1625/Missing The Sun

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Missing The Sun
Date of Scene: 03 June 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Chiyo and Phan Phan are relaxing when the sun goes out. After a brief parting, Chiyo runs off to help where she can while Phan Phan goes to watch over her Ojiisan. At least until the fight is won, and Phan Phan remembers who he is...
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Phantom

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
With the arrival of Phan Phan that had made the constant trips that Chiyo was making to the hospital difficult. She was trying to also keep an eye on the fairy so as to not leave him alone long (though Bonito had certainly offered to 'keep a paw on him' when needed). School, then the shop, then the hospital, then back to the dorm for homework. It's really no wonder she'd begun to drink some of those not-very-good-for-you energy drinks which were starting to pile up on her desk.

Now though, now she had a bit of free time and she was just trying to relax on the little couch that the three roommates had brought into the dorm. The TV was on, a bowl of popcorn was within reach, and she was just stretched out propped up on some pillows sleepily. But awake.

Phantom has posed:
Phan Phan had offered to travel in Chiyo's bag for the hospital. While she had plenty to do, he had tried to be out of the way and was focusing on trying to figure out who he was and how he ended up here. And avoid Bonito, who always wanted to play with claws out for some reason.

Currently, as Chiyo is watching TV, the small fairy is at the table, holding some crayons as he works on a sketch of a girl. A shrine maiden, in fact. And has he sketches and draws, he's humming a small tune to himself. One that he feels he should know - but like all songs that you think you should know, but can't remember, he seems to be stuck on one part of it, humming it over and over again.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
It's the repitition that finally snags Chiyo out of her half-asleep thoughts to focus on Phan Phan and his drawing. He'd seemed to enjoy that, and so she'd been happy enough to supply drawing items for him. It was even interesting to see what he came up with though she wasn't sure who the girl in most of his drawings was. Possibly the missing Precure that he had worked with but couldn't remember.

Part of her was fairly certain that Phan Phan *must* belong to one of the mirrored girls that Phantom had caught. It hadn't been so long ago that she'd helped watch over him as he recovered his strength, then Phan Phan showed up. He must be back to work for Queen Mirage.

Curious, she shifts to sit up properly on the couch so she can lean forward examining the drawing. "Who's that?" She asks innocently enough--Maybe if he was distracted when she asked he would remember without thinking about it overly much.

Phantom has posed:
When Chiyo snaps him out of his thoughts, the little panda fairy blinks a few times. "Oh, sorry!" he offers quickly, the emotive eyes widening in apology as he floats back a little to look at the pictures. It's definetly a shrine maiden. The outfit is spot on, carrying her bells. The only thing missing, is the expression on her face. There's eyes and nose... but no mouth. He frowns to himself as he considers Chiyo's question.

"I... I feel like I should know. But I don't. I can't place her. But she's important, whoever she is." he admits to her quietly, before setting down the crayon and turns to face the Culinary Guardian directly.

"I am not sure if I have had the chance to thank you for your help." he comments, clutching his paws in front of him in a thoughtful pose. "You did not have to assist me, and I appreciate everything that you have done to try to help me figure out where I'm supposed to be. Your friends are blessed to have someone as caring as you are." He bows, his hat moving with the motion, but doesn't fall off as he straightened back up.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Out of all the fairies she'd seen and dealt with, Phan Phan was admittedly one of the most polite. And least annoying. Certainly better than the Charas that she'd run across... But that may have just been due to their people, too.

The thanks that Phan Phan offers is met with a smile, and she reaches out to gently pat her hand against his side. Arm? Both. He was a bit small after all. Either way she's trying to be reassuring.

"It's okay. I'm glad I can help even if it's just a little bit."

Her gaze turns back down to the drawing of a shrine maiden. Hadn't she heard someone else recently talk about a shrine maiden? "Maybe this is your Precure? It's Okay if you can't remember just yet. A lot of people were injured recently, and had their power stolen by a--" Villain? Could she really say that of Hinoiri? It sounded so odd using that phrase. "A bad person by the name of Sunbreaker. It's possible she stole your Precure's magic, too, and that's why you can't remember. So maybe we can help her too soon."

Phantom has posed:
Sunbreaker. Why is that name familiar? It touches something within Phan Phan. "I... maybe?" he asks, confusion showing in those dark eyes of his. "I wish I could remember. I feel like I'm more of a burden than anything. I should be out there looking for her!" he sighs, shaking his head. "No. I wouldn't even know where to start to look. I don't even remember how I arrived at that dojo. I just remember falling."

He falls over, laning on his back with an indignant squeak as he pushes himself up to his feet again. "Maybe that's what happened. Maybe that's why I don't remember. Are there others that have been seperated from their familiars?" he asks. Maybe it would be a place for him to start.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai winces slightly when Phan Phan falls over, and reaches out to offer her hand for him to grab if he needs to right himself properly. Either way she does give a thoughtful frown as she tries to recall. "Maybe. I know of three people that had their magic disconnected from them. The only one with a familiar though has his with him--But the familiar hasn't woken up. He's just. Asleep." Seeing Ikuto and Yoru had been a bit unsettling for various reasons.
"I don't know every magical sort though, so it's quite possible there are others. You've been in my bag while I've visited the few that I know in the hospital," she explains. "But there might be more out there that can't come to a hospital, or went to a different one."

More work. But they had a drawing now even if she was lacking a mouth. That would be a BIG help.

Chiyo reaches out to tap a finger lightly to the drawing. "Is it okay if I keep this? I can show it to some others and see if anyone might know her."

Phantom has posed:
"I feel like I should have been asleep too. I don't know. I feel lost." Phan Phan admits as he takes a finger in his tiny paws and lifts himself back upright so that he can float again. As Chiyo explains the visits to the hospital, he sighs a little. "Sorry. I feel so tired all the time. I don't know why. Maybe it's the reason why other ones are asleep? Seperation from our partner, or something."

When she asks if she can keep the drawing, he nods. "Of course! I was hoping it would jar my memory, but it didn't. I can't figure out how to complete it." he admits to Chiyo as he releases the finger and floats slightly, just to keep his thoughts about him.

If one looked at the clothing on the drawing closely, it's historically accurate to the Edo period of Japan. Maybe it was a cosplay or something?

"But I'm sure she'll turn up. As soon as... whatever is going on is over? I hope." He clutches his paws in front of him again, and blows out a breath.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai reaches out again lightly to sweep Phan Phan up in her arm to give him a little hug to her chest. Just a moment, and she leans down to kiss the top of his head lightly. "I'll do all I can to help, I promise. I'm just one of the few of us that can help heal others so I'm a bit stretched thin right now. Ioan and the others are helping too though," she assures while letting Phan Phan free from the grasp.

"I just know things are going to get better soon."

Famous last words perhaps because there's a sudden feeling of WRONGNESS that causes a shudder to run through the world. The warm sunny day was suddenly--Not. Not warm. Certainly not Sunny. There was no clouds or rain, it was just...

The TV blips over to an emergency report about it. Confusion reigns as notices start pouring in about the sun exploding.

"... Oh no."

Phantom has posed:
When he's pulled into the hug, Phan Phan gives a little squeak when he's hugged and then kissed, which off-sets his hat for just a moment. "I-I-I know you will!" the little panda fairy's cheeks a bright red as he struggles to get his hat back into place. "You have a lot on your plate, but I have faith in you!" he encourages her.

And then she says those words, and Phan Phan feels it well. But as a fairy, he feels it worse as he squints in pain. "Something... that's a huge magic drain!" he calls out as he looks to the TV as the special bulletin comes up and then he flies to the window as the world turns dark. Off in the distance, the darkness of the Eclipse Zone is intensified.

"...you need to go!" he says, turning to face Chiyo. "They're going to need your help out there. I'll... I'll be okay." he says, and then pauses. "But if this is it... and this is fixed, and I return to my partner...?" He smiles a little bittersweetly.

"I will tell her all about you and your kindness and help, Chiyo." he comments to her with a sad smile. One that suggests that he may not see her again. "...I hope that you and her meet someday and become great friends. She seemed to need those."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
News like that and that horrible, dreadful deep down in the bones feeling ensure that Chiyo is very shortly behind Phan Phan in staring out the window to confirm that... Nothing was right at the moment.

Bonito bounds down from his sleeping spot ontop of Chiyo's bunk and ends up by her feet staring out the window as well. "He's right," the deep voice of the transformed fire spirit agrees. "We have to go. There isn't time to waste on this." As if to agree with the remarks her phone starts buzzing with sudden message notifications as well.

"--You're right, I need to go," she agrees with a firm nod, and a grimly set expression. "If I don't--If something goes wrong though?" Here she hesitates, and looks to Bonito, then back to Phan Phan. She HAD to take Bonito with her. So she looks imploringly to Phan Phan. "If I don't come back... Go to Nounamu Sweets. Ojiisan is there and..." She takes a breath, exhaling slowly. "I'd rather he not be alone. Whatever happens."

With the what-ifs aside she smiles confidently. "But there's still a lot of us in this together. We'll see it through," she assures, and adds softly, "We'll meet again sometime, I'm sure. Take care Phan Phan."

Phantom has posed:
"Take care, Chiyo." Phan Phan considers. Flying up, he places a quick kiss on her cheek. "You'll be alright." He promises her. And then he flies to the window, opening it and taking off into the dark skies to make his way to the sweet shop. Which is where he will spend the majority of the battle. He doesn't know if Chiyo's Ojiisan can see him. But as the battle wages on, and the candy ship remains safe, Phan Phan floats around the shop... and starts to lightly sing.

You the one who always thinks of others before yourself,
Please don't forget that kindness.

There must be times you might tremble right? But you'll be fine
Turn around and see, because you are not alone

Kaleidoscope the mirrors will lead
To the path of light, let's run to it
Kaleidoscope I believe -
In the power of love

Kaleidoscope the mirrors know it -
Your courage and your tears
Kaleidoscope the mirrors reflected it
The true love
Hey look up at the blue sky...

And that is just as the battle is ending, and the sun is returned, the skies turning blue just as Phan Phan had predicted. He smiled, warm and feeling something... and then realization. A profound sadness washes over the little fairy as a new song comes to his heart ... the sound of a girl singing to him.

Dream of the worst possible dream
In this place where dawn will never arrive
Your prayers will never reach God
My tears know it well...
Happiness is just an illusion

Happiness is a transient, Love is an illusion
I will teach you that each and every "love"
That exists on this blue Earth are all lies...
Now, let's bring this world into total darkness!

Come to the area of sorrow
Grief and moans taste like sweet nectar
I don't need a future of smiles
Because it will disappear in an instant anyway
Love is just an illusion...

"I remember."

It's the last words that Phan Phan says before he disappears. And in the graveyard of the Precure, the mirror holding the Phantom cracks.