1593/Mochi to Ease the Pain.

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Mochi to Ease the Pain.
Date of Scene: 27 May 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Guardian Daifuku drops by Ikuto's hospital room after hearing a commotion, and turns out to be someone he knows!
Thanks to: Guardian Daifuku
Cast of Characters: Ikuto Tsukiyomi, Chiyo Sakai
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Another day. More fussing from the nurses about him trying to get out of bed when he barely has the strength to sit up. More not listening. Once again the catboy was fiddling with the restraints on the hospital bed, trying to undo them. He was annoyed. He wanted -out-. Not to go after Hinoiri; that'd be insanity. Ikuto just wanted to stop sitting or laying in a bed for a few minutes at least.

After a few minutes of careful tugging and pushing on the buckles keeping him secured he'd managed to get them loose enough to slip out. Trying to climb out of the bed though, the stubborn catboy was faced with a harsh reality: he didn't have the strength to stand up. He found himself falling.



Chiyo Sakai has posed:
After a certain amount of time having been in the hospital, and visiting multiple people now to help dole out what healing foods that she can, Daifuku had come to a realization: If the Veil existed she was just going to enjoy the benefits of it in this instance rather than continue to waste the energy to change constantly.

Which is why Guardian Daifuku is walking down the hallway of the ward tending to burns, where most of her friends were residing these days, fully in henshin. At worst if she got a weird look she can claim to be a delivery girl bringing treats. As soon as they walked away they'd forget anything important about her any way.


Mamoru's door was the last she'd walked out of as she starts to head out only to catch the sound of a sack of falling potatoes followed by a swear.

Instantly she pauses, stopping to peer at the door it came from. More than peer once she spots the name scrawled on the patient name on the forms hanging in the slot on the door for easy access.


Eyes roll to the ceiling with a slow breath drawn. Guilt was a hell of a thing. Without debating further she knocks at the door a single time to announce herself before stepping in. "You really should try to rest. Burns are nothing to sneeze at."

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto sullenly looks up at his visitor from the floor. "...I know. What's with the getup? Youma lurking around the hospital? Or are you one of those healer types trying to fix up the people the demon got ahold of?" He tries to keep his right hand hidden, as bandaged as it is. The injury from his own metal claw scorching his hand was still in a remarkably bad state compared to the burns on his shoulder and leg, and had the doctors puzzled as it wasn't reacting to any sort of treatment.

Yoru is still on the catboy's shoulder, sound asleep as he had been for the past two days since the attack. "Don't worry too much about him," Ikuto said. "He's tired. With everything magical pulled out of me, he's getting by on what my Heart's Egg itself can do to keep him going. I'm just lucky Hinoiri didn't manage to take that, too."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I've been working overtime with as many as she's put in the hospital. I gave up changing every few rooms days ago," Daifuku states simply. Her hands plant on her hips as she stares down at him with a thoughtful gaze as she's trying to figure out how to get him UP from the floor without causing more damage. Finally she sighs and holds a hand down for him.

"Come on, Ikuto. Let's get you onto something softer and cleaner than the floor. I hope you weren't trying to do something dumb like sneak out. You're in no shape for that."

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto's eyes widen. "You know who I am." He raises his good hand, looking somewhat annoyed at the idea of having to be helped up in the first place. But only somewhat, as he accepts the assistance.

"I wasn't trying to sneak out...I'm a fool but I don't have a deathwish. You know how I got here in the first place? That demon, wearing Hinoiri-chan's face. She attacked someone I care about for no reason other than that she has magic."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Wild guess it was her. She's fond of using the flames--And yes, I know you." Rather than explain further for now the half-kimono and apron wearing magical girl helps Ikuto up. Easily so. All he has to do is hold on and it's her strength that hoists him the rest of the way to his feet. As soon as he's vertical she reaches out to lightly grasp the elbow of his good arm helping to *keep* him upright in a similar manner so she can walk him back to the bed to sit on the edge.

"I've dealt with Sunbreaker for quite awhile but it seems like she finally snapped and gave in to the dark energy she's been playing around with." There really was nothing more to say about that. She had known Sunbreaker at her worst, but also seen her be stupidly caring about people at the oddest times. It really was such a conflict of personality. Except for now.

"I'm Culinary Guardian Daifuku. If you feel up to it, I can cook up some snacks to help speed up your healing, and purify if you've got any Dark Energy lingering in you."

"It won't be instant healing," she warns quickly with a sharp gaze. "But it will help ease pain and speed up the process."

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto nods. "I suppose that's better than watching the doctors try to figure out what to do about a magical burn caused by my own claw. Though it's admittedly been a bit amusing to see them trying to figure out what to call it besides the obvious 'stubburn'." He thinks for a moment. "Daifu- Wha. Chi-chan!? You even came to check on an idiot like me, huh?"

The catboy's expression darkens a bit as he thinks of Hinoiri. "That wasn't her. It wasn't Hinoiri-chan. If you'd seen the look in her eyes...something terrible must have happened to her. We had- Damnit we just had a birthday party for her a couple of days before all this! Her first ever! She was so happy, so...emotional! And now this..."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku lets out a little puff of breath when he recognizes who she is. She did tell him her name once, or at least 'Daifuku' so it wasn't a huge leap of logic. It's similar to how she determined that the name on the door belonged to him after all.

"Dark Energy is a hell of a drug," she remarks with a shake of her head. "It corrupts the worst aspects of a person and amplifies them. Their fears, their insecurities, their anger. We rescued a few people from Obsidian last year and they're still recovering. They act entirely different now." Of course she means the Shittenou and Mamoru. Names aren't given though.

"You know," she muses with a glance at him awkwardly. "You're the only one that calls me Chi-chan." Once he's settled she steps away again to dust her hands over her apron. "I know you don't think much of me but I don't just ignore people who are in trouble or hurt. I was walking by when I heard you fall."

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto shakes his head. "You think I don't think much of you? That's...not true. I don't think much of -me-. That's why I'm surprised. If I didn't think much of you, I would have told you to go away when I figured out who you are.

As for the name...I dunno. I think it suits you. I only called you that at first because I was going to say "Yo, Chiyo-chan" one day and thought it sounded rather dumb. So I got rid of one of the 'yo's. Thus, Chi-chan." He smiles.

"I don't have any right to ask favors of you, Chi-chan. But...can you please keep an eye out for Yuki Hoshino out there, at least until this business with Hinoiri-chan is settled? I'm worried about her. She was Hinoiri-chan's original target until I er. Got in her face so Yuki-chan could get away. I just..don't want her to try taking on Sunbreaker alone if she comes after her again. I know she's smarter than me in that regard, but...emotion can make people do stupid things, and she seemed more than a bit upset that I was hurt this bad."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I sometimes wonder," is what Daifuku remarks about what he thinks of her before she catches herself. Instead she focuses on the moment at hand with a shake of her head. "Of *course* the girl that likes you is worried you're hurt, stupid."

Lifting her hand she gives him a little *thwap* with her finger on his forehead. "Work on getting better first. I have my own people I need to keep an eye out for at the moment so I can't and won't promise anything there. Also, asking the girl you confessed to, to look out for the girl you're currently seeing? That doesn't help either of us."

At least she was too tired to really smack him about it. Instead she stands to take several steps away. "I'll be back in a moment," she assures.

Reaching back she pulls the Kine hammer off of her back to swing forward slashing it through the air. Flames lick over the path that it's swept creating a tear in the air. It grows into a rip in reality itself revealing beyond--

A kitchen.

A mix of new and old. While the kitchen had stainless steel countertops and a fully stocked pantry, there was also an old style hearth burning cheerily in the center giving it a warm, homey feel. Daifuku steps through into the Kitchen God Mode where Ikuto is able to watch her cook.

It's like a timelapse video however. It's not slow, it's not 'real time' from his side. She rushes and bustles around the kitchen preparing ingredients and items, pounding and then molding mochi.

Only a couple of minutes later she steps back out carrying with her a tray of small colorful bite-sized mochi to make them easier to eat. There's also a small side bowl with a split down the middle to seperate two sauces: One a sweet red bean paste, the other a golden salted caramel. All for dipping the bites into.

"Here. As I said, it's not instant healing, but it will speed up recovery and deal with the magical injury so that it *can* heal."

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto watches, amazed and gives a short clap after Daifuku returns though he regrets it afterwards, wincing at the pain in his hand. "Ack! Wow. You have an entire little reality marble kitchen...that's amazing, Chi-chan. It was like watching that Ricky Slay guy from America on TV!"

As he eats the offered mochi, he tilts his head. "I, um. I wanted to apologize for last time. I said some things you really didn't need to hear at the time, and said them without considering how you would feel afterwards. You were entirely right to defenestrate me for that."

"If Yoru were awake right now I think he'd say, 'You landed on your feet anyway, nya.'" the catboy adds with a smile.

"I'm...also really sorry for giving you gay romance manga. I really thought they were just bros, you know? I must have missed the panel near the end where they kiss when I read it."

"And-" Something she said catches up with him, finally. That one cat braincell activates. "Wait. Yuki...likes me? I'm -seeing her-?!"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku moves to sit down on one of the chairs in the room. The one that Yuki usually would sit in when visiting Ikuto. Her hand raises, and with a dismissive wave that little rip in reality vanishes back to where ever it came from. As for her, she slumps to the side in the seat with her elbow resting against the armrest as she leans.

The mochi was slightly warm. Still fresh. Soft, and chewy, and more importantly? It brings with it a soothing warmth that slowly starts to ease through Ikuto relaxing away tension as it eases pain, and restores energy. For a moment though he might recall old childhood memories he'd forgotten. Ones that made him feel good. The entire process was part of her magic and slightly different for everyone due to that.

"Thanks. This is what I do though. I figght, I cook, I help heal people who need it. I'm just no where near as strong as our usual healer at the school." Who was unfortunately lain up in another room.

An eyebrow arches with the apology. "I don't care that it was BL. It was amusing at least. It was the rest of it that..." Her head shakes. "Nevermind. And yes, according to rumors at school you are."

The other eyebrow joins the first. "Has she visited you often since you came into the hospital?"

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
The catboy looks over at Chiyo with a teasing grin. "So you like that stuff, then? Guys running around on beaches training, fighting, sweating? Wow Chi-chan, I never would have guessed~"

"These mochi really taste amazing. Reminds me of that time I had some with my father after a concert back before he disappeared. Thank you, Chi-chan."

He tilts his head. "Yuki has visited me nearly every day since she brought me here, yeah. It's only been a few days though. People at Radiant Heart really think we're together? She's great, but...I didn't want to hurt more people than I already have. Still. If she might have feelings for me, then it'd be just as hurtful to not acknowledge them, wouldn't it? I don't want her to think I'm stonewalling her or something..."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"That's part of my powers," Daifuku admits with a solemn nod when he mentions recalling eating such things with his father. "Sanbo-Kojin is the God of the Hearth and Home. It helps to remind you of the times that you felt most at home as well as healing. It's a nice effect," she admits with a chuckle. There was a time she'd had to try her own cooking after all.

"I... Ikuto I'm not the best at this stuff myself. Just *ask* her how she feels about you instead of trying to jump to any grand decisions or confessions because you feel that's the right thing to do." Looking sternly at him she adds, "And whatever you do, do NOT tell her I told you that advice. No girl likes to hear that sort of thing. Also, do not start any conversation with 'Things didn't work out with the other girl' as if they're a second choice," she chides.

As for the teasing about the BL manga? She just sits there a moment looking... kind of tired. A shrug is given though along with a hint of a smile. "I like Shoujo manga. Love stories are nice to read. Someday I'll have one of my own I'm sure. Not for awhile though."

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
"It's a neat bonus to good food." Ikuto grins. "Right, so...ask about feelings...no confessions...no grand decisions and battleplans..." He looks like he's trying to file all this away in his head so he doesn't make the same mistakes as before.

"Hey...you know if you want a manga about yourself, I bet Yoru could make something. He draws sometimes."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku stares a moment at Ikuto only to drop her head down into her hand. It's run back through her hair with a mutter of, "Dodged so many bullets there." This seems to be about all she has to say on any further matters.

Pushing down on the armrest of the chair she hoists herself back to her feet with a little stretch, and side-to-side roll of her head.

"Okay. I've already visited like five people tonight. I need to go rest and recouperate myself." With that she turns to leave tossing a wave over her shoulder. "Ja."