1642/Pretty Boys Are Evil

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Pretty Boys Are Evil
Date of Scene: 07 June 2024
Location: Nounamu Sweets
Synopsis: Philip Toms shows up at Nounamu Sweets after a long absence bringing Chiyo a gift. Taro Yamada runs into the pair. A small argument comes as the boys fight over flirting.
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Phantom, Taro Yamada

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Nounamu Sweets had been as traditional as could be other than it's 'updated' candy offerings that had been brought in over the last few years as Chiyo became more involved with the business. Just the little cafe area, with two free types of tea, and the various wagashi and candies for sale. It did well enough on business but other than the occasional new flavor or test to see how a 'newer' candy does, not much had changed over the years. Until now.

there's a few delivery men currently wheeling in and installing a glass fronted mini-fridge where the table for the teas were usually set up. It had already been put into place. Now it was just being stocked with the usual Summery drinks: Ramune sodas, Calipico, cold teas. It wasn't much but it was a nod to the far warmer temperatures and the fact that it was getting too hot for hot tea.

The tea decanters are still nearby but for now Chiyo is just standing nearby checking off items on a list on her clipboard to ensure it's all stocked properly.

Phantom has posed:
It's been a couple of weeks since Philip Toms has been at the shop. That happens when one spends a couple of weeks in a mirror after a battle with Sunbreaker. But Phantom has full control of his powers, even if he's not aware that he did actually spend two weeks with Chiyo - just in a little tiny form that was panda-like.

But since he's returned, his sweet tooth has returned and... the girl at the sweets shop is decent company to spend time with.

The small bell of the shop jingles as Philip arrives, looking around as it seems that there are changes going on that he wasn't aware of, stepping to the side as the refridgerator is being willed into place.

The blue eyed teen with mahogany hair is dressed in one of his rock t-shirts, blue jeans, with a few studded bracelets on his left arm. Noticing Chiyo, he lifts his hand in greeting. "Hey." he greets neutrally, but at least there is a hint of a smile. And he's carrying a small bag with him. "I didn't get a chance to tell you I had to leave on a trip with my mother." he admits. Setting the bag down on the counter so that Chiyo can open it when she has the chance, it's a box of expensive Turkish Delights. Apparently he assumes the candy girl would want more candy?

Taro Yamada has posed:
His boss is back on her feet. The weather is hot. It's enough to make a man hit the wall energy-wise, as several weeks of nervous action slam into a wall. Taro's tired, and his head full of cotton, and if he has to do one more piece of homework he's going to eat his textbook.

So he leaves. Starts walking. His restless legs take him part of the way - and his good memory for streets takes him the rest.

Nounamu Sweets still smells faintly sweet outside; when he comes in, there's a fridge and cool drinks and he beelines over, only noticing Chiyo and Philip when he's halfway across the shop.

"Are we allowed to trade food for food here?" he asks, peering over Philip's shoulder. "I'd've brought something if I knew."

Not that it's startling having some tall, skinny guy in a Radiant Hearts uniform, shaggy hair and piercing, narrow eyes looming over you or something!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai finishes checking off to ensure the deliveries are all correct just as the door jingles alerting her to Philip's entrance. For a half-second that shock of red hair reminds her of someone else with red hair--But the familiar face of Philip waving at her draws a warm smile.

"Oh--! I was wondering why I hadn't seen you for awhile. How was the trip?" It's asked automatically before her gaze drops down to the bag placed on the table, and she steps over to examine it with her eyes lighting up. "Oh! I've heard of these! I always wanted to try them for real. I mean, I know you can get some sorts here, but not the real thing!" For just a moment she bounces on the balls of her feet clearly excited.

Taro's arrival looming over Philip's shoulder to look at the bag earns a little laugh at the question. "Not quite. No one really ever brings *me* candy though so I do appreciate it." Realizing Taro has snagged one of the cold drinks she adds with a little soft 'oh', "Right, yes, we have cold drinks now! It's been way too hot not to have any."

Phantom has posed:
"It was productive. Mom closed a couple of contracts. I'll bring you some new samples when Mirage has them prepared?" Philip suggests. "Not that you need makeup." he makes sure to add so she knows that. "I'm glad you like the candies. I was in the market and realized that you may want to try a candy from somewhere else. They're not as sweet as the candies that are made here, but I think you'll enjoy them."

Then there's a new arrival, and Philip turns to check out the newcomer. If Taro was looming over him, Philip doesn't seem that bothered by it. Of course, Taro may also sense that he's not exactly what he appears to be. He doesn't know how his powers work, so totally up to him.

"The candy is for her directly. Not for trade." he agrees with Chiyo's assessment. "I got the large box so that you can share it with your roommates, if you want." A rolling shrug of his shoulders as he makes note of the cold drinks. "It has been rather hot since the sun blinked. Whatever that was. There's so many theories. I think it was just a mini-eclipse caused by a rouge asteroid."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I'll bring some candy next time," Taro says, sidling over so he's not looming over so much as next to the two of them. "Your taste in cold drinks is good."

His dolls Jack and Dory are in his backpack, tucked safely in holding boxes, enjoying a chance to get out of their hiding place in the dorms and get a breather. It's Jack whose voice whispers in Taro's mind - 'There's someone tasty in this shop.'

Taro's gaze sharpens on Philip for a moment before he relaxes. "I heard asteroid too, yeah. Wouldn't surprise me if some American sattelite's on the fritz either."

(Taro doesn't use dark energy, so there's nothing to sense. But either of the people here may hear the click of wood on wood in his backpack as the living dolls shift inside their carrying cases.)

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Mirage.. cosmetics not Queen Mirage as for a moment flits through her mind. Why was she remembering those things right now? It's just a passing thought as Chiyo holds the box of Turkish Delight in hand smiling with a certain giddy delight of her own. A boy had brought her candy. It was too much to hope for, she said she was taking a break on guys, but... A guy brought her candy.

"Thank you, Philip," she says again only to nod as well with his mention of bringing samples for makeup. "Sure, if it's not any trouble. I do like wearing a bit of makeup sometimes." Okay she always had lipgloss or something on at least.

Her gaze darts over to Taro with a quick nod. "Oh you don't have to... Though I am curious to see what you can come up with. If there's any drinks you might like, let me know."

With that she looks between the both, and offers to Philip, "Would you like a drink too? They just came in but should be nice and cold." Is she avoiding the discussion about the eclipse? Without looking at either she turns her attention back to the candy to carefully open the box. "Oh, yes, I think it was one of those rare asteroids that orbits once every millenia or something ... Who knows. It does feel hotter though."

The little clicky-clack of wood draws her gaze back toward Taro as she leans slightly to the side to peek at his bag. The box there causes her eyebrows to jump a bit in surprise. "Oh, are those the kimekomi dolls? Ojiisan has some in his collection."

Phantom has posed:
"Ah." Philip says as Taro makes the declaration that he too wishes to bring Chiyo candy. "I didn't mean to interupt a moment of romantic intent?" he akss in that polite British tone of his as he looks between the boy with the piercings and the girl with the candy. "Sure. Do you have a sparkling water?" comes his question to Chiyo when she offers him a drink.

There's a nod as he steps aside, hands folded behind his back for a moment - at least until Chiyo gives him a drink to occupy himself with. If he's noticed any rattling or anything off Taro, it clearly doesn't show on the teen as he makes an introduction. "I see you go to Radiant Hearts Academy. I am Philip Toms, grade 10 there as well." There's just a tiny hint of the smile as he gets the drink, noticing Chiyo's interest in the dolls and his mouth forms a small oh.

But he did notice the reluctance on the part of Chiyo not to want to discuss the Eclipse, so he merely nods at her comment about it being hotter. "It does." he replies dryly.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"What romance? I'm a baker as much as she is," Taro says. "I like seeing how I can compare to the professionals."

But if romance is on this guy's mind... He leans in a little, squinting, looking Phillip up and down, his crisp blue eyes, his silky red hair.

"You gotta be careful with this one, he's too pretty," he declares. "Pretty boys are always up to something, especially if they know they're pretty." So good at talking their way out of situations! He's seen it! He's lived it! This is a completely normal reaction to have!

"Taro Yamada, Tenth grade," he says - and then all thoughts of the weather are out of his head as Chiyo mentions dolls. He sweeps his backpack around; a wooden coffin with a clear window is poking out, and a little doll head is smacking against the window. "Dory! This is not the time to run off!" he says, picking up the coffin before zipping the backpack firmly shut. He feels Jack's coffin smack against him where backpack meets flesh, but he ignores it. "She's not a kimekomi doll. I...guess she's a ball jointed doll?"

The wooden doll stares at Chiyo and Philip with bulging eyes as Taro clutches the tiny coffin to his chest. The mouth is all fangs; the wild white hair is smushed against the window.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai places the newly opened box of Turkish Delight down on one of the tables near her. A single piece is taken out and delicately held between two fingers to take a bite. As soon as it hits her tongue she lets her eyes flutter shut indulgently with a satisfied smile. It was a far more unique flavor, though the texture reminded her greatly of the jellies she could make herself.

Ah, but then Philip mentions possibly interrupting a romantic moment.

Her eyes bolt open again wide with cheeks flushing darkly as she gulps down the mouthful that was suddenly too sweet. "Ah... ah no I..." WAS that what he meant? Her uncertain, perhaps even worried gaze flits betwen them only for Taro to interject about being a baker too. "Right. Right, it's fine," she squeaks out with a laugh that chokes off because now he was mentioning about Philip being too pretty.

"I, ah..." A deep breath follows because there was no way she was going to be able to hide her blush now. He *was* pretty after all. Swallowing hard again she ducks her head, murmering, "I'm taking a break after the last two."

Then she turns perhaps too-quick to step over to the fidge to grab a seltzer for Philip. It gives her a moment to try to recover herself, and a moment that the two boys are left alone. Just a moment, and then she's back offering the seltzer out to the British accented boy.

The dolls are swung around on display cerating a further distraction. With a grin she leans forward to gaze into the clear face of the coffin shaped box remarking, "Ah, I see! What a lovely lady! She looks like she can handle any trouble that crosses her path."

Phantom has posed:
"I am." Pretty that is. Philip doesn't deny that at all. Instead, he lets the backhanded compliment slide over him and then over the side as he considers. "Ah. A baker. I see. Yes, I suppose that would draw that sort." he offers cryptically as the teen considers, but then Chiyo makes it clear that she is taking a a break, and Philip gives a small nod of his head. "I had heard of the rumors. My apologies for dredging a poor memory."

When she turns to get the seltzer, Philip turns for just a moment to glance at Taro. There's no changing of eye color. There's no release of dark energy. He impassively eyes the pair of toys and remarks quietly. "A coffin is appropriate for it." That's the only hint he's going to give as his face returns to it's normal pleasant, if somewhat emotionless expression when Chiyo returns for the drink. "Thank you for the water. I appreciate it." A bow of his head to Chiyo.

"However." He adds, almost with a mote of amusement, as he considers Chiyo. She's blushing, why not? "....should you change your mind, perhaps I should provide you with my contact information?" Because despite all the time they have spent together - he hasn't offered that yet. Or has he? "Though I think I gave you a card with my number on it." Perhaps he should have taken that as the clue that she wasn't interested?

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro's eyes widen, then narrow at Philip. Oh, he's definitely the delicious one in this shop, and the Back Street Slasher will need to have a little talk with him at some point. Especially if he's pinged that Taro's dolls are alive. If he's got magic, Taro will have to be extra careful... but that was why he'd painstakingly kept his true identity seperate from this human form, and why he preferred ambushes to a straight fight. Blur, whirr, thank you sir.

"You're gonna insult my Dory for not being a classic Yamato Nadeshiko and then try and flirt with a lady who says she's not dating right now?" he growls as he puts the coffin back in his backpack. "If she's changing her mind, she'll tell you so. This is a candy store, not a free for all girl buffet."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai draws a quick breath only to let another smile settle in place. Whatever memory had happened she shrugs it off for now. "It's okay. I worked most of my anger out over it."

The thanks, and then the this-time-obvious flirting causes her to redden again as she finds herself gazing at Philip uncertainly. "Y-you did yes, I ... I forgot since... A lot was going on. That was around prom when he ditched me to go watch the moon with another girl, then showed up a week later at my dorm saying 'things didn't work out' with her and said he'd fallen for me instead. So I, um. I forgot you gave that to me, sorry," she admits of the business card all in a rush.

Ah, but then Taro interjects causing her to fidget her hands against the hem of her apron looking between the pair uncertainly. Maybe she ought to just remain quiet a moment.

Phantom has posed:
Amusement pulls on Philip's lips. A blink and you'll miss it moment. He pops open the seltzer and drinks from it for a long moment, savoring the taste of it and other things, before he pulls the bottle from his lips. "Ah, so beneath all the piercings is a white knight. How quaint." a wink is offered to Taro before he waves off Chiyo. "It's not a problem. You have had a lot going on." Oh he knows. He knows well.

"Anyway. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and brought you a gift to thank you." For what? Well, that's a secret. A polite little bow at the waist, and he turns to Taro. "You're right. Because there is only one girl here. And she's worth the ask. Good luck with that."

And with that, he's strolling out of the storm, humming tunelessly.

Taro Yamada has posed:
".....I do not like that man," Taro says, glaring after him. "He's up to something."

He has a bad feeling about that guy, and his gut feeling is never wrong!

His face softens as he turns back to Chiyo. "Are you ok? I know I must've said some stupid thing with the faces you kept making, but all his flirting when you're very clearly off the market was pissing me off."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Thank her? Chiyo doesn't even have time to ask about what because he's turned his attention back to Taro to tell him a thing or two. That was just as equally flirty and leaves her clenching the sides of her apron in both fists. She was worth it. One person had said that to her before- And lied. But it was certainly nice to hear that. Certainly some part of her wanted to hear such things, and believe them.

It just caused her chest to ache from wanting to believe but not being sure she could.

One hand frees from her apron to rub over her face a single time trying to regain her composure. A thankful smile is given to Taro faintly. "I'll be fine. I'm just. A bit emotionally bruised over everything I've been through lately. I feel like I can't trust my emotions anymore."

A quick laugh comes as she tries to brush it off, "It's okay. I'll be fine, thank you."

Phantom has posed:
As Philip departs the store, in the darkness of an alley across the street, a figure watches him. A parasol over her head, a dress that billows out at her hips and goes to her knees, pretty white hair in huge curls and a raspberry hat with pink and black striped stockings, the young woman watches Philip leave. As she observes him, he goes a far enough distance away from the shop as his civilian disguise melts back into Phantom, and he summons a mirror portal to walk through.

"Ooooho ho ho ho." Hosshiwa laughs quietly, the back of her hand to her mouth for a moment as she confirms what she was searching for. She glances down at the small bag in her hand that reads Nounamu Sweets and her smile grows dangerous. "Now I know how to get past you, my dear Phantom~ It's not just the sweets you're here for~" she trills happily, another ojousama laugh escaping from her as she lowers her hands and rubs them together.

She has plans to make and an army to build.

She will become Queen Mirage's favorite.

She will replace Phantom. And all she has to do is crush one little candy store to do it and expose how weak Phantom really is! And as she is the QUEEN OF CANDY, she thinks, 'This will be easier than a taffy pull! Huehuehuehue.'

Taro Yamada has posed:
Emotionally bruised. What kind of jerk would play around with a girl's feelings? Ok, a lot of people, granted, but that was what made it even worse! It's not even an interesting or imaginative crime! Get a better career! Ugh, pretty boys were the worst.

"...I dunno if it'll help, but I came to have some wagashi. Wanna sit and chat until customers show up? I could carve a strawberry into something if you give me a knife. Or I can get Dory back out?"

Cheer up! Please cheer up!

(And in his bag, wood rattles against wood. Jack the doll's head swivels, though no one can see it. He stares at the girl with the parasol.)

(He's hungry.)

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai drops her eyes after admitting how she felt. It was the best, easiest way to explain how she felt right now. Bruised. That fit. That certainly fit. The mention of Wagashi draws her gaze back up toward Taro.

"Yeah. I think now is the perfect time for Wagashi," she agrees easily. It wasn't just that it was her job as a saleswoman, but it was a comfort item for her. It always had been.

With the offer of carving a strawberry she does indeed smile again. "How can I turn that down? Let's get you some wagashi and we can sit awhile," she agrees.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Could I get those pineapple sweets you were telling me about, if they're still on sale? And... How about something with a strawberry? I can see if I can match what your old man does," Taro suggests as he sits, carefully setting his backpack down. He grimaces as Jack's coffin smacks into his foot, then nudges it as he opens up his backpack and pulls Dory's coffin back out.

"Do you want to see more of Dory? she - ah, most people don't pick up she's female at first since she looks intimidating."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai tries to recall which pineapple she'd mentioned to Taro because there were quite a few these days. She'd certainly been trying to cater a bit to Mamoru's tastes given she'd been trying to feed him as much healing as she could. Not that things HERE were healing. That would put the shop on the map as a potential threat to Obsidian after all.

It only takes a moment, and she turns to head for the counter to get the pineapple jells which were most likely what she had recommended, as well as some strawberry items. And a regular strawberry from the ones not yet placed into wagashi. It's all on a tray as she comes back (with a few for herself, too).

The seat opposite Taro is taken as she smiles toward the doll known as Dory. "Women can be intimidating, too. I admit she's got a unique design, but there's nothing wrong with that."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Were there lollipops too, or am I misremembering?" Taro wonders, but - oh, those jells do look good. So do the strawberry wagashi. He hungers....

But first he opens up the coffin. He takes the wooden ball-jointed doll out and props her up so she's sitting with them. Now that she's out in the open, it's a little easier to pin her as a girl - she's in a western suit, but there's subtle curves underneath the fabric, and the delicately painted eyelashes are more visible on the bulging eyes.

"I was out of school for a while, so I entertained myself with carving. It took a lot of trial and error to get all her pieces to fit together, and more to create my vision.."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Ah!" Chiyo's eyes light up as she does recall. No sooner had she sat then she stands again to walk for the counter reaching up top to snag some lollipops that were wrapped in cellophone. They're brought back, a few of them placed down. "The Silver Crystal Lollipops! I based them off of some Clock App video that was making the rounds as a joke," she explains with a laugh. "But they've proven pretty popular."

Her attention rivets on Dori when he begins to take her out and set her up on display. The details are taken in, the outfit and everything, only for a look of surprise to flash over her features. "You made her yourself? She's amazing, Taro-san."

She was... definitely unique with the bulging eyes, and fangs, but that was hardly her place to judge style. Taro had plenty of piercings after all, yet seemed very nice.

Taking up one of the lollipops she places it in Dori's lap across her hands. "Here you go. You may not be able to eat it, but there's no reason you shouldn't get to enjoy some candy, too."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"They're gorgeous," Taro says, and he holds one up to the light. "The way they shine... Working with sugar can be so difficult even before you go for the clarity of it, but you've got them sparkling like this...."

It is beautiful. Food is food, but there is something about sweets that is phenomenal. Food as art, food at communication, food as joy. Love wrapped in a bundle of life-giving calories.

And he smiles, shy and pleased. "Isn't she? I spent a long time working on her. It feels like I didn't make her so much as carve out a body waiting to be made." She was, after all, the being he had created - in whatever way he pleased, and he pleased to make her strong, and scary, and poured a piece of his soul into her.

Dory flops a little with the lollipop in her arms,leaning so that her face is mushed against the sweet. Taro's smile grows even bigger. "She'll like that. She's a western vampire, so she mostly eats meat, but she can still appreciate beautiful things." He'll see if he can help Dory safely eat it when they return home.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai laces her fingers together, and props her chin atop them with elbows on the table. Not exactly lady-like, but they weren't at a fine dining establishment either. When Dory tips over she gives a little wince hoping it wasn't HER fault the doll had fallen. Thankfully Taro doesn't seem upset as he rights it again. "I'm glad she likes it, then!"

Looking back across the table with a genuine smile she adds, "And you as well. Thank you. I experimented for a couple of weeks until I got the recipe just right. I even held a little sampling session to figure out which flavor to make them. The pineapple won out, obviously. The other options were lychee or 'butter mint' which is ..." Pausing she considers how to explain it. "Apparently an American flavor? An after dinner mint that melts easily."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I don't take her out a lot since - well. People are SUPER weird about a boy having dolls, much less talking to them, and she's been my big project for years. I probably got more pissy at that guy than I needed to since he was being a jerk about her."

That's as close as apologizing as he's going to get for now.

He squints, then closes his eyes. "Butter mint... I thiiink I've heard of that? I had a teacher when I was younger who was from England and he liked those."

'I want some,' says Jack in Taro's mind.

Dory, meanwhile, is emenating an aura of smugness that he can feel from clear across the table at being gifted a prize.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"It's a much softer mint flavor than most expect so I was hopeful it might be popular. I guess I'm just biased though," Chiyo admits sheepishly. "I'm a choco-minto fan. It's good though."

The apology for the kerfluffle earns a little shake of her head. "I never understood why people get so upset over someone enjoying something. Hobbies are good, and crafts of any sort require skill and patience. I think it's a good thing when someone has hobbies like that. It says a lot about them as a person."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I never really did get the hang of mint. It's so overpowering. A softer mint flavor would be better, I thin, especially if it's coming with that melt in your mouth texture...." That's the good stuff!! "I like chocomint candies but not the ice creams. I'm willing to have my mind changed."

Taste! Tester!

"They are. I think if I didn't have something to do with my hands, I'd have fallen to pieces years ago. Dory's been my friend when I had no one else. I can't have someone being mean to her." Especially if they Know. His dolls are his weakness, but even moreso, they're the ones he's been alongside for decades on.He can't lose them.

"...I don't want to be, uh, presuming things, or get in the way," Taro continues awkwardly. "I don't want to get in the way of doing anything you enjoy or stop you from having fun. But if you ever need someone thrown out the window, I can do it?" It's not quite an olive branch, since Chiyo isn't the tone he was beefing with, but - she's maybe the second friend he's made in this city. He's definitely not feeding on her unless it's literal life or death. He won't get in the way - unless she asks it. Please ask him.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I'll see if I can find some again sometime. It was from a specialty shop I don't go to often. I could just try to make them. They were really interesting though!"

Then the offer of throwing someone out a window comes, and she glances down with a hint of embarassment. At least she's smiling while doing so. "Thank you. I'm honestly surprised he was flirting at all with the reputation I have of... You know." Her hand lifts, running back through her hair as she looks very embarassed now. "Throwing people out windows. Even if he did kind of deserve it."

Looking back up she adds, "I appreciate it, Taro-san. Thank you. And thank you for talking with me awhile. I feel better now."

Reluctantly she sighs as she nudges her chair back some. "I should get back to work. I'm sure Ojiisan has a lot he needs me to help with."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I'd love to try them. My teacher was a nasty old guy, but sometimes he had good taste."

'Hey!!!' says Jack in Taro's mind. Taro ignores him.

Phew, at least she's smiling. He knows this is a pretty sensitive topic from before... "I like you in a friend way so I'm not going to get weird, but, I think if I knew a girl would throw me out a window if I was a jerk, I'd like her even more." He can respect this. Girls should be strong and know how to make others respect them.

"I'll come pay at the counter and get all this wrapped up. I should probably get home and do homework anyway." He stands and leaves his backpack and the doll on the table, heading to the cash register.

(When Dory's not being kept safely in his dorm room, he rarely lets her go more than a body length away from him. And yet, in here, he lets her sit at the table, trusting no one will harm his precious doll while he works.

And at the table, the doll slumps more, as if embracing the Silver Crystal candy. At this angle, her fanged face almost looks like it's smiling.)