Penguin Park - Animal Kingdom

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 06:53, 9 March 2024 by Elysia (talk | contribs)

Allied Faction: Neutral
Allied Groups: Civilian
Location Type: Public Space
Grid Locale: Penguin Park, Pikarigaoka Ward
Situated in Pikarigaoka's large urban cultural park, Animal Kingdom is a small modern zoo, featuring animals from three continents - Asia, Europe, and Africa. Rather than attempting to compete with the larger and more well-funded zoos that already exist in the country, this teaching zoo's purpose is for educating the public and offering a training ground for new veterinarians and zoo keepers.

Rather than being a sprawling park, Animal Kingdom is a compact region of penguin park, with walking paths winding around the area, with a bus that carries passengers to the main highlights of the zoo: the Aviary, Insect House, Reptile and Amphibian House, Primate House, Penguin Rock, and Elephant Canyon.

More than four hundred species are represented at this zoo, with the majority being from Japan and the surrounding island nations. The zoo's elephant, red panda, and African penguin exhibits are extremely popular, as are the rotating temporary exhibits that pop up when other zoos need temporary housing for their animals due to construction. The petting zoo and animal shelter attached to the zoo are also quite popular, and domestic animals are frequently adopted out.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
Elephant in the room August 19th, 2023 Firefly pet an elephant. Is there any reason to say more?
A Break For Reptiles March 13th, 2024 In their guise as Shiori, Double Trouble drags Hinoiri off on a date to the zoo to get her away from her obsessive studying. There's daydreaming about the future, daydreaming about each other, and daydreaming about chameleons. And then they go looking for bugs.
Animal Instincts March 25th, 2024 Katsumi makes a special treat for Kaori.
On Kissing and Boundaries April 23rd, 2024 Following their dinner at Korma, Ryoko and Sarah head to the zoo. Ryoko takes Sarah to the Insect House and they end up kissing in front of the scorpions. They're totally just roommates, right?
Yurari Dream Chronicles -- Catch A Rising Star! April 27th, 2024 Following her latest performance at the Penguin Park's fundraising festival, Coco is approached by a foreign talent agent looking to expand her business into Japan's idol scene. Coco, finding the offer almost too good to be true, agrees wholeheartedly, and is invited to spread the offer to friends of hers that might have an eye on the idol life.
Prelude to the Music Wars May 3rd, 2024 Wako and Sugata, out to see the animals, encounter Mizudori hustling for her latest show. Mizudori has a fan! And also a prospective rival. But they're going to go see her show either way, so Bass-chan is really the winner here.
Who Let the Dogs Out May 23rd, 2024 Ember tries a new strategy to harvest dust while accounting for the heroes keeping her from some of it. But between Scorpia's fearsome lightning powers, Loyalty's super speed, and Cure Wing's air support, she doesn't get any dust at all. Foiled again.