1708/Red Light, Green Light

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Red Light, Green Light
Date of Scene: 29 June 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Rei and Minako come across a Red Light/Green Light Terribad and defeat it in the nick of time! And then continue on the way with their not quite a date, probably a date.
Cast of Characters: Bow, Minako Aino, Rei Hino

Bow has posed:
Pikarigaoka is not as busy as some of the other parts of Tokyo, being a suburb of the massive metropolis. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't have it's fair share (sometimes more so) of youma attacks. That is the case in point today. Because in the middle of an intersection of two major roadways, a traffic light is possessed by dark energy and gives creation to a new monster!

Standing at over seven feet tall (eight feet at the shoulders), it has a red light on one shoulder and a green light on the other. And as it appears in the traffic, it calls out. "RED LIGHT!"

And all the traffic in the area freezes. Pedestrians, cars, people that had just noticed the monster - all of them come to a stop - and a timer appears on his belt, counting down from :20 as he works to drain those in the area of their energy.

Why does he have a timer? Because he's a red light, and of course at some point, he's got to turn green again.

Minako Aino has posed:
Patrol? Date? Well...maybe it was both? Even with visits to the moon, revelations, trials and so much more...they still had obligations as Senshi, as heroes, to the people. She'd been doing this since she'd become Sailor V, but having Rei with her? Well, that made things so much better for many many reasons.

Blonde hair down, she didn't quite have the same mystical senses the Miko did, but well...she did have a little experience as they moved along. A sudden tilt of her head and she frowns...

"Do you hear that...or not hear it? Where's all the traffic sounds?"

Rei Hino has posed:
    Rei had been invited out for a walk. Her dark hair had been pulled up to keep it off her neck in the summer's heat, tied back in a bow as she patrolled... on a date? Things were complex enough, but spending the time with Minako was treasure enough.

    She paused a moment, a few steps behind the blonde senshi as she turned her gaze out, something flicking at the edge of her senses. He reyes narrowed, and she turned her dark gaze to Minako.

    "Not just the traffic -- it sounds like everything stopped --" she trails off, and reaches into ehr backpack to retrieve her pen, looking to Minako with concern.


Bow has posed:
As the two Senshi prepare, the countdown continues as the traffic-based youma continues to drain energy from the area around him.


..."GREEN LIGHT!" he calls out, as the light on his left shoulder flashes green. When it does, traffic and people resume. And now, they know there's an issue as there are screams of panic and honking horns as suddenly everyone is trying to get away from the youma attack before that countdown on his belt goes from :20 to :00 again!

As he gathers the energy, it's all being fed into a container at his side as he holds a large Stop sign like as a weapon.

Minako Aino has posed:

"Venus Power, Make Up!"

The swirl of magical light erupted as her form became silhouette, the light wrapping around her form to create her senshi outfit before revealing Sailor Venus in all her glory. Just in time for the panic to fill the air. "Okay, definately not a false alarm!"

Empowered to leap and move, she touches down as things are still moving, spotting the creature wielding the light and sign at the heart of it all. "Hey! Don't you think traffic is bad enough without you messing with it!" she calls, but already her gloved hand was lifting as energy rolled down the limb to a single point at her index finger.

"Crescent beam!"

Rei Hino has posed:
    "Mars Power Make-Up!"

    The swirl of fire errupts around Rei as she changes into her own Senshi form, Sailor Mars landing in the street with dark hair rising up behind her before she leaps forward, tailing Venus into the fray. She stands back a little bit, drawing her gloved hands to the side as she regards the youma.

    "Agreed, Traffic is bad enough in sections of Tokyo -- this is why I take the bus!" she commends, looking to flank the traffic problem with the green light going.

    "Mars Fire -- IGNITE!" she calls out, flame twisting around to power up Venus's Crescent Beam!

Bow has posed:
They better hurry if they want to defeat the monster. Already, in the time it took them to transform and set up their attacks, the timer is already down to thirteen seconds!

But the attacks are effective, the powered up Crescent beam and the flame strike hitting simultaneously. As the youma takes the hit, he growls. "Just you wait!" he warns. "I'll teach you to cross against the light!"

The stop sign hammer is swung towards the pair, as he twists it to the side to present the broad flat part of the sign, looking to smack them both with the largest part of the sign.

That timer is still counting down. It's at ten seconds.

Minako Aino has posed:
Venus hadn't seen what the countdown actually meant, but then later she was confident enough that it was going to be a bad thing!

Not wanting to let things slow down she ducks low under the winding sign, the metallic object ruffling some of the ends of her long blond hair and almost snagging her bow before she twists and springs backwards, trying to make up distance.

Banter fails, or it's left aside as she instead lifts a hand and her energy begins to form that familiar length of heart-shaped links.

"Venus, Love Me Chain!"

Rei Hino has posed:
    Mars shifts around and manages to avoid getting the smack down from the stop sign, ducking below and feeling the wind from it push her hair as she decides to tuck and roll forwards as Venus springs backwards, now both on opposite sides of the youma as the timer counts down, and she brings her hands together, breathing out as she begins to trace a circle through the air, flame following her fingertips as orbs of fire form.

    "Mars Fire Surround!" she calls out, her voice echoing as the sound of igniting flames, the orbs coming to her hands before she launches the fireballs at the Traffic Light youma, trying to distract it with flames at its feet as Venus sends her chain out!

Bow has posed:
As he swings around the stop sign and wiffs past the two senshi, the youma spins around in a complete circle. For a moment, he is completely confused and disoriented as it has to take a moment to try to recover itself. Not that the two senshi are going to give it a chance. Because as the flames erupt from Mars' attack, the youma tries to move back from her attack, not at all realizing that she was setting up the distraction.

The step back brings him right into the embrace of the love me chain as it wraps around it, it's arms are trapped to the side. "Ack!" it yelps, trying to pull away. It only needs a few more seconds... but will the senshi get off their powerful attacks first before the clock strikes zero?

They have five seconds left!

Minako Aino has posed:
The idea had been to trap it, slow it down and prevent the creature from being able to recover or evade it. What was better than one trap? Well...two at once!

Minako grins her glossed lips as the creature is snared a twist of her form and a stomp on the chain with her heeled shoes bringing the creature yanked downwards before she lifts her other hand upwards.

"Now Mars! Hit him hard!"

Her other hand is brought to her lips as if she intended to blow a kiss, but the crackle of energy that forms into a 'Love heart' shape that pulses with mystic energy before she draws back to throw it at the Youma, another dual attack with her girlfriend and fellow Senshi. Maybe it was the giddy, joyful feeling of love that that made the Guardian of Love's attack all the more potent as she hurled the energy blast towards their trapped foe.

"Rolling Heart Vibration!"

Rei Hino has posed:
    The idea had been to trap it and put it down so that it couldn't hurt anyone else.

    She draws an Ofuda from her skirt, her own careful calligraphy enscribed upon it as she focuses her power. Heat rises off her in waves, permeating the area as her dark eyes focus on the Green Light/Red Light Youma, and she narrows her eyes.

    She focuses, the ofuda pinned between her index fingers as she holds her hands in the Rin position, and she draws from the scroll and the celestial fire of the planet of War.

    "Mars -- Firebird Strike!" she calls out, orbs of fire coalessing into her her hands, and then forming the shape of a pyromatic avian, launching itself towards the center of the Youma!

Bow has posed:
With the love chain holding the youma in place, it appears for a moment that it may be too late, as the timer at his waist hits :00.

"RED}..." it's starting to say to freeze the area in it's grasp, including the two senshi - but it never gets a chance to finish it. Venus' attack strikes first, the energy strike sent down the chain and slams into the youma, cracking it's lenses and causing it to start to crumble...

And that's when Mars' firebird flies in and engulfs the youma. There's a scream as it's devoured by the flames, burned to ash by the joint attack. As the love me chain goes slack in the aftermath of the attack, the street sign falls to the ground with a clatter, the youma destroyed, only leaving behind a confused meter-maid that is freed from a broken mirror coffin, allowing her to return to normal - the terribad made from her desire to be the best traffic officer destroyed. "Oh..." she manages, a hand to her forehead as she recovers.

Minako Aino has posed:
Victory! The chain fizzles out and Venus exhales a breath of satisfaction before she lifts a hand in celebration. Of course, there was some part of her that wanted to run excitedly to her fellow Senshi, perhaps even throw her arms around her or smooch her...but well, they were very much in public, post-battle and...well, Rei was often a bit more reserved than her.

Instead she moves towards the meter maid, a hand out to gently help her to her feet.

"You'll be okay!"

Rei Hino has posed:
    Comes with the territory of being a politician's daughter.

    Mars gives a small smile, watching the fire and the chains burn away the dark energies of the youma as the meter-maid is restored.

    She comes in from behind, gently laying hands on the maid's shoulders to make sure she doesn't fall down, giving a smile to Minako as she does.

    "IT's all right. You had a very bad dream. You'll be okay." she confirms and echoes her fellow senshi.

Bow has posed:
"Oh..." the meter maid offers as she gets to her feet with the help of the two teens. "Yes. I think so..." she says as she looks around at all the traffic. "I should get back to work!" She doesn't know what caused the traffic snarl.

But she's the one that can solve it! And with that, she is hustling form the two teenagers to get back to her little podium in the middle of the traffic circle to direct traffic.

Minako Aino has posed:
An exhale of satisfaction as peace is restored and Minako adjusts herself and watches the maid depart back to where she was standing, finally turning her eyes back towards Rei's own and -perhaps- allowing herself a little bump of her hand against Rei's own.

"Hey...well done," she offers lightly, flashing a winning smile. "Couldn't have done it without you."

Rei Hino has posed:
    The little bump against Rei's hand doesn't go unnoticed, and the Senshi of Flame gives a wry little smile, watching the traffic director return to her podium.

    "Pretty sure you could have. I just made it easier to handle." Rei gives a smile back to Minako, and a playful narrow of her eyes.

    "... and faster." she smiles, and then giving a leap, she hops to a more secure area to transform back into Rei Hino, totally normal shrine-maiden on a not-quite-a-date.