Radiant Heart MUSH's Theme

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Our world is shaped by the increasing intensity of the battles between Light and Darkness, between Good and Evil, between Hope and Despair, between Love and Hate. Our magic, and the magic of the other Planetary Courts, is merely directed emotion, which is why only those pure of heart and spirit are born as carriers of the Sailor Crystals, as the princess-warriors who defend us. Those self same crystals, and even the Maboroshi no Ginzuishou are in truth focuses for emotional energy - the true magic resides within the spirit of the Soldiers and the Queen. We must be forever on guard for them falling into the hands of those with negative emotions in their hearts.

- Akirasu Arata, Moon Kingdom Mage-Scholar, writing 2 years before the Great Fall

It is clear that a localized catastrophe in this solar system's distant past left a mark on this planet which has resulted in an opprotunity - by creating massive fluxes in emotion within the sentient beings living on one of the worlds, we can do what was once deemed impossible - create energy, and in so doing, slow or even stop the entropy of the universe.

- Research Entity K, on the future project designation INCUBATOR

Magic is all around us, and yet something veils it from the awareness of most. They will treat magic as a mirage, a dream, a nightmare, or simply not remember it altogether. Humans and even animals who are not in constant connection with magic inevitably forget its presence, and the presence of related things, relegating them to fairy tales and imagination. But magic is very, very real - and in many cases, a threat to our existence. When magical threats appear in places where no humans can remain aware of them, much less protect from them, they feed on them, harming many and growing stronger. It is for this reason I propose something radical - a realignment of Earth's Ley Lines to push magical energy to a few selected places, so that both magical threats and magical defenders might be contained into limited areas, thus protecting all who cannot pierce the veil.

- Writings of an Ancient Mage, located in Paris

The system designated Sol is a hazard zone for all Time-Space travel. All TSAB ships are to maintain a secure distance as indicated in navigational data. Pursuit of criminals and Lost Logia below a threat rating of Maximal that would enter the vicinity of the hazard distance of Sol require permission from TSAB Headquarters. Under no circumstances will a TSAB ship pass the second Hazard Zone radius around the planet third from the sun of Sol. This planet expresses a powerful time-space distortion effect that is dangerously similar to a magical black hole. Keeping distance is imperative to prevent a catastrophic event stranding crews and Lost Logia within this system.

- TSAB Hazard Data on Sol System

Tokyo is one of the very limited places on Earth where all magic is strangely drawn, and where the veils between our world and other worlds are so thin. It is both a blessing and a curse; here, our great magical warriors come into being and yet, also here our greatest threats appear. It is here that a limited number of us can turn emotions into power, into magic. But it is also here where we must ask the younger generations to confront unspeakable evils to protect the rest of the planet with limited acknowledgement from the world around them. For those of us who can see the magical world it is a great and terrible responsibility. And yet, those willing to take up the fight seem to only be increasing. And as long as their shining hearts endure, so will the world.

- Hanasaki Kaoruko


Radiant Heart MUSH is a Magical Girl (aka Mahou Shoujo) MUSH set in an altered version of present-day Tokyo. We allow both Canon and Original characters.

The veil between worlds of both light and dark is at its weakest in Tokyo - fairies from the worlds of light find it easier to travel to Tokyo than anywhere else, but equally so is Tokyo a great stopover for monsters and those of wicked intent aiming to make their way to other worlds and conquer them - or destroy ours.

At the same time, the average citizen is a tempting target for monsters and their leaders, as the Veil, a mystic artifact of a previous cataclysm, prevents the average person from processing magic. A monster that drains their energy is remembered as a mugging, or an encounter with a shadow beast becomes a mere dream, and the battle between mighty powers is seen by most of the populace as an earthquake.

Yet, the earth is not overrun by the enemies of goodness thanks to its defenders - warriors who form emotion into pink blasts, sparkles that purify, and often just a mighty punch to smite the wicked. And for some reason, these defenders are always middle-to-highschool age students, most often but not always girls, who channel emotions into artifacts and tools to take on terrifying monsters, wicked Dark Lords, and manage to do it all while juggling schoolwork, crushes, and growing up. These "magical girls" or "Mahou Shoujo" (and Magical Boys/Mahou Shonen for their male counterparts) take up the responsibility of defending Tokyo, and with it our world and others beyond it, from the devious designs and predations of those who wield Dark Energy.

These conflicts have largely been low-intensity over the years, with flare ups and quiet periods as the walls between the worlds grow stronger and weaker. However, at this time, Earth is experiencing the greatest flare-up, and the weakest protection from the walls ever. At this time, the aggression from the forces of darkness is greater than the past, and the need for defenders means a great deal of them are "awakening" at a similar time, either chosen by emissaries of light to protect the world or merely finding their awakening timed with the return of ancient foes.

Battles ongoing from the past, battles recently started, and battles brand new - all are but subsets of the great war between Darkness and Light. In the distant past, Darkness nearly claimed victory, which cost greatly, and only with the help of the Magical Heroes can tragedy be averted once more.