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{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2025/02/06
|Date of Scene=2025/02/06
|Location=Plot Room 1
|Location=Office Room
|Synopsis=Miraculous Ladybug is looked into, and it's NOT WHO YOU THINK! Please for your perusal, your edification, your <3...HAWKMOTH'S INTERVIEW!
|Synopsis=Miraculous Ladybug is looked into, and it's NOT WHO YOU THINK! Please for your perusal, your edification, your <3...HAWKMOTH'S INTERVIEW!
|Cast of Characters=281,156
|Cast of Characters=281,156

Latest revision as of 22:37, 6 February 2025

Mahou 101: Miraculous Ladybug
Date of Scene: 06 February 2025
Location: Office Room
Synopsis: Miraculous Ladybug is looked into, and it's NOT WHO YOU THINK! Please for your perusal, your edification, your <3...HAWKMOTH'S INTERVIEW!
Cast of Characters: 281, Gabriel Agreste
Tinyplot: Mahou 101

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The kind of paper that you want to crush in your fist, sits on his table. It stares at him, mocking him. Wanting his attention, yet being so obviously a trap. Or not a trap, perhaps it's something else. There's no way it is...what it seems to be?

Wanted, one interviewee for research.

Simple enough, but for some reasons Gabriel would have taken note. It was not a one-line advertisement, for all that it could have been. Because beneath, it had said something that it should not. Heck, nobody should even know it. For that matter, HE wanted them to not know it.

'Regarding Miraculouses'

There are many different ways to respond to that kind of thing. But, given that the person Left Their Phone Number??? Well then.

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
It's a poster that mocks him. An impossible advertisement, because surely anyone else who knew about the Miraculouses - like those blasted teenagers - would know to keep their mouths shut.

...Surely, they would keep their mouths shut.

...Can he really count on the restraint of teenagers? No, no, he can't. Even his own son has been displaying a rebellious streak lately, choosing his own romantic partner, being determined to stay school lodgings instead of a safe and proper home environment. Chat Noir and Ladybug could indeed have let slip important information to someone with dubious aims...

(No, this is not at all ironic.)

There's only one way to find out.

The phone number is dialed.

"How do you know about the Miraculous?" he demands, the moment the call is picked up.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The offer to 'connect videocall' is available the moment Gabriel's call is received, but it's likely he would not notice given how distracted he is at this time. And honestly if he did he'd only get a view of someone's ceiling, given that the person on the other end is AWFUL at framing. But it does pick up! Step one complete!

"No I don't need any more electronics right now, but you hold onto them for a bit while I finish with the ones you've all sent! It's great that you're all so enthusiastic, but only so much at one time, kay?" Her voice, the female voice on the other end, is nasally and sounds distinctly nerdish, even to him. It then hangs up on him, but almost immediately his phone rings again.

It's the same number. She's calling back, probably having just realized what he'd actually said.

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
Naturally, Hawkmoth had expected something a bit more - grand. Or at least, overtly mocking, for one of those children to sneer about how he'd fallen for their prank.

He had not expected an unfamiliar voice to accuse him of having electronics to sell and then hang up on hm.

What... is happening here?

No, genuinely. What's happening here?

When the phone calls him back, he answers, this time making certain to direct the camera so the mysterious caller would see nothing of him.

"Is this how you conduct all of your interviews, young lady?" He demands, haughty and irked. "Hanging up on those who take time out of their day to respond to your advertisements?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
"Yeah, so sorry about that. You have no idea how annoying teenagers can be when they want something and don't want to have to work for it," is the response. She sounds almost relieved, that this isn't one of THOSE calls.

"Normally I don't get people actually phoning me unless it's that. Where are you? I'll be right over."

Shifting the phone from one hand to the other, the sound goes a bit less loud for a moment then returns. "To be honest I didn't expect that advertisement to actually work. Those guys are really secretive, and it's messing with my data collection. Do you have time now? I can be wherever you are in..."


"Twelve and a half minutes, if I take the bus. Ooh I've never been on a bus before, that'll be exciting!"

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
"I... believe that should have been my sentiment," Hawkmoth says, and he is feeling properly bamboozled now, thrown off-guard entirely. It isn't generally the nature of teenagers to flock together and dismiss all complaints against their kinds as the out of touch nature of adults?

"Well, given our secretive nature, it was quite concerning to see an advertisement so blatantly discussing the topic. I wouldn't have called if I didn't have time to get the bottom of this -"

A beat.

"Are you tracking my location via this phone call?" Partially disbelieving, partially glad indeed that he'd decided to make this call from an office unrelated to Gabriel Agreste and the Gabriel line. Ha! Take that, Nathalie, his paranoia was once again becoming useful.

Wait, no, focus on the important thing.

"Are you even aware of who you're speaking with? Shouldn't you be more cautious about meeting with strangers?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
After a slight delay, the female on the other end says, "Not yet? I mean, I'm sure I'd get there eventually but it's not necessary since you were calling me and we'd eventually meet in person anyway. I mean, sure, I'm calling you NOW but that was the initial situation that we were in at the time and this is technically still the same conversation even if it has derailed quite a bit given the initial presentation changing considerably."

She pauses after that run-on babble, then says, "Can we meet? I really do need to talk to someone about the Miraculouses, and you can ask me anything you want if I can ask you the same. It's for SCIENCE!" She literally pronounces the capital letters, you can hear them in your bones.

"And no, I'm not tracking your location. I did that before you even picked up, it's a really low security system they have here. Ridiculous if they actually want to keep someone out. You can write code to bypass it without even being totally awake. I know, I tried!"

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
"You tracked my location before I picked up the call," he repeats, and if before he was bewildered, now he's impressed. "I have to say, even without a direct meeting, you're the most interesting teenager I've met. Fine. I will allow you to meet with me - I do believe I would like to speak with you about the Miraculous."

Someone brilliant with technology, but curious about the magical arts... intriguing.

"Including how you discovered their secret without possessing one of your own. Miraculous Wielders are a secretive bunch."

If she doesn't know who she's speaking with, he sees no reason to directly inform her.

And then -

"Do you have a preference for beverages and snacks? I'll have something prepared for you."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The girl, young lady, or woman on the other end says, "Cool! I drink fizzy beverages and only eat tiny snacks that can be eaten with one single bite. I'll be right over!" She can be heard to be smiling, but then there's a pause.

She considers, and then she says something that'll be ...if not 'nice' then at least valuable. "For future reference, if you don't want to be tracked so easily? Don't pick up when someone hangs up on you and then calls right back. That's part of the process to nail down a hard trace in a hurry."

And then, she's hung up again. On her way, it seems. AN INTERESTING PERSON??? Oh yes.

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
"Fizzy beverages and single bite portions, understood," Hawkmoth repeats, and snaps a finger at the wait staff - they come hurriedly, less out of fear and more in hope of tips. A cosplayer who's rented out their entire location for the sake of a single meeting? Surely, he'll tip well if they provide excellent service!

(And he actually will, by the time this meeting is done.)

The tip is useful, which is far more important than niceness. He takes mental note of it.

"Your guidance is appreciated, miss. I look forward to meeting you."

She's hung up on him, of course, and he's sitting back, considering his options, considering the fact that he'd expected a prank and is now considering an actual recruitment endeavor, depending on how the rest of the meeting goes.

By the time Entrapta gets off the bus and arrives at the location, she'll be met by the staff who eagerly escort her inside.

An assortment of fizzy drinks has been selected on a table, ranging from the alcoholic to still-sealed bottles of Ramune, along with delicate samples of the cafe's best treats and snacks, from sandwiches cut to order as bite-sized snacks to delicate portions of poached fish above tiny bites of rice, as savory goods, and single-bite sized cakes and macarons as sweet options.

Hawkmoth, dressed in his henshin - is settled at one end of the table. The other seats are all open, for Entrapta to sit where she pleases.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
"This way," a voice says outside of the door. "Please." It sounds polite, professional, but Gabriel's experienced ear would know that it is the sound of a staff member who is carefully guiding a troublesome client. And it's not long to find out exactly why.

"This place is amazing! I've never seen anything quite like it! Can I touch things? I'm touching things. Ooh, this is neat too!" She sounds like an alien finding its way through Earth for the first time, which...well, that's not totally impossible? But not likely, it's also possible this is a more mundane option.

She's wearing coveralls. Purple, but still, workman's gear. And has violet hair, a nice shade that anyone else would have called a simple purple but clearly not a dye job. There IS no dye that is that exact shade. Further interesting.

Hawkmoth is, believe it or not, an artist after all.

"Hello! Are you the person I was talking to?" the lady asks. "I'm not allowed to talk to anyone else about this stuff, given its...sensitive nature."

And the door hasn't even closed behind her, and the servant hasn't totally left, and she is clearly a security risk. "Ooh, tiny snacks!" She eats one, then puts a few in her pockets and takes a drink with a straw seemingly at random.

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
A familiar tone - Gabriel isn't, precisely, a troublesome client, but in his climb to the top he has encountered many. That painfully polite escort is guiding along a most excitable individual, exclaiming over touching things - perhaps someone rather poor? This shop is relatively high-end, of course, as suits his preference, but still -

And then his mysterious interviewer appears, a young woman in purple overalls, workman's gear of durable make that's skimped on the personalization. These are clothes meant for protection, but without much sentimental attachment, it would seem - not tailored for the wearer, but protective of her nonetheless. The hair and eyes are more interesting, if only for the fact that with the former being natural, surely the latter is as well...

"I am," he says, and stands to offer the young lady his arm, to guide her to her seat. He tips his head at the server, indicating that they may go. Clearly, she's the sort to be overly focused on a goal, and not the delicate matters of secrecy. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please, have a seat."

The server disappears and the door shuts, and he is amused at her uncouth behavior, snatching up treats and then tucking them away. Poverty is seeming more and more likely.

"I am Hawkmoth. And you, my mysterious Interviewer? What would you like to be called?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
That causes the girl to pause, noticeably long as she considers. "Well, I've been told to call myself one name," oh yeah, she's not used to secrets. "..while you know that there's this layer of what is and what others are allowed to know, and even if I am Enissa then that's not really who I am, if that makes sense? This isn't my field of expertise."


She shrugs, then says, "Enissa von Trapp? That's what it says on my name tag." To be fair, nobody usually asks her name during these interviews. "But that's not important, we've got science to do!"

She pulls out a pad and a pencil. "I have to let you know, I'm recording this for the research." She doesn't seem to be. But she does have a lot of pockets. "You said you know something about the Miraculouses? I would love it if you could tell me about them, my net hasn't come back with much at all yet and it's frustrating."

She leans forward. "Seriously, you have no idea."

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
The real tell that he's French is the exquisite control over his facial expressions, including the ability to hide reflexive disdain. Really, he would have never guessed that she wasn't familiar with the art of subterfuge.

Enissa von Trapp. Not precisely what he would have expected from a false name, given it's exceeding oddity, but he'll do his best to seek out the name she's so clearly hiding. (Funny, how it was generally the mundane names that were hidden, rather than the other way around.)

"We do indeed have science to do," he says, with all ready amusement - and sincere interest. While he certainly doesn't have anything close to trust in the girl, he's certainly interested in what she has to say and what she can do. She'd tracked him, after all.

"I anticipated that you would seek to record me, and my only request is a copy of what you produce, in return for my cooperation. It only seems fair, wouldn't you say?" As if Hawkmoth was one to talk about fairness! "I am a Miraculous user myself. I can certainly tell you something about the frustrations of learning about them - it has been something of a long-term project of my own. Would this network happen to include individuals by the name of Ladybug or Chat Noir?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Her eyes light up. "I'd be happy to share my data with you! Nobody ever asks to see it, and it's really not the kind of thing that I can share around the dorms." She's a student at the university. "Even if I can't really talk to half the students because they can't understand me anyway." Advanced classes? Or remedial. Probably advanced.

"But don't worry about that. The math doesn't work out, since you can ask me questions too, but I absolutely don't mind you having access to what I'm doing. It's fascinating, I think it could grow into so much more than the initial project ever could have dreamed of being!"

But she's getting sidetracked, and Hawkmoth's next words get her attention again. "DO YOU HAVE ONE? Can I see it? I haven't been able to contact either of them, they're absolute pains about hiding, even from people on their side!" To be fair, they're usually just busy. But she sees it that way.

"Also, I didn't know their names. So that ...actually doesn't help much at all. Hrm."

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
So she lives in dorms - more than likely at a nearby university, or that academy that's set itself up as their opposing force, with the weakening barrier. And she has trouble connecting with her peers - and more importantly, she's interviewed other subjects, who haven't share her keen interest in research. Other magical types, perhaps?

He can't leap to conclusions. It could always be her coding work that others can't keep up with.

And she's capable of comprehending social manipulations - they are interviewing each other, after all - but doesn't seem to take offense.

Honestly, this could be the most interesting teenager he's ever met, and sadly, he has to include his own child in that pool.

"What was the initial project, if I may ask?"

Of course, the question could go unnoticed in the burst of excitement that is her swift reaction to his words.

"To answer in order, I do have one, you may see it with your eyes and not your hands or instruments, and I'm not surprised those two are hiding even from their own allies. They're quite defensive."
Gee, I wonder why.

"What all do you know about the Miraculous?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The first question he asks, she answers. "They want to be able to communicate with each other. Honestly it's the least aggressive way to approach the possibilities, doesn't use a thousandth of what knowing all the types of magic can potentially do. Sometimes I wonder if they even know their own ability."

She pauses, then adds, "But they're nice, so I suppose I can accomodate it. I'm getting so much more than that done though!"

His words make her frown a little. "Well, it's enough. I don't suppose you can let me see some of the magic it can do, can you? That should let me be able to connect to the other Miraculouses, given enough time and research and of course depending on how strong the readings are, I am so tired of magical girls not wanting me to know half of the story."

She pauses, then points at him. "It's my turn to ask a question, but...so far? I know that they're magical tools that don't fall into the other categories. I really need to get a reading off of one, and maybe a history."

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
They must be the other mahoujin that have chosen to be Obsidian's enemies. But communication? Is that truly their highest priority?

No, think it through. What does it reveal about their enemies, that they are so disorganized that they are still seeking communication methods, rather than the wealth of potential opportunities that researching their magic could provide?

"An interesting proposition of theirs. Still, it's always best to be able to accomplish other goals in pursuit of the original."

Nice. Yes, he supposes from a certain angle, those wretched brats must seem nice.

"I will allow you to witness it's magic," he confirms, and smiles faintly as she confirms that that was a second question. "You're quite correct. It was your turn to ask, but it seemed appropriate to see how much your allies have shared."

And then - after another keen glance at the girl - he gestures to the butterfly shaped broach at his throat, settled in the place a bowtie or tie might be associated.

"This is my Miraculous, the Butterfly. You are correct that a Miraculous is indeed a magical tool. Removing it disrupts the transformation. I'm afraid we're not familiar enough to allow that."

Enough. Implying that perhaps in the future that may change.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
She waves her hand, looking awkward about it. Her motions give away a lot more; she's not used to normal motions, not even as much as teenagers tend to be in this general phase of life.

"I don't care what you look like underneath it," she says before leaning in. Her hands sketch the butterfly, quickly, and she nods. "That's not a butterfly," she adds firmly. "That's a different species. Some kind of moth, actually." She isn't asking, she knows her stuff this girl does.

"Appreciated, appreciated. Where did they come from, do you know? The history of the Miraculouses is very protected. I swear I won't share what you don't want me to, this is entirely so I can try to decipher any readings I might get off of it."

Also she really wants to touch it, her right hand says as she reaches out, seemingly without meaning to do so. The food seems to have faded in her attention, this is much more important now.

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
He cares about her knowing what he looks like underneath, but he doesn't care to take the time it would require to express that in a way this girl - clearly preoccupied with her own interests - would understand.

Instead, he focuses on the business at hand. "Correct. This is a Hawkmoth, which is why I took the name. The butterfly category was evidently quite flexible when the Miraculous were crafted, approximately five thousand years ago, in the country now titled the People's Republic of China."

His hand rises, somewhat protectively, as she reaches out, but he doesn't push her hand away, waiting to see what she'll do.

If he tries to grab the Miraculous, of course, he'll swat her hand away.

"Each Miraculous acts as a conduit and housing place for a being called a Kwami, which is the true source of the Miraculous' power."

And with that, he has a question of his own:

"Now... to take us back a moment, you were saying something about connecting with the other Miraculous...? It would be necessary to, if your goal is communication, to be able to establish a connection with them. Is that something you've managed, before?"

He can't give away how interested he is in the topic. For all the girl has been willing to share, there's some measure of loyalty and shared knowledge, given she'd provided a name that's clearly more cover than anything else. If he indicates he wishes to find the others, she may shy away.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Her hand gets swatted, though really she may just have been wanting to touch the jewel. She has this complete lack of hesitation, it's uncanny in the proper meaning of the term. The little things stick out; she's not from around here. That much is certain.

Pouting a little at not being allowed to touch, the pencil gets back to work. "I have that location on my charts, but I'd have to check to see what it was, or where, at that position in time." She seems to be mumbling, that's not as important to her.

"Oh it's entirely possible! I haven't managed it yet, no, but the big problem of connecting to a dozen different types of magic is that you need to be able to somehow identify the magic! I've only just begun my research, so the more accurate the data I can collect on a type, the more I can do with it!"

Makes sense, put that way. If you haven't got the band of the radio, you'd be scanning for ages to find the right frequency. But having someone's radio tuned to the correct station would jumpstart everything.

"Frankly how defensive people are is making it something of a chore, but ...honestly, I like the research. It's not so bad, having to work for what you want. Especially when it's such a complex subject!"

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
Perhaps in the future, she'll be permitted the opportunity to touch a Miraculous. Not his, of course, that would be too dangerous, but another. The Peacock, if necessary, but preferentially, the Ladybug, or the Cat. When she delivered them to him.

What, of course he's going to akumatize her eventually. How could anyone possibly be shocked by that idea?

More interesting is her answer.

"Of course, of course. Identifying the various magical varieties would allow you to identify the... signature? I suppose, of the magic itself, like seeking out the tell-tale signs of an artist's work when identifying a piece."

Every artist - be they of fabric, paints, or living beings, had a signature. It only seems natural that magic would as well.

"I imagine the majority of your peers are rather anxious about having their items taken away. Given my own hesitance, I suppose I can't fault them too heavily." He absolutely can, and will. So much of this would be unnecessary if Chat Noir and Ladybug would just hand over their Miraculous!

"While I can't allow you to touch the Butterfly, I can allow you to see it's power. Would you like to?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The response the girl gives is complex. She reaches into her pocket, then pulls out a crystal. Setting it in front of her, it begins to float in mid-air. And then to glow, very slightly. She angles it very precisely, not saying anything aloud, until some aspect of the crystal known only to her is achieved.

"I certainly do now," she says, sitting back in her seat. "Oh, it's just a sensory tool. Very simple, I can give you one if you want. It's a very basic wavelength measuring tool from back home."

She rubs her right eye with a finger, not worried about anything but taking a moment. Then she looks at Hawk Moth. "There's no chance that you could do it more than once, for a repeat measurement? Not super important, the biggest thing is that you're willing to do it even once! You're really contributing to my work!"

She pauses once again, then pulls out a purloined snack from her pocket, and noms it down. Eat when your body says that you're hungry, apparently. Some scientists do that, maybe there's more to it?

Also, -where is she from-???

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
At the production of a glowing, floating crystal, Hawkmoth considers the girl in front of him almost warily, for a moment, thinking briefly, is this another unicorn?

Then, he allows himself a second to resent the turns his life has taken, that that was a thought both sane and possible.

Only then does he respond to her matter of fact offer. "I would like one, thank you. As I'm sure you've discovered, we don't have tools quite like this." Yes, they have machines to complete wavelength measuring, but none of conveniently sized, and also none which were a floating, glowing crystal.

Where is she from? Please, don't let it be the unicorn dimension. The world - and the sun - truly doesn't need that sort of chaos.

"Yes, I could do it more than once, but only after the initial effect has concluded. How many opportunities we'll have will depend on you, given that we're the only two present in the room."

Useful - akuma couldn't pass through solid objects.

Cupping his hands together he concentrates - and from within his cupped hands comes into being a pure white butterfly. Opening them, he allows Enissa a moment to consider the butterfly.

"This, you can touch. The Butterfly Miraculous allows for the creation of these butterflies, which, when further empowered, fly to those experiencing strong negative emotion, and gifts them power with which to change their situation."

All technically true.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
There's a nod, but the girl doesn't distract herself to 'get another crystal' right now. One assumes it'll happen at a later point in the discussion. Or not, given how focused she is on other things just now. "I could do a lot more with better gear, too, so don't worry about ...your tech..."

She's staring, her eyes and attention all for the budding Lepidoptera. She reaches out, touching with a fingertip. Fascinated. "Faaascinating," she says, in that so amazing voice. So wrong, but so very, very 'her'.

She doesn't look away, but she does say, "I wish I had any negative in me. I mean, I can try," she screws up her face a moment to 'try and be negative' but it lasts like, a heartbeat.

Nope. Her eyes are slowly opened, fully opened. Locked on the butterfly, and on what it means. "I'm sorry, I..this is astounding. I need to get somewhere I can decipher the data on it!" I THINK that means that she's going soon? Or that she's planning to build a laboratory in the lavatory. Go with the first one.

Gabriel Agreste has posed:
"You can't force it," Hawkmoth says, simply. He can already tell the girl doesn't have any negative in her - there's not even simple annoyance or aggravation right now - the Miraculous would tell him. "It has to be a genuine, strong emotion. However, I am sure there will be opportunities for you to observe the effect in action."

And then, he considers, eyeing the girl, and offers, casually, "You could take it with you. In this state, it doesn't have the full force of my Miraculous behind it, but it is still an object created by it. So long as it has access to flowers, it will persist far longer than an ordinary butterfly."

If he had changed it from butterfly-moth to akuma, it would immediately seek out the nearest source of negative emotion, to create an akuma. Like this, it's less useful, but it's still his creation, and he's still connected to it. Learning more about the mahoujin on the other side would be more than helpful.

"You're free to take the snacks, as well."