716/What Would You Do

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What Would You Do
Date of Scene: 06 November 2023
Location: Yumegahama Ward
Synopsis: After some udon, a conversation between sisters takes place as Fu and Itsuki walk home in the evening.
Cast of Characters: Fu Inubouzaki, Itsuki Inubouzaki
Tinyplot: Heroes' Chapter

Fu Inubouzaki has posed:
    Sunset after leaving the ramen restaurant, the city is cast in soft gold that suffuses everything. After saying goodbye to Yuna and Togo, and riding their bikes for a bit, Fu and Itsuki have dismounted and now walk their bikes along the arcing path on the outside of the bridge. The bridge itself has three arches, and spans the river, but there are civilian paths on either side, with safety rails along them. Riding one's bike across isn't permitted, since it would be dangerous if anyone else was crossing at the same time. Fu waits until they are on the path and partially across before speaking.

    "So, what should we make for dinner?" she asks, casting her gaze ahead like she can already taste her next meal.

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    Lightly, the smaller of the two Inubouzaki sisters replies, "Eeh? You still want to eat?" Itsuki did just watch her big sis eat four bowls of udon. While Fu's gaze may be ahead of them, Itsuki's eyes are on her sister alone, even as they walk side-by-side. They pass through one of the shadows cast by the vertical support beams on the bridge as she finishes speaking, somewhat incredulous even after all the years of knowing her sister.

Fu Inubouzaki has posed:
    Fu turns to look at her sister, using the shadow to avoid having to squint against the glow of the sunset on the horizon. "You eat so little, Itsuki." She starts to look forwards again once they pass through the shadow, only for her phone to chime. Lightly surprised, she reaches down to retrieve her smartphone to see what's up now. Maybe one of the girls is messaging her?

    When she sees what's on her screen, she lets out a startled gasp under her breath and stops in her tracks.

    It's an e-mail.

    From: Taisha
    To: Fu Inubouzaki
    Subject: Aptitude Assessment

    Inubouzaki Team report.
    All members consistently at a high level.

    Fu's green eyes are fixed on the screen, her brow furrowed, fear in her heart and a sinking feeling in her stomach due to knowing what this means.

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    When told she eats so little, Itsuki's predictable counter to that is, "You eat too much, Onee-chan." One cannot hold the tiny Itsuki to the same standards as her glutton of a sister. When her sis gets a notification and stops suddenly, and then goes silent with such an intense look on her face, it is only reasonable that Itsuki become curious, and perhaps a little bit concerned. "What's wrong, Onee-chan?" she asks innocently.

Fu Inubouzaki has posed:
    Fu snaps out of her intense staring at the sound of her sister's voice. She puts the phone away while denying anything is wrong. "Nothing." Smile, smile. Everything is totally fine. Then she starts moving again. It's a little bit longer before she speaks again. "Ne, Itsuki." she begins, tone unusually serious for her. "What if I had a secret?" she asks carefully and thoughtfully.

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    Itsuki accepts her sister at her word, and proceeds ahead a couple seconds after Fu does. They walk in silence for awhile, Itsuki's mind focused on the here and now, happy to be walking along this bridge, at this beautiful sunset, with her beloved sister. When addressed, she replies, "Nani?"
    The follow up question is definitely not anything she expected, so she stumbles a bit over her thoughts. "Um, I don't really know, but..."

Fu Inubouzaki has posed:
    Interrupting, Fu says, "Like if I was in the Battle of Koshu-Katsunuma, and I wasn't getting reinforcements, but I had to tell my army to fight anyway." This elaboration will surely clear everything up. She finishes after a moment, with, "Kondo Isami." as further helpful explanation. Swordsman and samurai of the late Edo period. A commander of the Shinsengumi. Come on, Itsuki, pay attention in history class!

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    "Eeto..." is really all Itsuki can say to that. Even with the 'clarification' at the end, all she can really do is ask a question in reply. "Where did that come from?" Her little eyebrows are raised and her tone is concerned. What is her sister even talking about?

Fu Inubouzaki has posed:
    Fu just gives a lop-sided smile to her cute imouto, rueful at her own failure to explain clearly, and regretful of the reasons for why she can't do so. She just laughs it off, and says, "Never mind." They pass beneath another shadow of the bridge's support struts as she speaks. The tightness in her chest does not abate from trying to make a joke out of it.

Itsuki Inubouzaki has posed:
    Itsuki casts her gaze towards the sky as she frowns and makes thoughtful sounds. "Hmmm..." Eventually, the answer she comes up with, is, "I'd follow you no matter what." She smiles as looks ahead of them, at the path they walk, like she's shy about admitting it. "You're my only family, Onee-chan." Then she turns to look up at her big sister with a smile as bright as the sun that shines behind her after once again passing through a shadow into the light.

Fu Inubouzaki has posed:
    The statement of faith in her and love from her only remaining family does not have the affect one might expect. Fu just looks even more concerned, with guilt eating up her insides. It's her turn to look down. As they pass through another shadow, she raises her head, and forces a smile. It becomes less forced, knowing that she has such a reliable sister backing her up.

    "Thanks." she says finally. The wind blows leaves around them from the trees as they finish their crossing. A torii devoted to the Shinju-sama marks the end of their path.

    One way or another, they'll be stepping through it together.