1556/What Secrets does the Phantom Hold

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What Secrets does the Phantom Hold
Date of Scene: 12 May 2024
Location: The Forgotten District
Synopsis: Chiyo returns to check on Phantom. They have a conversation. Things were exchanged. Wasn't awkward, in the least.
Cast of Characters: Phantom, Chiyo Sakai

Phantom has posed:
It has been a couple of days since Chiyo found Phantom injured and abandoned in the Forgotten Zone after his fight to get the Eclipse Zone for Mirage up and going. He's been slowly regathering his strength, pulling from the dark energy in the area in order to hasten his recovery - and at the same time, it's returning him to some semblance of the threat that he usually is. Though he's not there yet. Probably will be after another night of rest.

What Chiyo had left him has been used, and he's currently standing in the middle of the living room, flexing his hand as he gets feeling back to that arm and frowns. It won't be much longer, and he can open a portal to the graveyard for a proper recovery.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
There's sound at the door of someone approaching. It's easy to tell though, they certainly aren't hiding the fact that they're coming in. She had made a stop back later that night while he was asleep with more provisions. She'd left some food, a jug of water, a cup, a blanket, pillow, and even a t-shirt. It was just some random t-shirt that could be found sold at a konbini with bad Engrish on it but it was to replace the shirt he had torn so that he could bandage himself. Along with actual bandages, painkillers, and other basics.

Now she's returned again assuming he may have already left but just... Needing to check. In case. Another bag is carried in hand as she steps inside the marginally cleaner abandoned house (thanks to some quick scrubbing and opening up of windows to air it out while he slept), and pauses to let her eyes adjust to the darker lighting within. There was still sadly no electricty to this place after all.

So there's a breif, awkward moment where the purple haired candy girl stares at Phantom directly without actually seeing him, and she finally realizes he's up with a little start. "Ah! You're better?"

Phantom has posed:
Cutting off his feed of energy when he heard the door open, Phantom was ready to summon what energy he had gathered to either put up a last fight - or to try to retreat. His hand is behind his back, settled on the hilt of his sword, he's pretty sure he can handle it well.

But when he notices the purple haired girl, the Phantom Empire General tilted his head and rasped. "Recovering. Thanks to your assistance." Though she can tell by the tone of his voice that he is very clearly confused as to why she is doing this for him. Especially as he notices that she has brought yet more supplies.

His head lifts to it's normal position, eyes narrowed in confused thought. "...why?" he asks her finally.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The mix of feelings at hearing that he's doing better as well as seeing the proof for herself is difficult. On the one hand she's glad--And it shows as she smiles instinctively at mention of recovering. On the other--She knows who he is and what he does. There was still a heavy amount of guilt at helping him at all. This odd truce-with-enemies situation had been going on long enough with Sunbreaker and her, and others, that she can't help but fall into that routine in this instance as well. Even if some nagging part of her screams this was dangerous.

"That's good to hear. You really were in pretty bad shape when I ran into you," she states as she steps over the threshold into the room fully. A few steps are taken toward the kitchen counter that doubled at one point as a built-in dining table so she can place the bag down. It's his question that causes her to pause looking back toward him. "... Because I thought you might be hungry? Healing takes a lot of energy, and that requires food." So far as SHE knew at least. That's how it worked for ... for people.

Phantom has posed:
It has become clear that Phantom doesn't know that Chiyo is also Guardian Daifuku. If he had, he would be a lot more guarded than what he is at the moment. There's a brief glance as he considers the teen's offer and he grunts. "That's fair." he finally manages as he makes his way over to the kitchen to glance at the bag, and starts to unload the items that are within it to figure out what she bought.

"You are not from this area. You made sure I was stabalized before you left. There was no reason for you to come back." he admits to her as he turns his attention from the bag to the girl. "I am not the type of person that you should want to spend any time with." he points out to her.

But he's not actively trying to chase her off, and seems more like a grumpy and sullen teenager than the dangerous second in command of Mirage.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai turns back to the plastic bag to start untying the knot she'd worked into the top to ensure nothing spilled out. While the peices are tugged open she listens to him quietly. "I know. I know you were in a fight--" It didn't take a genius to figure that out. "And I haven't asked any questions about why or what happened." She KIND of knew anyway but she was doing her best to hide her identity still. "But the fact of the matter is, you were injured."

A bottle of tea is taken out and set on the counter, then another, and she pushes the sides of the bag down to reveal the oniigiiri within. Salmon and Tuna and Ube in case he was vegetarian perhaps.

Looking back to him she offers a wry grin. "You also didn't look like you could go to a regular hospital. I couldn't just leave you to possibly die. It's the right thing to do, to help someone when you can. If you can."

That really was the crux of it. No matter how wary she was, how much she knew, it didn't change the fact that she wasn't the sort that could just leave someone to be hurt or worse.

Phantom has posed:
None of that makes a lick of sense to Phantom. Those are all signs of weakness. But who's the weaker here? The girl that is setting out the small meal before him - of he himself, for accepting the meal, which is what he is doing as he moves to take a seat at the table and considers her words as he opens the tea first to take a drink from it.

"I was in a fight. Against very powerful people. I doubt that they would hurt you if they found out you were helping me. But they would probably be cross with you." he admits as he takes a bite of the Ube oniigirii, before pausing. "Was that yours?" he asks of her, a small frown at himself if he had accidentally taken a bite of her meal.

"I would not be much use at a hospital." he admits quietly. "I heal on my own, and quick enough when exposed to certain elements." he adds as he drinks again from the bottle. "I do not want to cause you any issue, so after tonight, I do not want you to return. I will be gone by morning as well."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai simply shakes her head at the question of the onigiri he had chosen. Given he sits, she does too. The chairs were old and wobbled a bit to one side, but she had dusted them off and cleaned them a bit so they were usable at least. Much of the house was. It had just been abandoned as if people had wandered out one day never to return.

"No, I wasn't sure if you might be vegetarian or not so I chose a few different ones. I can eat anything myself," she reassures quietly with a little dismissive wave of her hand over the concern.

The hand falls back to her lap as she considers the rest of what he's saying with a single nod. "Alright. You do seem to be doing better now, and if you're not going to come back, then there's no need for me to either." It's accepted easily enough. She still hadn't figured out what she should, or could, try to ask him about the mirrors. That would be valuable information but as she was seeing he was in far better shape now, so trying NOW would be foolish.

She just watches him eat a moment. The expressions he makes, the looks of confusion and of just giving in to the simple generosity without blinking either. Maybe he did need a bit of a gentle touch to remind him there was good in the world? Maybe.

"I'm glad you're doing better. I won't worry anymore, now."

Phantom has posed:
There's a firm nod of Phantom's head as he considers the food he was presented with, rolling it in his hand for a moment. "You have done a lot. Offered care and assistance. I am sure I would not have done if the situation were reversed." he admits that truth, because she deserves to know that fact.

"But you are not a target." he finally relents, opening his hand, releasing the fist that was the building of his Eternal Gauge. He will not be mirroring Chiyo for thanks for all of her good deeds. She will go mostly unpunished. "You do not have the power of a Precure." he finally adds for her, as if sensing somthing off of her, but not sure what. But he makes it clear he can sense Precures.

"But you do have dreams and hopes. This world does not deserve them. You should give up and despair. Things will be better for you if you were to do so. It is what my Queen decrees. It is why I take them." His hand opens, as he opens a portal. Beyond, is the graveyard that Chiyo has taken in before, all of those mirrored coffins in it's desolate amethyst field.

"I know of the care you put into your candies. I tasted it when I tried them. They... reminded me of something."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
A firm shiver runs through Chiyo when he starts to talk of Precures and of her not being one. He was right there--She wasn't. The fact that after the time they'd spent, however breif together, he was now speaking of it? That his powers were clearly back? That was worrisome.

Moreso when he talks of despairing, and giving up, and then opens the portal to show that graveyard that had caused her stomach to flip so unpleasantly before. She'd seen one of those mirrors up close for far longer than she liked. The girl inside unmoving as she hopefully sleeps unaware.

She should do something. Maybe run. Maybe fight.

"Why?" Instead she just speaks the first thought that comes to mind with a tone of pure confusion edged with maybe just a bit of stubborness. "Does despairing make you happy? You're right, there's a lot of awful things in this world. It can be overwhelming, and difficult to face, especially alone. That doesn't mean good things don't exist or aren't worth it. It just makes them all the more precious and worth it."

It's now that she eases off the chair she'd sat on hoping that she actually has time to flee if she needs but also just... She'd known this might happen at some point and accepted that.

"What did it remind you of?"

Phantom has posed:

Phantom has asked her that question earlier. And she responded with earnest and honesty. He owes her the same. "I feel nothing." he finally responds, his hand down to his side, his bracer glowing a light red. He's not preparing to use it, but it's always present, always there. "This is the mission that I was given. It pleases my Queen, which in turn, pleases me. My life is service to her. And when this world is in despair and all hope is lost..."

Phantom considers that for a long moment. His expression is downcast. Perhaps even... sad? Finally, he lifts his head and looks towards the graveyard. And then back to Chiyo.

"Then maybe she will finally smile."

Then he finally returns to her last question. "Remind me of?" he repeats her question. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bag. "Of a different time. But one that remains in a haze." With that, he sets the bag on the table. It's from her Ojiisan's candy shoppe. "It reminds me of this. And this reminds me of you."

A brief frown shows on his face. Why does he want to see her smile? He doesn't know that himself and for a moment, that shows in his features before he grunts. "But I will not leave you empty-handed. One of them was taken from me. I'm sure they are curious if they can free her. I cannot. However. There is another way."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai takes it all in as best she can watching Phantom and the way he removes the bag from his pocket to set the konpeito from Ojiisan's shop on the counter. Her gaze flits from it to him as she reaches for the bag to pick it up and hold in her hands with a thoughtful expression.

"She sounds sad. And hurt. Sometimes when people are hurt very badly they want others to feel like they do so that way they can be understood, and won't be alone." A pause and she adds, "Just like too much candy, that's not healthy for a person though."

She knew. She had been there before, before she had become magical. Or near enough to it... Alone, without many friends, obsessed with the stories in books because she could barely speak up for herself for fear of rejection and loss. How much better was she now that she'd taken that risk?

"What... Way?" The whole purpose of helping was to try and figure a way out to try and help the girl. That's what she'd told herself over and over so now that he was talking, maybe she could find out how.

Phantom has posed:
"I don't know." It's a simple enough answer. "I have never seen her smile. But this. I know that if I carry out her bidding, she will finally..." Phantom trails off and draws in a breath of thought.

"I serve Her." he considers those words for a moment, and offers. "There was a shrine, long forgotten. And a maiden, long lost." That is all he is willing to offer for now on the story of his Queen and how they came to be.

"And because, without Precure, there is no hope." he tells her when it comes to the why. "Ask the one who released us." That would be Hime, but he doesn't know that.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I see." Chiyo did in fact, not see, because she thought that was a load of rubbish and this Queen needed a boot up her rear as much as the other 'Queen' she knew of that had been hurting her friends and family lately. Given the situation though she doesn't press the issue further at the moment. She was not in henshin, and even if she were her powers had been suspect lately.

Instead her gaze drops down to the bag of candy she now holds. The cellophane crinkles a little as she reaches inside to pluck out a few pieces of the colorful candy while thinking on her response. "I think maybe we make our own hope and happiness in our lives. But then again," she adds while looking up at him with a rather warm grin of her own. "As you say, I'm no Precure."

One of the candies is popped into her mouth and rolled to the side of her cheek with her tongue. The other? On impulse she reaches forward to lift it to Phantom's lips with a gentle nudge of a fingertip to push it into his mouth. "I hope the time it reminds you of is a happier one at least. Even if it's only for as long as the candy lasts, it sounds like it's an important memory to you."

With that she sets the bag of candy on the table again preparing to leave.

Phantom has posed:
Make your own hope and happiness? That is not a concept that Phantom understands. And it is while that he is considering this whole concept that Chiyo steps up and pushes the piece of candy into her mouth. And before he can make any comment, she pushes a piece into his mouth as well. It's a little prickly on his lips, which causes to open, and in that moment, there's the smallest of press of lips to her finger.

And they she's stepping back, making some comment on time and sweetness. For Phantom, his cheeks darken, and he's unsure of that rush of warmth as he tucks the piece against his cheek. "Before you leave."

"To make a Kindabad, two things are needed. A dream to mirror. And a person to turn. Once the corrupted dream is healed? The person is released." And it is with that bit of information that he turns to step into his graveyard to finish healing.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai pauses when he stops her from leaving immediately to offer that little wisdom in how Kindabads are created. That was more information than she had before at least! Plus she was watching the way he responded to the taste of the candy or... was it from the touch?

"Thank you," she offers quietly as he moves off into the portal leaving her free to leave. A relief and at the same time, feeling completely and thoroughly confused still.

Her hands lift to cover her face as soon as the portal has closed with a little groan. "They are going to *murder* me if they find out about this," she mumbles just imagining how her roommates would react. Or her cousin! Or her cousin's BOYFRIEND oh hell.