1729/A Board Game in an Arcade

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A Board Game in an Arcade
Date of Scene: 05 July 2024
Location: Game Crown Arcade
Synopsis: When the Game Miester tries to gain a foothold on Earth, it's up to Amy, Charon, Lamya and Sayaka's board game skills to prevent it from happening!
Cast of Characters: Bow, Amanda Faust, Sayaka Miki, Mie Kitamura, Hotaru Tomoe

Bow has posed:
A normal day at the Arcade, kids hanging out in the business, spending their yen, trying to set high scores or catch the latest toy from the UFO games. Plenty of noises, challenges, laughter. Good fun and enjoyment. But there is something else that is noticing the fun and frolic of destroying falling aliens, eating dots, or blasting rocks into pixelated non-existence.

At the back of the shop, a game that has been long out of service suddenly starts to power up. And as it does, in the middle of the arcade, a large portal swirls and then opens up, swallowing everything into it. In the midst of this portal stands a large figure. Dressed in an oversized coat, it's face is a video game screen, large cables hanging down from his arms that lead to various controller types. There's no legs noticed on this creature as he stretches out.

"Welcome, Welcome!" he announces with a static of a voice as he reconfigures the arcade. "With none of the meddling Sprites here to stop me, I will drain you of your energy and it will be 'Game Over!' for all of you."

Among those that have been captured is Bow, who had been doing a video in the arcade on the various UFO catcher games. Held hostage, the young man pokes at the walls of the UFO catcher game he was put in and frowns. Nope. Not getting out of that anytime soon. So his attention is on soothing those that have been captured with him.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy has come along out of curiousity after hearing Bow's plan for a video. "I had no idea there was so much to know about UFO catcher machines..."

    And then the GAME MEISTER, or something like that, appears, and she barely has time to duck out of sight and transform before ending up...

    ...Inside a giant UFO catcher game? "So... wait, we're the prizes? Or, uh... I mean," She bangs on the glass, "You'll never get away with this, villain! Let us go!" Maybe she can provoke him into talking?

Sayaka Miki has posed:
I was a very idle summer afternoon, so idle that even the youmas seemed to have gone on break, or least her Soul Gem failed to pick up any. She was also getting tired of standing under the blazing sun, to the point that she was wondering if it was worth it to use a bit of her magic to be spared the oppressive sense of heat. She had a fairly good stock of Grief Souls still, and she could admittedly use a break from it all.

When she is about to give in, that's when the Game Crown Arcade appears to her like an oasis amidst the sands, a paradise that promised its AC over to her. Why not take a break in there? This whole thing wasn't turning out anything good anyway.

It is perhaps ironic that stepping closer to the Arcade actually gives her a magic signal. "Really, here of all places?", she exclaims with disbelief. "Well then, you drew a Puella of swords, so prepare to play with it!", she exclaims, the transformation taking over her appearance in a blue flash. Yes, that is the wrong kind of game, but she didn't have a better example right now.

To meet the absurd sight of a youma that had merged with the Arcade to some extent. "Let me guess: to beat you, we have to win right?", she addresses the villainous figure. "Just wait then, we will be done soon!" As she jumps in, she actually leaves a presence behind, watching from the shadows, ready to intervene if outside input is required. And it is a crane game, why wouldn't it?

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Ah, the Arcade. The perfect place to drain people of their energy. "What a perfect place," she says to herself. "Just what I needed." The dragon girl Lamya watches the crowd of people from afar for a moment before deciding to make her move. She swoops in and holds her hand aloft with the Black Paint of Darkness in one hand, and the Picture Book of Darkness in the other.

    "This world will be stained with the worst possible conclusion..." she shouts. "A Bad-- HEY!" Before she can finish her monologue, the portal swirls open and the creature steps out of it with a monologue of its own. "This was my turf! Go away! It's my Dark Energy! I'll show you, you... you... stupid machine thing!"

    The book and the paint disappear and she pulls a red ball out from somewhere and rears back to throw it. "Akanbe! G--" Again she's interrupted before she can complete the throw, finding herself trapped in the UFO machine, wading in a sea of plush. "Hey! Not fair! When I get out of here I will... Ooh! A Keroppi! I haven't gotten one of these yet!"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
It was a dark day, an arcady day. Here she stood, on days like this kids like her should be... wait. No. She mixed up all of her references. Nooo! She needed another coin!

She had been on patrol and had totally NOT stopped by the arcade to get a small shake. Nope.

But now? Now she was doing the most important thing.

Staring up at Lamya. Her eyes shimmering. "Oh my gosh you're the dragon girls eeeee! Can... can I pet you?" It had been so, so long since she had seen one of the monsters from back at Obsidian.

"... Wait, is this yours? Did... did Obsidian have another oopsie and capture one of the big bosses with them? Oh nooooo... Oh, wait! Does this mean magical girl (and boy) and dark general team up?!" Clasping her hands together, eyes glimmering...

Something. Something about this small... child might seem... vaguely familiar.

Bow has posed:
The Game Meister's screen goes >.< for a moment, as he looks at the group in the UFO Catcher. "Let's find out who the players in my game will be today!" he announces, as he manipulates the controls of the device. A large claw lowers down, and the first person it catches is Amy! Lifting her up, despite her struggles, she's moved to the prize slot and dropped down. "You're the first player!" he tells her, gesturing to the board that's forming. "If you win my game, you and your friends will go free, if not, you and your friends will be drained! Now... let's see who will be joining you!"

Well. Amy wanted him to talk. There you go. Now the claw moves again, but before it can snag Bow - Sayaka jumps in and lands on the board and takes his place. "Well, if you feel like you need to play that badly. Feel free to introduce yourselves! I'm new to this world. And I'm used to dealing with the Sprites, but you all look so much more fun to play with!"

"It's not your energy!" the Game Miester announces. "This is my domain, little lizard girl! And it is time to show you exactly how out of your depth you are!" With that, the claw reaches down. And grabs Layma and ... Charon!! They're deposited on the board, and Game Miester grins. "I have my players! Now to set up the board!" With a wave of wires, the Arcade changes and configures, becoming a game board. It's fantastical - a self-contained barrier, with bright neon and black lights, and colorful screens playing all types and manners of games. And as it does so, it forms various spaces...

Bow has posed:
1 - Blue Space
2 - Red Space
3 - Special Item Space!
4 - Blue Space
5 - Red Space
6 - DUEL!!!
7 - Blue Space
8 - Blue Space
9 - Happening!
10 - Blue Space
11 - Red Space
12 - Blue Space
13 - Game Miester's Challenge!
14 - Blue Space
15 - Red Space
16 - Lottery!
17 - Blue Space
18 - Red Space
19 - Blue Space
20 - Blue Space
21 - Red Space
22 - Item Space
23 - Happening!
24 - Red Space
25 - High Score!

"These are what the spaces do!

Blue Space: +3 coins
Red Space: -3 coins
Duel: The person who lands on it can challenge anyone else to a 1-on-1 match and wager coins. Winner-take-all.
Happening!: Something good or something bad! You could lose a turn if you lose. If you win, you get something good - coins or an item.
Item Space: A useful item in the game!
Game Miester's Challenge: All or nothing game against Game Miester!
Lottery: A chance to win 10 coins!"

"Now! We have the order set. Time to roll the dice and lets get this party started!" Game Miester calls out gleefully.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy sighs. She's... concerned, about the degree to which some youma can alter reality -- but rolling with it has, so far, gone okay. "We'll see about that... I guess it's only natural that Player 1 is Red, huh. I'm Magical Rocket Girl Red, and if you challenge me to a game of skill, I'll beat you!" She picks up the d10 and rolls it, walking along to space 9, which... has a computer monitor on it displaying red shoes with a white stripe on them. She materializes a small rocket launcher to break it out, and the shoe icon rises up from the destroyed monitor and then disappears while fast-paced music plays around her.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon let out an excited, happy little squeak as she was added to the game. "Yessss!" she called out. "I love board games! They're the best!" she yelled.

She picked up the dice and held them in both hands, blowing on them and... "Come on, six!" she called, before tossing the dice and... "Awwwww..." she pouted, lowering her head. Then perked up. "Blue space is at least a good color!' she called out, walking forward onto it. "Are there any house rules?"


Sayaka Miki has posed:
After being sucked in too, she realises she isn't alone in this game misadventure. "Oh, Bow, Red, you got in here too!", she exclaims, much less worried than what she already was at the company she has in there. "Fantastic, this is gonna go so much easier with the three of us!"

However, two things will happen that will make her change her tune. One of them being Lamya's arrival, who was clearly about to summon a youma on them. "Can we count on you to work with us? I don't think getting an Akanbe in here is gonna help anyone, and you are stuck with us for the ride", the bluenette looks at the dragon girl cautiously.

The second event being Bow not coming in with them. "Hey, what's that about?", she exclaims angrily at the game master, looking at where Bow stayed behind. "He should be in here with us! Aren't all of us supposed to be playing your game?" She is really tempted to sitch her helper on him, but that will probably do nothing until the game is won. But if the game is lost and her and Amy's energy are drained... As much as it would pain her, at least the Youma is not going to have the last laugh.

To her relief, though, there is one more magical girl stepping in. A Sailor for sure, though not one she has seen before. "Hey, you are a Sailor warrior, like V, right! Are you a friend of hers by chance?", Sayaka exclaims, smiling widely at the latest arrivals. Sailor Senshi kinda have that effect on her, Venus most of all.

But the time to roll has come, and so Sayaka tries her luck, tossing the die and getting a 9! "Starting with a high roll, sounds promising", as she nods pleased, walking to her assigned space. "Guess, we are the Red and Blue Oni of this space", she jokes at Amy before getting assigned a good result. "Hey, did you know I am on the track meets? You couldn't have given me a better result", she smirks at the Youma when a pair of trainers appear in her hands, the game knowledge of their use somehow instinctive to her: game magic? She is gonna enjoying going faster, anyway.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "Lizard!" Lamya growls, incensed. "I'll have you know that I'm Mighty Dragon Lamya, great wyrm of Marchenland, scourer of villages and foe to fairy and human alike! I have faced legions and watched them all burn, like I shall do to you!." She looks about herself inside this game. "That is, as soon as I get out."

    She doubletakes as Sailor Charon all but fawns all over her. Well, this was unexpected. She grins and puffs up her chest, saying, "Yes. You may pet me, when this is over. Dragons like pets, after all, and yes, I find myself allying with magical girls once again. Joker will not be pleased but..." she shakes her head. "He will have to get used to it."

    Then it's time for rollies. With a resigned sigh, she picks up the oversized D10 and rolls it. 1. "Of course," she sighs, and takes a step forward, landing on a blue space. There's a little Pling! sound effect and +3 coins appear over her head to add to her total.

    "You are right," she says to Sayaka. "The Akanbe here would only make things worse, so you may count on me. I don't want to be here as much as any of you."

Bow has posed:
As everyone makes their first rolls, Game Miester watches. For a moment, he's about to cheer in excitement as Sayaka and Amy /both/ land on the Happening space - but they both get good things, so he kind of sulks at the idea that he couldn't cause them more troubles. Charon and Layma both land on blue spaces, and get three coins each. Though at Charon, he gets a :| face. "I set the rules. That's the house rules! But that doesn't mean I didn't hear what you said earlier."

And Charon, apparently is about to get her wish, as Game Miester announces. "It's time for a 2 v 2 MINIGAME!"

It will be Sayaka and Amy vs. Layma and Sailor Charon! The game is CAKE STACKERS!"

A conveyer belt of yummy cakes appear. One is a bottom, one is a top. The two players on each team have to work together to create the most cakes!

To Sayaka, the Game Miester snorts. "Only four players. Not my fault that the dragon girl interfered and ended up in the game in his place! If you win, you can give him a kiss when you rescue him!" His screen flahes, making :x :x :x faces at Sayaka, taunting her for trying to protect her boyfriend.

"Don't worry about me, Sharpsong! Kick his butt! Go team good!" Bow calls out encouragingly.

Layma and Charon combine together to make 18 cakes!
Amy and Sayaka combine together combine together to make 23 cakes!

Amy and Sayaka win and get five coins each! With that, the four are sent back to their spots on the board to start ROUND 2.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Conveyor belt snacks... "We're doing an I Love Lucy reference? Although, actually, that was in turn a reference to a Charlie Chaplin movie..." She explains as she rushes to assemble the cakes. "Gah! Wait, it's over? I got caught up in... shoot! We should've tried to cooperate to break the game..."

    She rolls the dice again and only gets a four, but the speed shoes appear on her feet and she runs in place until her feet are an oval blur that propels her three extra spaces!


    Off to the side of the track, a stand is set up by a large patch of disturbed earth divided iunto 4x5 squares. Behind the stand is a squinting, smiling elf. "Welcome, miss! You've won a chance at great riches! With this golden shovel, dig in any one of these squares!" She swears she can hear some music in the background. "These are terrible odds... but I guess if I don't lose anything..." She picks a square and plunges the shovel into it -- and cartoonishly, a huge amount of dirt comes up with a single turn of the shovel, so that it's clear that there is no treasure buried in that square. "Aww, too bad!" The stall-keeper says. "Better luck next time, miss!"

    She rolls her eyes, puts the shovel back on the counter, and walks back to her space.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon let out a yay, jumping up and down, clapping her hands together. "Gaaaame! And also, yay, dragon pets!" she said before glancing to Sayaka. "Yup! I'm Sailor Pluto's assistant slash guardian slash ally in battle! I'm still kind of new, but I've actually... never met Sailor V!" Yes. Yes she had. And Sailor V had made a whole new attack JUST for her! But... that didn't really count in comparison.

And then the game, she... got to get a game with the dragon! Alas, as an outer senshi (in training), she lacked any skill with cooking. Poor dragon and assistant warrior were doomed from the start...

And then, when she next rolled, she... lost the coins she'd earned. "Noooo!" she called out, dramatically. "Why, dice, why have you forsaken me?!" She even fell to her knees, pounding on the ground in an over dramatic manner. Was she really that upset? No. But she was getting into it.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
To Sayaka's dismay, the game sees her face Sailor Charon. She didn't expect it would have been a 2vs2 just like that. Talk about an unintented prediction. "Uh, that's a bummer. Let's do our best, Red!" she turns to cheer at her ally.

And the game is... cake stacking. "A cake tower? Sounds delicious. Cake, cake, a round cake. Who is the round cake? Is the cake Lamya?" she starts singing as she goes through the progress of preparing the cakes. Admittedly, the last time she prepared one it took so many tries there was more chocolate out of the bowl than inside, but it was a really elaborate cake, it was justified! Taking a deep breath, she goes along with the game, but the memory ends up making her a lot more cautious and in the end she is so slow she makes only 4 cakes, but Amy ends up pulling them ahead to an impressive 23."That's impressive, Red", she watches their tower with a relieved smile

"Oh, nice to meet you though, Sailor Charon! Let's do our best!" she waves her hand at the dark-haired girl with a smile and a slight bow of the head.

At the same time, she gets another item, but through a fixed result this time. A... jetpack! A +3 is a +3, but... Will she be fine using this thing? Admittedly, she is a tad unsure.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "A minigame?" Lamya asks, confused, raising an eyebrow. "Is one game not enough?" She looks about her for a moment when she realizes something. "So how do we win? You have to be able to win if this is to be a game. Otherwise this is just... an activity."

    When the cakes appear on the conveyor belt she looks at them hungrily. "Must you tempt me so?" she asks plaintively. "Dragons like cakes, though we do not get them often enough." She takes the first cake and somehow manages to jam it whole into her mouth, and makes a yummy sound. When she swallows she says, "This is good cake. I approve."

    Sayaka's singing draws her attention to the competition. "Of course I'm not cake! That would be ridiculous!" It's only then that she notices what the game actually *is* and she quickly turns to her partner. "Come, Sailor Charon! We must hurry or else we will lose." Though however fast they stack their cakes, it's not enough to make up for the dragon girl's gluttony. "I am sorry," she says, apologizing to her partner. "If it were not for me, we would have won."

    Then it's time to roll again. She picks up the oversized dice and hauls it onto the board and gets a seven. She moves seven spaces forward to land on yet another blue square and once again +3 coins appear over her head with a pling! sound.

Bow has posed:
With Lamya... eating the cakes that are supposed to be the competition... Game Miester looks confused for a moment and then smirks. "Conquering this world may be easier than I thought!" he declares as the dice rolls happen.

As the four players move around the board, Sayaka seems to be far out ahead of everyone else. But will she get the 20 coins she needs to make the high score and win the game? "Lamya is in the lead with 16 coins! Sharpsong and Rocket Red both have 15! And Sailor Charon... well, she may have enough for a planet plushie at 10. But noone's reached the end yet!"

And once again, they are pulled into another... "This is going to be a four player minigame where 10 coins are on the line!" Game Miester calls out.

Suddenly, all four of the players are teleported to a ice cliff, and they have a pair of ice axes and in different colored parkas. Their job in this case is to climb up the sheer face of the ice cliff with their picks - and whoever climbs the highest within 30 seconds wins!

Rocket Red climbs 04 meters!
Sailor Charon climbs 91 meters!
Sharpsong climbs 49 meters!
Lamya climbs 89 meters!

Sailor Charon wins 10 coins with the highest climb!

And with that, a new round begins...

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy has a bright red parka because of course she does, and she climbs up at a decent clip, only to see Lamya (who might just be using claws) and Charon pass her at concerning speed. "How are you so FAST?!"

    And then she doesn't get the pick in properly and falls all the way back to the bottom of the cliff, barely starting again before the minigame ends. "Aww..."

    When her turn comes up she rolls the die and starts to walk, only to trip and smack her face on the blue space as he coins count up 3.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon shook her head to Lamya. "No, it's not your fault. I'm really not good at cooking either. I'm just happy you liked the cakes so much," she said happily. Even if she lost that...

She was still sad at the dice, though.

Then, of course, there was another minigame. And her eyes GLEAMED! She held up the ice pick, swirling it in her hands for a moment before smirking.

And she began to climb! Digging it in, up, jump, next and next and...

Though, admittedly, the fact she was light as could be likely helped. That and robotic limbs... that and the fact she's... more... chasing the dragon than climbing the mountain. To her it was all a game, she wasn't too worried about the actual dangers. "I wonder if we could see our homes from up here," she said, gazing out over the cliffs.

But then focusing on what was ahead!

... And there was a non-zero chance that Luminous Titan was making it a lil easier for her. A little. Silently.

And then it was time to roll again and... "SIX!" she said. "A little late, but..." and... another blue space! "SCORE! Okay, dice, I forgive you," she called out.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    When Lamya hears that she's in first place, her eyes light up. "Yes! It must be my destiny to win this stupid game." Eyes glittering in the competitive spirit she eagerly awaits the next minigame.

    Only to find herself in a frumpy green parka. "This does not do anything for my figure," she grumbles. Looking at the axes in her hand, she tosses them over her shoulder. "I have no need of these." She flexes her fingers and claws come out, climbing up the sheer cliff by jamming her fingers into the ice and pulling herself up. At first she takes the lead, but soon Sailor Charon overtakes her, only to come in second. "Curses," she mumbles. "This win should have been mine." She clears her throat and addresses the Sailor Senshi. "Well played, Sailor Charon," she says. "I congratulate you on your win."

    Then it's time to roll the dice again. This time she rolls a 2, and she advances to yet another blue space. Pling! Another three coins. Looking at her total, she's now at 19 coins. Just one more and crossing the finish line and she'll win. Just one problem... She's less than halfway there.

Bow has posed:
As the rolls happen - for a moment, it seems that Sayaka is going to win, as she lands at the end. And is facing off against Game Miester. "Do you have the 20 coins that you need to win?" he asks her, and checks her account. "Nope! You only have 15!" With that, he's opening a portal to use his claw to pick up Sayaka and he deposits her back at the start space!

After depositing her back at the start - Sayaka is behind everyone. "And this is to prove that slow and steady is better than fast and sloppy!" he taunts the Puella, as he considers the scores on his screen.

Rocket Red has 18 Coins.
Sailor Charon has 23 Coins.
Sharpsong has 18 coins.
Lamya has 19 coins.

And it's mini-game time again!

It's a soccer mini-game! Everyone is in soccer uniforms. Amy, Charon, and Lamya are kicking at a goal that Sayaka is guarding. Can Sayaka block more shots than the three can kick into the net?

Team Kicks scores 20 goals.
Sayaka blocks 18 goals.

Team Kicks wins! Amy, Charon and Lamya all get 5 coins!

It is now...

Rocket Red: 23 coins
Sailor Charon: 28 coins
Sharpsong: 18 coins
Lamya: 24 coins

And a new round begins.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy picks herself up, rubbing her nose. "Ow..." And then she's in a soccer minigame. "Three on one?! How is she supposed to win this?! ...I'd be a better defender, though..." Kicking a soccer ball comes back to her pretty fast.

    When it's time to roll, she rolls the giant d10 and... "CRIT! Yeah!" She points at it, and then proudly walks to the end of the board, looking up at the Game Meister with a hand on her hip. "Alright, so, what happens now? Like, you offer to let me go but not my friends, or you try to make us fight eachother, or... what's it gonna be?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon gasped, staring up at Lamya. "Oh my gosh, thank you! You were really good! I can't wait to tell Pluto I raced a dragon! She's going to think it was so cool! Eeeee!"

Hey, even if she wasn't in the lead, she got to play a giant board game. This. This was the most awesome thing. And she loved it.

And, for a moment, she considered if she should give her coins to Sayaka and... nope. She wanted to win. It was a board game. You can't cheat at those. House rules didn't count.

And then it was SOCCER TIME! And... and there were many things Charon was good at. Soccer. Soccer was NOT one of them. Judging by the first time she kicked it she missed the ball entirely.

But they still won! Dragon kick OP.

However, soon they were rolling the dice again and... everyone BUT her got a perfect TEN! Holy moly! That was incredible! "Dice, why? Why did you have to make me the odd one out?" she whispered to them.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
It's a victory, and one that nets her a win of coins. Not bad, not bad, she is at 15 now, she has a real chance here! Who knows what the next minigame u Next up is a climbing game.

On a mountain of ice. Will they be fine? Apparently she is not allowed to use her jetpack for it, which leaves a sour taste in her mouth, even if she gets it. But instead of asking him question, she will axe them to the mountain instead! Netting her a result of 49, not bad, not bad.

She gets a little surprised though, when Charon skips ahead to a whole 91 meters! Is this... space power!? "That was impressive, Charon! How did you do it?"

Going back to the race, she discovers that she went past the objective, which does not check out then. It can't be that simple, can it? And in fact it is not when it comes out that she needs 20 coins to win, and she is abruptly picked up and brought back. "You know, I totally get the rules, no need to taunt me, and I could have walked back myself."

Soccer is actually one of the two things Sayaka is vety good at, but even so, two of them slip past her. Eh, better luck next time, she guesses?

And on the subject of better luck next time, Charon really draws the short end, when everyone but her gets a 10. "Don't worry, you have still been doing amazing! You have the most coins here!", Sayaka encourages her with a smile.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    So close... So close! Lamya can almost feel the victory in her grasp when the next minigame starts. It's soccer. She looks at the ball with some confusion and looks over at the magical girls to see what she's supposed to do with it, and when it turns out you kick it into the goal which is being blocked by just one magical girl, she gets a wicked grin, showing off one fang.

    "I will show you magical girls how it's done," she says, stepping up to the ball when it's her turn. She winds back and gives it a mighty kick! It's just as good as all the others, so she stands there, triumphant with her hands on her hips.

    "Now, to rush to the end to claim my victory!"


Bow has posed:
As Amy arrives at the same spot that Sayaka was at a moment ago, once again the Game Miester appears. "Welcome to the End!" he says with a booming tone as he looms over the Puella. "Do you have enough coins to win. Yes! You do! Congratulations! You have won the party!" he declares to the red puella. And with that, he hands her a small trophy in the shape of an arcade cabinet as his barrier starts to come apart.

"Next time! Next time I will come with a harder game, and I will get my foothold on this world!" he promises the four as he is absorbed back into the arcade cabinet that he had come out of.


Rocket Red: HIGH SCORE
2. Sailor Charon
3. Lamya
4. Sharpsong

And the arcade returns to being an arcade, with bleeps and bloops, the sound of teens recovering from the draining as Bow is released from the machine and looks around. "You were all amazing!" he says with sparkly eyes! "What with the cakes and climbing and the games!" But he's looking for Sayaka so that he can give her a hug.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Sailor Charon let out a low gasp as... Rocket Red won! Noooo! "Congratulations!" Charon called out.

"... Can we play again sometime?" she asked. What? She liked board games... However, as Amy got her trophy, and Bow got his girlfriend hugs...

Charon had but one goal in mind. One grand finale.

And they would soon find her... standing on a small box so she could reach, happily head patting a dragon. "Eeeeee. Now I've headpat a mermaid, a phoenix AND a dragon! Being a magical girl is *amazing!*"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The game comes to an end with Amy's victory, and soon enough the youma disappears, leaving the arcade back to normal and all of them free. "Congratulations, Red!" Sayaka says as the other Puella gets her trophy, offering her a high-five.

"Hey, Charon, Lamya", Sayaka gets the other two's attention. "Good job", she says as she approaches them for a high five too. "I would love to play again too", Sayaka tells Charon. "Next time, we can make it with actual prizes!", she grins at her.

And Bow gets approached for a hug instead, after the Puella checks him out for injuries. "I am glad you are all right", she tells him.