383/Of Wolves and Time Bumps

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Revision as of 22:58, 7 September 2023 by Greta Legend (talk | contribs)

Of Wolves and Time Bumps
Date of Scene: 07 September 2023
Location: Botanical Gardens
Synopsis: Coco and Greta meet up at the botanical gardens, talking about various hobbies and events.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Greta Legend

Coco Kiumi has posed:
School is over, and Coco has gone on a walk around the botanical garden, the beautiful plants offering a varied relaxation from school. She is currently wearing her strapless yellow dress with orange boots. The sunlight filtering through the leaves adds a picturesque touch to the whole environment, the green hue it takes colouring the air.

She is currently sitting on a bench next to the pond of koi fish, chatting here and there about the sights they have access to, though that isn't much of a conversation subject for the lot of them, since that's all they see every day.

Greta Legend has posed:
School is over, clubs are done, and Greta has also gone on a walk in order to clear her head. Red blazer, yellow skirt, it's her usual go home attire, as thoughts begin to mire in her head again. School was a great distraction from all these other thoughts.

Her eyes sweep across the gardens for a moment, before she spots Coco which causes her to blink and sigh, beginning to step her way over to the mermaid in disguise, and says aloud, "So. This really is a small world, isn't it?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco looks up from the pond as she ears Greta's voice, smiling at the blonde girl as she starts up a conversation with her. "I guess it must be. But we are going to see each other a lot probably, now that we have this Count Otto to fight." She slides towards the side of the bench before continuing to talk.

"This garden's a really pretty place, don't you think? Whether you want to take in the sights with a walk or relax on one of the benches, it's cool at both." She taps the place next to her. "Do you want to sit down?" she offers.

Greta Legend has posed:
Greta hmphs a little as she looks around the gardens and nods a little. "I can stand just fine." She responds stubbornly, and proceeds to stand there for several seconds, arms crossed and looking away.

And then after standing there for about thirty seconds, she glances at the bench, before sitting herself down. "My legs were sore."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Understood", Coco chuckles slightly, before looking back at the pond. "How are things going, Greta? You know, with school starting again, and all that." The mermaid brings out a packet of candied peach slices from her bag, extending them over to Greta. "Do you want some? I just bought them."

Greta Legend has posed:
"Eh... Classes are well enough." Greta replies with a bit of a shrug, "Didn't expect to have a harder time with my classes... But then again, I didn't expect to start fighting monsters and bad guys when I got to Japan."
Upon seeing the candied peaches, she glances before hmming, "Yeah, sure..." Before accepting a piece or two, and taking a good look at it, before fetching her phone from her bag and starting to do a search for candied peach recipes. "So... Were you always a Mermaid, or did you get gifted that?" Curiosity getting the better of her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco peeks curiously when Greta brings out her phone. "Hmm, did that spur you to prepare your own?", noticing the list of recipes. "My roommate makes delicious peach snacks, I could introduce you to her if you are interested." She grabs a slice of her own, nibbling at it to savour the taste.

"I have been one ever since I was born", Coco replies, turning her head towards Greta. "My powers come from being a mermaid princess, not the other way around. There is seven of us, and we have all been born for the purpose of protecting both land and sea. Though, I guess the former is a bit redundant with all of you here."

Greta Legend has posed:
Greta hmms softly as she considers the option. "Maybe... Cooking is a hobby of mine, so I always look for something new to try to make." She nibbles on the candied peach slice. "Hmm... Maybe less sugar..." She comments, before taking notes of her own.

As Coco explains a out herself and her powers, nodding slowly. "You say that, but Tokyo is big... We can't be everywhere at once..." She hmphs, "Not going to stop me though."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"There are lots of students interested in cooking, so you are in luck in that regard", Coco comments. "Lots of opinions to trade, and recipes to exchange. Though I imagine you are in the cooking club, and so already know them", she adds, feeling a bit awkward due to stating the obvious.

"That's true, I imagine Aqua Regina knew what she doing when she created our pearls", Coco nods, taking another peach slice from her packet.

Greta Legend has posed:
Greta nods slowly. "Yeah, I am. I do ask them about different dishes, but you know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen."

Another bite upon her peach slice, as she sets her phone back in her bag, and the pulls out the brooch that her device takes the form of. "I'm sure she did." She comments, considering her options. "I was just lucky I had Dreiseelen on hand... If that one monster caught me without him... Well.."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Actually, I don't, haha", she grins nervously. "I haven't stumbled upon that saying that. What is it about?"

Coco grimaces at the implication of Greta's sentence. The monsters here in Tokyo are way more vicious than anywhere else she had been at on the planet, for some reason. "That was lucky indeed... That wasn't just about you bringing him along that day, but actually awakening his power, right?"

Greta Legend has posed:
"If too many people are involved in getting a job done, especially trying to lead the charge, then the job doesn't get done very well." Greta explains. "Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth, is how the saying goes."

Greta does eventually nod, "I had him in a jewel box for years after..." She bites her lip before saying it aloud at least, "After my mother passed away..." She takes a breath before shaking her head to try to not linger, "I was five... I don't remember a lot else from the time. Anyway... I just started bringing Dreiseelen with me... Then one day, he awoke when I got jumped by this big bloody wolf monster. Kept me alive."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco takes a few seconds to ponder the news. Greta clearly isn't comfortable talking about that, by the pauses and the time it took to react. "I am sorry about your mother having passed away", she simply says. "At least, you have Dreiseelen as a memento of her." She silently slides over the package of peach slices again, as a distraction from her thoughts, if nothing else.

"Another wolf monster?" Coco inquires, raising an eyebrow in surprise at the coincidence. "Do..." she bites her lips, but the damage was done. "Do you often meet monsters like those?" she ends the sentence, paying particular attention to Greta's expression.

Greta Legend has posed:
"The funny thing is that, according to his records, my mother never activated him. Dreiseelen had been hibernating since 1673. Three hundred and fifty years." Greta shakes her head, "Got launched that far back in time from that big space ship chunk. It's crazy."

She hmms a moment at the question of wolf monsters, "Not too many, but it's definitely been a handful so far.." Her expression thoughtful, "Are they supposed to be uncommon?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That's definitely crazy", Coco agrees, looking inquisitively at the device. "Dreiseelen, were you waiting to get at that point in time the slow way? Is this why you never activated? Did you know what would happen to Greta?"

"As far as I know, it's rare for a similar type of demon to show up in short intervals just like that, as long as it's not the exact same demon, but that wouldn't be the case for you since you dispose of them pretty efficiently", the mermaid explains her thoughts.

Greta Legend has posed:
In answer, the brooch's gemstone lights up as it replies, <*ksh*Negative. I suffered significant damage during the destruction of the Arthra. Hibernation was necessary to continue*ksh*Being able to do what I do for as long as possible. On top of that, there was no way to determine*ksh*When or even if the main body of the Arthra would emerge from space-time in any significant way.>

Greta nods, "In summary, it's a coincidence." Before shifting back to the subject of the wolf monsters, "Just like the wolves are maybe a coincidence."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That was one lucky coincidence", Coco agrees. "But it's great that things ended like that. Your timing was irreplaceable." She puts the empty package of peach slices back into her bag, making a mental memo to dispose of it.

Greta Legend has posed:
Greta nods, about to say something more, when her train of thought derailed, a thought confirmed by her device. <*ksh*Little red, a dark energy signature has been detected, 474 meters south west.*ksh*>

Greta nods, her attention focused on that, "I feel it..." Before picking up her stuff and raising her device to henshin.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I will go with you", Coco replies. "Yellow Pearl Voice!" she declares, the pearl in her shell locket responding to her will and starting to shine with a yellow light. A keidoscope of colours covers Coco's clothes as those change into her yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt, while her pearl expands into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the jewel nestled safely in the head's center. With Greta to guide the way, Coco follows her to wherever the dark signature may be.