The Sound of the Bell of Hope (Coco Kiumi)

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The Sound of the Bell of Hope (Coco Kiumi)
Date of Cutscene: 02 June 2024
Location: Casa del Outers
Synopsis: Even as things go all manners of wrong outside, Coco is singing and keeping up her trust in her friends when suddenly, her Pearl shines and the peace of the Seven Seas once more fills her voice.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Coco is playing with the karaoke machine Madoka had brought her. It is small and easy to use, and she is glad she is having lots of things to keep her mind occupied. The sun has gone weird outside, after that brief moment of darkness, and weird youmas roam outside. Not that she can do anything about them. But Casa del Outers remains safe, no doubt thanks to Nurse Meiou. She has been doing so much during Coco's stay here.

There is a wide selection of songs, and lots of them are cool and great things to sing, just what she needs to stay connected with her love of singing, as she shares joy with her audience of 1, possibly 2, when Hotaru or someone else passes by. She loves pouring all of herself into songs, irrespective of what they are. Even if she is never going to stop cherish her homeland's songs above all. That is what she is doing right now, thinking and singing her most beloved song.

Why do you wish for an end to the dream,

Even though flowers even bloom in ruined places?

Coco waves a hand through the beach roses dotting the surface of the water that had been brought to her by Yuuto, chasing them with a smile. All they did, it helps distract her from the fact she is going stir-crazy in there. If this problem doesn't solve itself, they will probably bring her back to the ocean in the dead of the night when her burns are healed, and despite how much that prospect hurts, she will at least welcome the opportunity to let off all this energy that has been steadily building up. But even as her mind veers towards that possibility, she still trusts in her friends, that they will solve this and come back safe.

Even though the seven-colored wind, the seven-colored sky

Overflow with hope to the world.

Madoka told her as much back then. She promised, and Coco trusts in her. She has good judgement, and her heart beats for the right thing, she wouldn't promise something so uncertain. Just, she hopes that Aqua Regina indeed watches over her, even with Coco now unable to be by her side.

You were just having the wrong dream...

The whereabouts of your love and the mystery of your memories

Were pierced by cold loneliness,

And you were suffering.

She is starting to think Hinoiri is like that too despite what she did to her. The theft of the Sealing Key. The fact she cared enough about Usagi to help stop her nightmares. Even Noel's unexpected return, she suspects. Caren is all brazen about it, saying it was all her in the way only Caren can. But the Sealing Key. That was what was needed to get Coco out, and she is fairly sure Caren isn't that strong. Certainly Gaito didn't let anyone else in. She has the Key, and he isn't strong enough.

Pure white...

Your pure white Wings, let them rest, and gently fall to sleep.

You've had the wish of "I want to live" born now, haven't you? Now!

At least Hinoiri never stole the power of the Sealing Key at least, being completely separate from hers. A small consolation, that probably won't make the situation of her people any worse, even as they lost the Yellow Pearl, empty as it is, possibly forever. Will everyone be fine? Or is Hinoiri's rampage unstoppable and ever growing? The fear she has is that if the Yellow Pearl still had enough power left in it, it would shine brightly all the time. She very much hopes that wouldn't be the case.

The sound of the bell of hope becomes the final song now...

This isn't a world made up of just strong people, so

Listen to my love in this song...

She wants to go for a swim so bad. A habit hard to defeat, but at the same time it's a great release valve, just quickly speed off somewhere and then back. And forth. And find marvelous things on the seafloor, talking with the occasional fish. Something she has done all her life. Except when- No. Let's not go there.

Hidden in your blue eyes

Was a beautiful heart that seemed it was about to break.

Hotaru. Hotaru is very nice. Very enthusiastic, despite her timid side. Coco loves having her around. To play all the board games that she brings. She is just so positive, despite everything that has happened to her. And everytime she speaks of them, the yellow mermaid wants to help pull her father and senpai out of Obsidian, whoever they are. For her sake at least. Because Obsidian is like that. Loved ones upon loved ones upon loved ones that could be good people. Sara. Hematite. Catra. Utau. Hotaru's senpai. Even Hotaru herself from what Setsuna has let slip through and what Cora had smelled on the other girl, so cruel for it to happen to someone so young. In fact she is pretty sure she is the same age she and Sara were when...

The world was surely started from feelings of love.

It draws everything into it and becomes a big circle of love.

At least Usagi and Mamoru can have their happiness now. She still remembers how incredibly precious that moment was, when he could return, and the love they felt for each other was so tangible she is sure she could have reached out and felt it under her fingers. All the joy of that moment, still makes her smile.

Pure white...

I want to give you a pure white heart and gaze straight at you.

The truth is a very kind miracle, isn't it.

Cho, Yuuto, Amy, Hotaru, Madoka, Erika. All people that have been visiting her, and making her happy. She trusts they are doing alright and getting things back on track, even if she misses being alongside her friends so much. Their presence illuminates her life with splendor without parallel. Making her heart light again so much so that she feels she could fly.

In the heartbeat in the moment "something" is conveyed

Listen to my heart inside of yours...

She has been having a great time with them, and above all their presence has been a double comfort to her, both because time spent with them is a great feeling, and because she cheers knowing they are still safe. And she can't help but feel ecstatic with how considerate they all are. When Erika passed by, the two of them got to have lots of fun singing together. Coco was definitely glad she had chosen to stay a bit more for that.

The world was surely started from feelings of love.

It draws everything into it and becomes a big circle of love.

That is when she feels it. Energy, joy, purity, light, the sound of the waves, the memory of the sea, the affectionate embrace of Aqua Regina telling her everything is all right once more, that peace has been restored once more, so much so that she could cry tears of happiness.

And she does, as she stops singing, as she falls out of the bathtub, as she sings with that vigour that she missed so much, as she is returned to herself, as she runs out of the bathroom with a fervour unprecedented, as she yells into the house, empty or not, "Nurse Meiou, Hotaru! I am ok!"