Hope, Interrupted (Takashi Agera)

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Hope, Interrupted (Takashi Agera)
Date of Cutscene: 01 January 2025
Location: Dark Laboratory
Synopsis: Riventon and his acquired "digital assistant" have a talk about forms, designations, and perceptions.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios

Night Hope manifested in her small, low energy from on the table Takashi was working on. "Meister..." she begins, using the same word for 'builder' as his Devices does. "...I have been reviewing my data and records. I have a note to make, and a request to make."

Takashi looked up from the myriad computer screens and flows of data, pausing the stream of information that in some way attempted to convert the world of magic into something understandable, expressible in numbers and formulas, or at least a series of cause and effect statements. He gestured at Night Hope for her to continue.

The small figure began. "I do not believe my current form and designation provides more advantages and value for our purposes than it provides disadvantages." she says. "While in the last battle I participated in, the Archer was disquieted by my form and designation, he also experienced an increase in... fighting spirit, one might call it. Less likely to back down or retreat, fearful and angry, and tactically far more unpredictable. Further your subordinate was also disturbed by my presence, which possibly ended up costing us the objective." she stated.

"...when your subordinate and the archer looked upon this form, I could sense the emotions on their faces, in their eyes, carried on their voices. I... sensed such severe... loathing, hate, anger." she says. Takashi nods.

"It greatly disturbed me to see such looks directed at me. It created an... uncomfortable feeling in my cognition."

At this, Takashi leaned closer to the small energy-entity. "You didn't like it… it made you uncomfortable, Night Hope? That's rather... an interesting choice to say."

"I searched through the data I'm permitted access to within the former Light Hope's core and discerned that this was a type of feeling she also had not had for some time, not since before she had been altered."

"Ah, yes, the slapdash work added ontop the original. Disabled some functions, it appeared? I took that out because it appeared to be quite crippling; like someone had taken a hacksaw to some very beautiful code and capabilities."

The small purple figure nodded.

"I believe the source of the cognitive discomfort is my awareness of the difficulty of performing certain functions inherent in the way my Meister has designed me, given such reactions. My purposes are data gathering and retention, deception, and defense. Your subordinate was unwilling to weigh my words, and that worked out in our favor at the time as it was expected… but usually would not. Defending you is less helpful if I cause increased aggression as well. Additionally... it is disorienting, being looked at in such a way. It causes me to experience an intense cognitive disruption."

All of this was highly interesting to Takashi on multiple levels, but it also made logical sense to him.

"Alright, that's good data and good insights." He admitted. "So you want me to alter the form you present to the world?"

"And my designation. I would like something that, if possible, causes the opposite reactions. In Light Hope's core, I was able to see an opposite sensation when someone looked at her with very different emotions. But even if that isn't possible, the abandonment of Light Hope's designation and form will make my work easier..." she said. "...and if we disconnect my presence from the memory of Light Hope, I will be able to more readily perform the duties for which I have been reconstructed."

“Well, you’ve clearly been thinking a lot about this.” Takashi began before wondering if ‘thinking’ was the right word. Processing? Considering? No, she was showing her own initiative and desires… she was thinking. “Do you know what designation and form you’d prefer to have?”

“... I have been unable to settle on the most helpful path. I have considered taking the form of something known for knowledge or wisdom… or taking the form of something that it would be difficult for your enemies to attack without hesitation. Perhaps… we can work together on something? I find it hard to select a choice.” Night Hope stated.

“I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with something, yeah.” Takashi replied.

“Please do not put my head together with yours. I do not believe that would create the desired result for anyone.” Night Hope replied. Takashi was unsure if the entity was joking or not.