Texts: Soul Gems Are What?

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Texts: Soul Gems Are What?
Date of Scene: 21 November 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Amy texts Usagi seeking advice on talking to people. Why? Well, it turns out Soul Gem is a pretty literal name...
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Amanda Faust

(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts:Hey so is there any chance any of the senshi have healing or repair powers or anything else you know of that might be able to repair a cracked soul gem?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Not mine. I am fine.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh?????????
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts:Lulu soul gem cracked. I know it's a long shot but if you know anyone who might have any idea
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: I don't think any of us have healing... i have purification... oh! culinary guardian daifuku can make sweets that heal
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Thanks!
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: ...Who is that
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: a soul gem is an object so idk if that will help but...
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: gdnfsdjkfndsk um, she's a magical girl with a giant hammer! but if you've never met her... i'll reach out to her!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: is lulu okay? is she in the dorms?

PHONE: Amy Faust after a few minutes, thank you. Hospital for now but Teresia did something that may have stabilized her so she can leave

(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Sorry we are trying to figure out how to deal with some stuff
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: You are a fairly normal person who understands normal people, right?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: *she may be able to leave I mean, we'll see whether her pain comes back or not
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i think so
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: about being a normal person, i mean?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: no worries, i hope it's not too bad
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Yeah. Man this is weird. Being a teen texting people. In my day we had to use AIM and not everyone had computers. Texting all my friends as we get embroidled in adventures makes me feel like I'm in Homestuck or something.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: what's a homestuck
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Sorry that probably made no sense
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: It's an old... internet story
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: like a creepypasta?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but enough about that, what's going on?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: No. Well, maybe? I guess if you get someone to read it they may be sucked in for a very long time
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Anyway. Normal person stuff. I need advice. Normal people are weird about immortality.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: It should be a good thing. But people get upset. Afraid.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I'm not sure how to talk to people and calm them down
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: immortality??
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: what kind of immortality? who is immortal? what's the catch?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Yeah. Biological immortality6 I mean. We can still die in some ways. Um. How do I explain that
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Oh well since you're asking
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Run out of magic. or soul gem destroyed, I guess
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I suppose killing us over and over would do it eventually? I don't know how much magic regenerating a really badly damaged body takes but I think we can probably do it at least once or twice from a full charge
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: wait, wait, does your contract with that plushie make you immortal???
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you can regenerate your body?!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: learningtoomuch.gif
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: okay okay okay okay okay this is fine everything is cool i am totally understanding all of this ummmm
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: so does this mean you have to fight witches forever?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I knew we could regenerate it but I didn't know we could like. Kyubey said I can even get my brain destroyed and then I can fix it, although I didn't ask exactly how that works.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Huh?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: ...I don't know if we still age or if we can if we want to. I didn't think of that. Just learned this.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I suppose it certainly means we can fight witches far longer than if taking a mortal wound would end us. Kyubey said that's kind of the point of making us immortal. Said it would be horrible to expect us to fight Witches in normal bodies.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: well, because you need those grief seed things for your magic, right? and if you're immortal because you're magic, doesn't that mean you have to fight witches forever?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I'm not sure what happens if a body is completely destroyed or is unrecoverable.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: wouldn't you die?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: well that's stupid. i mean, i fight witches with a normal body.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i mean, i'm in henshin, but i dont think that makes my bones harder to break or anything.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: ...Yes. I guess it's in the same sense that you have to eat and drink and breathe forever. Well, for about 80-100 years anyway. Probably longer, hopefully medical tech is better when you're old
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I mean I'm not sure if we can make a new body from nothing
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: The soul gems. They were called soul gems the whole time.

<WATCH> Jadeite has disconnected.

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: well eating and drinking and sleeping is a lot less dangerous so i get why everyone is mad
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i would also be mad. you guys didn't know about all that right?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: wait. why does. them being called soul gems have to do with it?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: amy-chan that sounds like you're about to say something pretty scary
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: If we don't fight, we wouldn't use up any magic. You risk your lives too, but if you get mortally wounded you'll die
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Oh I guess I kinda skipped something here
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: ...What do you think I'm about to say?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: are you sure about that?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: About what?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: the you won't use magic without fighting thing
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: it sounds like you're saying the soul gem is your soul.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and i really hope not!!
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: re: magic: I guess I don't know for certain but I didn't notice any additional drain those first couple weeks. If we use magic being alive its so slow it must take at least a year to need a seed
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: re: souls: why? Because that makes it really awkward that I didn't believe in souls for the past 18 or so years?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: well for one thing it sounds like you didn't get asked
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: plus, what happens to your karmic cycle
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Perhaps that was a bad joke, things are a bit tense right WAIT IS THAT A REAL THING?!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: reincarnation is real so i'm just going to believe my ancestors got it right
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: or at least enough of it that i dont want to risk it
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?! I guess we've both had some huge revelations about the nature of our existence lately?!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but also, like, that's your soul! and someone took it out of you! without even asking!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: oh i found out a while ago, like a couple months. i was sailor moon in a past life and the world ended and everyone died.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: what
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: we're going to succeed this time though!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: it was like a long time ago though dont worry about it
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: So I also just found out that a horrible super-witch that doesn't need a barrier and that hits cities like a natural disaster is out there somewhere
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I think maybe at some point we may need to have all magicals girls meet up for some kind of information sharing
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: about a *what*
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: okay yes i agree with that actually
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: A super-witc called Walpurgis Night or something
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: what's a walpurgis
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i'll ask boyfriend-chan
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: so you're the only one excited about the immortality
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Huh apparently it's a german festival on april 30 and may 1
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Well everybody's kind of in shock I guess? Me too kinda? I never expected this to actually happen anytime soon and I stopped caring when I got my new body
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: ...For obvious reasons as soon as I heard of the *idea* of getting out of that flesh prison and into something else like 12 years ago I always hoped I'd live to see it. And now here I am and it hits weird. I thought it was gonna be far future technology when I was old if it happened at all, or that I'd get cryogenically rozen when I died and wake up in the future, or something. I wasn't expecting m,agic!
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I stopped caring when I got this body. But I guess I actually got what I expected the whole time? I'm remote-controlling this body from the gem, apparently.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Still kinda shocked and numb from hearing it but my associations are more... positive, you see?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: With the idea I mean

PHONE> You text Amy Faust: i guess that makes sense?

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: if your body was something you wanted to escape, i mean.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i don't know if most people want that, at least, not without being asked though.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Yeah. I guess that's why I'm more okay with it. I got a good deal! But maybe they didn't. And it was done without our knowing consent.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah, i guess if you were asking for a different body already, then you maybe aren't as attached to the body?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but also people should ASK
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: They still have their old bodies! And feel the same as being in them! Just they're in the gems now. The same way you're in your brain. You don't feel like a squishy wrinkled lump of flesh with the consistancy of gelatin, do you? You feel like a human. Same thing.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Actually fragile wrinkled flesh wrapped *around* a squishy lump of gelatin
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: But what now? I don't think Kyubey can undo it for them.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Actually electrochemical impulses and neural connections *in* fragile wrinkles wrapped around a squishy lump of gelatin
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: wait souls are real
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: shit is anything I know true
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i mean... i guess they do still have their old bodies
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but they're different now
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and no one asked them if they wanted to make that choice
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and yeah souls are real! they're really, real, and now yours is a rock
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: no one asked me if i wanted to be sailor moon and i was pretty mad about the whole 'whoops my karmic cycle is permanently tied to being a senshi and i'll probably have to do this in every life i ever have'
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Wow that's messed up
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: The senshi thing. And everything else I guess. I kinda always planned on being a rock given the opportunity, it's not really my body that I experience after all.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i know, right!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but like, i was born for this so no one could help it.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i mean, isn't it your body that you experience though? i dont get it

HONE: Amy Faust says, I asked Kyubey and he said I still kinda use my brain for some things and if I lose it things might be weird until it regenerates

(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: *just asked
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: right but i mean you eat with your body right?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Yeah. I thought I explained this.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: no i mean like....
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you eat with your body, so you taste with your body. and you smell with your body. and you see with your body. and you can hug people with your body. so how do you not experience things with your body?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: That's what I'm saying. I do! We all do! I still feel the same as when my soul was in my body. Wherever it is souls normally are in the body.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: hmm then i guess...
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i would be pretty mad if someone did that without asking. but maybe the actual thing isn't too bad. i don't know. it can't happen to me unless someone shoots me
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Oh right those heart crystal things. We're still conscious, though
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: mhm the heart crystals
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i wonder if you'd make one, since your soul is already in a jewel?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I don't know.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I had to study physics and chemistry and multivariate calculus and for what
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I know nothing about magic!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you probably shouldn't test it
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i dont really know anything either, but inai-sensei was a magical girl way before us
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Yeah. But if she knew anything about soul gems she woulda said.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: probably T-T
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i think you have to let everyone be mad for a while
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: or sad or scared. then they'll like, figure it out.
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I hope so
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i mean what else can they do?
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: I don't know! We found this out because Katarina tried to take Lulu's soul gem away so she wouldn't transform while she was injured, and when she got far enough away Lulu disconnected? I don't know what word to call it. So people can do pretty serious things rashly!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: @.@
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: so everyone was already upset when they found out...
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: good luck
(PHONE) Amanda Faust texts: Thanks! I've got some other convos to tend to, keep in touch!