The Last Letter (Rashmi Terios)

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The Last Letter (Rashmi Terios)
Date of Cutscene: 14 July 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Academy, Grade 10 Dorms
Synopsis: Rashmi does the one thing she never in her wildest nightmares expected to have to do, and settles her business in case she dies fighting a demon from the sun.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios

Over the last year, Rashmi has been exposed to a lot. Moments of transcendent joy and abject terror. Wonders that stir the soul, and horrors to stop the heart. But even though she has stated, absolutely truthfully, that she's willing to lay down her life to protect people...

She's *fifteen years old* and about to *lie to her parents* because there's no way they could possibly understand what she's getting ready to walk into. And there's a better-than-even chance that this might be the *last they ever see of her.*

How do you even *start* to know what to say to that?!

Which is why her wait upstairs had contained no small amount of dithering, and puttering, and rearranging of the fridge as she waited for her parents to clear enough room in the day to day business of running a restaurant, to talk to their child like she'd asked.

Then, the door to the family's 'apartment' above the restaurant opened, and the pair of them walked into the kitchen, gentle muzzlement on their faces as they saw their daughter fretting and worrying and having no idea what could possibly be the matter.

"Here we are, sunshine!" Ananda said, her arm around Goro's waist. "Has your young man decided that now is the time to propose?"

The very question brought all of Rashmi's mental processes to a screeching halt, and without thinking she closed the fridge door while she rebooted. "Wh-- no! *No!* Both of us are *way* too young for that! Ask me again in a few years, and *after* Papi's told him my jewelry preferences!"

She pauses, and tilts her head. "...Not that I'd mind being *asked,* but I didn't even think about it until I saw a couple friends of mine get engaged-- and yes, I know, but they're as close as you two so it's *definitely* not a temporary thing. But anyway!"

Waving her hands over her head, she nodded to the couch, and obligingly, her parents sat; the adults on the outside, Rashmi in the center, as they've encouraged her to do most of her life. "Just... Setsuchan wants to take us all on a trip, while school's still out. To Paris. For maybe a week? All five of us, so there's probably gonna be chaperones for most of it but--"

Her face screwed up as both of her parents, poorly, tried to suppress their laughter at her attempts at reassurance.

"Darlin'," Goro managed, leaning over to hug her daughter. "You gotta see it from our side; our girl's gonna be goin' farther than either of us have ever gone in our lives, an' you're worried about *canoodlin'* bein' our biggest concern?"

"And before you say it," Ananda joined in from Rashmi's other side. "Yes, your Papi was a vagrant chef, and yes, he traveled far. But remember; while he has told many stories, you must remember that 'vagrant' is the stronger word. It was not an *easy* road he traveled, even after it led him to me. And for you it will be a vacation, and a source of memories... But for us, it will be a long wait, with our daughter gone farther than we can reach, if there is trouble."

"We ain't gonna say no," Goro chimes in. "But we are gonna worry. You be careful, Sunshine, y'hear me? An' you *better* hand in a report on your favorite foods. Maybe some recipes. Souvenirs won't go much amiss--" he trailed off, as Ananda leaned over to swat his knee.

"Every young woman should have the opportunity to go where her parents never have," Ananda said. "You are still on our phone account; if you do not make use of it to call us, we *shall* be cross."

And the question stuck in her throat; what if something happens? Because ordinarily, what were the chances of anything *bad* happening? High enough that it *had* to be a concern, but neither of her parents seemed willing to voice it farther than 'we'll worry.' So... Rashmi didn't say it either.

Even though she knew that, realistically, the chances were high that she wouldn't be coming home.

So instead of facing that fear, she took the coward's way out; she smiled, and leaned over to hug her mother, then her father, and nodded. "Okay... Then I'll make sure to bring back lots for both of you, just because I'm making you worry."

And inside she died a little, allowing them both the comfort of the lie. But sometimes you just need to do what Chrono usually did; push down the fear, put on the smile, and act like nothing would go wrong despite all the ways it could go wrong.

And that was that. The Terios elders were convinced that their daughter was flying into a wondrous adventure. Not teleporting into probably terror, pain, and death.

Because who would it serve to know the truth?


Her clothes duffel was packed, her school bag filled with 'after the impossible' victory treats, and a big shopping bag filled with travel foods and snacks and a big bottle of water. One by one, all the containers were stored within Nicomachea. It was almost time to gather.

So she retrieved her phone, and spent many, many long minutes composing a Last Letter to those closest to her, who would be staying behind. And a few more masking their names to each other, because some of them *weren't* out to the rest of the community.

TO: UnionGandalf, NinjaButler, OniChan, Trager, UniProdigy, StarShrine, FizzyLiftingDrinks

SUBJECT: Possible Last Request

...So Chrono and I are about to do something very, very dumb; us and a *bunch* of others are going to ambush Director Beryl on her home turf. Hopefully it'll go well, and we'll come back with a lot of gifts from Paris to apologize for being gone. If it doesn't, though...

Mami and Papi are normal, so they'll never understand what really happened. They'll probably be shattered for awhile, so... I'm messaging you all because I know you, and trust you, well enough to look after them, and the Korma. Because if I *don't* come back, it means things are about to get a lot more dangerous for the entire world, and you'll probably have seen what happened to Paris on the news.

If there's no reports of wide-scale destruction in two days, then everything went okay, and I'll be sending another message telling you all that. If not...

Hanzo, Trager, I *need* you to protect my family. Make it a Scout Lance Terra promise. Starcrash, I left my scans of your Device in a Storage Device under my pillow. Hanzo and Trager can help you with that. Onihime, Agent Windstar, Ginga Otome, I know it's going to get bad, but even still... I'm including a list of people in the general area. All of them were crew of the Arthras, and I would consider it a personal favor if you looked out for them, protected them. They don't remember *any* of the magic in their lives, they're gonna need help staying safe.

UniProdigy... You don't owe me anything. But I've been *so happy* to see how far you've come in such a short time. Keep working with Loyalty and the others, and I'm sure that sooner or later you'll have the magic back in your life. And if you'd tell everyone what you learned in the portal, it'll probably help them stay alive.

We're leaving soon, so I should stop writing before I lose my nerve.

Two days.

One way or another, you'll know what happened.

Thank you all for being my friends.

--Rashmi Terios

...And that was that. Drawing in a deep, shuddery breath, Rashmi put her phone back in Nicomachea, walked out of her dorm room, and made off to meet Chrono and the others at the Shed.