1641/No Capes!

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No Capes!
Date of Scene: 07 June 2024
Location: Okujoo Ramen
Synopsis: Cure Wing and Sailor Charon fight and finish off a Boom Box Terribad together and then spend some time together getting Rooftop Ramen (Mamoru approved!) and learning more about each other and that they'll probably never meet out of henshin. That won't be odd, right?
Cast of Characters: Tsubasa Yuunagi, Hotaru Tomoe

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
A terribad made from... a boom box. It was large. Had speakers for hands that put out the bad beats and all of it's attacks were either based on sonic based bass attacks - or on it's freestyle breakdancing as Cure Wing and Sailor Charon had teamed up against it. It has been a drawn out battle where the pair had been bounced around a little, but they kept getting back up and into the fight.

Cure Wing pants a few times as he slides back from the latest attack, flames dancing over his frame as he clenches his fists and glances over to the Senshi. "I don't think we're going to be able to convince it to broadcast that Pluto's a real planet, Charon!" he calls over to her. "But I think we have it weakened enough that we can..." and he holds out his hand towards Charon, making his intentions known - a combo attack.

"I know you don't have any purifications," (She does, but it's the type that purifies the whole universe, he just doesn't know that), "...but maybe you can enhance mine again?" It worked once, and they seem to have a certain synergy when they work together. So why not try it again?

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon was, admittedly, a little beat up. And also... tired. Her device had already been considering if they should flee or not. Over exerting her was a lot. But well...

She couldn't abandon an ally. She nodded rapidly. "Y-yeah. YES! Let's... let's do it. This is gonna be great!" she said, taking his hand. Practically beaming now. Riding a phoenix into battle? What WASN'T awesome about that? And so, she readied herself, leaping up into the air, doing a definitely magically enhanced flip as she flew, to land on the flaming bird-assault's back... And the two launched themselves forward.

Their voice rising in an epic duo strike, the glaive slashing out with the purifying flames.

"Purifying Phoenix Moon Joust!"

The youma had only a moment before the blade struck home, the purifying flames enshrouded the youma from view before, with a cry of purification... It was gone and the captor was released.

And Charon landed on the ground a moment later, supporting herself with her glaive, before making a small V sign with her hand. "And we did it! Remember, everyone! Pluto is a planet in every way that matters!" ... And then she just fell to her knees, panting a bit more. "Oh my gosh that one was *tough*. You're really strong, Cure Wing."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
As Charon and Wing join hands, Wing gives hers a squeeze as he feels the draw of their powers combining together. As it swirls around him, the magical boy is transformed, his oranges and yellows exploding in a burst of flame that encompasses them both as he turns from Pretty Cure into a Phoenix!

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The pair charge in, with Charon's glaive the tip of their charge as Wing's flames focus around it and they call out the joint attack together as he gathers speed, rushing headlong towards the cassette deck that makes up the center of mass of the Boom Box youma.

"Purifying Phoenix Moon Joust"

They slam home and pass through the creature as he turns from Terribad to silver and announces.

"I've been purified...." And it makes a grateful noise before turning back into a regular boom box that is picked up by the street busker that had been transformed with it. "Thanks!" he calls out to the pair as they fly off and land on a nearby roof.

Back in his Pretty Cure form, he sits on his rump and draws in a few deep breathes. "It was!" he agrees with her readily, reaching up to rub a hand across his brow and grins. "You're pretty strong too, you know!" he tells her encouragingly before a new noise enters the fray.

Another youma?

Nope, it's just Cure Wing's stomach growling. Both of his hands cover it and his blush is obvious as he giggles. "Sorry!"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon blinked a few times, looking down at him. Normally, right now? She'd be dashing off. Buuuuuut... There was one part of the 'hero' side she'd yet to partake in. One side she hadn't done. One important, pivotal moment that she had not had the pleasure of experiencing.

Post victory meal.

"Hey..." Charon said, before reaching out. "Don't worry, it's just my magic." And she'd put her hand on him. There'd be a little bit of a warm feeling and then his bruises and scrapes would disappear, healed up by her magic. She then gave him a small grin. "Don't tell anyone though, okay? I'm not supposed to let many people know I can do that. So ummmmm... I'd have to do it in henshin, and be a cosplayer, buuuuut... would you like to get something to eat? I think there's a ramen place near here."

Then, she inched over a little and gave him... the sparkly eyes. "And I've never been able to be a part of the post-battle snack time before..." Well. Firefly had, with Rashmi. But that was different. It was a 'Yay, you beat me!' meal. Not a 'Yay, we won!' meal. Entirely different.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
This is usually the moment where Charon dashes off. It's what she did last time, and Wing figured he'd grab a convience meal after changing back to Tsubasa and go home to nap off his injuries. There's a huff of breath as he finally catches it again, and then Charon is reaching out and he's confused, but when the warmth of her hand touches his skin and to spread over him, healing his injuries, Wing arches his neck and head into it - much like a bird seeking out the sun as she heals him.

"I won't say a word, knight's honor!" he tells her, a firm smile that shows his commitment to holding her secret. Then he's considering her request and what she wants to do and her stipulation that it has to be in henshin as a cosplayer, and the young teen gets to his feet, dusting off his long coat tail, the colors of it bright and virbant.

"Then I certainely cannot let you cosplay alone." comes his suggestion as he gives a little bow to Charon. "Ramen sounds delicious!" But then she's going further into her reasoning and she will find herself with a kindred spirit as he smiles brightly, his own eyes bright and starry, "You haven't? Oh my gosh, I'd love to be your first!" he says cheerfully. "Back in Sorashido City, I had lots of meals with my friends, but usually like... at home. A restaurant with cosplay sounds fun!"

His hand is offered to her again. "I don't know if you want to run and jump or whatever, and that's fine. Or if you know where it is, I can just fly us there?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon gasped. "Y-you're a knight?" she asked, sounding... a little excited. "I've met a few knights, Sailor Uranus is one, too! Have you met her? You'll like her."

Of course, when he agrees? She lets out an excited woop and jumps into the air. She then reaches back, resting her glaive on her back, as if locking it into an invisible holster. She then took his hand. "Oh, I can fly a little bit. Or... anti-gravity myself? I can make myself really light. And nope, I haven't been able to do it yet! I'm still kind of new and Pluto wants me to be very, very careful. She's very protective of her moon because she thinks I have a very important responsibility," she said, her voice dripping with pride.

Finally, she took his hand. "Fly me away, oh great knight of the sky!" Blink. "You should really meet Uranus, she's a Knight of the Sky too. But I think she's like, wind. While you're bird."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Well, I'm not an official knight, but I served a Princess once and she made me one - so I guess so?" It's really all confusing to Wing sometimes when he has to explain it. How do you explain that an infant Princess looks to you as your protector? A story for another time, surely. But. "You aren't that heavy!" he says, when she offers to make herself lighter. Then he realizes what he said, and his cheeks flare red. "I mean, you're okay to carry. Something like that."

"So is Pluto your big sister? Or... like, if you're her moon, does that mean you're her daughter?" he asks, curiousity meeting with cluelessness as he accepts her hand, and pulls her close before his arms sweep her up into a carry - very close to a Princess carry as he lifts off the roof. "Point the way, Lady Charon, protector of the planet of Pluto!" There's a giggle as he lifts off the ground and waits for her to point the way, and then they are off to land on Tuxedo Mask's favorite rooftop ramen cosplay place!

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon nodded. "Then you are a knight. Princesses can do that, after all. And what else is a knight than someone who a royal person decided was their knight?" she asked, a big grin on her face.

She snorted at the comment of 'not being heavy'. "Oh, I know. But I figure I shouldn't be too rude about it, if you're carrying me."

"Nope, though. Pluto isn't my family by blood. She's just a really, really good friend. Sometimes she does feel like my momma, though. She has a very motherly vibe about her." Pause. "Other times, she feels like a really cool, really dorky big sister. But she chose to make me her guardian, because she trusts me and feels I am up to the task." And there it was, pride in her voice again!

She let him take her off and, soon, they were at the shop. A massive grin was on her lips. She quickly ran off to get a seat, practically leaping into it, while he could sit across from her. "So, what was your princess like? I've met a few princesses. Met a queen once, too, but she was... kiiiiiiind of nasty. I don't think she was a good queen, though. Nobody liked her."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
There's a little laugh from Wing. "That sounds like Cure Butterfly. She's the oldest of the Pretty Cures back home, and treated me like her little brother sometimes. But she's the first one that ever introduced me to combining our attacks after she found the Mix Pallette." he explains as he coasts in for a landing on the rooftop, a pair of toe taps as he lands on the roof, after a couple of seconds of a hover. Once he sets down Charon, he dusts off.

She takes her seat and he moves to settle in across from her, considering how to answer the question that was presented to him. "So... there's this place. It's called Sky Island. That's where I'm originally from. And there's a royal family there. I left there when I was young and moved to live with a relative. A couple of years ago, the royal family's daughter... well, the Undergu Empire - that's where Kabaton came from, attempted to kidnap the infant princess and she arrived in Sorashido City. I made it my duty to watch over and protect her. But I knew I had to come here at some point, because I hoped it would draw away the Undergu Empire to bring them here. And it kinda worked."

"But the royal family was good, I think. Just... was trying to hide their daughter? But anyway, she's an infant and she's magic too."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon nodded. "Cure Butterfly? She sounds really pretty," Charon said with a big grin. "If she ever comes here, I'd love to meet her. And Sky Island... it sounds lovely. and the princess sounds wonderful! I hope you're able to defeat them one day! I know like... So, I'll admit. I find some of the bad guys on their side funny and amusing? But... I know they do hurt people and do need to be stopped. Just because I enjoy parts of their antics doesn't mean I think they're good people. But..." She trailed off for a moment, thinking on how to phrase it.

"You must be really good with babies then, huh? Do you like kids? Wait... is... do you take care of the baby here, too? Or are you just luring the bad guys away for now? That's so brave!" Charon managed to say all of that, her hands clasped together, eyes practically sparkling.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"She is. But she's totally an older sister vibe." Wing responds as he looks over the menu in thought, and he chuckles a little at her assessment of the bad guys. "I don't remember if you were at the attack Kabaton carried out. But he's like... an orc? A purple pig person with a mohawk?" He pauses for a moment, and then sets aside the menu. Taking a pen - the Mirage Pen, in fact - he takes a napkin and draws out a sketch of Kabaton. And his art is pretty good for a quick sketch as he shows it to Charon.

"I was told by someone that here, that purification is key. That the bad guys... well, some of them aren't bad because they want to be, but because something happened to them and they need help." Wing decides to settle on that with the explanation that he was given. "And I'm more than happy to help where I can!" His own eyes sparkle at that and then her question lands and he laughs nervously. "I mean, I like kids, they're fun to be around. Cure Butterfly helps out at a day care and I sometimes help her there!" And his cheeks are reddening at her compliment about the leading the Empire away. "T-thank you!" he says as he returns his attention to the menu.

"We're about the same age, I think? I mean, I just turned 13. And I know I haven't been at the school for long, but I thought I would... well, I guess you could totally be there and I wouldn't recognize you." A laugh, "I suppose that's the same for me too!" But there's no move to de-henshin. That would totally ruin the moment if he became the shy and withdrawn boy he usually is. "But I enjoy aviation and swimming and drawing... what type of things do you like?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon shook her head. "Nope. I don't think I was there for that. I ummm... I'm not the most active of the magical girls. I'm... kind of sick, outside of henshin. So I have to limit how often I fight. It's also why I tend to leave the moment the fight is over. I'm not supposed to strain myself too much. But it's okay, this time! I was careful," she said quickly, just in case he worried.

"Hee hee. He looks silly. I don't think I ever saw him, but I've met a wolf man. And a big oni man. And a witch! She was cool."

She then glanced up at him. "I... think that's true. Some people there... some of them need help. They aren't bad, but they're doing bad things. Some of them have to. Some of them are just trying to do good and aren't sure how to do it the right way. Some people are even doing good, even if it doesn't seem like it."

And then her eyes narrowed. "And some people there are just *awful* and have to be stopped. It's not... easy to always tell who is who, though."

She then hmmed, looking thoughtful. "Yeah... it was my birthday a few months back, so I guess I am 13 now. I haven't been to class in a while, due to my sick and stuff. I mostly homeschool right now. If we can solve this problem, though, I'm hoping I can come back. I like board games, though. And... being silly. I love reading. Oh, and I *love* being a super hero! My last henshin I had a cape!" Pause. "Err, please forget that part, I'm not supposed to mention it. I think I'm going to get pork, what about you?" Charon asked, quickly changing the subject.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
When she mentions that she's sick out of henshin, Wing's eyes widen with compassion and he reaches over, giving her hand a squeeze for a moment. "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get well soon, though. And I'm glad that it doesn't show when you're in henshin." comes his reply, honest and warm as he releases her hand, and leans back in his chair.

"I'm just starting to meet people. It's been really interesting. But no wolf person or oni or a witch..." Wing looks thoughtful as he considers all that. When she speaks of the people on the other side, he gives a small nod of his head and shifts in his seat to sit up better. "Yeah. But we should at least try to help all those we can. If they prove that they don't want to be helped, then they will have to be dealt with differently, I guess."

She mentions she's homeschooled and he nods. It's not like he can come visit her, and he realizes that, but he doesn't push on that. But. "Hey! Maybe if we exchange contact information, if you'd like, we can meet sometime - like in henshin, of course - and play a couple of games you like? Or is that like lame, because it'd probably be more fun for you to want to go on patrol instead. Or fight youmas over you know, playing a board game." It was a lame suggestion and he totally knows it.

But at the mention of the cape, he laughs. "I don't have a cape, but well..." Does he really need a cape, considering how flamboyant and colorful his costume is? Oh, right. "I think I'm going to have the shrimp!" He remembered to place the order. Not distracted. Nope.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon did give a small, slightly sad smile. "Yeah. I... don't know if I'll ever get fully better. But I'm doing a lot better now than I was, I haven't had as many incidents in a while. I... try to hide most of them, though. Otherwise, everyone worries. But they've definitely gotten a lot less... active. Don't worry much about it, I'm pretty lucky now."

Charon nodded to his commentary on the villains. "Yeah. I think most of them can be saved. Like Riventon, he's really great even if he's kiiiind of an idiot sometimes. But not Beryl, she's a jerk face and rude. Nobody likes her at all because all she does is hurt people. But, ummmm... I think a lot of them aren't so bad. Just some of them."

"OH! I'd love to! I can be contacted at XXX-XXXX. And I'd love to play board games with you! I love playing them, whenever I can. But, ummmmm... how do you feel... about house rules? Do you like Risk? Do you think you can do a megalomaniac laugh? 'Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho!' I learned that from my daddy. He used to play them with a me a lot. I wouldn't mind going on patrols, too. Ohhhhh. I bet Pagemage would join us, too! She's one of the other sparkles I know. She's really cool, too! Her and Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the ones I know the most!" she said, excitement filling her voice. "We could do both!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Cure Wing nods his head as she fills him in on his condition, a smile appearing when she says that she's getting better. "Good, I hope you continue to heal and recover." It's said with hope and passion, sure that Charon will be able to join him at the school some day. "Riventon... I think I came across him at WcDonald's - he turned the statue into a youma!" There's a snicker at that. "He was trying to steal a cute little robot. But we smashed the statue. That was fun."

When she gives her his phone number, he takes out his phone and immediately enters the information. He sends her a text, and when it pops up on her end, it shows as 'Cure Wingu' and there's even a little icon:


"Page Mage? I don't think I've met her yet." he admits, but his attention turns to the board games rules and he giggles. "Are you the type that starts a game saying that 'Free Parking' has no money, then change your mind mid-game and that 'Free Parking' now gives you $500 dollars?" he asks her playfully as he leans back on his chair.

The waiter makes his way to the roof and he places the order for the pair of them, before his attention returns to the conversation.

"I've been working on making friends... but when I'm not in henshin... I'm well. I'm really shy and have a hard time talking to people and getting involved. But when I'm like this? I feel so free and I can talk and want to help and everything! But when I'm not..." he shakes his head. "...it's something I'm working on."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon gave a small nod. "Me too." Though, admittedly... she doubted she would. She hoped. They'd already delayed her end, why not stop it? Then she could live with her dad forever, and the outers, and be a sparkle for good! "Wait, a robot? He was trying to steal a little ROBOT?! Oh, that is *so* rude and *so* him. Hmph." To think they'd made him a little robot so he'd stop that! UGh. Hopefully one day he'd get punched enough he'd knock it off.

She grinned and sent back a little V-sign on her device, though her phone wasn't out...

"And not really. More... well... my daddy and I would play risk and we had little special rules for like, which countries are conquered. Some of them gave bonuses, or little one time use cards, things like that." Pause. "But free parking should always have the $500 start."

"I don't think that's bad. When I'm out of henshin, well... sometimes it's hard to even breathe, let alone talk to people. And I get sick or... well... back in school everyone used to think I was a weirdo. But when I'm like this? I am just as weird as everybody else! I'm stronger, faster, and I can fight and it's so, so cool. I love it! So like... what you should do is make friends like this. Then, share your identity with them." Pause. "Not with me, though. I ummmm... I shouldn't know many identities. With my health and other things, I have to be just... a hint distant from everyone. But otherwise, you should! Then they'll know you and even if you're shy, they'll still like you!" Pause. "Also, you should get a cape for when you're out of henshin. Instant conversation starter. Nobody doesn't wanna talk to the guy in the cape."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Totally. At least I finished my ice cream before he attacked!" Wing says with a laugh and shake of his head as his phone chimes and he glances at it. "Oh, that's so cool." he admits with little starry eyes, but his attention returns to the conversation. "I've never played Risk. It looks so complicated." There's a shrug of his shoulders. "I mean, but if you're willing to teach, I can try to learn." he points out to her.

"Yeah, well, like with you being sick, I'm not sure of de-henshing around people I just met. Usually I'm away faster than you are." There's a hint of a tease in his voice with that as he is at least considering her words.

That's when the two steaming bowls of ramen are set down before the pair and he ooohs. "This looks really good!" he admits, as he opens his chopsticks and pokes at the prawns and shrimp in his ramen a little.

"No capes." Wing grins. "I've seen that movie and what happened to all those people that arrived with capes and just... yeah, I'm thirteen, I've outgrown capes!" Just a little defensive there. "Itadakimasu!" Using the chopsticks, he gets some shrimp and noodles and takes a bite. His eyes light up immediately, finishing his first bite and mmms. "It's good!"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon gave a small nod. "We could play another game, I'm not picky," she said, giving a sheepish smile. "And yeah, I'm not always the fastest, but I try. Pluto is helping to train me and make me stronger, faster and tougher. I'm going to be the best apprentice ever," Charon said proudly. She opened her chopsticks, opening them before...

"Oh, you can *never* outgrow capes. Just ask Tuxedo Mask. He's got an *awesome* cape. And I'm sure other people do, too! Lab coats work as well."

She then began to dig in, well...

Less dig in, more... lightly pick at her food. She didn't seem to be that heavy an eater. "The food here is really good. Thanks for coming with me, Cure Wing." She'd likely need to take some of it to go... but honestly? She more liked the company.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"You're going to be an amazing moon, Charon!" Wing says with warm encouragment. And well, you know how they say eat like a bird? Nope, birds are voracious eaters, as Wing is proving as he digs into his meal. Might want to keep your fingers clear. "And we can totally play something else. Whatever you'd like. I'm good with checkers though! Or anything really."

He snickers at the capes/lab coats comparison. Though he completely doesn't get the hidden meeting behind it. "And any time, Sailor Charon, promoter of Pluto is a planet." A grin at her as they both tuck into their meals and eventually part company so that Charon can return to Casa de Outers and hopefully not get the third degree from the other Outers.