1611/Checking on the Moon

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Checking on the Moon
Date of Scene: 31 May 2024
Location: Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
Synopsis: Having visited Mamoru in the hospital a day prior, Minako seeks out Usagi on campus next, to check in on her princess. A conversation ensues.
Cast of Characters: Minako Aino, Usagi Tsukino
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Minako Aino has posed:
It had been a day, checking in on Mamoru, meeting up with Bow and Ami, Minako's own unsuccessful hunt for the culprit that had resulted in those injuries...but of course, the well-being of her princess had never been far from the Senshi's mind.

Arriving back at the school she'd made a beeline for the dorm, a bag hugged to her chest of food brought with her perhaps out of a desire to make sure Usagi ate...or at least got a little comfort snacks.

With a last little breath and a bite of her bottom lip Minako lifted a hand and knocked on the door in a sharp little noise before calling out: "Usagi-chan? Are you home?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's one of the rare days Usagi hasn't spent mostly at the hospital - she's been skipping school with the awareness and blessing of her teachers and parents, on the understanding that her homework be turned in regularly in person, and that she attend at least a few days of class. Her boyfriend's in the hospital. He's been in the hospital for over a week. They're starting to push back, to insist that she come back to school more often, because he's not in danger of dying anymore -

Her parents at least, had taken one look at her face, as they'd visited the hospital, and agreed that they would tell the school to give her the time she needed.

But she did still have to come to school, every now and then.

So after a day of school where the learning went in one ear and fully out the other, Usagi had come back to her dorm, ostensibly to sleep, really to curl on her bed around Luna and stare at the wall.

She'd contacted Hinoiri, alright, and she'd gotten a taste of her pain - maybe it was only fair, given that Hinoiri had seen so much of Serenity's. But that pain didn't justify anything - it just made it all sadder, that Hinoiri was filled with so much despair, so much anger, lashing out because she felt worthless instead of just moving on -

"The door isn't locked, Minako-chan," Luna calls, lifting her head. Usagi is lost in her thoughts for the moment, having missed the knock and call entirely as she thought about her dream walk.

Minako Aino has posed:
Minako hadn't quite been made aware of that most recent confrontation, she'd been behind the 8-ball as it were. A failing perhaps for the bodyguard, but a concern for the friend who'd been trying her hardest.

With the door opened the ribbon-wearing blonde moved in, still carrying the foodstuffs as she made her way towards Usagi's rooms at the direction of Luna, she moves in to gently set the bag down and announce herself.

"Usagi-chan?" she offers softly, a hand raised as she entered the room. "Ami-chan told me you'd be at home and I wanted to check in on you..."

She wanted to say to make sure she was okay but...well, okay was a little more out of reach at the moment.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I'm on the top bunk," she says, probably unnecessarily - Minako knows she has the top bunk - "Minako-chan, is it terrible of me to wish Hinoiri-chan wasn't still in there? If she was just - just gone, or like Beryl, didn't care anymore, this would be - it would be easier -"

It wouldn't be. Killing would never be easy. But there was a cleanliness, to killing a person like Beryl, that would never be found if the same end was needed for Hinoiri.

Usagi's still in her school uniform, having climbed into and collapsed down on her bed as soon as class was over. She's curled up on her side, and there's plenty of room if Minako wants to climb the ladder and sit beside her.

She's not sure of how much Minako knows. Sure, she sent out a message by comms, but she's not been working to keep everyone updated, since then. SHe's had other things to worry about.

Minako Aino has posed:
"You don't really mean that," Minako offers, the top of her head visible as she kicked off her shoes and stood on the bottom bunk, holding on to keep herself steady. A chin resting atop the mattress, allowing her to look at the other girl for the moment. "You might think it sometimes, and that's okay...but I don't think you mean that."

A shift, she would indeed come up the ladder to climb and sit at Usagi's side, gentle familiar contact. "It's awful, but Mamo-chan has so many people caring and looking out for him. You too. It will get better..."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I kind of do," Usagi says bluntly, squeezing Luna to her chest. Luna doesn't squeak or struggle the way a real cat might - she just holds her breath, until she can breathe again. "She stole his magic. She stole his healing, and his empathy, and our connection, and he's sitting there and he's not well and she did that to him even though he saved her life, all because she's sad!"

Oh that was a bit of a yell. Luna does squirm a little at that, pressing her ears flat, and Usagi hisses, a little in apology, loosening her grip. She struggles up into a sitting position.

"It won't get better until she gives up his power, and she won't give up his power unless we make her, and I don't know if she'll - if she'll just let it go, or if we'll have to..."

Minako Aino has posed:
Minako herself does lift a hand a little anxiously, perhaps about to warn about Luna before Usagi releases a little. A hand is offered out to help Usagi up, but if it wasn't taken it would return to her own lap for the moment.

A little shift, she moves to turn her face to look at Usagi even if the other girl didn't meet her gaze. "If anyone can convince her, it's us...it's you Usagi. I believe that, you should too."

A shift, she bumps her arm against the other blonde, a little gesture of support while she folds her hands in her lap. "And if it comes to more than that, we'll know noone else could have succeeded."

In truth, before she'd met Usagi in this life? She speaks, giving voice to the thought. "Sailor V might not have even given Hinoiri a chance. But well, the 'Usagi-chan' has a habbit of changing everyone she meets for the better..."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi takes the help, and she sits, and she has Minako's hand in her own, for a moment, and she lets Minako speak, and winces, at the thought that if anyone can convince Hinoiri it's her, because she hasn't. And she knows a good amount about Hinoiri now, and she knwos that she's messed up, by the mentor that isolated her and didn't teach her about fun, the mentor who apparently didn't love her, who made her a perfectionist, and she thinks that lady deserves a slap, but do the rest of them deserve this?

Hell no.

"I'm glad you believe in me but - I don't even know what I want! I mean, I care about her but - I thought he was dead, and that's her fault. She did that. Because of her, her mommy issues!"

Angry and derisive, and sad and she lets the words spill as Luna settles in her lap to give her someone else to hold.

"Mamochan's in the hospital and if it weren't for all the magic happening, he might have lost his hand, and it's still gnarly and messed up and she did that, and now... now when we fight her, I'm not going to forget that, you know? She did that! And so maybe I won't give her a fair shake. And that's - I don't know when we're going to finally catch her, but we're going to need all of us to do it, or as many of us as we can get, because she's taking so much from everyone and - I wish I could be Sailor V, right now."

Minako Aino has posed:
Well, now it was Usagi-chan's turn to be held. Not like Minako would hold Rei, not like how Usagi might be held by Mamoru, or Ami...just comforting, holding, anchoring the other blonde if she'd been permitted. "It's okay to feel that way Usagi-chan...really. If it were you, if we were left without you I imagine Mamoru would feel the same way, I would...I think we all would. But Mamoru is alive, and while you know I'll always follow you, protect you, have your back...I think you'll regret it if you don't try to give her a chance. Even if she doesn't take it, then you'll know and we'll be right there beside you."

A beat, there's a tilt of her head. "Besides, Sailor V's face might be everywhere, but I think Sailor Venus keeps better company."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Now it's Usagi's turn to be held, and she leans into it, because she's always been a touchy person, someone who wanted closeness, and comfort, and, "Yeah," she mumbles, grimacing, "I'd feel really bad if I didn't at least try, but I know I'll feel really pissed when this is over, and I just - this is going to be the most selfish thing I've ever said this week, but did we need this, this week? Couldn't she lose her mind and blow up her entire life and ruin things for everyone after Beryl is dead? Is it so much to ask to have one crazy redhead at a time?!"

It's not the red hair's fault, but it's a bit much, isn't it? Can't we have one enemy at a time? Of course not. That's not life works. It's not how life has ever worked.

"I like Sailor Venus better too. She's pretty cool."

Minako Aino has posed:
It was a touch Minako was happy to give. After all, it was always Sailor Venus' role to protect the princess, but it was Minako Aino's to care for her friend. "Evil and fate can both be the biggest, most inconsiderate jerks," she offers, a little stroke of Usagi's hair as she speaks. "But we'll beat Beryl, we'll deal with it all. Because we're all together, the senshi, our friends, Mamoru, everyone who helps, supports and loves us."

A beat, her hand moves down to give Usagi's shoulder a squeeze. "Well, Sailor Moon is pretty amazing too."