1490/Finding a Phantom

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Finding a Phantom
Date of Scene: 04 May 2024
Location: The Forgotten District
Synopsis: After the completion of the Mirage Eclipse Zone, Chiyo (who's powers are acting up) comes across Phatom (who was just in a hard battle) and she makes the decision to change both of their paths.
Cast of Characters: Phantom, Chiyo Sakai

Phantom has posed:
The Eclipse Zone (sponsored by Mirage Corporation) was a success. But it came at a high cost. Phantom was far more wounded than he let on, so that Sunbreaker wouldn't see the scope of his injuries that he took from the overload of dark energy and the numerous attacks that he just started absorbing instead of trying to deflect in order to achieve victory. Everything hurts. It'll heal - eventually - he has fairy magic in him, it just takes longer for him to recover.

There was an attempt to teleport back to the Graveyard - that did not work. It was too far. So, his teleport spit him out in the nearest area where he could attempt to find cover. Crashing down into the Forgotten District, he slams into a rooftop, shattering terra cotta shingles as he bounces off the roof, and then off the building itself, landing in the street with a dull crash.

He doesn't try to get up. He doesn't change forms. He just needs a bit of time to regain some strength, to recover, and... his hand goes to his pocket, pulling out a packet of candy from Nounamu Sweets and finding the packet empty, drops it to the side with a low groan of agonized frustration.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
He wasn't the only one that was hurting from that battle. Guardian Daifuku's power was fluxuating again which is what led her to fleeing the battle. The problem was she was in pain while it was happening, and that jump had led to another jump, and another, until she finally came down in an alleyway where she completely drops her Henshin to remain leaning against the wall out of breath, and aching. Her nerves felt as if they were on fire and tingly like having a foot asleep at the same time. It was incredibly unpleasant and distracting.

It's just chance she'd ended up at the Forgotten Zone herself. It would be safe here though, relatively, with little chance of someone else coming by. The mostly abandoned area had become overgrown with Spring plants, and flowers, which at least made the air pleasant in the otherwise run-down streets.

"Bonito, what the hell is happening to me lately?" She reaches for her phone to yank the little bao charm off tossing it to the ground so that he could shift into the orange and white cat she was sometimes seen with.

Bonito looks as guilty as a cat can possibly look. "I'm... Not certain," he begins in his deep voice as he flounders to come up with an explanation that doesn't immediately implicate what he and the other fire spirits had done.

He's literally saved by the crashing sound coming from the next building over that steals Chiyo's attention away. Curious, and wary, she moves from the alley to head for the still-settling dust.

"... Hello? Is someone there?" She couldn't change back, not now. Her powers couldn't be trusted.

Phantom has posed:
Finally, he manages to push himself to his feet. Phantom wraps one arm across his middle. Something is broken in there. He can feel it with every painful breath. Lifting his arm to try to summon his teleport - nothing. He's stuck here for the moment.

A step taken, to start working on mobility. And from the dust cloud that Chiyo had just showed up to investigate, out steps the formerly imposing form of the second of Mirage Corporation. As he sees the girl, he sees the opprotunity. He could mirror her and create a terribad to help assist him back home.

His arm points towards her, ready to attack. And then he just collapses onto his knees and then crumples. Nothing is left in the tank. He's not even sure if he could get back to his feet. A disgruntled grunt rises from him. "...flee." he rasps at her. It has absolutely no bite to it.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
It was him.

For a solid moment Chiyo steps backward in surprise as he stumbles out looking half-way menacing and her fingers twitch to grasp at the hammer that isn't there.

He doesn't know though. Can't know. She was just Chiyo right now but that didn't put her in any less of danger if he decided to--

Fall like a sack of potatoes.

"Crackers," she mumbles with a shake of her head looking him over. He was badly hurt, and she glances up to see if he was followed. If the fight had spread out her. Apparently not though.

Anger, and guilt war in her momentarily as she considers what to do only to let out a frustrated, "Dammit." Her hair is flung back over her shoulder with a quick flip of her hand as she steps forward.

"It's okay. I don't think whatever did this to you is following." Play dumb. Just... Play dumb. "Come on, let's get you somewhere you can rest."

Bonito was still in the alley. He could let people know where she was if this went bad. For now she crouches down to slide an arm around him so she can hoist him back to his feet.

Phantom has posed:
Why is she not fleeing? He couldn't even fight a plushie rabbit at the moment. He can't feel the connection to the graveyard - it's still flooded with dark energy and trying to tap into that would be like drinking from a fire hose.

Instead of fleeing, she's approaching him. What. There's no fight, no argument as she proves how strong she is, even out of henshin as she hefts him to his feet with relative ease - it helps that despite the heavy jacket and would be armor, he's very light.

He stares at her for a moment, and then makes a connection. But he doesn't give it a voice - he has only seen her once at the shop, and that would tell her who he was if he said anything. Plus, as dark as it is, with the forgotten district only bathed in moonlight, he can barely make out her face.

She just smells sweet. Like the candy she helps make all day. "Fine." he finally manages as he lets Chiyo lead him to where she wants - there's no fight or argument there - instead, he just shuffles, one leg dragged to his side.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai can easily lift him, she was strong and he was... Surprisingly light in spite of his height and the long jacket. That didn't mean that moving him would be easy if he was a dead weight. When he finally starts to move along with her she gives an encouraging nod and a murmer of, "Good, just like that. Let me know if we're moving too fast."

How often has she done this for others? A handful of times at best, but it was familiar enough that it's easy to recall those times. If it weren't for having seen him in the fight she'd fled earlier herself she very well may have thought just that in the lack of light. Her eyes were still adjusting. The street lights here were mostly out with only a few still functioning.

"There's a building not far from here that's in good condition. A lot of stray cats live in the area," she explains with a soft chuckle. She HAD come here a time or two looking for Bonito when he was out pretending to cat. He had a soft spot for kittens and liked to be Uncle Bonito at times. "I've seen it a few times when out checking on them." A pause comes, and she adds, "I won't ask your name. I know secrecy is a thing. I'm Chiyo though."

God she was practically blushing from that lie of not knowing him. It would help things to go smoother though as she leads the way down the street, takes a turn, and there is indeed a building far better than many of the others. It was an old house with what once was a flourishing garden if the mass of plants spilling over the gates was any indication. It's here she leads him.

Phantom has posed:
"This is a dangerous area... you should be careful." Phantom warns as she leads him along. He's able to move, so that's a good sign. He just can't summon anything bigger than a kitten kindabad at the moment and he's not going to push that. He just needs a little time to recover - and the girl... Chiyo... seems to be unaware of he is. "Thank you." he rasps when she explains keeping his secrecy.

As she's explaining what she is doing here, he ohs. "Yes. I have seen many strays in this area. While the people are gone, it seems the animals are not." he admits, "Though I have no idea what emptied this area."

There's a glance to the house that they arrive at, and he twists, which sends a small grunt of pain, and he squeezes her closer for a moment before blowing out a breath. "Apologies." he offers. There's no way to go but forward, his focus on moving forward, not noticing the blushing teenager at his side as he opens the door for her.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Youkai, I think. There was... this weird situation with them last year. The Night Parade had come through, and this place was already a bit abandoned due to a haunted Shrine. There's been rumors about it for years." It's not so much an explanation as a best guess based on what she'd heard, as well as what had actually happened while leaving out as many pertinent details as possible.

"It was mostly older folks here and they're usually pretty superstitious..." When he pauses she stops assuming he needs a moment to gather himself. She wasn't expecting him to step forward to OPEN THE DOOR for her.

For a moment she stares at it, mouth slightly parted not sure what to say. Its amusing somehow, and somehow...

"You shouldn't stress yourself!" She chides quietly as she steps through quickly so that he doesn't have to continue doing that. There were signs of a few food bowls in here but no cats currently. The Animal Care Club visited this area regularly enough that it's fairly well-kept. Turning toward him she moves back to his side to help again.

"It's not much but it's not outside at least. Lets get you sitting." There's some furniture left behind by the prior owners. Past the little kitchen at the entrance is the main sitting room with a couch, and some random boxes piled in a corner.

"Is it your ribs that hurt?"

Phantom has posed:
"Habit." Phantom murmurs. He's used to opening the door for Queen Mirage, after all. As he listens to her explanation of what happened to the area, he nods. It's pretty much the same information that he was given - and that even the dark energy here seems off for some reason.

But he takes her chiding in stride as the smell of the must of a home that hasn't been cared for in years comes to his nose, even with the care of the local club tending to it. Moved to the couch to settle, he pauses.

Reaching to undo his coat, he opens it. He's a slight thing, not what you would expect from one that commands so much. But then again, many magical boys fit the CLAMP noodle mode, and he might very well be another one of them. Now with the jacket off, she can see that his shirt is spotted with blood from the numerous injuries that he took from Rocket Red's missiles slamming into him as he fought Hope Witch's overload to keep the Eclipse Zone in place.

"Ribs, yeah. And ankle." he admits as he moves to sit down finally, the couch giving a fitful squeak of metal springs as it is used for the first time in years and he leans back with a grunt of pain.

Now that he's inside and settled, his blue eyes turn to meet Chiyo's own. "You can leave now." he offers to her. "That way, you're not in danger." From him, of course. But he doesn't say that explicitly. "I will recover, if given time."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"It's not a bad habit... thank you," Chiyo can't help but smile faintly at that though she doesn't really know how the habit came to be. That might make her feel less amused by it that he would do it while hurt. And for her.

Once he's on the couch she lets out a small sigh sparing a glance toward one of the nearby windows. Maybe opening it would help with the musty air a bit. It wasn't too bad, but it also couldn't be healthy. Just as she's about to step away to do that she catches the movement as he removes the jacket.

"Holy shit." Not a very 'magical girl' phrase but... That was a *lot* of damage that he reveals causing her to stare with absolute and complete worry. The fact that he was an enemy is completely forgotten as she sees this. She'd seen worse of course, when she had helped Koji. Not since then.

Her lips purse together in a stubborn set as she crouches down in front of him reaching back to swing her bag forward. Her eyes catch his as he suggests she leave, and now he can see her slightly stubborn smile.

"I'd worry myself to death if I left you like this." That was true, she realizes as her gaze drops down to fish around in her bag for anything that might help. "Besides, I'm strong. I carry around bags of rice regularily, you get pretty strong doing that." Not a lie either.

A handkercheif and a bottle of water is pulled from the bag. "Here, it's not much but we can at least clean you up some. I can come back with some medicine, too."

Phantom has posed:
As far as Phantom knows, Chiyo is not a magical girl - he does know she's the girl that works at the candy shoppe, however. Though when she makes that very un-magical girl comment, there's a slight blush and a smirk. "Language." He's so not getting on to her about language, is he?

Now with the jacket off, he can use it as a bit of a blanket to cover himself as he is offered the water and cloth. "Thank you. You do not have to." Despite all that he's done to others. What he's caused - he's polite to a fault to her.

"As in, you do not have to come back." he says quietly. He's giving her the out. She can walk away now and there will be no issues. She does not worry when the others come looking for him.

Though to be fair? Mirage will only send the Oresky Trio after him if she realizes he's truly missing. She's used to him going on extended missions, after all. And it will be a few days before she realizes that he has not reported on the new Eclipse Zone.

"Though you seem stubborn. Doubt you'll listen." A soft heh. "Kind of reminds me of someone." he admits as he slumps a little into the cushion. "Do what you feel you must, then, Chiyo."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Sorry. I just wasn't expecting you to be this badly hurt. I mean I *know* you're hurt." Seeing it was different. This whole interaction was so confusing. He was polite. He was telling her to get away for her safety. Was he like Hinoiri? He *had* been with her, so it was possible, but he was far more brutal.

Then again, so was Sunbreaker at first until she gained more friends.

The water bottle is uncapped to very gently rinse the wounds on his side with her hand then moving the dry handkercheif over it to dry. Carefully, but not with fear of the blood.

"Ojiisan always tells me never leave a job unfinished. So... do you want to tell me what happened?" Maybe she could get some information though she was already wracking her mind on how to question him over the mirrors.

Once his wounds are cleaned at the very least she reaches back into her bag to rummage around and pull out a small package wrapped in a pink floral cloth. Inside was a small bento box filled with sweets. "Here. I usually carry around snacks. My friends always like having some. Sweets help you feel better, too, I think." Plus she could use the cloth to help dress his wounds after.

Phantom has posed:
"Your Ojiisan is a wise man." Phantom reflects on the kind old man that was gruff at him but allowed Chiyo to give him day old candy and samples anyway. "But this was not your job to take." he reminds her as he feels her touch against his wounds. He expected pain. She was strong and powerful, and he did not have any strength to fight her off.

Then she asks for an explanation of what happened. And how do you explain that you were just in a hell of a battle with magical girls and they gave him absolute hell?

"There was a project I was on. I took a nasty fall and here I am." No need to explain that he fell from a portal and hit a building on the way down before hitting the street.

He was about to say more as she starts to rinse and clean his wounds, and he pulls off the shirt as well. "You can uses this for bandages." comes the offer. He was about to say more, but she pulls out the treat box. And his stomach lets him know he's hungry - loudly enough that she can hear it gurgle grumble as well.

"S-sorry." he mutters.

There's a guilty look as he digs into the sweets, fortunately able to keep his sweet tooth under control enough not to gobble them all immediately down.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
'A project' that he 'fell' from. The memory of the old garden center with it's tree that Hinoiri had placed springs to mind. It sounded partially right after all even if it was obvious (to her at least) since she'd been there too.

"Sounds like it was a rough time." A wan smile is offered, not upset or sad or honestly happy but... Trying. She wasn't really sure what to say after that without doing something such as outing herself.

The grumble of his stomach reaches her ears as soon as the snacks are produced. But when his shirt comes off she stops and stares momentarily. Quickly shaking her head she reaches for it with a light clearing of her throat. "Okay. Eat up, I get plenty at home. I made those myself." Did she *have* to add that part? She wasn't expecting him to have taken his shirt off though so she's a bit off balance mentally. Focus on the work.

While he eats, she tears the shirt into strips neatly to wrap around his injuries. Not too tight but it's definitely firmly done so that it's secure.

It's then she rocks back on the balls of her feet to look him over. The bottle of water still had something in it so she offers it out to him as well. "Here, you'll need to drink plenty as well to rehydrate." He did seem to have lost some blood. "Will you be okay here for awhile?"

Phantom has posed:
Phantom seems blissfully unaware that he had an effect on Chiyo when he removed his shirt. While she works on turning it into dressings, he is devouring the rest of the candy, finishing off the bento quickly. "You did a good job." he compliments on her candy-making skills. "Your Ojiisan must be proud."

And that may be the first clue that he knows more about her than he's letting on. Or maybe he put the two together somehow, after all, she mentioned him earlier - he may assume she just lives with him.

He drinks from the water, considering the question that's offered to him and he nods finally. "I should be fine." he offers, his voice now that he has had a chance to hydrate and he doesn't feel hoarse from drawing in the dark energy he took in at the end of the fight.

"But I would not fault you if you did not return." he points out gently. "Be careful."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai reaches into her bag to withdraw one more bottle of water. It was the last she had, but if she didn't come back at least she knew he would have that. It's pushed into his hands before she risesup tugging her bag back over her shoulder.

Again that little smile comes, a bit stubborn but vaguely amused. There's no promise of definitely absolutely coming back though. Instead she just nods a single time with a casual, "We'll see. Get some rest and don't move around much if you can avoid it."

Awkwardly she pauses, uncertain what to do or say now. She couldn't really dote on him. He was the enemy and so far as she knew he hadn't really shown any sign of not being full on evil. Except for how he was treating her here and now.

With a firm, curt nod she utters, "Take care," before turning to head out to war with indecision over what to do about him.

Phantom has posed:
When she shoves the other bottle of water into his hands, Phantom nods again in thanks. She offers her final words and he watch her depart, before he leans back on the couch. She is not the only one in debate on feelings at the moment.

But he offers little insight on that, because soon after she leaves, he leans back on the couch and closes his eyes. He just needs to rest for a bit, recoup his energy and then he can return to Mirage Corporation and finish healing there.

Just a few minutes, he reminds himself as he goes unconscious.