Texting - Butter-Side Down

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Texting - Butter-Side Down
Date of Scene: 21 August 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Enlightenment achieved.
Cast of Characters: Pyrite, Naru Osaka

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: hello the Naru this is Himeko :spatula::bread::cheese::fryingpan:

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Hi Himeko! :) <duckling and kitten napping together.gif>

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: oh my gosh

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I was warned that you're fond of ducks. :)

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: i do when they are alive and not dead

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: a dead duck is just a sad

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: That seems fair. I also prefer alive ducks over dead ducks.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: the Naru did you know

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: that the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: depends on what country the swallow is in

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Where the swallow is? Or what kind of swallow it is?

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: these are the deep questions in life i guess we will never know

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: So many questions in life.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: oh i am supposed to ask

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: is this a time for me to text that is good <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: i should have done that first huh

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: This is a fine time. If it is not, I either won't answer right away, or I'll tell you. Sound good?

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: it is agreed. our covenant is formed.

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: so do you know where to find :duck:

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: At the duck pond! Or on farms, but we live in Tokyo, so ponds are a better bet.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: oh my gosh

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: there is a pond for ducks??? <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: has anyone told the ducks <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: this is a surprising development to say the least

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Based on how many ducks are there, yes. Soemone absolutely told the ducks. There's a few duck ponds in Tokyo.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: somebody told ducks that they had a pond now that looked like a duck pond now something something i am not good at rhymes or song parodies i am sorry

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: maybe i should ask a duck to sing it instead when i visit them

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: You can sing it to the ducks and get some practice in.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: oh snap

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: i will have to make sure that is okay <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: a lot of things i think should be okay <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: are not okay <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: according to Darien-onii-chan

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I think that's the job of one's big brother, to shoot down crazy fun ideas that aren't safe or wise. I'm an only child.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: what even is

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: safe <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: <guytappinghead.gif>

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Very different for different people and also very different in different situations.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: so toast butter side down is :O::K:?

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: It's messy and gets hair and fuzz on your toast.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: but the tongue and the bottom of the toast come in contact more quickly so does it not make sense to butter it butter side down to taste it

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Depends on how drippy the butter is. Besides, it's easier to butter it on the top and then flip it over to eat if you want to eat it butter side down. As long as the butter isnt' drippy, because butter stains on your school uniform suck.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: oh

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: my <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: gosh <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: the Naru you have just flipped my brain <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: do not worry it has not actually been flipped this is what is known as an expression

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I'm nto here to judge, you might have stood on your head or something.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: i am not sure if i can bend far enough for that

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: i will try

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Another expression. It means head on the ground, and feet in the air, balanced.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: oh no. i wish i waited to read that. i have tipped over and also tipped my desk over.

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: all is in order again.

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: That was quick. Good job.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: it is good the students and also teachers stopped coming to class the noise might have drawn the ire of others if not

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: they like to draw their ire on me. especially my ears. much quieter now with just me.

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: Well school starts up again soon and then there will be classes and teachers and students all over the school again.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: what do you mean

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: We're on summer break right now. School starts up again in a couple of weeks and it'll be back to students and teachers all over RHA.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: O.H.

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: M.Y. <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: G.O.S.H. <PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: why did not one tell me this

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: I just did! :) But I suspect people forgot that you didn't know.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: you are the Naru not no one

<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: thank you i am enlightened

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: You're welcome.

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: i must go tell Darien-onee-chan i will talk to you later

Naru Osaka has posed:
<PHONE> A text from Naru Osaka: You are always welcome to ask me questions and I'll answer to the best of my ability and knowledge. Talk to you later!

Himeko Soryuu has posed:
<PHONE> You text Naru Osaka: i will uphold my side of the covenant as well and you can ask me if you have questions. have a good day. also do not go to school it is on break!!