1635/Champions of Brightmoon

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Champions of Brightmoon
Date of Scene: 05 June 2024
Location: Dorms #2
Synopsis: Glimmer grabs Sayaka and crashes Bow's pity party. They talk things out. It's never really awkward.
Cast of Characters: Bow, Sayaka Miki, Glimmer Brightmoon

Bow has posed:
It's later in the evening, post the attack on Kazou and the taking of the yellow rainbow crystal. Bow arrives in his room, arm wrapped in bandages, and sets aside gear. Back in his normal clothing, he shoots off a text to Sayaka first.

<PHONE> Bow texts Sayaka Miki: I'm in my room. Got hurt in a fight earlier. Going to shower, dress my wounds and get some rest. See you tomorrow. <3

And once that's done, that's exactly what he does. A shower, getting cleaned up, trying to wash off his dark thoughts of the day, trying to make sense of what happened and what Glimmer is doing working with Obsidian. There may have some singing in the shower as well. There definetly was singing in the shower.

After said shower, Bow redressed his wound and got dressed for what he assumed would be a night in, rest and recovery. His hair is up in a hair net, freshly cocoa butter'd, and dressed in a half-shirt reading, 'I'm Arrow-Dynamic' and a pair of pajama bottoms. With Kukai away, he has the dorm room to himself as he pops a sandwich pocket into the microwave and grabs the remote to turn on the TV and find a movie to watch.

Relaxation mode, engaged.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka has just come from a patrol herself when she receives not one, but two texts. One is from Bow himself, which prompts her to leave her room just about as soon as she got inside, and the second is from none other the Glimmer. Curious coincidence, considering Sayaka had kept the phone out to contact the queen of Brightmoon herself.

<PHONE> A text from Glimmer Brightmoon: Hey, where's Bow? I can only do so many teleports between charges and Riventon is all grouchy cause he got ashed. Mind if I come over?

<PHONE> Sayaka Miki texts Glimmer Brightmoon: Riventon got ashed? What's that about?
<PHONE> Sayaka Miki texts Glimmer Brightmoon: Anyway, Bow got hurt in fight. I am about to get out of my room and head to his. Want to meet there?

If only she knew what pressing "send" on that text meant for the bluenette.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Oh, if only she did. No sooner had she pressed send.... that nothing happened. Until about ten seconds later when there was a sparkly sound. And then GLIMMER WAS THERE! "Yeah don't worry about it, Riventon's fine!" And then ANOTHER SPARKLE! And Bow. Bow would know this sound. His life, his childhood, his time in the rebellion had been filled with it. Because Glimmer. Because when you were a teleporter, why do things like 'walk' or 'run' or 'wait', when instead you could just POP! And there you were, where you needed to be?

And so there was a loud thump to... Bow's left. Actually. Nice. She was likely aiming for him. And then Glimmer got to experience something else fun.

When Glimmer went somewhere new? She tended to teleport a few feet into the air. So now Sayaka was falling... not very far.

But as soon as they landed, Glimmer was *off*, dashing from Sayaka so fast she might leave the girl in a spin! "Bow! You got hurt? How'd you get hurt? Who hurt you? Was it the bites? Did you get it cleaned? You're not going to get like, some weird human biting infection, are you? Oh, what's this?" And then she was teleporting across the room and looking at the microwave. "Ohhhhhh. I think we have one of these in the 'break' room. Did you know they have a whole room for just breaking things here? Though I never see anyone breaking anything there except like... food."

Bow has posed:
*DING!* Food is done.

Bow was heading to the microwave to get his meal and a small plastic spork to eat it with. He needs to give it time to rest anyway, because if he tried to eat it now, it'd be frozen outside with the core of the Sun in the middle. He learned that lesson the hard way. But he's getting used to school life.

And then there's that familiar *SPARKLE POP* that is unique to one person that he knows. But as far as he knows at the moment, she could be coming to get revenge! There's a yelp of panic and surprise, but at the same time? There's the butt end of a plastic spork aimed at the middle of her forehead. Because he knows her well enough to know exactly how tall she is and where to aim.

"It was a dark energy monster, and you should know because YOU WERE THERE!" Sayaka isn't even noticed yet because as soon as Glimmer arrives, Bow's already set on edge and fussing at her. "You and your friend attacked my friends and you won, I bet you're here to gloat!" He immediately covers his arm to hide the injury again. "I'm fine." he grumps, because now he's seen Sayaka and just... all the steam he had built up dissipates and he visibly slumps, head bowed down with a siiiiiiiiigh.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"What...!?" is all Sayaka can say before she is grabbed by the sudden arrival of Glimmer. She knew that Glimmer could teleport at pretty much any given time, but she had never experienced anything of what Ryoko, Takashi or Catra had been subject too. In a way, this could be said to be a big hallmark, as any friendship Glimmer had started had developed this way. Could Sayaka call herself Glimmer's friend? Maybe so, even if she would like to be her friend in a less overeager way. She too will get used to it in time.

This leaves to them falling right onto Bow's floor, a groan of frustration as she hits the ground rather quickly. "Where have you brought us?", Sayaka asks, holding her hand over her forehead feeling any possibly forming bumps. That questions answers itself when she hears Bow loudly talk against Glimmer over a mess with a dark energy monster they fought. "Glimmer?" Sayaka turns to her in an implicit question, even if she is not sure what there is to explain, really.

"Human aren't really infectious", she corrects the purple girl as she quickly henshins and de-henshins to let the bump be taken care of by her powers. Of course that's not to say the wound could get infected anyway. "What were you trying to recover? Is that why you said Riventon got ashed?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinked a few times, looking at the spork, before giving a light snrk. "What, do you plan to turn me into a salad? and... yeah. But that wasn't a big bite, I've seen you take way harder hits. He wasn't supposed to hit you, though. And that's not fair to get mad at me for that! I was just doing my job, like. You net arrowed me! Technically! AND you goo arrowed my boss! You have ANY idea how long it takes to get goo out of my hair?"

... Apparently longer than she had, because if he looked closely, a bit of her hair did have a bit of goo in it.

"But no, I am not here to gloat... even if we would have totally kicked your butts. And we weren't attacking your friend. We were getting this weird gemstone thingy. They're like, rainbow crystals or something? And there are a bunch of them, and your side has most of them. But if he didn't get at least one of them, then his boss was going to kill him and so I promised him we'd get this one, okay? Because he's been helping me out and keeping a lot of the rest of the Evil Obsidian from realizing... certain things."

"... And you're pouting. You are *so* pouting. Come on, Bow. We're not Adora and Catra, we don't have to be all pouty and grouchy about this, right? Like... it's not like they're the Horde. They're like, a dozen little Horde's, all biting and clawing at each other."

She then glanced to Sayaka. "Oh, yeah. He ended up getting hit by some... escalation... beam... thing? From this girl with a magic wand. It honestly felt kind of nice, burned a teensy bit, I guess? But not reallllllly bad? But it *really* hurt Riventon." Oh, sure, NOW she gets his name right.

She then looked to Bow. "Uhhhhh... you're not... really... mad at me, are you? You're just... kind of... playing it up, right? Heh... heh heh... eh?" she asked sheepishly, hands behind her back, giving him a nervous smile as she rocked back and forth on her feet.


Bow has posed:
"Tuxedo Mask gave up to save Riventon's life. Do you understand that? Do you know that's what you're working with?" Bow asks, as he goes over to help Sayaka to her feet with his uninjured arm. He takes a moment to breathe, and then explains for the bluenette. "Riventon and Glimmer attacked Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus and others in an attempt to steal one of the rainbow crystals." he comments, glancing over at Glimmer, and then glances down. He can't even right now.

"Anyway. Riventon used Glimmer and Kazou to protect himself from Sailor Moon's escalation but still got hurt by it. I got hurt by one of Riventon's attacks because I was stunned and confused as to why my best friend was working with him."

Heading over to a drawer, he roots around, pulling out some dice, each one of them a different color. "According to what Tuxedo Mask told me..." Glimmer doesn't get real names. Not yet. She needs to be vetted and trusted by them. "...there are seven rainbow gems. And if Queen Beryl gets all seven, she's going to make that glimpse I told you about, where she destroyed the Earth and moon in the past? Look like a picnic in the park."

"Riventon got the gem because Beryl has threatened him with a fate worse than death if he did not return with at least one gem. So yes. Glimmer and Riventon won. Congratulations. She now has two of the gems." Because as far as he knows, he knows that the Indigo gem was a fake - but he doesn't know that Beryl doesn't have it.

"It hurt. Not the physical part of it. But that my best friend. My first friend. The person that I have spent my whole life beside... is helping with that. This isn't like when I hid my life from my dads. This is far more dangerous."

"I'm not mad at you. I'm worried. I'm scared. Because you are in terrible danger and I can't do anything about it because I have to pretend that I don't care. That I accept that you're evil and this is your life because you don't want me to be a part of it." He reaches up and scrubs at his eyes with his bandages. "Do you know some of the stuff I've gone through since I arrived on this world? I had Adora break my jaw. I saw the world end. I've met a girl that I've fallen hard for. All these things I want to share with my best friend."

"But I can't."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Oh, Sailor Moon was there?" She had seen what the Moon Healing Escalation had done to Norie, and she isn't surprised at all to hear what effect it had on Riventon. "I think if you give him time, he will be as good as new soon. People on your side have recovered from much worse than that." And that included Riventon himself in the list.

Sayaka is not really sure what to say over this friends' quarrel, because on one side Glimmer proposes some strong extenuating circumstances, on the other Riventon had just stolen the Scroll from her. Wouldn't that have been enough to postpone whatever it is his bosses want from him? Now that the shock of the fight had washed over, she was actually a bit miffed about the whole thing, not just for the fight itself, but because she had actually been trying to turn over a new page with Mami. But apparently that meant nothing.

And then Bow starts making a speech about Glimmer's importance and Sayaka stays behind Bow awkwardly as she doesn't know what to say or do, even as she honestly wants to see the two of them reconcile, because that was what the video that had inspired her had shown her. But what can she say when both parties have known each other for far far longer than she had known either?

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinked a few times, staring at the dice. "Uhhhh... yeah. Riventon told me that part. Errr... some of it... destroyed the earth and moon? But... wait... are we on one of the moons right now? Were there supposed to be more moons? But... don't worry. We're helping Beryl get them all... wink," Glimmer did, in fact, say wink. But she was planning to talk with Takashi about that later... "Wait."

"She has two? No she doesn't. She only has one, that's the whole reason Riventon was all 'Okay, if we don't get this one, I'm dead and you're in trouble, ah ha ha ha, I'm totally eeeeeeevil.'" Pause. "He might not have done the laugh. But... But Bow... I'm not helping with that."

"I'm helping Riventon, yes. But he's doing his own thing. And he's also helping me. Obsidian..." Deep, deep breath. "Wait. F-fallen hard for? So, ummmm..." And she looked between the two of them. And he cheeks went a little redder. "O-oh. I just... uhhhh... errrr... wait, WHAT?! Adora did WHAT?! Adora? Lil miss 'I have to do everything myself and I fight in my sleep and I'm so sorry I killed the bed' broke your JAW?! HOW? And... no, I don't. I only know the stuff you put on your streams because I ummmm, found it. And have been watching it. Bow... I..."

Slow, deep breath. "I don't want to be with Obsidian. I swear, I don't. But they... for now, I have to. And I'm sorry. I... can't tell you why, Bow. Because I know if you find out, you'll tell Adora. Because you are the best, kindest, sweetest friend a princess could ask for. But this is something I *have* to do on my own. And Adora, as much as she is my friend? I know if she finds out, you'll *both* do something reckless to fix it and, at best, you'll undo all the work I'm doing to try and keep it safe. Or worse, put Obsidian in a place where they realize exactly how much of a hold they could have over me. For now? They... don't really understand. And as long as they *don't* know, I can handle this. They just think I'm some weird, quirky sparkly princess who plays a gameboy. Even Catra doesn't realize that I'm playing them."

"I swear I'm working as hard as I can, as fast as I can, to get out of there. And... to get Catra out of there. Like, I can't even *imagine* what Adora is feeling right now. Finally getting Catra to get that stupid 'gotta be a Horde soldier!' thing out of her system, and then bam. She's back to the portal. Can you believe that? She kills my mom and she *can't even remember* doing it! The girl is a mess, I tell you!"

She then glanced back to Sayaka. And gulped. "So, ummmm... how... did you two meet? You two... fight off an army of horde bots together? Sometimes? Hm? He ever mention me?"

Bow has posed:
Reaching behind him, Bow's hand finds Sayaka's. He needs that anchor point, and right now, she's it. "You're not telling me why you're helping him. Why you're at Obsidian. But these are the facts I know. Adora is with her rune stone. When Scorpia arrived here, her rune stone came with her. You're here. Which, since I know that you need to recharge constantly from your rune stone, means that it has to be here as well. I can only assume that Obsidian has it. And I can also assume you have a plan and while your plans are terrible, I have no choice but to trust you because you won't tell me anything." A sigh of breath and his attention turns to the past.

"So when I arrived here... I was by myself. If it hadn't been for Sayaka and Rashmi, I'd probably been captured and taken back by the Horde. Because while that was going on? Adora was under the influence of some dark magic she had ingested that turned her from 'I talk about Catra a lot' to obsessive creepy stalkery I will hit you until you realize my feelings Adora. We had to fight her to get her back to normal. And I've seen her once since then, because she only goes to class and then back in her room and I can't crack her shell to see her again."

She brings him up to date on Catra in return and he lets out a breath. "The runestones are coming here, Glimmer. I don't know if it's because I brought Light Hope here. Or because that the leylines between Earth and Etheria are so similar - but they're finding their way here."

And he stops himself from answering the question meant for Sayaka. Glimmer asked her - she can answer. "I can't tell you how Adora is right now... because I haven't seen her since she apologized to me."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Right, Bow did mention to her Queen Angella had died, and that was how Glimmer had been made queen. She doesn't even know what would it be like to be in her position, living next to her mother's killer and just... having to see her just not trying to keep smile next to said killer, and even actively being her friend. A hug is what the bluenette offers Glimmer without thinking.

"Yes, that is how we met", Sayaka confirms with a blush at Glimmer noting how things would have developed. "Bow has his charm, and really he is just so nice at some point what could have been a friendship started to blossom full time as love."

"From there I just stumbled through things like a fool. Hinoiri gave us a push, she wanted me to look perfect once I had found a boyfriend and so we shared many important moments, playing music, on dates by the ocean, showing him Tokyo... The more time I spent with him, the more I was sure and yet foolish. I was the one mostly doing things, maybe I was just... I don't know, there were a lot of things going on, and the worries that mixed there in the whole thing didn't help, but I was glad when he finally accepted."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinked a few times, her mouth falling open. "O-oh... oh.... I..." She just stared at him. How did she even respond to any of that? Then she got a hug. "Oh, ummm... thanks. It's really not so bad... usually..." Glimmer said sheepishly, before looking to Bow. He was her best friend and she hated lying to him, not telling him everything. But he was also a terrible liar, and if he knew the truth... She couldn't see him not risking it all to save her. He would understand, eventually, she was sure. "I... I'll tell you what I can, okay? Okay. There's more to it than that. Yes, they have my runestone. Kind of. When I came here... I ended up in this really... really awful place. Like, it was all grim and shadowy and nasty. I managed to tap into my runestone and make this kind of barrier, like dad taught me."

"... But I couldn't get out. If I left the barrier, I burned. Riventon called it the Dusk zone. I was trapped there. On the upside, I could keep recharging. On the downside, I kiiiiiinda need sleep. And there were these things that kept attacking and I had to fight them off. I had Melog there, but Melog couldn't do a lot either."

"So, Double Trouble and Riventon came and, oh, when I first met him? I thought he was another one of Horde Prime's clones. Can you believe that? But they gave me this kind of... rice ball? And it let me understand what they were saying. Then Riventon helped get me out of there." Pause.

"And the runestone kiiiiiind of... crashed... down on his office. And broke his desk. Was pretty funny, all things considered. I'm the only one that can use the runestone, and well... I've been keeping a close eye on it."

"I've mostly been keeping an eye on things, getting a feel for the land. I then saw you on the video thing. OH! I have a phone! It's like your pad but smaller, look, look!" she said, before pulling it out, and holding it up and... Showed him as she pushed three buttons on it then a little symbol. Eyes practically sparkling. It... unlocked. "See? I have mastered this new tech. I'm practically as techy as Entrapta now." ... Not... not even a little bit.

"I.... didn't know about the other stuff. But then I found out about Light Hope and well... I knew if I revealed myself, she'd pull some kind of trick. But apparently Sayaka here had that under control, too. She... she's... not replacing me, is she?" Glimmer asked, looking back to Sayaka. "Y-you do swords, right? You're not like, snarky commentary, sparkle to face diplomacy? Any of that?" Okay, so there was a bit of self consciousness in that. "Just... wait, what do you mean the Horde would have captured you? We *beat* the Horde! Well, Horde prime. Hordak kind of... helped... us in the end there... then there was the whole dismantling the Horde thing..."

She gave a light groan and sighed. "I... just... ohhhh no. No no. Come on, Catra losing her memories and stuff is one thing, but not you too, Bow? Wait, does Adora remember everything? Does...." and then she trailed off.

Bow didn't remember everything. And the more Sayaka talked, the more she heard about their relationship? The more she began to feel the guilt flowing in on her. She'd been a bit amused when she learned about Catra's memories, since she'd figured they'd come back. And she figured she'd.... get to know this Catra.

But Bow? Without his memories? That had her... very concerned and was a lot less... was very worrying. "Yeah... Bow has a... he really is amazing. Unique. Forgiving. Even when I kind of... mess up. I ummmm... I can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am now if not for him. Best... best friend a princess could ask for... Smartest guy in the world, but also thick enough that you need to beat him with a clue. But..."

"... Bow? Can you tell me where.... you're from? What you remember? Are you from... before my mom was... before the dimensions broke?"

Bow has posed:
Sayaka, Bow has learned, is a force of nature. He couldn't stop her from hugging Glimmer if he wanted to. Just like he couldn't stop her from confessing to him. And he eventually realized he felt the same. "I believe Rashmi helped with the pushing as well." he points out with a small hint of amusement as he shakes his head. "She was instrumental in helping me adjust to this world and understand it."

But then the conversation turns to at least a partial truth about Glimmer, he listens, and his hands fly up to his mouth like butterflies finding a flower when she mentions that she was in the Dusk Zone. "I was told about that place, it's terrible!" And he wasn't there to help her. How could he have known? He couldn't, but he's probably going to feel guilty about it later. "I can see why you ... wait, Horde Prime has clones?" he asks, which may be the first clue that Bow is not where she's from, timeline wise. The fact that the runestone is in Riverton's office is something that Bow is going to share with someone else immediately, sorry Glimmer. You didn't make him promise not to share the info, after all.

"Yeah, I have a phone too... actually, it's what is holding the runestone shard that I'm using. Uh... you remember the shard from my Dads' library? I kind of stole it when we did the portal experiment." Which brings it to where they are now. "Light Hope messed with my memories." he admits, to allow Glimmer a start point. "The last memories I have of Etheria that I know are mine, though?"

"Catra had done the portal thing and we all died and then came back. And Hordak had gotten a message to Horde Prime. You and Catra were taken from Etheria. Light Hope suggested that we use the runestones to try to open a portal to lead me to you... well, actually, she was trying to lead me to a different Adora that she thought she could used to help her, I guess. That's why we ended up here. That's why I think it's my fault the runestones are coming here. I'm sorry."

"But I remember Angella's... I remember Angella saved us all." he says quietly, and now, finally, he steps forward, setting his hands on Glimmer's shoulders. "I remember helping you become Queen and your coronation." And...

...he flicks her forehead with a finger. "I remember you not listening to me and ending up getting captured because you were being stubborn."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka just recoils from the notion of her even possibly coming close to replacing Glimmer, apart from them not even overlapping. "I really... don't do snarky", Sayaka comments, just remembering that the few times where she did anything even remotely similar with biting comments was to actually hurt those close to her. "I am of the type that teases her friends with straightforward jokes, I guess... And yes, I don't punch people. Actually, me having a sword is kind of a fakeout, yes, I do actually get engage in close quarters, but pretty much any single magic I know is ranged. And the whole thing is only exacerbated since I recently started getting into familiar summoning."

She shakes her head at the whole thing. "Plus, Glimmer, the Best Friend Squad is something I wholeheartedly admire. Bow had shown me his recruitment video for the rebellion, and that is what first motivated to want to help him. Could you say no to help reunite such a tight-knit group of friends? There is no way I could have."

"I didn't really have the Light Hope stuff under control", Sayaka waves dismissively. "I just knew by experience that somebody that played with secrets and tried to get Bow to give up on his friends was just bad news. And the more I learned about her, from the chip that was on his neck to anything Adora had said. All those like Kyubey, like Light Hope, they really have no business being close to people. I am glad that I can at least do something for the latter."

Sayaka listens intently to anything Bow and Glimmer have to say, though she would like to know the significance of the point in the timeline he is from. "Would you have to send him back to that point somehow? If yes, how would your present change if Bow knows at least part of the future?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small, sheepish nod. "Y-yeah. I'll need to meet this Rashmi. She sounds... *swell*. And yeah, it was pretty awful. I honestly thought it was part of Horde Prime's empire, you know? We beat him up, but we were in the midst of dismantling his whole space empire when everything came through. The whole burning wasteland stuff? Ick. But I had my Runestone, so I was fiiiiiiine. I had it all under control. Though..."

And she groaned. "I... did use a simple illusion spell dad taught me... to ummmmm... make... myself... look like a Horde soldier... I figured, hey, if they were like Wrong Hordak, they'd be dumb and I could make them think I was Horde Prime. I had to listen to the guy monologue long enough. You hear one megalomaniac's speech, you've heard 'em all."

"Wait, you have a RUNESTONE?! Wait, is that how you have magic? OH MY GOSH! BOW, ARE YOU A PRINCESS?!" Her eyes were SPARKLING! And she had her palms on her cheeks, staring at him.

However, when he mentioned the whole... well...how they'd gotten here? She looked guilty. And mentioning her mom? That made her look *Sad*. But the flick? Oh, that made her squeak. "H-hey! I made one little mistake! And Light Hope tricked me. And, wait, that's no fair! I already got scolded by you a lot for that! And you made me apologize like, a thousand times! And I almost got crushed by a meteor! And then She-ra came back! It was a whole thing! I can't be punished for it twice!" she said, puffing up her cheeks in frustration.

Then, however, her eyes lit up. "W-wait... you... you have the recruitment videos? Could... could I have them? Err... do you have... mine?"

... The one her mom interupted.

Glimmer then teleported, sitting on the counter. She seemed to be in thought for a moment, glancing between the two. Sayaka wasn't a Glimmer 2.0. That was nice. But they were close. And she...

If Bow didn't remember everything after... that meant he didn't remember her confession. That meant he didn't remember their kiss. That meant he... hadn't cheated on her, at least? But there was another girl in his life now, right? So she couldn't just... jump in. And she was working with Obsidian. She hmmed and kind of fizzled there, letting out a yelp. "Ugh! I HATE THIS PLANET! All my magic just... leaks out or something! Hold on!"

She then pulled out a little necklace and, well. Bow. Bow would remember this. When she henshined? She became... the girl. With leather jacket. And pants. And she even. Came. With. A. Toothpick. "I have to keep doing *this* to keep it from going out, how annoying is that? And... no. I'm sure his memories are fine. They're just all scrambled. So, ummm... Bow..."

Slow, deep breath. She supposed she could massage the truth. Just... just for a little bit? "I... was captured. By Horde Prime. After... Adora broke her sword, to stop Light Hope. You, Entrapta and Adora took Mara's ship to come save me. Catra, surprisingly," she said that with just a liiiiiiittle bit of annoyance in her voice. "Made the first right decision in her whole life and helped me. So we went and saved her. Because, apparently, she thought we wouldn't. How dumb is that?"

"Oh! OH MY GOSH! Bow. Bow! Catra. Has. The most. Adorable. Sneeze! It's like a little mouse sneezing. And her space suit? It had little. Cat. Ears. On top. It was so cute! Right, where was I? Well, we got Melog, who's like... Catra's magic spirit animal? And she got some weird invisible, illusion magic? She helped us get back to Etheria. From there, we kicked Horde Prime's butt, saved my dad, destroyed Horde Prime once and for all..." Then she trailed off, licking her lips and looking thoughtful.

And then we kissed. And I confessed my love for you. And you loved me back. Though we never actually had time to advance things, so who knows how that would have gone? But...

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
"And you uhhh, became my official champion. Champion to the throne, of Brightmoon. And advisor. And my bodygaurd. And, ummm, from there? We kind of went and started dismantling a bunch of Horde Prime's mega weapons and helping the intergalactic rebellion. And we kind of... ended up... triggering one... I had Melog with me at the time, You, Adora and Catra were on the planet too. And well... my runestone ended up here, Scorpia's here, Adora's here... I think all of the runestones are coming here. But I don't think it's your fault... I think it's Horde Prime's fault. Well, that weapon of his."

And she also decided to leave out the fact that she was tampering with it at the time.

"I'm sure his memories will come back, eventually. OH! Maybe Adora can heal them! With her sword! She had sword healing down kinda near the end there! Like, when she healed me after I got all... dark... captive stuff! You know?"

"... Wait. Is the Black Garnet here, too? Where did you manage to stash that? Wait, did you manage to MOVE IT?! How?! Maybe I could do that to move the Moonstone, too!"

Bow has posed:
Bow is taking it all in. The first thing he's going to do is soothe Glimmer. After the flick and when she teleports away, he blinks a couple of times, and then blows out a breath. "Look. You're my best friend. You always have been. You always will be. Even when you scare and worry me half to death, you are my friend. Sayaka cannot replace that, nor could she ever be my Queen. That is who you are." he points out to her as he glances towards Sayaka and gives a nod of his head.

"Sayaka has been instrumental in helping me with everything since I got here." he doesn't grasp what Sayaka was talking about, but he sighs. "It's possible we're from different points on the timeline. It's possible that Light Hope erased part of my memory and I don't remember it. It's also possible that we're from different Etherias entirely, until I get a chance to figure out how to test for that, I won't know for sure. That, sadly, would be more up Entrapta's alley. I'm more of the 'make weird tech noone understands work' than scientific testing and all that."

Now back to Glimmer as she brings up where she's from and starts to fill in the gaps between them. "Wait, your dad taught you magic? You have more new spells besides Sparklefist and Teleport? That's so cool!" he says in bright encouragement of his best friend, totally happy that Glimmer and Micah's relationship had improved. And then she's calling him a princess and ... "No! I don't think so!" His dark cheeks turn red at the idea. "It's the runestone fragment from the Library!" he reiterates. "I'd probably lose the henshin bit if I was seperated from it." he won't, but he hasn't tested that theory yet.

And now that they were delving into the meat of the matter. "Light Hope is good at that." he mutters sourly, but then she mentions he made her apologize. "I did? Well good on future me!" he says with a small smirk, apparently accepting that she is probably from the same point in the timeline that Adora is.

"I'll check the tech pad. I don't remember." Bow admits about the video. He'll have to look into it. Most of his videoes had Glimmer in them, so he didn't really go diving that far into it all. He probably does. Just needs to check. And then she pulls out that necklace and becomes Dark Sparkle (because that is totally an awesome villain name) and he draws in a breath as she spoils Bow on how it all ended. That the rebellion won. That Horde Prime was defeated. Everything that Adora had said. "Well, now that two people have that memory, maybe Catra will believe you." comes his thought as he finally takes a bite of the sandwich and chews on the pepperoni pizza pocket goodness.

"Champion of Brightmoon?" Bow says, eyes blinking a few times, and a sparkle. "That's soooo cool. Even if I didn't have a sword? Did I learn how to use a sword? And joust? Like... with a lance? I mean, I don't think lancing was a thing I should know, and Sayaka is way better than I'll ever be with swords, but look!"

He holds out his hand and thinks for a moment and comments quietly. <Ice Arrow.>

And an arrow with an icy tip forms in his hand. "Isn't that so cool? Madoka... that's Sayaka's best friend, has been helping me learn how to make different arrows in her labyrinth." he explains.

Bow has posed:
"But it's weird... Light Hope convinced me that Adora had lost her sword. There's a gap. I need to figure that out." he mutters with a small groan, as she confirms that the runestones are arriving on Earth. "I need to talk to Tuxedo Mask about that. He's to Earth's magic as you are to Brightmoon's." Another bite of the sandwich.

On to the Black Garnet. "Scorpia arrived in the middle of Prom. And when she arrived, she had a human form. No claws, no tail. And she thought she was at Princess Prom. Back on Etheria. The garnet had become a small pin that she wears. I wonder if we could do the same with the Moonstone. I mean, it's huge. But if there's a way we could make it smaller. I don't know how she did it, we'd have to ask her. But she lives here at the school, so that's not a problem."

"So... to finish up. I'm not mad at you. Not as much, at least. I still want to be your best friend. And if you still need a Champion, you are my Queen and I will serve in that role. We're not alone here. There's so many friends to make, so many people I want to introduce you to. I just need to figure out... how."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small smile to him. A small, sheepish smile. "I like being your queen. And... and I'm sorry that... it's not... so easy. And no. There's no way you're from another timeline. Cause that wouldn't be *fair*," Glimmer snapped.

"And yeah, dad taught me a lot of magic, when he could. Kind... of wish I'd paid a little bit more attention to it now..." she grumbled. "And, duh, Bow. That's what a runestone is. If you lose it, your magic goes. Don't you remember when..." Pause. "No, you didn't. When I was in space, I was too far from my Moonstone. And even on this place? It's... realllllly hard for me to feel it unless I'm close. I have to recharge constantly, just like when.... mom was around," she mumbled gently.

"Aaaanyway. Welcome to being a princess, Bow. Bow, Princess of Arrows. Has a nice ring to it. And nope. Catra won't believe it anyway. She thinks she blew up Etheria and, believe it or not? I'm intending to let her wallow. Because she's a pain in the butt and she'll keep being a pain in the butt until she gets over herself, just like last time. When she's ready to listen? I'll tell her everything. Until then? I'm just going to make sure she doesn't get herself killed because she is a very annoying cat."

"And no, you still can't use a sword. All arrows, all the time." Pause. "Though... you did make a sword arrow. It... it didn't work well. It--"

AND THEN THERE WAS ICE ARROW AND SHE WAS STARRING, EYES SPARKLING! "Ohmigoshthat'ssocool!" Sparkle sparkle sparkle.

"Can you make any kind of arrow? Can you make a light arrow? OH! A pizza arrow? How about lightning arrow? A ram arrow? Like a battering ram, but an arrow?"

"But yeah, Adora totally lost her sword. Broke it, to stop Light hope. But then just kind of... popped it back. I am not quite sure how that worked? But it did. And... oh. Huh. The Black Garnet is small now... that's... interesting. I wonder why the Moonstone didn't do that... maybe cause I arrived in the Dusk Zone?"

But oh, that last comment? It made her cheeks go red. "O-oh. I... ummm... if... if you want. I wouldn't mind if you'd like to be my c-champion. I, uhhhh..." And then she glanced to Sayaka, and then Bow, her face red. "W-well, I mean, how about you both be my champion then? Right? That's... good. A master archer and a master swordswoman. As queen I think I'm allowed that... and not like Adora can be one of my champions, she's definitely trying to be Catra's," Glimmer said that with just a hint of annoyance. Because, well... she... still found Catra a little annoying sometimes.

"First order, as my champion? See if you have those videos! And, second order... Um. Don't tell Adora about the runestone. She's do that thing she does where she yells, and makes a speech, and then runs in without a proper plan, and almost gets herself killed, and I'll need to save her, then we'll all be in trouble... Just... I have it under control. And as far as I know? I can work for Obsidian and still be your friend. I just need to like... be careful. Riventon is taking most of the heat and I technically work for him, so unless something really major comes up I don't actually have to do much."

"So... I guess... trust me to know what I'm doing? And that I'll tell you, when I can. Until then, I'll improvise and I *promise* I'll come and ask for help when I need it, okay, Bow? So... please keep being my best friend? Please? Pretty please?" Glimmer asked, putting her hands together and making puppy eyes at them.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka had just sort of recognised Bow and Glimmer needed her, but at the same time, she didn't want to completely leave in case they wanted to talk away, so she just decided to hang back inside Bow's bedroom until she was called up. She couldn't stop herself from still picking up on things, not since she didn't bring any headphones with herself, but it was better than not giving them space at all.

Still, when Glimmer does make that request to her, Sayaka knows it is time to pop out of her hiding place and answer the queen of Brightmoon. If she were to be honest, being a champion sounds just like being a friend with extra steps. She would just aid a friend the same as she would by being Glimmer's champion. "Of course I can be your champion", Sayaka agrees to the request. "Glimmer, it's always ok to ask me for help, you know? Bow's friends are totally welcome to be my friends as well."

Bow has posed:
To be fair, there's not a lot to say if Bow is from a different Etheria. He has to explore all the possibilities. For now, though, he's concentrating on the biggest issue. "I know it's tempting, but if you're making me promise, I need you to make a promise. I know that you've seen youmas and terribads and all of the cool looking stuff that dark magic can do. But I saw it corrupt Adora to the point that she was almost a youma herself. So I have to ask, to beg you not to dabble in it. Even if you think you can handle it. It will fool you and then take you over. So please. Don't." he asks of Glimmer.

"And in return, I will trust you, and do as you ask. I will find the vidoes and I will trust you. And I will be your Champion... and serve next to Sayaka, if that is what she wants." Bow lets out a breath and shakes his head. "I never said I was going to stop being your best friend. But part of that is me worrying about you. That's what friends do. But you do need to apologize to Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon." Clearly, he's not picking up on anything that Sayaka is. But he's a guy, that happens.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinked a few times. "Uhhhhh... I'll... try and be careful about that. I mean, well... it's a lot like Shadow Weaver was doing, right? And I used the magic she taught me without..." Then she trailed off. And then sighed.

Looked annoyed...

"Fiiiiiiiine. I won't do anything with dark energy unless I absolutely have to. And if I do dabble in it at all, I'll make sure to like. Be incredibly careful and come in for regular check ups so you can know I'm not overdoing it... I'd love to promise not to mess with it at all, but well... I might have to for my cover. But I promise I'll be really careful and not do it any more than I have to."

... Yes, she was totally going to 'have to' at some point. But she would try. She really, really would.

"... And I'll go apologize to Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon. Gosh. Those two are the first people I've met here with *normal* names..." she muttered. "But yeah... for now? Just... I guess... do what you're doing. And keep each other safe. And... that. Keep each other safe. Please." And then smirked. Then blinked. Then sighed. "GAH! RIGHT! CAN'T TELEPORT LIKE THIS!" She jumped off the counter and then practically TACKLED both of them, an arm over each of their shoulders. "But enough talk about *work*. I'm a queen, I got my champions! Let's go out! Best Queen and Champion squad, woo!"

Yes, she was, possibly, trying to distract a little bit from the fact she didn't actually make the full promise, but... she tried! And would do her best! And for now, that was all she could do.