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|Location=Grand Ocean
|Location=Grand Ocean
|Synopsis=When Tsubasa gets hurt following the fight against Walpurgisnatch, Yokina and Laura pay him a visit and the three of them get to all know each other not just while civilians, but as classmates too. A visit to Grand Ocean to provide Tsubasa with the kingdom's checkup results in many more fun moments for the trio.
|Synopsis=When Tsubasa gets hurt following the fight against Walpurgisnatch, Yokina and Laura pay him a visit and the three of them get to all know each other not just while civilians, but as classmates too. A visit to Grand Ocean to provide Tsubasa with the kingdom's checkup results in many more fun moments for the trio.
|Cast of Characters=250,256,39
|Cast of Characters=250,256,39,NPC-Melusine

Latest revision as of 16:14, 9 February 2025

Healing a Clipped Wing
Date of Scene: 01 November 2024
Location: Grand Ocean
Synopsis: When Tsubasa gets hurt following the fight against Walpurgisnatch, Yokina and Laura pay him a visit and the three of them get to all know each other not just while civilians, but as classmates too. A visit to Grand Ocean to provide Tsubasa with the kingdom's checkup results in many more fun moments for the trio.
Cast of Characters: Tsubasa Yuunagi, Laura La Mer, Hotaru Tomoe, Melusine Muses Mnemosyne

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
During the Walpurgisnacht storm the night before, Cure Wing had gotten involved. Protecting Glorious Beacon from attack while she powered up. Attacking familiars, defending friends, and finally teaming up with Tuxedo Mask to slam into Walpurgisnacht itself. Tuxedo had considered it a bird slamming into a window.

He wasn't far off the mark.

While Tsubasa's shields and flames protected Tuxedo along with the Color Palette, Wing himself took the brunt of the collision damaged. Bruised, battered, drained, he had collapsed and dehenshined before he could really talk to anyone. It was only because he was in a RHA uniform that he was brought to the infirmary. Now, he's starting to struggle awake, bandages on his arms, his cheeks covered with bandaids, and a bandaged around his forehead, and probably around his chest beneath the clothing he had on.

If he had the Palette, he could heal himself with the Sky Tone, but without it, he's healing the old fashioned way.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Last night, while people were busy tackling the threat that was Walpurgisnacht, La Mer had worked hard to keep those void magical girls away from the selected shelters. With everything on her side taken care of, the night passed successfully. Just, there was quite the repeated instances of bioluminescent whales going through the sky that night.

The following morning, the mermaid had gone to school as if nothing had happened, even if it was plenty noticeable she was happy about something, it being the successful defense something a conclusion that of course only the other magical warriors could reach. The joy was strong enough to make it seem like there had been no aches from the fight.

She had been walking in front of the infirmary by happenstance, heading for the rooftop to get some fresh air when she happens to see Tsubasa in his condition, a frown appearing on her face. "I see that overgrown hourglass got you", she comments, giving up on her plans for the break to walk inside. What else could it have been? "How badly are you hurt?", she scoffs, thinking back to the Witch with renewed disdain.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
During the events of Walpurgisnacht, another defender of the city had been about, trying to protect the world from evil familiars. Sailor Charon... was not that girl. She'd gone out to help...

But she'd actually spent most of that time in the rain, on one of the city's roof tops. She'd had another episode and been trying, desperately, to hide it from the others. Trying to contain the darkness from rising.

Of course, after the witch had faded and become nothing but a bad memory, Hotaru had felt much better. The darkness had receeded and she had been able to even help dispatch a few of the familiars. And now?

It was the day after. All of the magical girls... were amazing. Alas, she hadn't been able to see Sailor moon fight, but that was fine. She could fight with her another time, maybe. And maybe she could even get her to sign a moon poster! That'd be the coolest thing ever!

But now? It was time for school. And when she heard that her friend, Tsubasa, was in the infirmary? Well... It wasn't long before a strange, geeky girl with green hair, lots of black and reds and wide-rimmed glasses came into the room. And her eyes fell on Tsubasa.

... And these two had likely no idea who in the world she was. Or why her face lit up and she suddenly ran forward and hugged Laura. "Laura! Tsubasa, you're okay!" she said, the young girl letting her go after a moment. "I heard you got hurt," she said, looking to Tsubasa. "How do you feel? Can you breathe okay? Do you have any aches and pains? Are there bruises? Are you going to need a new kidney? Is your appendix okay? How's your liver?"

... Okay then.

"Oh, oh, what do you think of my disguise?" she asked, the excitement clear in her voice.

... If... if they had known her AS Hotaru... the disguise might have meant something. But since they only knew her as Sailor Charon... they likely had no idea.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
It took a few more moments to wake up, but he finally does so that Tsubasa hears Laura's voice and he glances up. "Hey, Laura." he greets. "I'm glad to see that you're okay!" he offers to the girl, as he moves his arms a little. "I'll be okay, just some scrapes and brusies. You know, the whole 'my whole schtick is close range melee attacks' may not be the best idea, as he moves to sit up on the bed. "You look well though. Were you out there?" comes Tsubasa's question as he settles his hand into his lap.

That's when there's another arrival, and Tsubasa is blinking his eyes several times. He looks over Yokina, confusion starting to show on his features, and then as she goes in deep and first hugs Larua and then turns her attention on him.

She starts prattling on about his possible injuries and his cheeks go redder and redder to the point that he's rotating his arms like propellors as if he could use them to fly out of the nearest window! "I-I-It's not that bad! Just some burns and brusies from colliding with Walpurgisnacht and why are you asking about my liver, kidney and stuff?!" he squeaks in confusion, eyes as wide as saucers. "Wh-Who are you anyway!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
At the sudden hug, Laura was about to push away the other girl with a warning to keep her hands off when the green-haired knowing her name made her stop and think. Not that she was shy about hiding her name, but she doesn't have any reason to forget those she has given it to.

The more she looked at her face trying to ascertain who she was dealing with, the more any possible name slipped from her mind. She was almost tempted to put a hand on her face when the other girl asked about her disguise. "That's a top mark for your disguise. I don't even recognise you."

Laura nods at the comments on him having close range attacks. It really can't be helped there. Not everybody can be as versatile as her on that front. "I am just glad you are ok. I was protecting one of the nearby storm shelters from the Witch's familiars." Humans, really..."

Now about your injuries", she is about to suggest when the boy reveals he collided with Tsubasa. "Geez, Tsubasa... Could you be any more careless? Getting hit is one thing, but nobody asked you to slam against the Witch", she frowns, taking a better look at him. "Where else have you been hurt?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou pulled back and... "Oh. OH! Right! Yes, I never revealed my identity to you two, did I? Because of... right. Well, ahem! I am one of the guardians of orbital bodies, reminderer that Pluto is STILL a planet, that even small things *still* matter and have feelings!" It would likely be about this point they'd realize who she is. And then she stepped back, and she... posed. With a V over her eyes. One might wonder if she stole that pose from a Sailor V video game.

Anyone who wondered that would be correct.

"I am Sailor Charon!" she said proudly. "But you can call me Yokina Meiou, Setsuna Meiou's younger cousin. I'm going to school here now, yaaaaay!" She made jazz hands as she did it. They might even... hear some cheering to go with her little 'yaaaaaaay', like there was a studio audience. That was Luminous Titan. Her device always has her back.

"And you ran *into* Wallpurgedanite?" she asked, butchering the name. "That is so awesome... and brave... and dumb... are you okay? Did she hurt you? Did you look amazing? Because if so, I'll take the dumb part off. Looking amazing in super cool attacks is ALWAYS the smart move."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"It wasn't careless!" Tsubasa protests. "She was a powerful witch and needed to be hit as hard as possible. I let Tuxedo Mask use the Color Palette to transform me into my Phoenix form!" He reaches over to the table, opening it to take out the small wing-shaped palette.

The Precure sinks into the bed. "I had to use my Sky Tone to activate it, so I was a little worried. But different color mixes do different things - I'll show it off sometime."

A sigh, and he shakes his head, sticking out his tongue at Laura. "I don't have ranged attacks. All I have is close combat. And the Phoenix form is me... so, I don't really have much of a choice?" he asks of anyone, really. Probably himself most than anyone else. He lets out a breath, before he blinks a few times. "Charon??" he asks in confusion and then takes another look at her. "I thought you were asking about my liver so you could eat it!" He's only half-teasing on that front, before he settles back. "You look... well, you're definetly disguised!" he finally manages as he folds his hands into his lap. "Oh yeah. I was a white Phoenix!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura's mind starts catching up once the green-haired girl introduces the wonder of the small things, especially with the focus on astronomy. There was hardly anyone who would speak about it with such fervour, and the Veil too was giving way to the girl's intention to reveal herself.

Being in front of the mermaid, the disguised girl is in a perfect position to see the complete 180° that the pinkette's expression makes, starting to shine with joy. "Charon!", she cheers, tossing herself at the other girl in a hug. "I am so happy to see you. How have you been?"

"Yokina", she nods happily. "Ok, I will remember that." She doesn't really agree that dumb would take a priority over cool, but that disagreement takes a step back in front of the revelation of the girl's identity.

"I am saying it for your own good", she scoffs at Tsubasa when he sticks his tongue out. "You because you don't have ranged attacks doesn't mean you have to throw yourself. Or at least, I am sure others know protective magic", she says, going through the magical warriors she had gotten to know.

"I don't think you are going to do much getting better laying in bed", Laura notes. "I suggest you get checked at Grand Ocean. You weren't waiting for anyone, were you?" the mermaid looks towards the door of the infirmary, as if expecting someone to come in at that instant.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou made a face. "Ewwwww. Liver tastes icky," she said, sticking her tongue out in a bleh face. "And... yay! That's great. Nobody can know who I really am, or it could be trouble." ... She hadn't even fully revealed who she was to them. "But, okay. Yes. A white phoenix. That is sufficiently, cool," she said with a firm nod.

She then smiled back to Laura, returning the hug happily. "I've been pretty good. Spreading the good word of Pluto's still a planet-ness. It..." she then trailed off.

"Wait, Grand Ocean? He can go there? They can check people?" and then her eyes lit up. "Are there more mermaids? Can... can I come?" Her eyes were actually shimmering.

Luminous Titan felt dread crawling down its hilt.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"I mean, I usually punch and kick! But the bird form requires me to use my whole form for the puification attempt. Just like the Wing attack." At least Tsubasa sounds apologetic to Laura about the idea that he has to throw himself out there like that. "I'm used to being able to punch through... just. Wasn't able to in this case." There's a pause for a moment and he offers her a little smile. "I'll try harder not to get so much in the future." It's a vain promise, but he's willing to try because he was asked.

His attention swivels to Yokina. "Are you going to be in the same class as Laura and I?" he asks suddenly. "We're in the same classroom as Seiko as well." he explains. "So it'd be cool if you were in there too. We can help each other with homework and stuff!" Because yeah. He spends way too much time with aviation and sometimes forgets his other studies.

But Laura makes an offer. "Grand Ocean?" he asks. "I don't have a problem going with you there. I can walk and all. I mean. We can walk there?" he asks her, unsure what to expect, but echoes Yokina's request. "Yeah! She should come along too!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
"How do you know what liver tastes like?", Laura blinks at Yokina. Not that she doesn't agree that eating it would be icky, but what did Yokina went through to have eaten it before? Did Nurse Meiou like to eat that sort of thing?

"I have talked about it sometime", Laura smiles, not actually being to the level of actively bringing it up, but not shying away from the subject either when the opportunity showed itself. "Sure they can, and you can too, Yokina!", Laura asserts to her friend.

"You being in our classroom would be awesome!" Laura beams happily when Tsubasa bring up the possibilities. "We could introduce you to our classmates, and we could do our homework together too. Wouldn't that be awesome?"

"The kingdom is still dealing with the results of the invasion of the Witch of Delays, but there is no problem with having him looked at too.", she replies with certainty, as if she had already checked. Which she hadn't. "And of course there are other mermaids!"

"There is no way we would be able to get there in time for tomorrow's lesson", she smirks. "And even there, I doubt you two would be able to breathe in the waters out of the realm. But I have the solution to that", Laura says while taking the Aqua Pot out of the bag. "Kururun?" she calls out.

The pink seals pops out, rubbing her eyes awakening from a nap. "Kururun!", she cheers, throwing herself at Tsubasa as soon as the fairy sees the boy. "Be careful, Kururun. He got hurt", Laura reprimands her. "Anyway, Kururun can open a portal to Grand Ocean, and she can drop us inside the barrier separating it from the planet."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou gave a shrug. "I'm not really sure. But... I'll ask my cousin if I can try to be in the same class as you two. It... we... we could do homework together?" she asked, her tone getting very hushed and the excitement and awe only barely contained. Her eyes wide and... they... they wanted her. In the same class?

With her?

EEEEEEE! Was this what it felt like to be wanted? To be asked to be a part of someone else's class? To go on study lessons together? That sounded like the BEST! She could be WANTED!

"And I had liver before, a long time ago. Daddy made sure I had a lot of different foods to try, he was very much a 'you just need to try one bite to see if you like it' sort." She did not like it.

And then... there was a seal. And the aqua compact. Her eyes lit up as she wondered if this meant they'd be traveling by water gameboy! Alas, they weren't. Instead, there was adorable seal! Okay, this still worked. "Yes, let's! Oh... should I transform, first? Or is it okay for me to go as Yokina?" Well, magical girl versus totally mundane and simple girl.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Well, yeah. We're all friends. We can be study buddies together." For Tsubasa, it's simple logic. Yokina is one of his better friends, and Laura is a good friend. Why wouldn't he want to hang out with them more often? Especially as he misses his friends from Sorashido City. A little sigh of longing escapes him as he looks at the palette before he puts it back away. He could probably heal himself with the palette, but he doesn't remember the color combonation for that.

"Wait, are we going to be mermaids?" And that Yokina mentions transforming, and his attention swivels towards Laura to see what she says on the matter. "I can still switch into Cure Wing, if that's needed." he adds quietly, a firm nod of his head as the boy starts pushing the sheets off of him. He's in his gym uniform, no worries there!

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Kururun?" the fairy looks at Yokina quizzically, then diverts her attention to Laura questioningly. "She is Charon, Kururun", the mermaid says with a matter-of-fact tone, as if she didn't have problem herself realising Yoriko's identity earlier.

"Kururun!", the seal exclaims again, now being the green-haired girl's turn to be subjected to the fairy projectile. While the seal is busy cuddling against Yokina, Laura addresses Tsubasa. "You are going to be able to breathe, but otherwise, it doesn't have the power to make you mermaids."

"Ah, so it was your father", Laura frowns in slight disgust over his food preferences before addressing the rest of what Yokina said. "Either Yokina or Charon works", Laura smiles at her friend. "I don't think the Queen is going to mind either way, and she is very welcoming. Kururun, you can go ahead now", she turns to the fairy.

The hearts on the seal's head start glowing, her face twisting in concentration. "Kuruuu-ruuun!", she exclaims, releasing pink beams that open a yellow portal. "It's safe to cross", Laura affirms just in case, going to the other side herself.

Once Yokina and Tsubasa reach her, they will find themselves straight in the throne room, the Mermaid Queen looming tall over them, easily 5 times their height.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Yokina Meiou gave another happy little happy squeak. Study. Buddies. She was going to have STUDY BUDDIES!

And then she got tackle hugged by a seal fairy. This. This was a good day. She gave Kururun a hug, nodding. "Hiiiii little buddy. I take it you're doing well? I missed you too." She didn't know if the seal missed her... but she always missed cute things that liked her.

"Huh... if we're going to meet a queen, maybe I should hention. So I'm in my best look, right?" she asked. She then pulled out a strange looking crystal necklace and... one henshin sequence later, Sailor Charon would be there!

If they'd ever seen a sailor senshi henshin, they might realize... that... was not how they did it.

Once the portal was open, she leaped through, and... "O-oh my gosh. You're... a mermaid queen..." Charon said, her eyes wide as saucers. "Y-you're so big... is... is your type of fish an orca?" she asked, her eyes shimmering with delight. Then eeped and bowed. "O-oh! H-hello, your majesty! Um, uhhhh, g-greetings, from space!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Fortuately, at least for Charon, Tsubasa has never seen a Sailor Senshi Henshin. Nor does he see Charon's, because as a polite knight of the sky, the young boy turns his head away from Charon when she switches forms. Because it's impolite to stare! But since he is also going to be in the presence of a Queen, he grabs his pen and quickly henshins into his Wing form so that he doesn't embarass his friends by being in a tshirt and shorts.

The portal is opened and he moves gingerly to enter, the muscle aches and pains from the night before having caught up to him. "Ugh." he grunts.

With Laura leading the way, Wing almost reaches out to grab his other friend's hand for support, but decides to show strength and prepare himself as he pushes himself to his full smol height. He steps through and finds himself in the throne-room of the Queen and moving to stand next to Laura, he kneels down.

Down on one knee, one hand set on the floor, one bandaged arm across his chest, his head bowed low, much like the knight that he fashions himself to be.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Queen", Laura speaks with joyous reverence, at seeing the beloved monarch here. Kururun swims over to the Queen's hand, happily rubbing against it, at which the Queen reacts with petting the fairy. "I am glad to see you well, Laura and Kururun", she looks at the young mermaid.

"Charon", Laura mutters surprised when the Sailor Warrior asks the Queen if she is an orca, but the Queen just laughs softly, not showing any sign of having minded that. "I suppose these are friends you have made on the surface, Laura?", she smiles, not really needing an answer, and addressing the other two.

"Welcome to Grand Ocean, warriors from the surface. I am Melusine Muses Mnemosyne, Grand Ocean's Queen. I wish the times were better, but I extend to you my most sincere gratitude for being Laura's friends. No need to kneel, please stand", she speaks serenely. "And I am not an orca, just a very long-lived mermaid", she replies to Charon. "To what do I owe the visit?"

"Cure Wing here was in a fight with an apocalyptic Witch yesterday, and got hurt during it. I was hoping he could get treatment here", Laura explains. "I see, so Walpurgisnacht went by there", the Queen muses pensively. "I am glad you are all safe. How do you feel?", she looks at Cure Wing.

While the Queen is focusing on Tsubasa, Laura whispers to Charon. "Hey, why is your transformation like that?", having seen Usagi transform before.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon nodded, making a little V sign behind Laura's back for the queen to see. Yes, they were friends. It was a friendship, for victory!

Of course, her eyes did go to laura. Was Laura going to be that big one day? Amazing. So cool...

As Wing was looked over, she glanced towards Laura again and gave her a small smile, before leaning in to whisper. "I'm currently just an intern, a senshi in training. It's why I'm one of Pluto's moons."

... It was... kind of the truth? close enough?

Luminous titan, internally and silently, sighed.

"Your mom is really cool, are you going to be as big as her one day?" she asked Laura. Just... having no idea how she came across.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
When bidden to rise, Cure Wing gingerly rises back to his feet. "Your Majesty, you honor me." the young Precure offers. "I consider the Princess a good friend, and I thank her and you for the effort that you are putting forth. I did not wish to be a burden upon you." Someone has read waaaay to many books on knights inbetween all his books on aviation. "I bid you tidings from Sky Land and Sorashido City."

"I am only lightly wounded. I will improve." Wing promises as he listens to the other two talk among themselves. When Charon mentions Laura being as big as her mother, his eyes go wide in the thought of that for a moment, before he focuses back on the situation at hand. "A-anyway, I didn't want to be trouble!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
They really get different transformations just because one is an intern. That sounds so... unfair. The moment you have taken effort to help people, what point is there in being treated as lesser. "You should really demand better than that, Charon", Laura points at her friend. "By what I have seen you do, this intern talk is just nonsense. Aren't you the one saying small things still have their value? You should tell them that as Pluto's moon", she adds vehemently.

"Me? Being that big?", Laura blushes in embarassment. "Why are you asking, Charon?", she asks taken aback by the question. "I guess I would be, but I don't see why that matters."

The Queen smiles at seeing the interactions going on in front of them. To see Laura actually make friends, she has really grown. And seeing Charon's V sign makes her think that things couldn't be better. "There is no trouble at all", she turns to Cure Wing. "I think your friends are right about being worried for you. I will call for people to get a check-up." The situation is under control enough that she can spare effort in that direction.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon blinked a few times, looking confused. She then shrugged. "I... guess? I mean, there's nothing wrong with being an intern. Lots of people are interns and they treat me just as well as any other senshi. Probably better, Pluto spoils me. She's like a mom sometimes, or a really cool aunt."

"Because imagine if you get that big," Charon whispered. "We could do a three person combo attack. I could ride on Wing's back, he could ride on yours, we'd rule the seas, the skies and space. We could call it the... ummmm... burning... aqua... moon... shower... inferno... unison strike?" Charon said, sounding unsure by the end.

<< ... Stunning. >> Yes, Luminous Titan couldn't just watch THAT one happen.

She then turned to the queen and bowed again. "Thank you for helping us your highness! You're the coolest! Oh! Could I get your autograph, too? Oh! Or your finograph? I'm making a collection!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Well, as long as it isn't a bother. Or take too long, I mean, I don't want to take too much time or bore Charon and Laura." Wing offers as he gives up any pretense of trying to say he'll be fine and just gives in to the healing. He can be stubborn, but at least he seems to know when to give up the ghost.

"I should have packed a board game for the trip." he says with a small chuckle as he waits for the others to approach to start figuring him out, and then his eyes widen a bit. "How does a phoenix ride a mermaid??" he asks in genuine confusion of Charon. "Though that sounds more like the SEAL attack than uh... we'll workshop on the name." Because he totally just considered the whole idea of turning into a giant seal with wings and now he needs to scrub that image out of his head. "Anyway.." he adds in a whisper. "Maybe Laura doesn't wanna be that big?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
I guess, as long as they are treating you well", Laura mutters, still not really liking the idea even if she doesn't actually have an actual comeback to that. "I just think you deserve a real transformation, not one that marks you as different", she sighs.

"I am still too young to be that big", Laura crosses her arms, still calming down a bit. "That's 2 centuries away, I think, and if we are going to discuss attack names, I think it should have "Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer Grand Ocean's Cutest and Smartest Beauty Queen of Queens Bubble Bomber" in it", she remarks.

"A fin-o-graph? You really are an interesting child", the Queen still smiles, nonplussed at that too. "I will allow you to take it, and my autograph too", she confirms. "Kururun, would you go talk to them, please?", the Queen asks when Tsubasa accepts the care.

"We could take a group photo too, Charon", Laura chimes in with her offer. "I have the Aqua Pot with me of course, and think about it: your own bubble photo in your room. Isn't that cool? And you can get my fin-o-graph too", she smiles proudly.

Laura blinks at Tsubasa. "It's not like something I can turn on and off. That just happens eventually."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon shook her head. "There's nothing wrong with you taking time. If you're hurt, proper medical care is *always* worth getting. Daddy taught me that. And don't worry, I have lots of board games in my device. Though I don't know if they work underwater... but eeeee. This is going to be so much fun!"

She then gave Laura another hug, shaking her head. "Ohhhh. No. It's not that. IT's not different... it just means I'm special. That's all. In a good way." She was Pluto's special little moon, that was all. "And we can come up with all kind of special attack names, they'll be awesome!"

She then let go and turned back to the queen, her eyes glimmering again. "Yessssss. Ohhhhh. I've never had my own bubble photo before! I bet I could put it on a stand, like a lamp! And I'll have even more fin-o-graphs for my wall!"

Like the feather she got from Wing, too.

Another magical, exciting day. One with her friends, to help wash away the pain of yesterday. It was times like this she really, truly was grateful for all that she was given.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"I didn't mean it as an insult, Laura, just... ah... ah. That you know." Wing clearly //doesn't// know and the world is reminded that the little knight is a thirteen year old prone to sticking his whole foot in his mouth. "And what's with that attack name!" he says in protest. "Clearly it should be the Strike Force Sea Air Land Purification." he says with a proud nod of his head.

"I'll get the picture and stuff when they're done with me!" he calls out to the pair of girls as he's led back to be treated for his injuries. "And your dad's smart, Charon, but I'm a Pretty Cure. I'm still pretty tough!" But there's no grumbling or complaints as he sighs and waits for his doom, we mean medical care. "She has one of my feathers." he explains to Laura. "She likes collecting things like that. Not that it's a complaint."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"You have board games too? That sounds really fun, Charon", Laura smiles, decidedly interested in the opportunity. "What kind of games do you have in there? We can look at our options while we wait for Wing to be done." He was going to be in good hands, so it shouldn't take too long.

Laura hugs Charon back. "I see, then that's perfect", she smiles much happier at how her friend seems to be treated. She would have had a few words for them otherwise.

"Not complaining, Wing, that is only natural", she remarks. If anything, she was extremely flattered at that. The fin-o-graph, not the group photo. That brings with itself the joy about immortalising another moment with her friends.

"We can discuss attack names over our board games", Laura tells Wing, pointing to the mermaids coming into the room together with Kururun and directed towards the boy and ready to guide him to Grand Ocean's own infirmary. They just need to wait a bit more, it really shouldn't be long.