Texts: Aftermath of Backup

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Texts: Aftermath of Backup
Date of Scene: 27 November 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: After responding to Usagi's request to help Hinoiri and Sharpsong out, Chiyo updates Usagi on the situation with Sayaka.
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Usagi Tsukino

(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: Hey Usagi-chan? Are you free for a few minutes?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: I definitely am! How did things go with Hinoiri's gf?
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: Not so great. We got her to calm down but I think she's just kind of pretending to be better. Like she got tired of arguing so said what we wanted to hear.
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: Yeah. I haven't tried giving her any of the sweets from my special kitchen yet. I can do that, I just think this is going to be a not-easy fix. She'll need more support than I can give her. Also, Hinoiri's pretty sick from what I saw and was losing her temper a lot. Hinoiri threatened to bring Madoka into things? Maybe she'll have more luck.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: Yeah, I definitely don't think this is a problem sweets can fix all by themselves, hard as that is to believe...
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: I think Hinoiri-chan is the kind of person who is really hard on herself, but because of that she's really confident. So I think it bugs her when people she thinks are great don't believe they're great
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: did... did they tell you what she's upset about? I know from talking to Red-chan about it.
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: Yeah. Honestly, I was first outed around Madoka when that Kyubey creature was there, since I could see him. I was told about Witches at the time. I don't know much more about them than that they fight Witches, and ... I've been there, too, a few times. They're scary strong.
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: I tried reminding her girlfriend that if she thinks that way about herself it'll make it harder for her to fight Witches since they like to create feelings like that.

+text chiyo= okay so you met that kyubey thing! okay so you know how i got my powers from luna and you got yours from bonito?

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: okay so you met that kyubey thing! okay so you know how i got my powers from luna and you got yours from bonito?
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: Yep!

+text chiyo= people like sharpsong get their powers from kyubey. but it turns out the henshin device he gave them is their soul. ripped out of their bodies! and now it's a gem.

(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: people like sharpsong get their powers from kyubey. but it turns out the henshin device he gave them is their soul. ripped out of their bodies! and now it's a gem.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah!! red told me because she wanted help so people wouldn't take it too bad... because kyubey didn't even tell anyone he was gonna do that.
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: He came off as a little creepy to me. I thought it was just... You know. Him being strange.
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: He said he couldn't use me because I was already a magical girl.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: me too. i mean, luna can be weird sometimes because of the whole being a cat thing..
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: And Bonito's a fire spirit that just likes cats.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but still. even though he did that, that doesn't mean sharpsong should let him win! i want to try and convince her of that.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i hope so! and if there's not... at the very least, a way for her to feel better about it all
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: Exactly. I'll do what I can to help her out as well but I can't keep bringing people home to ojiisan all the time.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and it's a lot to ask to bring people home! thank you for trying to help
(PHONE) Chiyo Sakai texts: You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't help more.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you're a friend, chiyo-chan, not a miracle maker.