Walking the Whispering Woods (Bow)

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Walking the Whispering Woods (Bow)
Date of Cutscene: 18 March 2024
Location: Whispering Woods - Etheria
Synopsis: Bow goes on an exploration of the Whispering Woods. But all is not as it seems.
Cast of Characters: Bow
Tinyplot: Crystal Nope

Ever since he was little, the stretch of woods between the Library and Castle Brightmoon had always been a place of wonderment for Bow. Known as the Whispering Woods, it was rumored that the trees would tell you the innermost secrets of Etheria, if you just knew how to listen. And for Bow, it was a siren's song. With his bow slung over his shoulder and a sense of adventure burning in his heart, Bow ventured deeper into the woodlands. The air was thick with the scent of moss and earth, the sound of birdsong filled the air like music.

As he walked, Bow marveled at the beauty of the forest around him. Sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Strange and exotic creatures darted through the underbrush, their eyes curious but wary. But it was not just the beauty of the forest that captivated Bow; it was the sense of magic that seemed to infuse every tree and every leaf. The very air hummed with power, and Bow could feel the pulse of the forest beneath his feet. While he felt it, he always seemed just out of touch with it - he's seen others use it - Glimmer, Perfuma, Mermista, but for Bow, it had always eluded him. Not that he minded, he always assumed he'd be the resident regular guy.

As he journeyed deeper into the woods, Bow encountered many strange and wondrous sights. He crossed babbling brooks and cascading waterfalls, their waters sparkling with hidden enchantments. He stumbled upon ancient ruins of the First Ones hidden amongst the trees, their crumbling walls whispering secrets of a civilization long forgotten. It is here where he explored, amongst the lost society, one that had always grabbed his interest and curiosity.

He walked through the ruins, his hands brushing over a broken wall when he saw a clearing up ahead and a strange pillar of light. Making his way forward, Bow arrived in the opening, what maybe had once been a gathering place. Now, it was a clearing of flowers he didn't quite recognize, and a portal he'd not seen before. The light that was within was so distant, but before he could approach it, there was a thunderous noise.

Grabbing his bow to nock an arrow, Bow twisted around as the noise grew closer. It was a massive armored beast, one that he had not seen before. He launched an arrow, it bounced off it's armored hide. Arrow after arrow was launched, none seeming to hand any effect. The armored figure only had one eye, glowing angrily as it grew closer and closer. Bow's arrows were pinging off of it like they were nothing.

At the last possible moment, Bow dived out of the way. He rolled out of the clearing, down an embankment, landing in a stream. The water rushed over his body, his face temporarily submerged, a gasp for breath as he struggled to regain his bearings...

Sitting straight up, Bow looked around him. He was sitting in the middle of a small field. Nearby, a train was racing by, heading into a tunnel. The caphony of noises that was early morning Tokyo filled his ears, the sounds of machinery, the occassional wail of a police siren, the screech of airplane engines. Reaching up, he groggily rubbed his head and blinked a few times. Wait. Wait a second.

He look down over himself. He was still in his pajamas. His bare feet were muddied. He was soaked from sitting in the drainage ditch. How did he get here? How long was he out? He remembered his dads told him of his sleepwalking on occassion. But now? How long has it been since he last sleptwalk? He blew out a breath as he tried to get his bearings. "Crystal Hope?" he asked. "What happened? Where am I?"

"Yes, Bow?" the chime was soft and pleasant. "I tried to alert you that you were asleep, but apparently our connection does not work when you are in REM. I apologize. You have walked approximately 3.5 kilometers from the school. If you check your phone, I will give you a map so that you may return home."

"Okay... that sounds good, Crystal. Thanks." Bow grunted as he realized how soaked he was. "Maybe I should henshin into drier clothes first." And after changing into his armor, he started the walk back to the Radiant Hearts dorms and a hot shower.