Texts: Ghost Writer

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 18:40, 9 September 2023 by Sharknessa (talk | contribs)

Texts: Ghost Writer
Date of Scene: 08 September 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: A ghost is used to pass along messages.
Cast of Characters: Pyrite, Usagi Tsukino

<PHONE> You text Usagi Tsukino: Usagi-senpai.
<PHONE> A text from Usagi Tsukino: hi himekochan how are you?
<PHONE> You text Usagi Tsukino: I am good. But you and Onii-chan are not. So I hope this good news will help! A friend of Onii-chan's wanted me to give a message.
<PHONE> A text from Usagi Tsukino: Good news?
<PHONE> You text Usagi Tsukino: Yes. Inai-san and a friend are getting close to Naru-senpai's location. They found some of her belongings in a cabin. I was asked to tell you that it won't be long now.
<PHONE> A text from Usagi Tsukino: They found some of her stuff? A cabin? Where? Himeko-chan -
<PHONE> You text Usagi Tsukino: I do not know. I am sorry.
<PHONE> A text from Usagi Tsukino: No, don't be sorry. This is great! Thank you.
<PHONE> You text Usagi Tsukino: Good, yes. We will all be together again soon. I am told that it is written in the stars.
<PHONE> A text from Usagi Tsukino: We will. Himeko-chan, thank you.


<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: You should probably tell someone.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: You should probably tell someone.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: It is fine. It is not yet a problem.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: It is fine. It is not yet a problem.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: When it is a problem, it will be too late to tell someone.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: When it is a problem, it will be too late to tell someone.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: Too late how? I will still be me.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: Too late how? I will still be me.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: You are not even you right now.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: You are not even you right now.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: I am definitely me.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: I am definitely me.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: Then who you are texting right now?
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: Then who you are texting right now?
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: I see.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: I see.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: I will tell someone.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: I will tell someone.
<PHONE> You text Himeko Soryuu: That would be best.
<PHONE> A text from Himeko Soryuu: That would be best.


<PHONE> You text Jason Dite: Some of my fetters broke.