Change of Command (Phantom)

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Change of Command (Phantom)
Date of Cutscene: 04 June 2024
Location: Queen Mirage's Throne Room
Synopsis: Queen Mirage is quite upset with Phantom's disappearance but is spared her wrath. The Oresky Trio scheme in the power vaccuum.
Cast of Characters: Phantom
Tinyplot: The Precure Hunter Attacks!? The Dreaded Precure Graveyard!

"Where have you been?" Queen Mirage's tone was sweet, but underlined the anger that she felt towards the young man before her. "You left. No warning, no anything. Right as that... brat Sunbreaker started on her tirade!"

Kneeled before Mirage was Phantom, the mahogany-haired boy offered no explanation. He refused to admit that he had fought Sunbreaker to a draw and was forced to mirror himself in order to deny her the powers of all the Pretty Cures in the Graveyard. Nor did he have any recollection of the events that happened between that and the two weeks until he had reawakened in the Graveyard.

Queen Mirage frowned. "You have nothing to say?" she asked Phantom again, her lips pursed in an unsatisfied look. "The board is not pleased with everything that happened, and there will be repercussions for Sunbreaker's behavior. But my concern is you. You have always been my right hand, Phantom. Yet, you abandoned me when I needed you, and have no explanations now. I want an answer, Phantom!"

Phantom cringed to himself and sighed out a breath, finally raising his head. "I have none." he offered. "I had something that came up and had to depart to tend to it." he started to respond to her.

"I saw the new addition." Queen Mirage sighed in frustration. "And she is nice. However, I could not contact you. And I have always been able to contact you. No matter where you were!" Was that concern she was showing? Phantom held a faint hope that it was until she added, "Your recent actions have me concerned to your fealty to me, Phantom. I have never doubted you - and now I am."

The blonde queen sighed. "I'm disappointed in you, Phantom. And I think that you need to spend some time in reflection on that."

Phantom raised his brow at the phrasing. "Reflection?" he asked, the consideration was clear. Was she about to place him in a mirror for his insubordination? Either way, he would accept whatever punishment the Queen had seen fit for his disappearance.

"General Phantom has earned a reprieve this time." said a voice behind Queen Mirage. She turned to look at the dark mirror that was above her throne as the baritone addressed the throne room. "But I do agree that he needs to spend a couple of weeks without Mirage's support. A reminder that Mirage is his home."

Phantom ducked his head low again. "Of course, Deep Mirror." the Precure Hunter said quietly. "I thank you for your leniency and will prove my worth again." Rising to his feet, with a stiff bow, Phantom turned to leave the throne room.

As Phantom marched out of the throne room, a trio watched him, and plotted. The largest of the three, with his grey hair and olive drab uniform, straightened his jacket with pride, making sure his medal on his chest was perfect. "This is my chance, subordinates!" Oresky said with a big grin. "I can finally become Mirage's second in command! No more having to deal with that punk! I can get Mirage's praise directly!" he crowed at the thought of Queen Mirage petting his head or... cleaning out his ears while his head was on her lap! He swooned at the idea.

Behind the large general, the lithe man and woman encouraged him, stoked his ego. "Sure you can." said the girl, Hosshiwa, "You should go talk to her now!" she offered as she noticed Mirage getting up to leave.

Oresky oh'd, brown eyes suddenly bright and starry with hope. "Oh, right! Do I look at my best?" he asked the pair, as they both nodded eagerly and sent him on his way. He jogged off after Mirage, calling out, "Oh! Your Majesty!"

As he departed, Hosshiwa turned to Namakelder. "So do I need to push you out of the way too?" she asked the other general in a sweet tone.

"I don't really care what you do, Hosshiwa." Namakelder responded, "As long as you don't interrupt my time to relax." he commented with a bored tone, already forming a grey cloud to lean back on and relax.

"Excellent," Hosshiwa responded with a grin. "I'll not only become Queen Mirage's favorite... but I'll ruin Phantom as well!" With a girlish giggle, she headed off on her own to trail after Phantom to see what juicy gossip that she can find out about him to use against the Precure Hunter later.

Namakelder sighed as he watched everyone go their own separate ways. "Well. Good a time as any to take a nap." he muttered as he pulled his top hat down over his eyes to get some rest. He can do something later. He just has to show effort, not actual work, after all.