, mostly swallowing the nervousism.

And when he switches the subject to Etheria needing saving, Sayaka is actually calm then. Clearly she finds fighting a swarm of robots or a 20 meters tall monstrosity much less nerve-wracking. "I accept that, Bow", she declares seriously. "I offered to fight at your side, remember? And I don't agree with Crystal Hope on how hopeless she has made the situation to be either", reaching over to squeeze his hand confidently.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
And Rashmi bops back to the table, carrying a pair of tall, cold glasses, filled with creamy, pale-pink liquid that smells wonderfully of roses. A quick look will also show that *someone* has drizzled a heart shape on top, in honey colored red. "Aaaaand there's your lassi," she chirps, beaming. "Having a good time so far?"

Bow has posed:
Luke laughs a little. "I'm no Prince." His hand releases hers for a moment, as he pulls back to explain. "The Rebellion... is the Princess Alliance. There are.... a lot of Princesses. Me? I'm just the regular guy. Not really magical. Not really special. I'm the tech guy. No spells, no special powers. Just me, and my trusty bow and arrows." And he sounds like he is perfectly okay with this role in his life. "My fathers wanted me to be a librarian. I lied to them about what I was doing since... I was about five years old."

She had said she wanted to know more about his life on Etheria, and he's opening that door for her, apparently. "Oh. Reminds me. Adora said Glimmer was here, too. I'm going to try to see who all else may be here, I've started the paperwork with the Student Council for a Prince and Princess Prom. Cho's my sponsor and Coco has offered her aid. Just... so. much. paperwork." He makes an ugh noise.

He's about to say more as Rashmi arrives with the drinks and as he looks at his, he feels his cheeks warm up again. "Lassi?" he says, repeating the word to understand it. "And... yes." To answer the question if he's enjoying himself.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
And Sayaka can't help but be astonished at the effort that went into their lassi, giving her schoolmate a glance. "Isn't this a lot? They look amazing." And just because they were on a date. Sayaka had a hunch this wasn't the norm for all couples coming in here. "Yes, we are enjoying ourselves", she comments to the redhead.

And then Bow goes over again the points of his life that most weight on him: his lack of powers and how he abandoned his fathers' carreer for the Rebellion. "Bow, I don't know if you noticed, but your attacks were quite effective against Kontraplake. The Witch wouldn't have been hurt quite that well by your arrows if you weren't magic. Your ability to transform alone denotes magic", Sayaka points out.

As for the other point, she reassures him. "I know having had to lie like that must be a sore point, but you were curating the library in your own way. Without the Rebellion, the Horde would have likely destroyed it, and cause other suffering too. You were trying to do the right thing", she says. His fathers had understood him by now, but saying it to console him can't hurt.

Sayaka nods at the comment over Princess Prom. "If you think that is going to help you attract your friends, then I am sure you will do great. Do you know enough princesses to invite to it?" Surely they couldn't have Princess Dia on speed dial, can they?

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"No that's pretty standard," Rashmi answers Sakaya, chuckling. "I mean the hearts were a little fiddly, but that's just a couple drops of coloring and some honey in a plastic bag." The hearts do look a bit rough... as if a learned-but-not-talented teenager might have done, for her friends.

"Also... even if you weren't magic there, from everything I've heard they wouldn't have gotten nearly as far as they did without you, Bow... Magic is nice, but, if you don't use it *smartly* then it just means your mistakes are gonna be bigger, y'know?"

Then she colors briefly, as she realizes she might be intruding on the date. "Um. Sorry, just... Yeah. Don't be so hard on yourself, Luke-kun. I'll be back in a bit, your meals are almost ready!"

Bow has posed:
"That's only because Crystal Hope imbined me with some of the magic that was left over when we came over from Etheria." Bow has already come up with his theory on that, as he takes his first sip of the lassi and his face lights up. "It's tangy... creamy... what is this flavour?" he asks curiously, brows knitting, but he's got an obvious smile on his face, he clearly approves of it as enjoys another sip from it, even if ruins the little heart that Rashmi made.

"So, yeah. I was normal on Etheria, magical over here." he taps the crystal on his ear. He's pretty sure that's why. "But I am glad that I was able to be effective in helping you against the Kontraplake. And then last night against the corn cob."

"Oh... I was able to reconcile with my fathers. They learned I was in the Rebellion when Adora and Glimmer visited and... yeah. the tea kinda got spilled on that." He chuckles softly. "For what it's worth, one of them served in the last Princess Alliance, and they were worried about me, but in the end, respected my decision.

And then she brings up the Prom, and he considers. "I mean, I assume that would just be a theme here. Who doesn't want to be a Prince or a Princess, right?" he asks, lifting his eyes to meet hers, another sip taken of the delicious drink. "...after all, Princess Sharpsong has a nice ring to it." His smile is warm, but his cheeks show a hint of blush as he gestures. "But if I recall right, you made it clear you had questions."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Your 'standard' is pretty amazing", counters Sayaka, taking a sip of the lassi. She intends to keep it for when the curry comes, but she can at least try it out. "It also tastes great, Rashmi, thanks", the bluenette replies, wondering what else she missed the last time she was here.

And well, that's actually a good point Rashmi raises. "One of the tricks I have would quite unhelpful outside of Witch Labyrinths if not that barrier spell that helps contain the damage. Rashmi-san has it right." If her input was somehow needed.

"Thank you, Rashmi-san", Sayaka smiles in appreciation for the service she is giving them.

And Sayaka waves away Bow's first comment. "Still, you have shown yourself to be very resourceful. And that video you showed us? It was a great motivator, and very good at showing how much you care about each other. Anyway, I am glad I have had you there, Luke-san."

Oh, yeah, a theme makes much more sense, she should have realised that. Though, she fits more as a knight, than a princess, doesn't she? "I don't think I work as a princess, I wouldn't look elegant enough for it. But thanks", she concedes partially this time.

"And yes, what is your typical day like over here? Magic is a known thing there, right? How does that change it?", she starts inquiring.

Bow has posed:
Bow draws in a little breath. He considers Sayaka's words and looks down at the tablecloth, because he's clearly taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "I've heard of barriers and purifying, and I'm not sure if those are things I can do, or put into an arrow." he points out clearly. "I know the arrows that I have." And he's clearly not made the attempt yet to branch outside of what he's used to. "It's not that I have not considered it. But I'm a technical person. In my head, I need to see how it works and put it down on paper, or tinker with it. Magic is far more cerebral, imagnitive. It has to be amazing to just... know, or learn how to do the things that you and Rashmi and so many others do. I sat on Swiftwind last night and fired arrows down. Everyone else did the heavy lifting." He has little doubt in his mind that Norie had ignored him last night and deemed him not a threat (tm).

When she brings up the video, he closes his eyes, considering that moment. "You need to understand. Etheria is not like here. It's wilderness, with kingdoms and sparse villages. I've been so overwhelmed by everything I've seen here - but there are some things that are the same. And one of those things is the burning fire of the hearts of those that may want to help, but just have yet to know how. I know that feeling, because I'm one of them. Back on Etheria, I can't raise a sword and become a powerful warrior. I can't cast spells. I can't make magical traps. I'm not the strongest, the fastest, or any of that. I keep trying to tell you, I was just a regular guy. But what I could do - was be their voice. To be that every man that could related, to understand, to make sure that people felt that their Princesses were one of them, and every much an Etherian as they were. They need that. When you're facing soulless automations and the forces of the Horde, you want to know that your protectors are standing with you, not out of reach. Just as close as you and I are at the moment."

"You claim that you are no Princess, but a knight. Why can you not be both? Your music, your heart, your soul, your swords, your ability. You are far more than the sum of what you are. Your spirit is strong, your abilities and skills... you could be a Princess and a knight, my bluebird with your song so sweet and blade so sharp." he offers to her, his smile turned up, the inspiration applied. "You have stood alongside those here for far longer than I have. You have had your trials and come through them. You're amazing and strong and just... there is so much you have going for you. Not to mention the support you have from those around you. Madoka, Hinoiri, it's clear that you have your friends. I don't know what I have yet. My friends are scattered. One is ill and I'm going to do all I can to make her right. And that's why I sought out her friends. And that's the point, without your friends - without your Princesses - you can not do this solo."

Finally, he's turning his attention to his day, and what he does. "My typical day? I wake up, I train, I study. We have a meal, companionship. We go on adventures, we strike against the Horde, we try to find our way to find the path to our freedom. To escape from the tyranny of Horde Prime and his minions. And when it was me, Glimmer and Adora? I thought we were invincible. And that we were finally going to win. I had so much faith and confidence in the future - then Adora vanished. The Horde took Glimmer. And I was left alone. I tried to be a leader, but I did not have the aura of Adora. The ability to lead that Glimmer does. In the end, the fact that I was just a regular guy? That was my downfall.

But now. I'm here. On this world. And Adora is here. There is that chance, that glimmer or hope that we can make things right. That Etheria will finally be free of Hordak and Horde Prime. And we apparently won? You know why? Adora said so. That we won, that she and Catra married. I believe her - I believe in her. Yes, she started off with the Horde. But now? There's nothing I wouldn't do for her." And the proof of that?

He's here now. And he takes another sip of his drink. "So, Sayaka, please, do not sell yourself or your abilities short - because in the short time I've known you, you have inspired. You have rallied. And you have proven yourself."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Luke-san, I do not even know how my powers work, I just know that they do and that a quick thought is going to draw out this or that. There is so much more going on with your arrows, that have to follow a precise set of rules for a definite result. Nevermind what I said, one of my main powers works without my input, even. What kind of thought goes into that?" Sayaka points out.

"What do I need to actually understand, besides that you know what people need and want to provide that? Just accept that you are amazing", she stares at him deeply. "I am not sure how much time I would need to put together a similar speech, but you would do it faster, no doubt."

Sayaka, well, she definitely appreciates Bow holding her abilities in such a high regard, but she thinks she is being quite oversold. Or he is not being given the proper regard. Either/or/both. "I have not had a force that dissiminated my friends throughout parallel worlds, so of course, I have all my friends here, and you don't. And yes, I have been able to grow a lot. But that growth means my friends are special, not me, because I surely wouldn't have come out of it so well if left to myself. I want to talk about this more another day." She can't mention it with Rashmi here, but she will have to show Bow what she almost became forever, and show him that is why she is eternally grateful to her friends.

Sayaka shakes her head. "This Horde Prime is some big shot, right? You were thrown against an incredibly powerful enemy alone, and still didn't give up the fight. That's resilience, Luke. A great deal of it."

Bow has posed:
And somewhere, in the midsts of his word salad, Luke realized that he was monologuing. So when Sayaka starts into her response, the Etherian teen looks down at his hands and feels the heat in his cheeks. He didn't really mean to go so far off the deep end. However, as he listens, a little frown appears.

"I'm just the guy with the bow, doing the best he can to help free his world." A wan smile, but, his attention turns on her fully as once again... "You are special. Did you not see the way that your friends reacted to you? They clearly feel that you are important to them. Hold onto that feeling, you will never know when you need it. I speak from experience on that."

But when she says that she'll discuss it later, he almost, almost asks if she's asking for a second date, but something in the way that she says it makes it sound? That it's not exactly a date type thing. "Alright. Another day." he agrees, his hands catching hers again for a momentary touch. "I hope that you'll count me in that number." Confession or not.

"Horde Prime." A breath is drawn in. "In the universe that I'm from? He's the absolute ruler. The self-centered megalomaniac that wants to bring light to the universe by grinding it under his heel. To him, all creatures, no matter how small, will serve him." A shiver runs through him. "Hordak... who is on Etheria... might be a clone of him. They look a lot alike. He's the one you saw when I came through the portal to here."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka evidently hasn't been bothered by Luke speaking for so long, otherwise she wouldn't have listened intently and only started talking when he was done.

And Sayaka gets up from her seat when Bow insists on downplaying his skills, reaching over to the boy, and instead of saying one more word to try and convince him otherwise, she just envelopes him in an hug. "It's ok if you don't have confidence in yourself, I am not going to force you, but even with that, know that I fully have confidence in you, and I want you to believe in the fact I believe."

"I mean, we already are friends", Sayaka replies with a nervous grin when Luke hopes to be counted there. "But I kinda hope that we will get to be more than that, after everything is over and you are feeling free to be in love."

That guy, huh... Some kind of shadow of the nightmare that is the true danger? Is he a clone in a similar sense as Klarissa was? Because they might learn a lot through dealing with Hordak first, and only then tackle Horde Prime. "I don't think he can reach here, and even if he does, he would be cut off too. We have time to prepare against him, Luke", Sayaka shoots him a confident smile.

Bow has posed:
Why is she getting up? Is she about to leave? Did Bow just completely blow it? All those thoughts run through Luke's head as Sayaka rises to her feet. He's seated, so they nearly are the same height - she may actually have an inch on him at the moment, as she wraps her arms around him.

And for a moment, he forgets how to hug, which is kind of like a frog forgetting to bump the ground when it jumps, but his arms come around Sayaka's waist, holding her tightly to him in return. She's felt a Bow hug before, but it's still that strong presence he always is.

And Sayaka confesses - a third time. Horde Prime? Klarissa? Those can wait for the moment. Her words deserve an answer. A definitive answer. Looking up at the young woman, he considers her for several moment, studying the bluenette's face. "I feel like I should kiss you right now." he admits quietly. "Not sure why, but it totally feels like the right response."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Bow's hugs are a very special kind of hug. He is a very affectionate guy at the baseline, and that reflects into the kind of hugs he gives, full of warmth and strongly sweet, just like him. The kind of hugs that make Sayaka want to smile, and she indubitably does, even regardless of the fact he has conquered her heart.

Her heart starts beating fast when Luke says he feels he should kiss her. She wasn't counting on something like that happening so soon given what Luke had told her, and she kinda figured that she would have been the one to ask first. Even so, with a tense wait of that moment, she replies "You totally can do it, Luke."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Aaaaand that's about when Rashmi does, in fact, arrive , bearing a *large* tray, and a fold-out stand to put it on. First, the rice; orange-colored and less sticky than Japanese rice, one bowl for each of Luke and Sayaka. Then, the breads; a plate heaped with steaming, garlic-scented flatbread, and another with crunchy roti.

Then, in front of Sayaka is placed a bowl of thick, stew-like red gravy, swimming with soft tofu and vegetables, and Luke gets a bowl of something a bit more orange, with large prawns heaped within, and chopsticks and soup spoons for both.

"So I know you're gonna be learning chopsticks," she says with a chuckle, "but also you can tear off a piece of naan and put rice and curry on, like an edible spoon. Anyway I hope you like it, and that you're having a good time so far?"

Bow has posed:
Poor Sayaka. She had agreed to a kiss. But it's going to have to wait a little bit longer, because as Rashmi announces her presence, and reminds Luke that they are in a sorta crowded restaurant, the spell is broken for the moment, and Bow's cheeks flare bright red as he loosens his grip on the bluenette. "We'll discuss that later." he offers, a little clearing of his throat so that she can return to her seat.

Terrible timing aside, the food smells great and has grabbed his attention as it's laid out. As he studies the prawns in their sauce, his head is tilted curiously. "I've never seen food prepared like this before." he admits with a grin. "I mean, totally willing to try!" he offers brightly.

But now. It's time to face off against his dreaded nemesis... taking the small wooden sticks out of their sleeve. "Alright, Sayaka. Ready to walk me through this?" he asks her with a chuckle. "I am not responsible for any food that I may launch out from between the sticks."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Typically when at a restaurant, people look forward to the moment the food arrives, but things couldn't be more different now, and Sayaka is left wishing that the food would in fact have taken longer to prepare. But then again, Luke has a point, with the fact they are in public.

"Thank you, Rashmi-san", Sayaka says with a slight blush when the food arrives. The smell is absolutely delicious, and so is the appearance, but her food will have to wait for now. She promised Luke a lesson on chopsticks first. "Yes, I am ready. Alright, here is how you do it", Sayaka says, taking Luke's right hand with hers from behind it, and after placing the chopstick in it with her left, she carefully starts guiding it towards his food.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Stepping back to give the couple room to practice, Rashmi waits until Sayaka gets into position, then remembers one of the best things about being a Device User; telepathy on tap.

<< You know, >> says her amused voice, quietly, in the back of Bow's mind, << If you wanted to give her a kiss, this would be the best time to do it. >>

"So!" she says, gathering up the tray, "is there anything else you need? Or would you like me to get out of the way and let you two be adorable all your own?"

Bow has posed:
Sometimes, Bow forgets he has a device for a henshin item. And he still has yet to totally figure it all out - so when Rashmi's voice is suddenly in his head, he's about to move his lips to respond, before he gets the hint maybe. His eyes dart to the redhead device user, dark eyes wide, but after a moment, they set and he steadies that skip in his own heart.

At the same time, Sayaka is showing him how to use the chopsticks. On his side, her hand on his, showing him how to use the chopsticks, and he's learning and catching onto it, following the simple motions that she makes. And he looks up at her again. She really is close. And she smells nice. And she's pretty.

But it's her heart. She's put so much of her heart into this. And he has some idea of what she's gone through - her past heartaches and heartbreaks. If anything, she should be far far more guarded and yet, here she is, offering her heart -- for the third time -- to him.

And he suggested they wait. He suddenly realizes what he did, urged along by Rashmi's nudge. Is he just stringing her along? What is he so afraid of? Why can't he just... is it really Etheria? Or is it his own fears? That he may find his answer tomorrow and then whatever may develop may have to end. The unknown. It scares him. He's never shied from that before. Everything else wants to scream caution. Everything but his own heart. And for once, that heart, which may be bigger than the one on his armor reacts and literally goes 'hold my lassi'.

His left hand and arm reaches across his body, his fingers curling into a gentle tug on the front of Sayaka's shirt as he pulls her down and he tilts up, his mouth catching hers in mid-instruction in a soft, sweet kiss that may last entirely too quickly for either of them.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
This is quite unexpected, in a way: the proposal to wait had come from Luke, after all, and between keeping herself calm with the closeness to the Etherian and showing him how to use the chopsticks, her mind is fully elsewhere, not really expecting the sudden turns of events that is the presence of Luke's mouth on her.

It's hard to tell what's wider between Sayaka's eyes, and the plate in front of them, such is the delighted surprise on the face of the bluenette. But it is a sweet kind of unexpected and Sayaka doesn't break that moment, forgetting Rashmi's presence with how right it feels, and instead she answers back to the kiss Luke is giving her.

Her mind was indeed swirling with all kind of thoughts, between the difficulties Bow had confided with her, and the fact he thought it was too soon, and the fact she hadn't even told him about herself. When the kiss is let go, only then Sayaka remembers Rashmi's presence and she turns towards the redhead, Bow's earlier warning still in her head despite the fact he was the one to initiate.

"Sorry, I hope everything is alright", she tells the redhead in apology. "The last two week have been quite happy, I would say, and I have asked him to be my boyfriend more than once." Then she turns toward the brunette next to her, and says "Does that mean it's a yes?", her mouth open in a small smile with clear delight in her eyes.

Bow has posed:
They remain connected for several seconds, before a small noise gets Bow's attention, and Luke breaks the kiss. "Yes." he says to Sayaka, finally answering a question she's asked thrice before. It's like the old skit - you have to ask three times and he'll finally relent. As he pulls away from her, he clears his throat a little, voice breaking a little in excitement. "Sorry. Couldn't help it." Doesn't matter that Rashmi nudged him a little, she was right. Right time, right place.

"...we can discuss it further later." he manages to say to Sayaka, returning her smile, though his cheeks are dark red with his sudden boldness. "So..." another moment, as he glances down at their joined hands and he releases Sayaka's blouse. "...about the chopsticks." Need to focus on that.

And try to ignore the few people that are talking, kinda cooing about the cuteness about the new couple and their first kiss. His feet fidget against the floor, trying to focus back on the task at hand.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Quite all right," Rashmi chuckles, turning away. "I'll let you be then, it looks like the date is going *really* well."

Who, after all, would Rashmi be if she had a problem with kissing in public? Her first kiss with Chrono was at a super-fancy ball, after all, on the middle of the dance floor.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Yes, it's going really well", Sayaka happily smiles to Rashmi when she asks. To think she came here with no expectations at all for anything of the sort. Maybe she should have prepared a bit more, but still, everything went as well as it could, so she can focus on the present happily. And something else clicks in her mind: she now has a letter to open, that mysterious envelope Hinoiri had entrusted to her with the even more mysterious yet clear writing on it.

But that's then, and she still has chopsticks lesson to deliver on, and a reply to give. "Yes, we can totally discuss it later, and I know a place just for the two of us. Remember to bring your violin", she smirks at him. Luckily for her, she doesn't have to actually haul a piano in there, it had always been part of the package.

Sayaka cheerfully takes Bow's hand, and with the chopsticks safely held between their fingers, she continues to guide her now boyfriend, in this unique way to bring the food to Luke's mouth.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
And before she hits the kitchen, Rashmi turns, and for a moment just watches the two train Luke on the use of chopsticks... And the easy smiles coming to both their faces.

Oh yes. She *absolutely* had to tell Setsuna about this, so they could both revel in the reflected glee of a new relationship forming.

But for now, she needed to talk Papi into making a special dessert to mark the occasion. Rosewater-flavored sandesh, perhaps, with candied sakura petals...