1664/Dollnapped! An Unexpected Meeting

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Dollnapped! An Unexpected Meeting
Date of Scene: 13 June 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Dorms
Synopsis: After scene 1660, the Slasher brings Doll-Amy back to Radiant Heart and sends his henchman to help her. Amy talks to the Slasher's doll, Dory, and the 'henchman' turns out to be Taro. Amy has realizations about the lives of mascots. Taro has ideas about the use of Puella powers.
Cast of Characters: Taro Yamada, Amanda Faust

Taro Yamada has posed:
The fearsome Back Street Slasher spent a good thirty minutes carrying a nine year old and entertaining her with dolls and chatter, jumping in when his doll Dory or a dollified Amy weren't enough to carry a conversation. At some point, he managed to send a message to Obsidion - Fuyuko with a stunning new undercut showed up to take Kayama-chan home, and the Ripper waved her off before proceeding to parkour his way to Radiant Hearts High School. Perhaps more parkour than neccessary - ok, who are we kidding, he's definitely showing off at this point.

When he lands in the quad, he finds a lunch table under one of the trees and sets Amy down with a gentlemanly air. "I'm going to go fetch my henchman to bring you the rest of the way, so you sit tight," the Slasher says, hands on his hips.

Dory, still a foot and a half tall, attempts to cling to Amy, her bulging eyes shining almost as if with tears under her Noh mask.

"Cmon. We gotta go," the Slasher coaxes the reluctant doll.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is happy to talk to Mika Kayama and keep her occupied. It also keeps Amy occupied, in that her mind isn't on her present situation, that being, turned into a doll and in enemy hands, albeit with magic that should make escape unstoppable if she goes all-out. It may also help to focus on the child who's over twice her height rather than the man who is a giant monster!

    She was so focused on telling herself and everyone she was alright and showing that she could handle things, that she didn't realize how much she needed to just go be safe with Coco and let someone else solve this problem. Be brave. Be strong. Be a man, at least about this. In the heat of the moment, it was easy to fall back on old ways of thinking, even after everything.

    She's uncertain if she should speak about the Slasher's impressive parkour skills. But... "Radiant Heart? Why are we here?" Oh, his henchboy is here. She nods, and waits.

    So uh, yeah. For the benefit of anyone reading scene logs: thanks to MAGICAL SHENANIGANS, Amy's currently a doll! About 1½' (45cm) tall, with a painted porcelain head and glass eyes that can look around under a red wig; There's articulation for her mouth to move like a ventriloquist dummy but when she talks it animates with much of the flexibility of a human mouth, except filled with creepy sharp teeth. The body must be some rigid material under her clothes; limbs have 'doll joints' although only her neck and hands are usually exposed. On the whole, she's still kinda creepy but not quite as much as you'd expect: For the most part she doesn't move like some unnatural puppet or doll creature, she moves naturally like a human being, which helps.

    In order to be a bit less attention-grabbing, before leaving the market she changed from the fancy magical girl outfit to a plain blue coat over a simple, slim black dress. It seems she still has her costume magic. She startles slightly at the hug from Dory. That doll cut her earlier! But...

    Amy blinks. She slowly, tentatively hugs the other doll back as she looks up at the Slasher. "But... I thought your dolls were gonna help me? I mean, at least teach me the basics of... I don't know anything about being a living doll! This is like half the reason I came with you!" She protests.

Taro Yamada has posed:
The Slasher, local seven foot vampire in a cloak and straightjacket, makes a show of pondering the whole thing, his chin on his clawed hand. "I guuuuess if you really want me to stick around for a while, I can. I've been letting Dory hang out with my henchman because it keeps her occupied and he knows better than to try anything. He even does a little doll repair! Real useful for me!" The most useful, in fact, for Taro to be a useful dupe to him instead of, you know, his actual self! Keeping up a secret identity was harrrrrd.

Dory the doll, a wooden ball jointed doll grown to a foot and a half with white hair, a white kimono and a Noh mask, stomps her little foot at the Slasher and hisses. She likes having Amy here! No going home yet! No ditching!!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "...Well if she--" wait, Dory? He named his doll 'Dolly'? "--hangs out with your henchman then you don't need to stay, do you? You can send him." Beat. "...Thanks for not trying anything, by the way. I'm far from defenseless, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't suck to have to fight you like this."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I figured you'd like having a human around rather than," pose, "all THIS." He is so terrifying! So large! He is huge and scary! Who wouldn't be intimidated by a big ol vampire guy! "Plus he keeps texting me if I harm a hair on your head, he's gonna unionize. Completely inconvenient! I haven't even gotten my fruit basket delivered!" Terrible!

As for the comment on attacking - well, he did promise that he'd never attack her if he turned into a monster as Taro, but he's keeping that up his sleeve. Instead, he shrugs. "I only do evil deeds that are actually cool. Not only is beating up someone who's a foot and a half tall a bad look on a good day, if you did win, I'd look like a moron." Completely normal logic!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks. Having a human around? "Aren't you a vampire or some-- Oh. That like, a villainous transformation, or are you a vampire all the time?"

    As for the unnamed henchman, "He should unionize, although I imagine it wouldn't mean much to your bosses. They freaking unpersoned Sunbreaker after she left."

    A painted-on eyebrow somehow raises -- it's magic -- when he relates his reasoning for not attacking her. He only does 'cool' evil? ...Is this a kid?

    Possibly the villainous, boy version of a Type II magical girl, the kind that turn into idol singers and stuff to try on an adult identity in advance of growing up. Does some boy somewhere think horror movie monsters are really cool? ...Or maybe girl? Or maybe trans boy who doesn't know it yet like her in reverse?

    She thinks better of calling out how much like a kid he sounds. If she's right, he'll probably be defensive about it.

    Amy sighs, letting go of Dory. "So, uh, Dory. Do you actually have any advice for me or anything to teach? You're a bit huggy for someone who slashed me earlier."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I don't work for Obsidion," the Slasher huffs disdainfully. "I'm an independant entity. They'd bring down the name of the Back Street Slasher with their politics and their weird obsessions with beating up teenagers and...whatever that freak witch Beryl is doing? I'm not going to engage in some freaky organization that lets a grown woman chase a bunch of teens around!"

Taro Yamada the human may work for them, but the Back Street Slasher? Product of decades of stalking humans, nudging them to work out how much they could remember, and building an urban legend? He is not tarnishing his evil name with that!

He doesn't answer what he is. Vampire, oni, transformation - he's keeping that firmly up his sleeve. Better not to slip! Just like Prince Enderman being grilled by Miss Thetis Baja Blast!

"Dory, play nice! I'll be back!" Slasher OUT!

Dory, meanwhile, gets her notebook and starts scribbling in red...ink? once more. Her handwriting is elementary school level, and some words are clearly furigana, the phonetic notation used to explain more complicated words, than the actual kanji that should be used.

DON'T LET ANYONE HURT YOU. EAT LOTS OF ENERGY. Hmm. DON'T LIKE TO PLAY? Dory was having so much fun playing until that horrible loud boy shot the loud arrow!! Bad!!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy quirks her eyebrow again. How'd he have a contact with that lady if they aren't part of some organization? She just waits for him to leave, then turns her attention to Dory, stepping back from the other doll.

    Under the picnic table kind of feels like she's in a small pavilion or something, when it's in her peripheral vision. Until she glances at the 'ceiling' or the seats or legs and is reminded of her present predicament. Or looks down at the weirdly huge grass.

    "I don't... think I eat energy? Although I guess I haven't tried. How do you do that?" Is the curse sustaining me? Or is my soul gem? I can operate my own body like a puppet... if anything this is probably easier than moving all that flesh, muscle and bone by magic. And it's not having to counteract rotting. I guess it doesn't matter...

    "...You do realize that part of your play was cutting me before I got turned into a doll, right? That hurt."

    Amy looks her over, and sighs. "...There's... there is no sort of like... culture or anything of what to know as a doll, is there? It's just you and that other one, figuring yourselves out..."

    She suddenly feels some mental tiredness, although her legs are not physically tired, and sits down on the grass. Just lets her butt fall right down like a small child; she's not tall or heavy enough to hurt herself doing so.

Taro Yamada has posed:
Dory hops down with her, her wooden head tilting left and right with curiosity. Rotting and curses aren't a thing she needs to worry about, but...

WE'RE RIPPERS. WE CUT WHEN WE PLAY. WE EAT WHEN WE CUT. Her face angles, and the light and shadow from the table fall over the Noh mask to emphasize the wide eyes. HUMANS HEAL AFTER.

Dory skips over to Amy, writing in her notebook one more before handing it to her and starting to spin around, her kimono spinning up around her wooden knees. DO YOU LIKE MY DRESS?

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy watches Dory do a twirl and can't help smiling a little with those creepy pointy teeth. "It's nice! I have a yukata I really like. I'll show you a pic--" oh right, she can't operate her phone. "...Well, maybe another time."

    "...How do you keep a white kimono clean with all the bloody slashing?" She's genuinely a bit curious, now that she thinks of it.

    Cutting people? That's what sustains them, huh? she thinks, and muses out loud, "I guess it's only fair. Most humans won't even recognize your existence. They can't. They'll forget encounters with you, but even in the moment, or if they're magical... You're just like, some creature. Like a mascot for the Slasher. No one's going to think about your life, outside of fighting you."

    Gods, Amy thinks, I live with Pin and barely thought about what they do when they're not with Mio. And how they have to pretend to be a plushy all the time. And what about Luna?! She's shaped like a cat, but she's a person. What does she do all day? And almost anyone she meets will just see her as an animal. That must be so lonely...

    Amy's eyelids go up all the way, and her painted-on brows lift and she holds her hands to her chest. "Oh no. Oh no I knew Pin and Ula and Gretchen and Lydian and uh... Sigrid? Medli? Gods I don't even remember their names!! I knew they were people but I don't think about them... nobody thinks about it! What if... me being like this... makes the other humans start to think of me the same way?!"

    She leans forward and drops her hands to the ground. "Not that I don't deserve it. When did I ever show concern for Pin, or Gretchen, or Madoka's other Charas, or Ula, or Luna, or Chiyo's cat, or the other Cure fairies or Propel or... Kyubey doesn't deserve it, but I didn't care about him even when I thought he was good... I didn't even think about 'em. I worried for the humans-turned-toys more than I did for the people who have to live like this all the time...!"

    She lowers her voice a bit. "I'm the worst. I knew better, I knew intelligent life's shape doesn't matter, and I still..."

    Amy mutters to herself softly. "Are Devices people? I never even thought to ask..."

Taro Yamada has posed:

So dangerous! The Slasher has guarded himself and his dolls vigerously - in part because damaging the dolls could hurt him, but also because, good lord, Tokyo was full of all kinds of dangers he'd never encountered before.

Dory's head tilts and tilts. This is going wayyy beyond her world, which has two other entities in it, sometimes three, and yet.. Hm. Hm hm hm. She crouches next to Amy and writes.


Don't worry about iiiit!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy lifts her head to read after she hears Dory writing. "Oh I thought maybe you did it with magic. I know how to get blood out of clothes, that was--" She pauses as wait, relating that she had to learn that might reveal-- oh wait no it doesn't because it's something normal half of humanity has to deal with, "--uh, that's something every human girl learns."

    Tokyo is dangerous? "Even for killer dolls?" Amy wonders, looking over at Dory.

    She imagines just. Hanging out on the computer all day when her magical friends aren't around. It's kind of how she used to spend most of her time, really. After you graduate it's really hard to make friends...

    How sad is it that she might've been even lonelier as that guy than she would be as a mascot?

    "...I'd be lonely. Do you at least have internet friends to talk to?"

Taro Yamada has posed:
HUMAN BOYS LEARN TOO, Dory writes sagely. VERY IMPORTANT HELP GIRLS TO CLEAN BLOOD. HIDE THE BODIES. That's what Taro said! And Taro was right way more often than Jack was.

I AM SMALL AND MADE OF WOOD. YOU ARE LARGE AND MADE OF MEAT. MEAT HEALS WITHOUT MAGIC, Dory explains, not realizing, uh, significant issues she's revealed - after all, as the locus of the Slasher's immortality, if he's the one being immortal, she's extra vulnerable.... But then again, she suspects no malice from Amy.


Amanda Faust has posed:
    ...Right, yeah. They're the Slasher's dolls. "'Humans fix themselves if you put holes in them' may be kind of true, but... it still hurts. If I didn't use magic to heal I might be hurt for a long time. If you cut deep enough to hit an organ I might not get better." Well, Amy would, but not most humans.

    "...I mean. You could either just never talk about where you live, or make up details. Like a sort of... humansona you roleplay on the internet. Just never actually meet anyone offline."

    Wait, did she say study? "What do yo study?"

Taro Yamada has posed:
Dory's face dips; at this angle, the Noh mask looks like it's frowning. WE PUT THEM BACK TOGETHER AFTER. She knows, she's seen it! That's how it works! When the three of them cut humans, it gets fixed right up! All that's left is the fear and the energy.

Wait. Hm. Hmm.m This could be useful to do. Meet people on the internet.... I STUDY KANJI AND GRAMMER TO WRITE! AND READ! AND LEARN THE PIECES OF THE BODY

Yeah, Dory isn't just a mascot... she's a YOUNG mascot.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks. "Do you mean... you stitch them up after you slash them? That's still traumatic, in the physical sense. Like, it's stress on their body, and painful."

    She studies anatomy? "Do you want to be a doctor when you grow u--" Amy freezes. "...Sorry. Force of habit from being around young humans. I guess you... don't really have a future beyond this, huh... I have no clue what I'm gonna do even if I do survive..."

    Gods. What happens to mascots when their magical girls age out?

    Amy glances around. "Where's that henchman? Does he usually take long to show up?"

Taro Yamada has posed:
NO. THE FLESH GOES BACK TOGETHER WITH MAGIC. SEALS UP. She makes a zipping motion. LIKE IT WAS NEVER THERE. I'LL HELP THE NEXT SLASHER WHEN I'M OLDER!! Because she is!! the best!! AMY COULD BE A SLASHER? What's this aging thing. Dory's not super clear but obviously there are other options.

Meanwhile. Taro henshined back as soon as he was out of sight and ran up to his dorm room. Took a moment to breathe. Bathroom, change of clothes, look like he was coming out of a study session and not running all over Tokyo. Jack brought to the closet he'd taken over to do...whatever it is Jack did in private, Taro wasn't asking. Bite to eat, water. Calm down. He could do this. Doll maintenance kit, just in case-

"Sorry I'm late!" Taro says, kneeling down next to the picnic table. "Amy? Are you, uh - " A lot bigger now that he's not a vampire?? ""A doll now?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks at Dory. "Wait, really? Huh. I guess that's convenient. Kind of sucky, but... I guess you gotta survive." Me? The next Slasher? "Uh, thanks, but I'm really not cut out for it. I'm kinda hoping for princess consort, but it'd be nice if I could help people who need it... especially those like you, forgotten by others."

    She startles at Taro's voice, and stands. "Taro?! Wait, how do you-- Are you the 'henchman'?!" She takes a couple steps towards him, but not out from under the table. "Geeze, you're huge..."

    Standing there talking to Dory, things had started to feel normal, with only another person her own size for company.

    Is she a doll? "Um, yeah." She nods. "A youma did it. It'll... it'll hopefully only last for a few days."

Taro Yamada has posed:
AMY WOULD BE A PRETTY SLASHER! Dory insists, her wooden finger tapping pretty several times fo emphasis. WE HAVE TO BE REMEMBERED!

Dory has no skin in that game, being remembred, but it drives taro and Jack to distraction, thinking they'll be forgotten. It'd be useful to have a remembering friend!!

"Yeah. When we went witch hunting last week, that big guy fell on me after the labrinth collapsed and gave me a bunch of money to get him food?" Taro says,using the line he's had rehearsed all week. "He keeps on showing up and giving me money for food and I'm keeping some of his stuff in my closet. It's a bad idea but the money's good and I feel like saying no to a big monster guy is an even worse idea, so! I"m a henchman now." His lips twist. "Again. I guess I'm an Obsidian henchman too?"

he guessses!!

"I don't think you can steal energy like the Slasher's dolls can, but I can donate if you need it? Or I can take you up to your room. Or make...extremely small foods?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy hears Dory writing and looks over. She can't actually blush, but the way she awkwardly looks away and smiles a bit is telling. "Th...thanks."

    She looks back to Taro. "Damn... well, good thing you're experienced at it, I guess. But I hope this doesn't have to be your job forever..." She blinks. "When did you learn to repair dolls? ...Oh right, like eighty years old, I guess you'd pick up all sorts of things."
    Amy tries to shrug. "I dunno if I need or can even use that kind of energy, but I suppose it'd be neat if it could recharge my soul gem. I'm almost full at the moment, though. The gem is I mean. I doubt I can even eat food." The human-size ring is on a little chain around her neck, which she pulls out of her shirt to show, looking down at it herself. There's only the tiniest sliver of corruption there at the moment.

    Amy walks over to hug Dory. "Thank you. F, for saying that. And for trying to be friendly." She starts to shake a little. "Jesus, Taro. I'm a doll. E-everyone is huge a-and I, I'm not gonna be able to go to school or go outside or, or do anything" she holds her hands to the sides of her head, "except fight monsters, if I can even still do that effectively!" She drops to her knees. "I-I went with the Slasher to make sure that kid would be okay but then, but then I..."

    She drops to her hands as well, the giant blades of the mowed grass easily coming up to her elbows. "I was all alone with a strange monster, even if he turned out to be kinda friendly... I... I'm..."

    Scared? How can she admit that? Pretending to be strong might be all that's keeping her together right now. She clenches her fingers, little doll-hands digging into the sod.

    "I kept thinking... if I'd just gone with my friends... I'd 'a been safe, and not had to worry. But the kid... I guess someone else coulda handled 'er..."

    "What am I gonna do...?"

Taro Yamada has posed:
"The Slasher hanging around was going to be a one time thing, but he saw I can do doll repair and cook and sew and was like, I will give you so much money to do this for me." Which is technically true, given that he is giving himself so much money to take care of himself. And he'd probably let a monster pay him for supplies! He's done worse things for less money!

He squints at her soul gem. Dory's head snaps to it as well, feeling a locus of energy from it - delicious, tantalizing energy that is definitely not up for grabs because it is Amy's energy. There will be other times.

"We can try if you want? And," Dory nods to him, "she'd probably let you have a little energy if you needed it. I don't know if it'd be compatible with your energy? But the Slasher doesn't use that dark energy goop, at least."

Not purification, not darkness, just pure power to Not Die. Maybe it didn't give ranged attacks, but he hadn't died yet.

And now Amy is upset - and - oh no, oh no, what does he do?? He's no good at comforting people! And she was scared of HIM - and she's supposed to be scared of HIM, but not scared of *him*, and it's -

"If he did anything to you, I'd kick his ass!" Taro declares. "And, uh - do you want a hug? We can - we can have you call in sick? That guy had me call Fuyuko-sensei to take the kid, we can have her fake a hospital visitor something. And - I can take you back to your dorm room? Or to mine? Or to someone else's! I'm real good at taking directions!" no no no don't cry oh no "Do you need a hug??"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy keeps rambling, "It was... I tried to focus on the silver lining at first, ooo, what a wild experience! I-I can handle it, I've thought about ending up in another body all the time until a year ago, I'll see what being a doll is like, I'll learn, like, the secret culture of the living doll-people, which are apparently a thing, except they're not a thing, it's just Dory and the other one, a-and, I'm not gonna be able to interact with people like a human, Taro,"

    "I thought Klarissa was overreacting to finding out we're rocks controlling human bodies, saying she wasn't human anymore and stuff, but now that I'm a rock controlling a doll body people won't even see as human, I think I might be getting how she felt--"

    Don't cry? Can she even cry like this?

    Doll Amy looks up. "Did you say a hug...?" She glances away. "T-that'd... be nice, actually." She crawls out from under the picnic table and stands up, holding her arms out and up.

Taro Yamada has posed:
He can't really tell her about being a Ripper, about why the dolls are special and why they acn move. And, ugh, he'd tried to make it clear the Slasher was standing down after the fight, she wasn't supposed to stress! About it! Ugh! wait what do you mean shes a rock -

"If you're a rock controlling a body, if this body stays small, we can make you a bigger doll body that looks human and you can jump to that," he says. "it can't be that hard! I could do it during a holiday! Or - maybe you could hijack a car? Or a bulldozer? You could hit monsters while being a cement truck! If you're a rock, then we can make you a new body to use!"

It was easy! After all, that's what Jack had done.

He scoops her into a hug, holding her close. His grip is a little too soft, as if afraid he might break her if he holds her too hard - but it's there all the same.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy's sense of touch in this body is heavily dulled, although she can also feel the forces on her body through the way it moves her body and the connection between parts, much like you can still feel the forces of the dentist's tools even under local anaesthesia. It's like she's only mostly numb. It's kind of like being hugged with every section of her body in casts but her joints free. But she can feel it, and faintly feel the contact. She relaxes, not that she has any muscles to tense or relax.

    From his side... it feels like hugging a doll? There's none of the softness or give of flesh, her body is of completely rigid construction under the clothes.

    "You can hug a little tighter. I don't think I'll break that easily." She rests her head against his chest, and listens to this giant's breathing and heartbeat. (He has those, right?) It's kind of soothing.

    After awhile, she's not sure how long, she speaks again. "I don't think it works that way, but I confess I never tried to control a doll before, not that I have any idea how. Kyubey has multiple bodies somehow, and he said he's not like us, but he could be lying. That would be pretty amazing if I could hop between multiple bodies."

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro hugs her. She feels like one of his dolls, stiff under the layers of fabric. His skin suddenly starts itching from the contact, as if he let go now, he'd die. He listens to his body and stays in the embrace for as long as Amy keeps it; he listens to Amy and tightens his arms, holding her close.

(He still breathes. Still has a heart beat. In this form, Taro Yamada is indisuptably human.)

"We can wait a few days and see if your body turns back. If not, we can start seeing if you can swap to a new model." A confused pause and - "Did this Kyubey guy turn you into a rock?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    'Swap to a new model' actually makes her burst out laughing. "Boy, that's a way of looking at it! You're really not attached to your body, huh, to think like that..."

    She tries to take a relaxing breath, but can't. She stops pressing her arms around him, too small to really hug back.

    "Yeah. Ripped my soul right out of my body and turned it into a rock. Not sure how my body was replaced by this -- I mean the one I usually have. Well, the one I usually remote control. I kind of wasn't conscious for the seconds I wasn't in my body? Then I was 'in' the new one as far as I knew, and I had a battle to go help out in." She tries to half-shrug by leaning slightly to the side.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I didn't design this body, I just was born with it. If I got to freely design how I looked, I'd be clinging to that," Taro declares without a hint of shame. "Besides - besides, ok, the soul ripping thing is really messed up and maybe we can sic the Slasher on that guy? But you're like a Gundam pilot now! Except your body is the Gundam and the rock is the pilot! Mecha pilots swap ships when they have to!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
> I didn't design this body, I just was born with it. If I got to freely design how I looked, I'd be clinging to that!
    "Mood!" Amy says with a pointy-toothed smile! If he's set her on the picnic table, she holds out a hand for a fistbump.

    Sic the Slasher on Kyubey? "You're welcome to it. He'll recruit fewer Puella Magi that way, and... it's for the best. Probably. Unless turning our souls into wishes and rocks really is what keeps the stars burning. If he lied about that, though, I've got no idea why he's doing it."

> You're like a gundam pilot now! Mecha pilots swap ships when they have to!
    She laughs again, "That's... oooo, I really like my new default body, but that's a way to look at it! There could be times that it'd be tactically better to use something else, I guess. But I have no idea what makes a body a valid target, or how to switch which one I'm controlling if there were more than one."

Taro Yamada has posed:
He sets her on the table and they fist bump!! Dory clambers on up after her and also attempts to go for a hi-5!

"...I don't really understand the whole soul wish thing, but the stars are going to live for billions of years longer than we are. The stars can deal. He - they? - just go around turning girls into rocks for this?"

Yikes! Ok, its probably technically evil to stab a guy who makes mahou, that's in character for the Slasher. It's fiiiine. This sounds even worse than Beryl's teenboy stalking program!

"That Kyubey guy didn't give you a control manual, huh?" Even Jack was better than this... "Maybe we can ask him some questions? Or do some experiments..."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy smiles and high-fives Dory too, just because.

> The stars are going to live for billions of years--
    "That's what I said, and he said that he's been doing this since before modern astrophysics were developed. All our measurements are based on observations made with him using the wishes of little girls to keep the stars from going out."

    Amy taps her chin "Although, it seems he might not've been active during the Silver Millenium? So if there are stars more than 14,000 light years away, we should observe different behavior in them. How far away are other galaxies and stuff? I gotta look that up..."

    Amy 'de-henshins'. Her outfit changes back to what she was wearing before, a red T-shirt and black athletic shorts, and the size of her phone/cards/cash bag is unchanged. "Oh! That reminds me! I left my stylus in my room like an idiot, despite getting it specifically for this situation!" She demonstrates, pulling her phone out of the bag and blinking at the notifications of messages from Coco. But tapping and swiping at the screen is to no avail. "I need you to google what other materials work with a touchscreen so I can let everyone know I'm alright."

    She turns and looks in the direction of the girls' dorm. "...Or, just take me to my dorm room so I can use the stylus. If, uh. If my roommate's there I'll explain."

    She looks back to him and shakes her head. "No, no manual. Kyubey's pretty... tight-lipped about any information unless we need it to fight Witches. We can try questions, but I dunno how truthful he'll be. I'm down for experiments as long as they're not, y'know, obviously risking permanent harm to me or something."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I get to learn aliens are real AND that they're real pieces of work? What a night," Taro huffs. "Those girls in the fuku and Tuxedo Guy are space themed, right?Could we ask them, or should we go find some books on space? We could probably add that to the resarch list along with trying out new bodies...." Reseaaaarch.... Always something to do.

Dory clambers up on Taro's shoulder and sits pretty, waiting for him to carry her.

"Let's get you to your dorm room, see what we can raid from there. We should read your roomate in anywaywith the whole, doll thing."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Uhhhh..." Amy taps her chin. "They did mention Kyubey's not from this solar system... Shit, so much has happened I forgot to ask how they knew that." She takes a step towards her dorm room then remembers, oh right, doll, and turns and raises her hands in the universal gesture for 'uppsies', trying not to look too embarassed.

Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy Faust says, "...Thanks, by the way. For helping me. Happy to talk to you and Dory anytime."

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro picks her up, letting her take his other shoulder. "Not many people should be at the dorms this time of night. Let's get going!"

And his face colors a little. "N- no problem. We gotta stick together, after all.. And it's probably good for Dory to get out of the apartment, anyway..."