1561/Onset of the Sunset

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Onset of the Sunset
Date of Scene: 20 May 2024
Location: Yumegahama Ward
Synopsis: Bow comes to Sayaka with grevious news, that Hinoiri has started losing control of herself, and actively attack people. They are going to pay Tuxedo Kamen a visit later, but what can be done to save everyone from a friend out of control?
Cast of Characters: Bow, Sayaka Miki
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Bow has posed:
It had only been a short time since Bow was released from the hospital when he got the alert on his phone that Mamoru had been greviously injured and was in the hospital himself. As he listened to the message from Sailor Moon, he felt a lump in his throat of worry and fear that if Sunbreaker was involved, should he tell Sayaka.

He's aware of how close the two are and that Sayaka may already know... but, he puts his trust in the situation with her, as he taps out a message to his girlfriend.

<PHONE> Bow texts Sayaka Miki: Hey, babe. Where are you? I need to talk with you as soon as possible. Love you.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
At the time Bow had texted Sayaka, she had been heading inside her Labyrinth, having just come back from a Youma hunt, and with it having filled one of more out of her reserve of Grief Seeds. This is a typical task for which she had made care not to be followed or noticed, as the implications of a magical girl opening a Labyrinth on command could have made things... difficult, depending on who it was who found out.

It wasn't an especially long endeavour: just find a deserted alley, drop the Grief Seed in, come out and close the portal. However something stops her before she is able to exit the Labyrinth, her phone signaling her she got a message, one quite concerning. Bow wouldn't just say "as soon as possible" unless something extremely grave had happened. He didn't even do that for Beryl's portal.

<PHONE> Sayaka Miki texts Bow: I have opened my Labyrinth in an alley in Yumegahama. I will send you the location. Love you too.

Attached to the message, Sayaka has in fact shared her location, waiting for Bow to reach her.

Bow has posed:
Once he has the location from Sayaka, it only takes a bit of time to make it to her. When Bow arrives, he's in his civilian clothing, jeans and a shirt with sneakers - none of his henshined items - he's been trying to figure out how to get them back, but it just hasn't happened. After a moment's pause before the portal - after all the last one he stepped into took him into a whole other past, he knows it's Sayaka and trusts her as he steps into the massive concert hall that is her labyrinth.

"Hey." he greets Sayaka, as he gets close to her, and his eyes, which are always the most expressive part of him, are betraying him as they're filled with worry and concern.

He just looks to Sayaka and smiles briefly, placing a warm kiss to her cheek. "So, I got some bad news and will be going to visit someone at the hospital." he admits as he blows out a breath. His phone is still clutched in his hand as he waits to see if there are any other messages incoming.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Standing outside was in Sayaka's opinion just as suspicious as leaving the portal open, so out of a compromise she had decided to let the portal stay open every 2 minutes out of 5. Even if the portal somehow escaped the weirdness filter that the Veil, just a few minutes without seeing anything would have the unfortunate memory slip away from unintended people as if it was never there.

Fortunately for both her and Bow, the Etherian happens to approach the place Sayaka had indicated within the two minutes, letting him slip inside unobserved and without any dallying. The Puella Magi hugs Bow when he approaches, frowning in worry at noticing the concern in his eyes. Whatever has happened must be quite bit.

But first things first. Letting the portal close so they can be sure noone else enters, Sayaka holds Bow's hand and leads him to a pair of padded chairs for what would be the audience seatings to the concert halls. The bluenette takes her place, waiting for him to do the same before saying anything. "So, what is going on, Bow?"
Bow has posed:
Bow smiles a little after the hug and noticing the care that Sayaka takes with her personal space. "Cutting a little to take back to your dorm room?" he asks as he holds onto her hand, his fingers folding into her palm before she lets go so that she may take a seat.

Once she's settled into the seat of her choice, he takes the one across from her and settles in. And he starts to try to find the words to say it himself, but in the end, he makes a decision as he takes out his phone. "When I went into the past world with the others, Sailor Mercury updated our communicators so we could keep in contact with each other. I had forgotten about that until today, when I got this." With that, he brings up his messaging and plays the message from Sailor Moon.

Her voice comes through the speaker, fraught with emotion. "Tuxedo Kamen is in the hospital with severe burns - all of his magic was drained. There's a girl in the hospital too, also burned, and twenty or thirty civilians being treated for energy drain." After about thirty seconds of silence except for the sound of hospital machinery, she continues. "He hasn't woken up yet. But he will! He will! We won't know for sure who attacked him until he does. But right now..." Another few moments of silence before. "All signs point to Sunbreaker. If you find her before we do, be careful. Whatever the fuck she's thinking, she's not playing around." And then finally, "And if you know anyone else on the enemy side who likes to leave people covered in burns, pass the word."

He sets the phone back down against his knee, ending the message. He doesn't say anything on the Sunbreaker matter, he just asks. "I'm going to visit him later. I can't heal him like he did me, but I can at least let him know I'm there. Do you want to come with me?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I don't think I can move the furniture", Sayaka says, though it's not like she gave any sort of extensive effort to the matter. The things wouldn't really look good anywhere else. "And there aren't many patchwork places out there that these would suit", she smirks, finding a bit of amusement in imagining the oddity of their sight now she has gotten used to being the mistress of her own space.

A multitude of emotions can be read on Sayaka's face while Bow lets the message plays: horror, sadness, disapproval, pity, wistful affection... "I figured she was going to commit to this path to the very end", Sayaka says after breaking a pensive silence in which only the low volume of Symposium Magarum can be heard playing in the background. "Sora did too big a number on her, I am not sure anything I could have done would have made her value what she has here more than the years of unfair expectations that got piled on her."

She looks at Bow with a small frown. "I can come along to see Mamoru-san, it's really only the least I could do. I don't have healing magic either", she admits. And she doesn't really know anybody specialising in that magic. Nobody had made mention of it in front of her, and her particular power means she didn't have any reason to seek them out either. She should count herself lucky nobody she cares about had ever gotten hurt to that point.

Despite all the many complicated feelings mixing with each other, Sayaka has started deciding what to do next. It's not like the situation is hopeless. She is sure there is a way to make things turn out right for everybody and to make Hinoiri see she is hurting people and that she is only contributing to her own unhappiness. "We will have to face her now without holding back, the sooner the better, before she takes in too much energy. We just have to find what we haven't tried yet, that could make her understand she ought to give it up, for her and others' good. With things as they are now, we really can't afford to leave anything untried. I guess Oktavia will take part in the fight too."

Bow has posed:
"Thanks, bluebird." Bow starts with that, the mention that she will come with him to visit Mamoru. "I'm going to bring my violin with me. I can't heal him, but I am going to play him the song that I learned while I was in the past - maybe it will lift his spirits and replenish his will, at least." he offers to Sayaka. "If you want to learn to accompany me? I don't know how we can get a piano in the room - but maybe I can teach you to play the violin? Or find some way to be with me on it?" he asks her.

He has watched her as she runs through the gament of her emotions, his hand reaching out to take hers, to squeeze it and reassure her. At least she is seeing this as the threat that it is. Especially when she mentions that she plans to use Oktavia. He can hear the music playing, and his hand squeezes hers, to remind her, in case she needs it that he's here with her. Now. And into the future.

"I know I can't do much except to support and cheer on others, but I'll help where I can." he promises her. His hand clenches for a moment, a bit of frustration at the feeling of helplessness that he can't stand at Sharpsong's side, but he has to temper himself. "I'll let you know when I go to visit. But more important, at the moment, are you okay?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
She does have an idea how do get a piano inside the hospital, but it isn't at all productive anyway for a couple of reasons: 1st, there is probably not the space for it, 2nd, people would start wondering how the heck a piano made it inside a hospital room, and with none the wiser to boot. At the same time, there is really not enough time to have her master a violin between now and then. "I won't be able to get good enough in time, I think I will just bring an electric keyboard, if he actually wants to have people play music for him." Would Mamoru be one that appreciates music under these circumstances? She doesn't know, and there is really only one way to find out, anyhow.

Sayaka sighs when she notices the sudden clenching from Bow's hand, understanding all too well what has caused it. Now that Crystal Hope isn't here to manipulate Bow anymore, Bow would be free to, well, learn to move his legs on his own, instead of having the AI to move them for him, if the parallel works. Except that he has gotten so used to doing things through her, he has no idea where to start himself. "It's ok, you will figure it out", she promises him. "I am here to help you train too."

"I am completely ok", she smiles at Bow. "Just the concern from you almost dying the other day, and Hinoiri having pulled out all the stops. So, don't worry about it, I am feeling as good as ever." More importantly, he says, Sayaka scoffs internally. As if she is the one that got mind controlled and then drowned because she didn't act fast enough to bring Oktavia.